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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50327754 No.50327754 [Reply] [Original]

9.1%. 9.1 fucking percent. Jfc.
>Housing out of control
>Lay offs speeding up
>Good is absolutely unaffordable
>Rentals are now engaging in bidding wars
I honestly don't know wtf to do anymore. I genuinely feel empty and dead inside.

>> No.50327847

Buy a foreclosed home at auction for cheapies. WAGMI

>> No.50328044

there will come a breaking point when the people turn on the ruling class. Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Argentina and so many more countries are basically having Civil unrests right now because people simply can't afford to live. Sri Lanka literally just outed their president for it.
imagine America reaching the tipping point and people with nothing to lose starts to turn on all the billionaires and (((ruling class))). not the thing they want in a country with more guns than people

>> No.50328618

The American people are defeated and broken.

>> No.50328774

None of the things you mentioned are really happening. Stop worrying.

>> No.50328830

you need to watch this https://youtu.be/PYTafY053dw

>> No.50328856

How's the weather in Delphi, jeet?

>> No.50328868

>Market recovering already
It wasn't as bad as expected. This is the bottom.

>> No.50329848

Learn a valuable skill, get a job, earn money, buy what you want.