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50389823 No.50389823 [Reply] [Original]

I wish I was larping

>> No.50389888


I knew about bitcoin when it first came out and I'm still poor. People were talking about it on Ron Paul Forums. I just assumed it would fail somehow.

>> No.50389905

Stefan Molyneux relentlessly shilled Bitcoin in the very early days when it was <$10 and I just ignored it assuming it was something he was doing to make money on the side. I didn't even understand what it actually was.

I dont remember Stefan Molyneux ever explaining Bitcoin, he just more so focused on WHY you should have it, not HOW it actually works, if he actually explained the technology I would have bought it, but instead he just focused on WHY (government bad, money printer bad, etc)

>> No.50389961

Can you let us know your mistakes so we can avoid them?

>> No.50389978


>> No.50390000

Same, I knew about it when you could mine 1 BTC in 3 days in a mining pool, but I was scared that my GPU would die and just forgot about it. Feels really bad in hindsight of course lel

Checked btw.

>> No.50390038
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>> No.50390057
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I got in even before you. I am also poor. I got fucked over by Mt. GOX, what is your story?

>> No.50390084

>literally knew about bitcoin when it was less than $1 per bitcoin
>always called it a scam
>same with stocks btw, thought it was same as going to the casino
>instead wasted 10s or 100s of euros on weed instead eventhough everyone on steam back in the day told me to buy bitcoins
>kept calling it a scam that was gonna be banned
>continued playing videogames and buying 10€ bags of weed instead of bitcoin
>now im here 10 years later

>> No.50390094

also havent made it btw

im in a loss kek only started in September 2021, so you know how much im in the red now

just end it already

>> No.50390102

are you fucking me?

>> No.50390117

I mined 3 BTC on a BFL Jalapeno that I think I paid $150 AUD for

>> No.50390144
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>be me in 2016/2017
>hear about BTC from rich friend who bought it at $400
>ignore it
>hear about ETH at $8 from online marketing faggots
>ignore it, theyre all morons
>BTC soars over $1,000
>start buying around $1,200 or $1,700 ( cant remember)
>buy more and more
>keep buying it keeps going up
>go full retard and dump almost all my life savings into it
>at $8,000 get cold feet and decide to chill out with the buying
>it keeps going up
>I feel like a genius
>me and my crpto friends hit peak euphoria
>we delude ourselves into thinking it will go to $100k
>I fantasize about quitting my job
>go double full retard in december 2017, dump another 10 grand into BTC and sell bunch of my bitcoin for shitcoins because muh leverage
>turns out I bought the literal top
>shit starts crashing
>I panic but decide to hodl
>hodl well into 2018, all my money tied up into this shit, feel sick to my stomache
>eventually break down and sell the bottom
yep so basically Im a morn and did everything wrong. I have like 1 BTC left and buy tiny amounts now weekly trying to get up to 1.5 at least. back in 2017 I was giving shit away, like I gifted my little niece bitcoin that would be worth thousands of dollars now. I still have an old coinfolio account with all the shitcoins its probably worth hundreds of thousands now had I just held on to what I had. but I just couldnt stomache the volatility and put too much money in
tl;dr dont be me

>> No.50390171

I got in ADA at 2.9c
same OP

>> No.50390191

I've heard similar tales. Thanks for the lesson.

>> No.50390258

i currently have no sexual partners

>> No.50390629

I bought a few btc at $400 and knew about it when it was worthless and im still poor

>> No.50390666

I got hard in ethereum at An average of 300. I'm balling.

>> No.50390688

I boughted 1 bitcoin for $3000 and still have it.
Occassionally I spam bobo threads on biz to dump on you.