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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50410736 No.50410736 [Reply] [Original]

What are your friends and family saying about crypto right now?

>> No.50410765

They have forgotten about it, they have moved on to talking about gas prices

>> No.50410779

>friends and family

lmao the people you talk to through your computer on platofrms like 4chan, reddit and discord arent your friends

crypto is for nerds and i hope for the love of god you tell no real life people about this

>> No.50410789

I work in IT

General sentiment from team group chats quite literally unprompted is "Crypto is a scam" "waste technology" "block chain developer? More like scam artist"

>> No.50410798

No mention from those that didn't really care, even though they used to ask for free calls all the time.
The ones that did get into it are all wreck'd and only talk about regret.

>> No.50410812

>son please dont spend all your paycheck on bitcoins this week. I'd like to see you saving money so you can move out

>> No.50410813

No one's talking about it.

>> No.50410817

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.50411861

>Arent bitcoins down anon? I saw it on fox news
>What are luncies?
>Anon I already told you im not investing in that bs internet money

>> No.50412152

Extremely negative

>> No.50412175

It's a scam it's fake money it isn't worth anything.

>> No.50412178

only buy signals itt

>> No.50412183

>welcome back to work "Mr. Crypto"
>welcome home, Son, you're always welcome here. Easy come easy to, huh?

>> No.50412195

Lmao why not just ask them? You will now get lies from jeets and retards wanting to pump their bags and convince you or themselves the bottom is in.

>> No.50413771

Most of my normie friends think crypto is a scam, or simply don't understand it.
They also think that we are about to enter a recession, despite the fact that asset prices across the board have been dumping over the last 8 months now.

>> No.50413988

they're saying buy back in. All of them.
Do with this information what you will.

>> No.50414046

Its worse than a recession; we’re going to go through a decade of 1973

>> No.50414084

Also property agents keep badgering me on the phone and I just heard a rental property as a investment ad on a boomer radio station. Biggest oh shit moment in my life.

>> No.50414384

They seem to have completely lost interest. Actually, most have lost interest in investments all together. Bear market vibes.

>> No.50414436

i work in the blockchain space.
bullish af as i see more people researching and developing even in the bear market as compared to just 2 years back.

>> No.50414472

half say nothing, stopped talking about it completely
half say buy back, it's the bottom, because the other half isn't talking about it

so until both halves stop talking about it, we aren't at the bottom yet. but we're probably close enough that laddering in isn't a bad idea. i know my buys are going to restart in a couple weeks

>> No.50414489
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Too l8 m8
>Told "friends" I would be a millionaire before 30
>Told my coworker to buy the 28k dip it surely can't dipper
>Told everyone I wanted to be a hedge fund manager

>> No.50414491

> it's down right now
(Assuming everyone is underwater)
> fake internet money

>> No.50415316

I told everyone I got out of crypto before it started crashing even though I was actually balls deep so people still think I'm an investing guru.

>> No.50415346

they think its a scam, dead, bad for the environment. and everybody is laughing at me

>> No.50415357

brought up bitcoin when talking to my buddies while gaming and one of them yelled out "FUCK THAT SHIT HAHAHAHA"

>> No.50415587

how old are you? for my curiosity

>> No.50415624

My mum is microdosing on shrooms and buying 3 BTC in august

>> No.50416613

what did you invest into?

>> No.50416685

Pretty much
>don’t understand the tech
>Only basically know about btc/eth/dog coins
>Someone talked to me about Celsius and I thought that was funny
Pretty much all signs I see that we’ve got a relative bottom. Could go lower to 15k but doubt it. We’re gonna just crab til the next halving. That’ll be enough time for normies to be the exit liquidity again

>> No.50416756
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I don't know. I've been avoiding my family for the past 5 years and I have no friends.

>> No.50416970

project that could stand the test of time

>> No.50417034

you will never have real money

>> No.50417230

do you have, dickhead

>> No.50417249

>hows the cryptos i heard it had a big crash

>> No.50417278

Three weeks ago they said "Hey, looks like a good time for a new video card, haha"

>> No.50417326
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My normie leftoid friends unironically think crypto is a tool of the alt-right (as per their CNN indoctrination), so when I told them I'm into it, they gave me dirty looks.

>> No.50417329


>> No.50417418

I know quite a number of projects that have a working product and have high chances of surviving the bear, BAT, ORE and AUDIUS; done my research on them and they're convincing

>> No.50417451


>> No.50417482

Normies aren’t talking about crypto at all, so it’s probably a good time to buy.

>> No.50417491


>> No.50417503

The fact that they are all discounted though

>> No.50417578


>> No.50417599

Just look around /biz/ for the normie sentiment

>> No.50417908

A mix of "oh no, crash"
"it's the future"

>> No.50419035

it's no time for jokes, people are losing money and you joke about it c'mon

>> No.50419089
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Can you imagine someone saying this? They must be either ~60IQ or super old and still use Windows 95 and flip phones.

>> No.50419097
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Well, we are all waiting for the next bull run and and anticipating the casinos in the sports metaverse.

>> No.50419123
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This seems to be fake, there's no way even leftie faggots believe that crypto is a tool of the alt-right? That is too stupid for me to believe.

>> No.50419173

My father sends me Jorge Stolfi articles non stop and tells me its a scam. He was thinking about throwing 1k in btc back in October.

>> No.50419215

They're laughing at it and think I'm a full on retard (which is true). Meanwhile I'm DCAing with everything I've got.

>> No.50419403

How to become Blockchain dev

>> No.50419420

they told me it's just gambling

>> No.50420679
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That's a good strategy anon. I'm also in on platforms that would survive the bear market like Railgun which would bring privacy to defi.

>> No.50420804
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boomer friend of dad in law bought the top, sold at 10K loss from his and wifes money. Lol, lmao

>> No.50420820

They are all panic buying now.

>> No.50420846

This basically. No crypto chat at all really.

>> No.50421221
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this and also when crypto is beeing talked about they say "I wouldnt invest, thats all i can say..."

>> No.50421236
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next lvl indian

>> No.50421437

I said to my daddy they're worth very little now and he laughed.

>> No.50421558

they are actually buying in now

>> No.50423601

Would be doing a little DCA too. I'm also in on assets with prospects like Railgun which has a large amount of the circulating supply staked showing the community is in for long-term profits.

>> No.50423661
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we warned you kid
now shut your mouth and stay shut

>> No.50423716
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They are more bullish right now, Fag. They are fcking stacking Cryptos on raiinmaker by monetizing their social influence.

>> No.50423812
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I'm waiting for the bull run as well, Anon. I have been stacking Cryptos, NFTS and building my portfolio on raiinmaker by creating and sharing content on the platform.

>> No.50423977

>My normie leftoid friends unironically think crypto is a tool of the alt-right
They are not your friends. Also they are kind of right about it, as all normal people (those who don't like Big Daddy Government) are alt-right to them.
9gag, Pikabu and Reddit are constantly joking about the fallen crypto prices and how McDonald's is hiring crypto bros.

>> No.50424008

My sister called it a ponzi like selling Mary Kay cosmetics or Tupperware back in the day.

>> No.50424145

My step dad and now my mom are not talking to me after I told him to to buy $5k of Solana in November then showing him the May correction and to buy more at the March/April fake out with the whole 'buy the dip' hype. Its been rough between the two of them after I financially cucked him.

>> No.50424390

A lot of innovation has been put into NFTs and they have become a center of focus for many users. The most interesting use case I've seen so far is on the sports metaverse where it grants holders zoom chats with top athletes and AMA sessions.

>> No.50424552

I'm stacking up some low caps like LOX, UTK, and SPOOL. Seems like we are now enjoying a relief bounce right now.

>> No.50424658

Nothing, but then again they never mention Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies if there hasn't been a big pump or dump very recently and they've seen it on the news or Twitter trend headlines.

>> No.50424689

This is me and probably a lot of us. Keep stacking, WAGMI

>> No.50424695
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They are talking about crypto non stop and keep telling me to "buy the dip". I am sorry for everyone but the bottom is so far aways it is not even funny anymore.

>> No.50424805
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Few days ago I saw some crypto exchange ad on facebook, couldn't resist to read normies' comments, they were all absolutely seething how crypto is a scam and so on. You could tell they either got burned or never got in and completely missed out, them being so aggressive with their attacks only shows they are scared that crypto will pump again leaving them seething even more so they all do the crab in a bucket thing
funny thing is that those exact normies will be the ones getting in during the next top

>> No.50424857

>bullish af as i see more people researching and developing even in the bear market as compared to just 2 years back.

Tons of projects are crazy funded and being worked on, even just based on linkedin job postings

>> No.50425548

>My step dad and now my mom are not talking to me after I told him to to buy $5k of Solana in November then showing him the May correction and to buy more at the March/April fake out with the whole 'buy the dip' hype. Its been rough between the two of them after I financially cucked him.
Hey man....at least you didn't get a friend into staking on voyager. my friend lost $20k

>> No.50426869

We are beginning to get positive about the space and considering lands on the sportsmetaverse since top athletes have one and world cup tickets can be found on them.

>> No.50428188 [DELETED] 

you're right chad. There's a lot of development in the crypto space and my most interesting find recently is the Railway DEX which enables private swaps and private trading. A good step forward for a safer ecosystem imo.

>> No.50428280

you're right chad. There's a lot of development in the crypto space and my most interesting find recently is the Railway DEX which enables private swaps and private trading. A good step forward for a safer ecosystem imo.

>> No.50428600

That's right anon. No one knows for sure when we'd hit the actual bottom. The best you can do is DCA and secure your assets by any means necessary.

>> No.50428639

redpill me anon

>> No.50428662

i would smack that bitch so hard against the wall

>> No.50428666

they asked me if i was alright during the luna crash and how media was calling it the definitive crypto crash
nowadays they seem to have forgotten it

>> No.50428713

I overheard an old woman at the pharmacy saying to her friend that BTC would hit at least $250k on the next run and that she was Drns'ing Link to at least 1000eoy

>> No.50428748


Hahahaha based

>> No.50428784

Family asking if I’m ok with the bitcorn thing. Friend who bought the top is depressed af, other guy who knows I’m in crypto acting condescending like Im too poor to do anything now. I don’t have the heart to tell them I’m still making 5x passively what the average wagie earns busting their ass

>> No.50428975

99.9% of the people I interact with never brought it up to begin with. Among the people that it ever came up in conversation before, only a handful still talk about it.

My dad actually brought up btc a couple months ago. He only knows about BTC and said it's the only one that matters, kek. He doesn't know a thing about crypto, and this was the first time he ever said anything about them to me. So I told him a little bit about what btc was.

Anyways, I think I could probably convince him to buy 1 or 2 and not look at if for a couple years.

>> No.50429321

Half of my friends think it's all scamcoins, the other half probably never even thinks about crypto.

>> No.50429339
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I'm investing in the sports metaverse anon. I feel it would be around for years seeing as it's backed by the likes of big players like Youtube and EA Sports.

>> No.50430485

Bottom is in basically.

>> No.50430498

cope mumu nigger KEK

>> No.50430507

Beartrap gonna rek you bobofaggot fr fr ong

>> No.50431371

Theyre saying its dead … i think that means its time for us to buy right brothers?!?!

>> No.50431810

pretty much. worst case scenario is it continues to crab slightly below 20k, but it's definitely not going to dump to 15 or 10k like bobos are hoping.