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File: 92 KB, 1280x720, zoomer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50390847 No.50390847 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck is the thing with this new fucking zoomer trend of showing "a day in my life" at some souless office job?

I mean maybe if they actually taught something it might be interesting, but a 4 min video of a broccoli haircut guy eating some fair trade cereals while scrolling through some auto generated CSS on a couch, who wanna watch it? And those videos have like 100k views or more too, it can't all be bots?

t. 34 year old boomer who started coding at 13

>> No.50391000

I got an trendy city job like that right out of college. It made all my friends seethe because I was making double what they were and had insane perks. Women love making their friends jealous so that's probably why theres so many of these videos.

>> No.50391010

I graduated directly into a govenrment program. If i made a youtube channel i think i'd be arrested.

>> No.50391012

what is a "trendy job" exactly? I mean the best jobs are probably not trendy, they are challenging and hard. like a quant trader or a brain surgeon, then you actually need to focus on stuff

>> No.50391017

its nervous kids that realize they are forced to find a wageslave job so they cope by watching someone like this

what they should do is unionize and take down the top dogs with violence (in minecraft)

>> No.50391026

yeah its insane how they can just film in their offices like that too. must mean there isn't much of importance going on?

>> No.50391035

Those jobs are going to see massive pay rises when the boomers age out. The zoomers can't concentrate on anything.

>> No.50391067

Some retarded boomer probably thinks it is good PR. When i worked retail they tried to make employees do a wagie dance to post on tiktok for the same reason

>> No.50391119

I think people like watching these videos because it makes than think "if only I had a day like this I could be like her". But they forget the steps necessary to get to her position.
I've seen some these videos that are really short and the only useful thing I found is that it's really easy to romanticise you life if you want people to think you are "cool".

t. STEM student zoomer.

>> No.50391130

Most of the time you're seeing these videos it's probably the diversity and personality making some PR content for their company. The worst part of it is that these people think this absolutely soulcrushing daily routine looks aspiring and will attract future employees.
There is a notable percentage of the population that wants to do nothing more than to sit in endless meetings and do corporate busywork for 40-50 years of their one and only life on this earth.

>> No.50391140

Any silicon valley tech company. Some will literally buy you a car as a perk.

>> No.50391160

>it can't all be bots
my brother in Christ, let me tell you about Dead Internet Theory

>> No.50391211

im gonna do one of these. currently doing the underground at a school addition. most of the day is digging and for lunch i have a handful of peanuts. i hope to shed light on the terrible female representation, got about 50 workers on site right now with 0 women

>> No.50391325

cute girl

>> No.50391346

please somebody make a day in the life of NEET video. better have cumsock mushrooms, vidya, living w mommy, and click harvest on your yield farm to out earn the average american

>> No.50391359

that would unironically be hilarious

>> No.50391408

damn i need to cash in on this meme. DAY IN THE LIFE OF A CORPORATE ACCOUTNANT, and i record myself yelling at microsoft excel or ranting about "retarded FP&A roasties."

>> No.50391421

any tips on finding a good crypto accountant

>> No.50391473

word of mouth referral would be the best, unfortunately i've never used one. they do exist, however.

>> No.50391638

fuck you.
also, this is just young people with too much money who think theyve made it showing off. its eurphoria. part of the market cycle etc.
i wouldn't worry about it too much.

>> No.50391667
File: 123 KB, 828x1013, 20220626_232814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day in the life
Let's see if you really TRAP
Turn off the auto-tune
Let me see that CRACK

>> No.50391696

this thottie can get it for sure

>> No.50392017

i just don't get the "showing off" part? Ok they go to some restaurant and eat company provided snacks?

That's been a thing for like 15 years or more what's new here? Look at NYC in the 80s, way more spending and luxury living too. this is just normal work life if you have a quite well paid job?

>> No.50392065

>There is a notable percentage of the population that wants to do nothing more than to sit in endless meetings and do corporate busywork for 40-50 years of their one and only life on this earth.
Another way to look at it is a lot want to make (medium term) bank, meet a fellow (upper) middle class partner, and transition their routine around age 32-38 to one of young parents

>> No.50392149

No, they'll just cycle through dozens of candidates to try and save money.

>> No.50392204


Its some kind of viral marketing to get more niggers and women into tech but primarily women

>> No.50392259
File: 440 KB, 3500x2940, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>broccoli haircut guy

>> No.50392490

dont know mate. id say they probably showed off too but not on the internet. it amounts to the same thing anyway, these people don't generate value and don't understand what a sustainable (or unsustainable) life looks like. they will learn like the rest of us did.

>> No.50392501

>what is a "trendy job" exactly?
Gender studies professor. Twitch streamer. Only Fans content creator. Diversity Department leader.

>> No.50392529

yeah could be. but those persons are just showing some boring office. why is this a "thing?"

>> No.50392541

Her job automatically becomes trendy because she's black and female and does something usually only white men do.

>> No.50392543

Working entry level at a PC mega corp.
>Imagine the smell of dead dreams

>> No.50392551

well i guess you are right... i just can't comprehend this zoomer logic

>> No.50392590

I always kek at this, we can debate on the importance of tax preparation but it was my job to prepare those tax returns. If you have time to make a video, then you have time for another tax return. Wagies lives don't matter anymore. Don't shoot the messenger

>> No.50392603

Would unironically like and subscribe

>> No.50392810

>what is a trendy job
Consultant, developer, travel nurse.

>> No.50392857

For all we know she doesn't even work in whatever field and she's just doing marketing towards nigger women because muh ESG woke shit but then again she could have just as easily been hired because she is a nigger woman and they want that diversity quota.
I literally don't even look at resumes from people named shit like Shakwami Jones but if your name is like Mikhail Steponabitch then there's a good chance you're in.

>> No.50392860

Web development is like the lowest job in the CSE field, web developers are equivalent to the toilet cleaners basically, we call them web shitters.

>> No.50392968

Why do code monkey pretend they are superior to everyone? You recognize your job is mostly done by literal street shitters and it repulses women right? Most Devs are also autistic virgins yet you all act like you’re investment bankers online or something it’s really weird. Is it projecting the insecurity of lack of sex?

>> No.50393009

as a code monkey, I agree.