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50348771 No.50348771 [Reply] [Original]

ahh another week turning down job offers for 50% salary increases because they don't allow WFH

>> No.50348822
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i want to work from home

>> No.50349236

Yeah in my lazyboy, laptop on my lap as per., enjoying the golf. They make me go in one day a week which makes me even more grateful for the other days i dont have to see those freaks

>> No.50349403
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Sup lads. Currently taking a lovely 2 hour lunch break to go to the gym, there's a heatwave over here in Bongland so it's bloody hot over here today. Looking forward to a nice cold shower when I get home. Once my 2 hour lunch break ends I will actually make lunch, while pretending to listen to calls.
Hope the rest of you are taking plenty of breaks, got to get that work life balance right!

>> No.50349440

>They make me go in one day a week
Unnaceptable for me, i changed jobs because they wanted me to come in once a month

>> No.50349446

bros any advice on how to decrease the number of meetings in a large corporation?

I'm WFH, 4 hours a day on average have been pointless meetings this week (I work in a technical role, not management)

Any advice bros?

>> No.50349467

I just stopped attending those meetings unless i'm specifically required to be there

>> No.50349503

>that one legend who says his wifi is acting up, but turns on his camera in the breakout room and he's down the pub

>> No.50349526
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> manager tried to get the team back in office today on slack
> nobody replies
Thats what happens when you give me a 2 percent raise for exceeding expectations rating

>> No.50349600

Join the meeting, don't pay attention, continue coding.

>> No.50349662

Pick one
$25 WFH
$60 working at work

>> No.50349678

I'm looking to working 2 seperate contract jobs due to only having to do actual work 2 out of 4 weeks (2 days a month once I fully automate it) so I need to cut the meetings to the bare minimum

>> No.50349758

I just got promoted today. Fucking comfy.

>> No.50349783

literally just got a WFH web SEO/marketing job for 55k a year. 5 years experience in that field, been trying to move to embedded software engineering like I graduated in 2020 for (I have an EE degree lol) but with the economy taking a shit, gonna take the time to build up my project portfolio and keep looking. Could always do the over-employed thing too; but my goal right now is min/max the bullshit job as hard as possible (automate the workflow, not tell anyone) and receive paychecks until I either get fired, or find an actual SWE/EE/CE gig.

Getting fired is very possible. It's not really a skill issue- marketing agencies always cut back during recessions, and eventually the axe swings come.

>> No.50349846

I'm actually WAY more productive working from home then I ever was in an office.
>no daily blow to my mental health at the gas pump
>no soul sucking commute while I state into the distance in stand still traffic, thinking about death
>every day get to office after the above steps, already drained for the day
>because of mind numbing daily office life, only do bare minimum to stay off radar
>wfh: roll out of bed to office setup, open blinds to let the fresh air and sun in. Sip my coffee while cheerfully chatting with team mates in daily meetings, giving helpful advice and helping the group problem solve.
>oh no! Project hit a snag and now I have to push it to a 12 hour workday?! Not a problem, because when I'm done I can just walk into the next room and pass out aftwards and STILL get a decent 7 hours sleep because of no commute.
I just had a company try and recruit me with a promised 30% fucking increase in salary. The second she said no working from home I said we're done here.
The offended tone in her voice was lol worthy.

>> No.50350106

Absolutely based

The energy you retain doing WFH far outweighs a tiny salary bump (unless you desperately need it).

>> No.50350704

how tf are you guys not busy? with turnover and boomers "retiring" ive been working non stop and cant keep up.

>> No.50350839

You’re a slave in your own house.

>> No.50350891

I’m technically hybrid and am supposed to be in the office 2 days a week but said fuck that and am working from home today since the other members of my team are in a training today. wFH is so damn comfy.

>> No.50350895

depends on your predicament. I would personally hustle and take the $60 on site work. Because why not.

>> No.50351184 [DELETED] 

i still have a couple hundred in this. anyone else?

>> No.50351211

what role? I hate being a codenig

>> No.50351224

Depends on where the site is

>> No.50351269

My Husband works from home and I'm basically his housewife/assistant
I get to do whatever I want all day and just ensure he gets coffee, breakfast, lunch etc. brought to his office whenever he asks and he has a hot meal waiting at the end of the day. He recently got a promotion to a much comfier position and seems to be living the good life, plus it's barely any work for me and I get to just do whatever I want all day really. Other than maybe an hour max of cleaning so the house is nice.

>> No.50351520

>international teacher for 7 years
>make net TC of 85k USD/year
>want nothing to do with the retards in this field anymore

What is the best WFH job to pivot to? I’m fucking done with these retards.

>> No.50351700

i make 115k doing next to nothing but another place dm'd me on linkedin with a range of 145k-220k tc so i will see whats up.

>> No.50351798
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Lmao I get paid $25/hr full remote and do hardly anything. My time is worth more than the grind

>> No.50351807

I just play my mmo and genshin all day and do work for like 2 hours total lmao. Still best employee on the team

>> No.50352516
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Nigger everyday is almost like a vacation when you wfh, even on the long days.
If this so called 'being a slave' means watching my toddler play with his new kitten in my 4 bedroom house in a crime free neighborhood while I work. Then strolling down to the shops at the end of the street for an hour lunch with them. Then I'll take this 'slavery' any day, compared to your cuck-commute.

>> No.50352700

decline them

>> No.50352710

nope, i make 70$ WFH

>> No.50352732

I wanna do a wfh job but i need wagie experience from internships for my field first to get an actual job. Sucks.
Any advice on getting interviews at globohomo? Maybe my portfolio isnt good enough or im not using they/them. Does the latter actually work?

>> No.50352849

start blocking off your calendar for focus time

>> No.50352967

I do that as well.

Focus time actually means gaming time though.

>> No.50354975

No amount of money will ever bring you back the time you waste commuting and pretending to work in the office. I would take even $20 WFH instead of $100 on site.

>> No.50355065

Based dad. These zoomers don’t understand what the real cost is for the most precious asset: time

>> No.50355100

wfh has been amazing for my garden. That midday watering is really help my tomatoes. The biggest downside is having to pay for my own AC

>> No.50356570

you need to lie and tailor your resume to every job application you send. they dont do "background checks" if your resume is convincing. thats what i did to land a wfh swe. although im a third worlder but im literally earning more than licensed surgeon in my country as a 26 yo with shitty coding skills

>> No.50356597
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>> No.50356790
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>You’re a slave in your own house.
Oh no massa please don't make me work from home where I can sit in my own chair and eat my own food and use my own computer to shitpost on 4chan while I wait for Jenkins to finish building. Anything but that massa.

>> No.50357380
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Based. The rest team works in NZ while I'm in western US of A. Our work days overlap for literally 3.5 hours. I usually get to do fuck all for the rest of the time while they're still sleeping.

>> No.50357460
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Any sales chads here? I've been wfh sales for 6 months now and my company is running out of runway soon. This is my first wfh job and its an AE position for a start up.

Should I ride this until the wheels fall off to milk experience or start actively looking? I've been open on LI to recruiters and apply here and there but I'm concerned companies are skeptical if I'm hitting quota or not.

Shits fucked. What do?

>> No.50357475

Lel, I did exactly the same thing today, as I do almost every day. WFH is comfy as hell if you know how to play it right and have a good living space

>> No.50358434

Start looking now. Easier when you have a job to find a job

>> No.50358690

About a month ago I started WFH full time and it's incredible how the same amount of work gets done, yet half my time is spent doing something else.

>> No.50358802

based wife

>> No.50358856

Just do 5 WFH jobs

>> No.50358929

130k+bonus wfh. HR is also ok with me moving abroad as long as I can continue flying to global locations same as I do now once a month or so. Unless im forced to I will never go back to the office or the cubicle hell so I can deal with a fucking Karen in the hallway say something like "hey buddy" because she forgot my name for the fucking 15th time she's seen me. Fuck that when I can watch my children grow up and actually be more productive from home or the airport.

>> No.50360357
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>work for globohomo company
>everyone WFH during height of corona hysteria
>as soon as possible, they start to force everyone back into the wage cage
>due to certain circumstances, my site is exempt
>working like 4-8 hours per week, great salary, great performance reviews, have awesome manager
>manager leaves the company about a month ago, says his new position is 100% WFH, I tell him I'm ready to be poached whenever there's an opening
>get new manager who's based in the middle east, never talk to him, slide down to about 2-4 hours of work per week
>this monday, get a email
>It's the day you've all been waiting for! Return to office finally! You guys won't be left out anymore! We're going to have events celebrating return to the office!
>text old manager same day, he says he's working on getting a position opened for me at his new company

Despite me working very minimal hours, I am one of the most productive people I know in this company, and they're going to drive me to leave because of the boomer GOTTA BE IN THE OFFICE mentality. Why do they do it bros?

>> No.50360375

Just tell them you aren't returning to the office. Worst case is they fire you.

>> No.50360396

lmaoooo same here brother

>> No.50361269

>bating healthy because gf cooks
>she also does the dishes and cleans
>I brought a new bong last weekend
>been so fucking high all week
>I've worked like 3 or 4 hours this week total
>tomorrow is Friday and I have a bit of cocaine left so lfg

>> No.50361291


>> No.50361359

>The second she said no working from home I said we're done here.
The offended tone in her voice was lol worthy

Chad, I'm sure she was wet

>> No.50361370

i did nothing all day except play stellaris
>t. data engineer

>> No.50361381

So am I. Skilled people are, so when you hear stories here about people working only half the day, I'll let you connect the dots

>> No.50361382
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Bros I need advice on WFH. I already have a full time wfh job. I just got offered another. Neither is actively on phones or zoom. Should I take them both and collect the bounty?

>> No.50361939

If there's no way for them to tell that you're not working as hard on either job, I would.

>> No.50361971

thousands of people already do literally this. how the fuck is this even a question

>> No.50363244

I make the equivalent of ~$73/hr working from home. Today I attended some meetings and took a nap. It's great.
Fuck offices.

>> No.50363344

Working like a dog means you're probably far less skilled than you think. Some of us are in high demand and know our worth. If some seething boomer tells me I'm not working hard enough, I'll just hop to any of the other dozen equally well-paying jobs recruiters are hounding me about every week.

>> No.50363411

Do as much self-directed learning & projects as possible. Also, lie. Just lie about your experience. Maybe you did contract work, maybe you worked for some small business that's now gone, whatever.
As long as you have the skills, there's nothing wrong with lying to get your foot in the door.

>> No.50363460

Any tips to pivot from data analyst to data engineer?

>> No.50363733

just learn SQL i guess

i kinda got lucky, i worked as a data analyst for a couple months before i got a title change to data engineer

>> No.50364258

Just applied to a shit load of WFH jobs, even some out of my experience level cause fuck it what do I have to lose? Any anons have success with this strategy?

>> No.50364299

60$ isn't worth it when you're wasting gas and time. WFH all the way.

>> No.50364306

based a fuck OP. I just got an offer accepted on 100 acres since I work from home.
>wagie and neetcuck live in the city with all the hustle and bustle
just peace and quiet for me

>> No.50364411

I'm the only one in my coast. I wake up late like 11:00 AM and finish by 6:00 PM. My mum cooks brekky, lunch-munch, and dindin. I make 6 figures.

Life is good.

>> No.50364452

>$25 WFH all day
The absolute torture to the mind and soul isn't worth the extra money.

>> No.50364467

Codemonkey here, I’m applying for my second WFH job. Anyone have any success working two jobs from home?

>> No.50364554

Any advice for a basic skill stack/project portfolio to learn to pick up a wfh job on the merit of my portfolio alone? Should I be shooting just for an jr web dev role? What about copywriting, seo/sql?

>> No.50364670

Do you have any skills?
You can do anything really, just make a portfolio that is decent and scatter fire to all possible candidates.

>> No.50365586

Huh, weird. All i use is sql but even data engineer position needs way more than that

>> No.50365629


>do $25 WFH
>live in rural mountains
>take home more than the $60 forced to work in the city bugman hive and getting stabbed by niggers on the subway

Easy choice that one.

>> No.50366133

Set up fake meetings with colleagues with the same problem