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50421870 No.50421870 [Reply] [Original]

Housing market will NOT crash. /biz/ btfo


>> No.50423046

>I base all of my decisions on data and I've been mostly successful
>proceeds to ignore all of the data about how the market is crashing
kek, house baggies keep holding the line will keep going up trust me

>> No.50423154

god damn imagine taking these clowns seriously lmfao

>> No.50423427

kek, boomer baghoulders of property are sweating

>> No.50423847

his advice to take 15 year mortgages is objectively wrong and dangerous

>> No.50424164
File: 141 KB, 512x512, omaewamoeshinderu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Housing only goes up.

>> No.50424186

retard, housing doens't go up, dollar go down

>> No.50424217

You will never be a landowner.

>> No.50424273

I will, once the housing prices crash

>> No.50424291

>Housing market will NOT crash.
Maybe not in the USA but Canada it will.

>> No.50424314

don't worry anon, I'll buy your bags Q2 next year for 50% off

>> No.50424450

This is probably accurate since China is suffering now and the Chinese were the ones propelling the Canadian housing market.

>> No.50424548

top signal


>> No.50424668

the only reason this boomer has a show is because other boomers pay to listen to his show in which he spouts whatever boomer listeners want to hear
OP is a retarded faggot
real estate gonna crash so hard so deep all boomers gonna get heart attack from it, shit's gonna be hilarious

>> No.50424769

you sure

>> No.50425603


Housing market won't crash anon. It just won't. Especially in America.

>> No.50425953
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lol, lmao even

>> No.50426456
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They are definitely worrying as pending home sales contract cancelations are double digit percentages in nearly all major metropolitan areas in America. The housing bears always have data, but housing bulls just claim that the number only goes up because it just does okay so buy now.

>> No.50426493

how can it crash if 'asset management' companies like blackrock just keep buying everything with infinite federal reserve debt-dollars?

>> No.50426824
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2 weeks I guess

>> No.50426949
File: 418 KB, 1080x2520, Screenshot_20220716-121541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market is already collapsing.

>> No.50427056

Just because he said so OK!

>> No.50427559

>home prices vs interest rates graph
>"see, high interest rates don't make home prices go down"
>the home prices line on the graph started in the tail end of an inflationary decade, with just a couple years of high interest before a 50 year streak of perpetually lowering interest

>> No.50428396

Homeless tards could never understand the feeling of having 150,000 of equity on a house you bought last year for $200,000. Maybe don't he such a pussy next time.

>> No.50428482

Why wouldn't you just take a 30 year mortgage and then pay on it like it's a 15?

>> No.50429944

Prices propped up by low interest rates shouldn't maintain themselves when rates have doubled and tripled.

Sorry. The housing market is fucking abysmal. And by the fuck by Biden for upping tariffs on Canadian lumber during a fucking shortage. God damn mad man

>> No.50429979

They aren't buying homes in my bumfuck region and housing prices still exploded. This industry needs to crash with no survivors

>> No.50430055

Lol are you serious? It was clearly a listing error.

>> No.50430070

Im going to guess the algorithms blackrock run mostly buy in suburbs and urban areas. I think the way to view 'asset management' companies like that are as tentacles of the banking powers seeking to further consolidate power.
At the end of the day the 'markets' are at the mercy of those people.

>> No.50430191

Yeah it's heavily manipulated and even managed. There is no fucking way a house in my parents metro area went from 200k to 500k+ in 5 years. It's absolutely bullshit

>> No.50430258

kek at this rate nigger houses in Michigan will be worth 40 million in 2030

>> No.50431139

The price of a house is not important. The interest rate you buy the house at is important. Which is why you should have bought 1-2 years ago.

If you put 20% down on a $300,000 house at a 3% interest rate in 2021, your monthly payment would be locked at 1011.85.
Lets say the house price fell to $280,000, but whoops, the interest rate is now 6%. So in 2022 you're paying $1,319.01 for that house. Why do you think everyone was scrambling to get in one. It wasnt so they could "sell" it like you illiterate juveniles sell memestocks and memecoins.

>> No.50431164

>house price crashes
>because of interest rate hikes
Hope youre planning on buying in cash or you will be paying more than the people who "bought the top"

>> No.50431169

Already seeing for sale signs staying up for weeks

>> No.50431193
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They will be fine if they buy icp

>> No.50431205

>assuming the Fed will continue raising rates forever
It's called a controlled burn that will stop as soon as they realize it won't work or the glowniggers tell them it threatens dollar dominance.

>> No.50431271

They're not going back to 2-3%. Those are historic lows. The people "waiting till prices crashed" were actually waiting till interest normalization fucked them out. All they see is price of home go up with no nuance

>> No.50431276

Hear me out on this. What if it falls enough to be the same monthly price?

>> No.50431412

of course, they'll be around 4-6 now, but they have to balance the domestic and foreign demand.

>> No.50431473
File: 235 KB, 828x762, 3C7F16F3-CB21-4CDF-93B2-E144E5CBD3B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By my calculations the payment on a $300,000 house with a 3% interest rate and approximately a $260,000 house with a 6% interest rate would be about equal. For it to be better to buy at 6% in 2022 the house would have to have dropped in price 14%...which house prices haven't yet, and we will likely see more rate hikes before a 14% housing price drop. More than likely, house prices will only drop a couple percent if at all. Housing is not liquid and people dont panic sell your residence at a loss unless they absolutely NEED to. For 90% of people they would rather just stay there. If you dont need to sell, you do not feel any changes in housing prices financially.

>> No.50431553
File: 102 KB, 422x408, 92B30D82-AF5F-4891-B900-BE3CF83DC464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks so scared in the pic, LMFAO. He knows it's coming. I hope this destroys his credibility and people will stop paying this retard for advice. Probably not though. There's always a sucker.

>> No.50431677

I fucked up actually. This should be correct:
>$300,000 house with 20% down at 3% rate ($240,000 loan) = payment of $1011/month
>$215,000 house with 20% down at 6% rate ($172,000 loan) = payment of $1031/month

So that is just on monthly payment, of course on the first you are putting $70,000 down (don't put 20% down, put 3.5% down. I guess i could calculate the payments on that too)

>> No.50431950

>For 90% of people they would rather just stay there.
the important part is: what happens when people who bought at those high prices are fired from their jobs and can't even pay what's due next month?

>> No.50432205


why would he be scared? Housing market to the moon!

>> No.50432320


>> No.50432617

You have to go back

>> No.50432733
File: 62 KB, 866x600, 1597205511175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw live in las vegas
>every faggot realtor was guilt tripping everyone into buying
>"anon why are you WASTING so much money on RENT that doesnt help you at all???"
>tons of idiots FOMO'd into the most ludicrously overpriced market I've ever seen
>people with ~40-50k/yearly income will be holding the biggest bags of their lives as rates rise and their home value plummets
Realtors deserve the rope for all the bs they push. Imagine paying some kike 4% commission to list your house on the MLS KEK.

>> No.50432772

>The price of a house is not important.
Retard. You can ALWAYS refinance and get a better interest rate.

You can NEVER renegotiate the initial price you agreed upon.

>> No.50432824

>Realtors deserve the rope for all the bs they push. Imagine paying some kike 4% commission to list your house on the MLS KEK.


>> No.50432876

Same thing that happens to anyone who loses their job and cant pay? They bought at high prices but their payment isnt high because of interest rates which i just explained retard

>> No.50433375

A friend of mine is trying to buy a home for more than a year, he tried to buy a home in my area last week. He put 50k over asking, there were 12 offers and he didnt get it. The party is still on around here with no sign of slowing down.