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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50318 No.50318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's actually happening!

Sony is currently in break up talks with major investors, Third Point LLC, Daniel Loeb and Morgan Stanley.

Morgan Stanley is acting as the mediator for the dispute. We first heard the rumor about the current break up talks back in May.


Now it appears the break up talks are in full swing.


It's rumored that Amazon is going to buy Sony's entertainment division. This makes sense because they already offer PlayStation games on their storefront. They have also had a strong partnership with Sony for many years.


>> No.50355


>> No.50363

>Amazon Playstation
Now that's just hilarious

>> No.50391

2005-20011 = Seven years without a profit confirmed by Kaz Hirai himself.

>Management is feeling a serious sense of crisis about the seven years of losses," said Executive Deputy President Kaz Hirai.


2012 = 6.4 Billion Dollar Loss. The biggest in electronics history.


2013 = 1.1 Billion Dollar Loss


2005 to 2013 = NO PROFITS AT ALL

Anyone who thinks this company has a future is lying to themselves.

>> No.50412
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Hirai will be fired soon.

>> No.50422

So buy stock in amazon?

>> No.50445



Amazon has been in an upward trend for the past sevedral weeks. It's clear that something is up. The insiders know what's going to happen.

Sony is set to post their next yearly loss in early April. That's when shit will hit the fan. Get your Amazon stock before then.

Only thing is Amazon is almost blue chip and trades for over $330 a share on average.

>> No.50455
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>> No.50460


$357.35 was the last closing price.


Moving up all year, not just the past few weeks.

>> No.50469


A Jew wouldn't tell you to sell stocks in a dying company. They like to make money, not lose it.

The Jews are probably all buying Amazon.

>> No.50481

RIP Sony

So all the Sony fanboys will be Amazon fanboys now i guess

>> No.50482

A Jew would lie and trick you into anything.

>> No.50510


This will make Amazon one of the most powerful entertainment companies in the world.

>> No.50514


No, we stopped giving a fuck several years ago.

I've been a Sony loyalist since the tape Walkman but good things come and go.

>> No.50520


>inb4 regulators reject the deal

And Microsoft will bribe the regulators to do it.

>> No.50531


You're clearly a sony fanboy. Jews wouldn't give a crap about a dying Japanese company.

>> No.50541


Microsoft has their own problems.

Regulators would have no right or reason to interfere with this purchase.

>> No.50551

>Oh no! He doesn't agree with me! Better strawman and ad ad hominem. My speculation can never be wrong!

>> No.50563

Does that make them amazonians.

What a scary thought.

>> No.50624


That's a good name for the fanbase

But we need an insulting name for the fanbase as well

>> No.50639

Does this mean that i wont be able to buy nintendo games through amazon anymore?

>> No.50688

Implying that the girls only have one breast and that the men are all emasculated seems good enough, let's stay with Amazonians.

>> No.50699


>Buh buh buh duh Jews!

Yeah, you're obviously a sony cunt.


It's weird because Amazon had this strange rivalry going on with Nintendo and refused to stock some of their biggest products.

I'd bet Sony put an offer on the table over a year ago when they were hit with that 6.4 Billion dollar loss. Everyone in the know already realized that Sony was dead at that point.

>> No.50726
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>mfw shitposters from /v/ have already infested /biz/

>> No.50729

>tfw made fun of jews then get called a sonyger

>> No.50728

>It's rumored that Amazon is going to buy Sony's entertainment division.


>> No.50914


Daniel Loeb holds tremendous sway over this company.

Sony's future will be in providing insurance policies. Can you imagine?

>> No.50942
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As my first post on /biz/ I would just like to say.

Sonygers get fucked. Microsoft won

>> No.50945

That's a scary thought

>> No.50955

Oh boy, can't wait to see VGChartz shit on /biz/

>> No.50957

>There are people who still have sony stock after their dismal market performance in all but a few areas for the last few years.

>> No.50971

Sony will sell the horrid branches
and keep Movies, Insurance, Music and games

yet kept em separate from each other pockets, so whoever is non profitable will die

>> No.50977

>The company that cheats consumers has triumphed over one thats a much lesser evil rejoice!

Holy shit no

>> No.50982

He's joking.

>> No.50984

Hasn't their gaming division been bleeding money?

>> No.50987

/v/ here

isn't microsoft talking about doing the same with xbox thingie?

selling to amazon?

>> No.50988

All the money they made from the Playstation and PS2 is gone because of the PS3

>> No.50991

>amazon buys both xbox and playstation

>> No.50992

oh shit, time for amazon vs PC then.

>> No.50998
File: 213 KB, 1065x800, ss (2014-02-17 at 02.46.46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you did have Sony stock it would actually be a pretty good time to sell.

>> No.50999

if they didn't sell before ps4 was released they're beyond saving

>> No.51000

Great news. Honestly the best thing for Sony is to do this. Good to see they are finally progressing.

>> No.51020

I wish I knew how to buy / sell stocks. Don't you have to go through a broker and pay a fee every time you buy / sell or has the stock exchange come a long way since then? What happens if for example sony is going under and you can't find a broker to sell all your shares with?

>> No.51017

It's crazy to imagine a world without Sony, the massive tech giant.

I remember Sony being synonymous with quality, like Apple but less overpriced and hipsterish. Well the TVs were always ridiculous but you get my point.

Whatever happens I hope the reformed company/new owner can support the Playstation, because I really do hope the PS4 does well.

>> No.51023

Don't make me laugh anon.

>> No.51027

Now /v/ will be crawling with Amazonfags

>> No.51028

Isn't sony still making mad bank from life insurance?

Plus the ps4 is selling like hotcakes.

>> No.51029

>Much lesser
No, the company that cheats consumers has triumphed over the company that cheats consumers.

>> No.51035

It's all online bro. There's services like Scottrade that can do that stuff for you.

As long as you don't want to day trade (which is pretty much Gambling when done on a personal level FYI) you can set up an count for a $1000 and see if you know how to invest.

>> No.51044

I hope I can still get Persona 5

>> No.51043

sony is the one who's been always lying and cheating their consumers, they also lived off stolen ideas from nin, sega and ms, they deserve to die

>> No.51081

>they also lived off stolen ideas from ms
Like what? And don't tell me Xbox Live/PS Plus because PS Plus is actually a decent value.

>> No.51090

>PS Plus is actually a decent value.
Go away Sonygger.

>> No.51093
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>PS Plus is actually a decent value

>> No.51097

wait. there was a rumor that amazon would buy xbox

>> No.51103

Theres no point /biz/. Its a raid. Just hide the thread and pretend these /v/ermin arent here

>> No.51098

Compared to Xbox Live it is a very good value. I'd find it hard for anyone to debate otherwise.

>> No.51102

why are the japanese so bad at like, changing? in any way whatsoever?

>sony makes the best TVs
>they cost more than other TVs
>that is okay
>fast forward to 1998
>they no longer make the best TVs
>continue charging more than everyone else
>profits go into the dirt while they focus on irrelevant ass names like "wega"
>continue doing what they're doing with no changes as they hemorrhage billions of dollars

>> No.51107

Who'd want to buy it?

>> No.51112


>> No.51113
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There's nothing about them selling the playstation brand to amazon in the OPs 8 day old link. They should split up sony though, the movie and music divisions seem incapable of working with the other parts. All they do is shit up all the hardware with DRM and damage the brand name with things like the audio CD rootkit.

>> No.51108

comparing shit doesn't really help you. Live gives you no benefits other than MP which should be free.

>> No.51111
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>> No.51114

Me. Sony4lyfe

>> No.51120

its a rental service and it offers discounts.

live gives away free games that you can actually keep

>> No.51116

Good to see you did it right this time

>> No.51117

Yeah they stole a lot from Nintendo. What did they take from Microsoft?

>> No.51122

>Amazon end up buying both
>Xbox and Playstation brand get merged under the name Playbox
>The name doesn't catch on and nobody end up buying the next console
>Nintendo only making handheld after the failure of the Wii U

Gaming is dead

>> No.51123

>from ms

>> No.51126

have you seen the ps4? its an xbox

>> No.51129


Lol you aren't going to make shit with 1,000. With 1K you will have to make a return of at least ~1.5% just to break even because of trading costs

>> No.51132

It was, but Kaz turned it around before he became CEO. Playstation is one of the few Sony divisions actually making money currently.

>> No.51133

>letting your emotions come in the way of rational thinking

no wonder you're a neet

>> No.51128

I actually just put in the link and it changed itself. Thanks moot

>> No.51135

Nice quads

>> No.51137

Their reputation.

>> No.51138

But it was a joke you stupid fucking grape.

>> No.51142

>you stupid fucking grape
>you grape
who talks like this?

>> No.51143

Their audience.

>> No.51144


>> No.51149

>you stupid fucking grape

>> No.51154
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Twitter spambots.

>> No.51156

Shut up you fucking basketball.

>> No.51157

>thread on /v/ telling people to "GET IN HERE" and then linking to this thread
There is going to be a lot of retardation ITT
Cant wait

>> No.51160

If amazon was to buy off their entertainment division would they even know how to run it properly? I always wondered this about companies like Google, Apple, and Amazon, do any of them have any idea on how to succeeds in the game industry?

>> No.51164

Listen here you peice of shit pumpkin, would you rather do this than have a /v/ thread?

>> No.51163

I hope the CEO doesnt commit sudoku

>> No.51165

Maybe someone competent would get in if he did.

>> No.51166
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>/v/ enters the thread

>> No.51168

Sure thing you retarded melon.

>> No.51169


>> No.51171

As someone who is currently banned from /v/ for derailing a sales thread started by a sonygger, i just have to say it's a long time coming.

Back to fapping i go

>> No.51172

what are you on about if it wasn't for sony we would still be playing shitty gre scale game boys and shitty 2d games or games with crappy polygon designs

look at n64 and game boy

they rode it for ages there was shit like gamegear but no on cared cos it wasn't nintendo

nintendo had a monopoly with out companies like sony or microsoft nintendo will have a lazy slow ride with shitty consoles

just look at the wii (yes they sold more but really it was weak and shitty compared to the other two) and wii U it just a weak system and technology

nintendo sucks they bring nothing and no real inovation to the industry other than gimiky controlls no one likes

>> No.51182

Aaaaaaand heres /v/
The board is over. We can all go home.
I enjoyed our time together /biz/

>> No.51184

>if it wasn't for sony
This is an epic troll dude

>> No.51187

>implying Amazon isn't too big to fail

At worst, they would just close the division and not doing anything worth with it

>> No.51188

This is just the board for you then.
You should sell your Sony stock right about now, btw.

>> No.51194

Time to short the shit out of Sony?

>> No.51195

>if it wasn't for sony we would still be playing shitty gre scale game boys and shitty 2d games
I've never seen someone this delusional in my life.

>> No.51199

it's fucking true if sony didn't come out with playstation

nintendo would do fuck all we would still be with n64 level graphics and nothing new

>> No.51201


go back to reddit

>> No.51206

That's what happens when banned /v/irgins get linked to a board they're not banned on yet.

>> No.51204

>what's PC

>> No.51207

You do realize the n64 was objectively more powerful than the ps1, the gamecune was also more powerful than the ps2. Is all of /v/ TJIS retarded?

>> No.51209

rahter than laughhing at me why don't you dis prove me

>> No.51212

>go back to reddit
I might as well commit seppuku now

>> No.51213


>> No.51217

>Is all of /v/ TJIS retarded?
I'm pretty sure he's just pulling your chain, as no one could really be that retarded.

>> No.51225

Most just act that way to lure you in

>> No.51226

The whole reason they entered the console market in the first place is because Nintendo embarrassed them by letting Sony announce a partnership and then later announcing it was cancelled the next day.

>> No.51229

yes but would nintendo have jumped into the 3d gaming if it wasn't for sony's psx (I know they had star fox but really would they have)
and how come the psx was still better in processing 3d than n64

>> No.51230
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>b-b-b-but nintendo is doomed, fire iwata, go 3rd party

>> No.51231

>every second this thread is up, more of you retards go to /biz/ and blindly shill for a corporation

>> No.51232

Different specs for different machines.

>> No.51234

PC is great but is doesn't have mass apeal as consoles do and back in 1990's they were expensive as hell and games were not that advanced

>> No.51241

the gamecube had good hardware but a weak lineup.
but sunshine sure looks great, even today.

>> No.51248

What does this mean regarding my 5 years of PS+.

>> No.51249

Because you're a blind sonygger. Sony made shit underpowered console up until the PS3, yet you still think that they lead the market by making stronger hardware than the competitor.

Also, you have shit taste. 2D games are fine. They're miles better than any of the shit that came out for the PS1 and N64.

>> No.51251

Why the fuck does amazon want to make video game so bad? Dont they realize they will end up like the outs if the make a console?

>> No.51257

>for years, moot didnt create /biz/ becuause he was afraid people would shill for corporations
This board will be deleted soon.

>> No.51254
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>weak lineup

>> No.51255

>muh muh sony ;_;

this guy has it right:
eat a dick /v/ your company is shit and cry harder you console plebs.

>> No.51264

I meant they had very few IPs that people cared about.
I liked the gamecube but it needed a larger library.

>> No.51260

>Plus the ps4 is selling like hotcakes.
Selling at loss.

>> No.51265

selling at a loss with no games.

>> No.51266

I never said that with out sony as a competitor nintendo woulddo fuck all new

they are lazy as fuck cos they had an easy ride back than

and you are not a nintendodrone

I don't know if the machines where over powered or underpowered but I remember

mgs 2 came out ps2 had pressure senitive controlls when twin snakes came out it couldn't do that


>> No.51268

N64 and Gamecube were the strongest and second strongest consoles of their generation, while both the PS1 and PS2 were the weakest. Yet no one bought they Nintendo's consoles because, while they were selling gaming systems, it's competitors were Multimedia devices

>> No.51275

most of them look like 1st party games

>> No.51271

It'll be alright once Sony is dead.

>> No.51273

I never understood how a company like Sony could make a loss.
Its really mismanaged.

>> No.51288

psx was shitty at 2d graphics saturn was better, and n64 was better then psx at 3d graphics, psx was successful only because sony lied and cheated its way to victory thanks to a dumb fucks like you, and my god theres a lot of dumb fucks in the world. Sega and Nin would still be in a heathy competition making some of the best consoles and best games in the process if not for sony, who lied and cheated to sell ps2 to dumb fucks like you, while dreamcast already had the best library of games in that generation you bought ps2 that had no games, while GC had better hardware and controller you bought the shitty ps2 because you believed the sony lies

>> No.51282

>no games.
nintenyearold dont get delusional

>> No.51286

>pressure sensitive controls
And it was pretty much the only game to use it, sony even ditched it with the ps4.

>> No.51292

>b-but nintendo is doomed

>> No.51296

It's like what happened to Sega. They just kept screwing up and bleeding money due to mismanagement over the years.

>> No.51304

>Open OPs links
>Ctrl + f Amazon
>0 results

I never even new /biz/ existet, but it looks like this place is just as bad as everywhere else.

>> No.51299

You don't need pressure sensitive controls to play a movie.

>> No.51308

>nintendo runs over another competitor with the bus
>literally all gamers proceed to rage like angry motherfuckers that they are stuck with either nintendo or microshit
>by default this forces 3rd party to work with nintendo
>implying this wasn't their master plan to just completely fuck their competitors dead.

>> No.51310

>teh cell
>loss with each console sold
>PSV -- thinking people want a smart phone without the phone bit.

>> No.51317
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what games does the ps4 has right now?

>> No.51318

Outdated hardware it's not innovation. 3 years old top-range pc's already surpass PS4, nowdays mid-range pc's make PS4 look like an obsolete machine.

>> No.51321

>It's rumored that Amazon is going to buy Sony's entertainment division
Fuck amazon

>> No.51327

Jesus fucking Christ you didn't even make it to the second post.

>> No.51330

and thats why you link to a board where its not offtopic.

>> No.51328

>I don't know if the machines where over powered or underpowered but I remember
Underage b8. You're probably 14 and your first console was a PS3. PS1 and PS2 was shit compared to the hardware of their competitor. The only thing these consoles did was pushing the CD and DVD medium. I guess this is a good thing? It has it's upsides and downsides, but it wasn't necessary at all. PS3 tried to play on the Hardware race and failed miserably. It took them 5 years to have good sales.

But remember: If sony does an underpowered console it's good. If Nintendo does one it's lazy. "I swear I'm not a drone"

>mgs 2 came out ps2 had pressure senitive controlls when twin snakes came out it couldn't do that
Game Cube had pressure sensitive triggers, wich was miles better than the dodgy pressure sensitive face buttons that only worked if you had the accuracy of a fucking surgeon.

>> No.51341
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armchair quarterbacks, but in this case everyone is a financial analyst.

Apparently everyone in gaming is doomed. Why are people never tired of being wrong?

MS would sell off Xbox before Sony sells off PlayStation. Nintendo isn't going anywhere and PC has never and will never die.

This is just as stupid as all the people saying PS4 didn't exist because there was no extra R&D spent.

>> No.51343

This is what happens when /v/ crossposts.
Worse than fucking /b/.

>> No.51345

>Sega and Nin would still be in a heathy competition
>implying Sega wouldn't have just continued playing second fiddle to Nintendo despite all the trashtalking and empty promises
>Segafags in charge of not being the most delusional fanbase

Also PS2 had a much bigger and better library than the Dreamcast. Although yes, the Gamecube was much more powerful than the PS2 and N64 had better graphics than the PS1.

Sega had noone but themselves to blame for their failure. Now the same thing is happening to Sony.

>> No.51354

What the guy earlier in the thread said is the most likely outcome. Insurance, Music, Video, etc will be held onto and their tech branch, at least for the most part, will be sold off. That's all this will mean for Sony.

If it looks like a deal to sell off their tech, buy into Sony for a modest return within 2 quarters.

>> No.51358

This doesn't mean Sony is going anywhere you fucking idiots.

The playstation brand will still be under Sony but will now be more of its own company instead of subsidiary of Sony.

Fucking fags

>> No.51360
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Remove /v/

>> No.51373

go away armstrong.
discussing companies and their financial status is not allowed on /v/

>> No.51368
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I never bought or played a console in my entire life.

They seem pretty pointless now, especially when all companies care about is competition instead of bringing us the promises they claimed with their product

>> No.51372 [DELETED] 
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Now is time for /v/ removal

>> No.51377

Console market is the only thing they can compete in. Apple/Android has taken over portable music devices and smart phones. They face a lot of competition in the PC/TV market. Seems the only thing they have going for them is the PS4.

>> No.51381


/biz/ was only created a short time ago you stupid fuck

Where else do you think posters would come from?

>> No.51383

Shilling autistically against/for a company is not something that needs to be common place on /biz/

Remove /v/

>> No.51387

I am not shilling for shit, I am here to learn.

>> No.51388

>thread on /v/ deleted
Weve capped the flow but the retards are still here ITT
Hopefully, we were able to contain it

>> No.51389
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>2 multi billionaires worldwide companies destroying themselves by trying to kill a japanese company 100 times smaller

I never play videogames and I find this fucking hilarious

>> No.51392

>Also PS2 had a much bigger and better library than the Dreamcast
am i talking to a fucking child here? ps2 didn't had any fucking games when it was released while dreamcast already had a huge fucking library of great fucking games and was priced much lower than ps2. the only reason ps2 had games later its because dump fucks actually bought the piece of shit and third party devs HAD to make games for it because of that, it had the shittiest hardware worse than already two years old dreamcast, it was hard as fuck to develop for, controller was godawful shit, but it was the cheapest dvd player around thats why everybody bought it. Fucking pathetic. We had to live with probably the shittiest console of all time as a target platform for all new games because sony cheated its way to victory like that.

>> No.51394

Looks like they'll be putting all their eggs in the Playstation basket now. Which isn't a bad thing, considering how all their other divisions have been bleeding money nonstop.

>> No.51396

Why doesn't biz recommend people to buy wii U if its better for your money.

how to make quick.money.
hello money please give need its better help

>> No.51397
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When will they understand Nintendo can't die. They're basically Disney now.

>> No.51407

They do have a great deal of not tech related things. I hope you both realize that.


>> No.51409

a company with an endless supply of children customers because every generation thinks favorably of them, but considers themselves too old for it (unless they consume it with their children/younger relatives)?

>> No.51410

Holy fuck, is this /v/ or /biz/?

>> No.51413
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>> No.51419

>a company with an endless supply of children customers

>> No.51414

sony is only good at video games
they should focus on that alone

>> No.51426

Actually, how big was Disney when it was Nintendo's age? It's a scary thought to think it could be seen like Disney is today when it reaches 90 years of age.

>> No.51424

>sony is only good at video games
>good at video games
Good one, anon.

>> No.51430

As opposed to a company that try to sell videogames toys for adults who actually play on PC?

>> No.51432

has japan such a low birth rate?

>> No.51441

I am lost in the discussion here.
you are talking about dreamworks and sony now trying to sell children products to adults?

>> No.51437

On par with other western nations when you remove immigration from the equation.

>> No.51439

yeah thats why n64 had a controller with two thumb sticks and psx didn't right oh hang on psx had a two thumb stick controller first

seriesly if psx wasn't around nintendo would be making shitty games for children even iawata said we need to target children more they make the same games over and over again same zelda game same pokemon same metriod everything is the same and that egotistical fuck only wants his IP's too look good so we only see aelda mario and donkey kong we never see good games we want like lylat wars

also gaming in general would not be taken seriously would ms even make an xbox if wasn't for sony

if Sony wasn't around MS wouldn't exist gaming would not be taken seriously we would still be playing 128 bit era consoles 2d platforming games like mario for children

FACE IT we need sony or we would be playing shitty games Nintendo comes up for children wih gimiky controlls aimed at women and people who don't play games that no other company uses or needs

>> No.51447

Uhh, do you know that Nintendo is older than Disney?

>> No.51454

nintendo started in the 1800's

>> No.51456

>/v/ soon

You mean /v/ now?

>> No.51457

>if Sony wasn't around MS wouldn't exist gaming would not be taken seriously we would still be playing 128 bit era consoles 2d platforming games like mario for children
I love taking my leisure time more seriously than my other time.

>> No.51461

yeah but they made card games and love hotels.

>> No.51465

My bad for not phrasing it better then. How big was Disney when it was Nintendo's gaming division's age?

>> No.51470

Well done Sherlock, Nintendo weren't making games consoles over a century ago. Such insight.

>> No.51471

is quentin unaware that in the N64 gen consoles and PCs mostly had equal hardware?

>> No.51480

I just failed to see what card games had to do with a discussion about console sales.

>> No.51487

The 60's is around when Walt died and started to receive posthumous awards for everything and anything. I think they'd started to build that sky resort in Mineral King around then too, Disneyworld or whatever it's called was already about.

>> No.51488

who is quentin

>> No.51499

>Sony doomed
>Nintendo dying
>Microsoft is doing well
>Steam is blooming

aahhh its good to be PC gamer

>> No.51497

>who is quentin

>> No.51500

the guy who made that one racist movie about slaves

>> No.51501

the creator of the picture, he used to rile up people on /v/ with his strawman arguments untill he was banned and his parents forbid him from coming here after they told his school he planned to massacre the school.

>> No.51502

Amazonigger seems to fit into tradition.

>> No.51509

>Apparently everyone in gaming is doomed.
Apple and Google aren't.

>> No.51510

I wish they didn't push steamworks.

>> No.51506

s-should I buy Amazon stocks, anyone?

>> No.51508

>Nintendo dying
According to who?
Go play your Flappy Bird knockoffs.

>> No.51514

thats because they are not in gaming.

>> No.51517

>am i talking to a fucking child here?

I'm wondering the same thing, looking at your shit grammar and spelling.

>ps2 didn't had any fucking games when it was released while dreamcast already had a huge fucking library of great fucking games

Like what?
>inb4 muh shitty walking QTE simulator or some shitty arcade sports game

I didn't know we were talking strictly launch games here. Still though I have never cared for any Dreamcast games aside from Skies of Arcadia and Jet Grind Radio. Heck the best Sega game (Popful Mail) wasn't even released on the Dreamcast.

Still, Sega had nobody but themselves to blame for the Dreamcast dying. Nintendo managed to stay in the game despite being behind the competition and are currently in better financial shape than either Sony or Microsoft. They're the ones that have the right to brag, not Sega.

>> No.51516

>According to who?
Sonyfags who only know the art of deflection.

>> No.51526

>>Microsoft is doing well
Not for long.
2014 is the year of GNU/Linux.

>> No.51525

how do i get into pc gaming?

>> No.51533

Install the Steam botnet and download F2P games about hats.

>> No.51536

>Like what?
Dreamcast had tons of games, google it. Sega even had Tombraider before anyone else back on the Saturn, and that still fucked up

>> No.51537

build a PC, pirate windows (or try that fancy steamOS if you dont mind DRM) and look up the different distributors
GMG, GoG, Steam, Amazon

>> No.51554

>Sega even had Tombraider before anyone else back on the Saturn, and that still fucked up

That's because of Sega's mismanagement which was the main cause for the downfall of the Dreamcast. Yet you have retards like the other anon who, rather than admit that their precious Sega was at fault, would point fingers at Sony simply for the PS2 being the more popular console at the time, and blame it for "killing the dreamcast."

>> No.51577

Sony nintendo and microsoft are all gonna flop this generation. they'll pull a sega and the ouya will reign supreme.

>> No.51588

if ps2 had a good hardware or games nobody would blame it for killing dreamcast, but it didn't, it was a cheap dvd player with aggressive marketing

>> No.51599

Yes it did have weaker hardware but it also had lots of good games that came out a year or two after it was launched. Marketing alone wouldn't have been able to carry it over the generation.

>> No.51613

You mean PC right?

>> No.51643

tfw markets closed today and I can't short sony until tomorrow AFTER everyone knows about this news.

>> No.51644 [DELETED] 

only because sony's aggressive marketing killed all competition and third party had to make games for, there was no other choice, developers and gamers had it this shit because there was no other option left

>> No.51651

Surprised no one caught the S&P rating downgrade but that was announced just before trading ended last Friday


No sign of a hit in JP trading but seems like people getting in on the Yen exchange. US trading will probably not be happy with another downgrade and a dismal Box office weekend (Robocop is a guaranteed dud $21 million opening weekend off $100 million budget. Not even After Earth tanked that hard)

>> No.51653

>>51599 #
only because sony's aggressive marketing killed all competition third party had to make games for it, there was no other choice, developers and gamers had eat this shit because there was no other option left

>> No.51700

Not the same anon but there was another option, Miscrosft.

>> No.51703

Not same anon but I'll provide addendum.

+most frequent, constant sales
+get the most releases
+you can make money on the side with their services
-unabashed DRM
+no DRM
+will remove DRM
+will make game playable on modern systems
-modern game selection is poor
-will try to sell you abandonware
-sales are infrequent and usually shitty
+often the sales will offer a good, very old game for free
+/-these guys do not have cross-compatability with Steam because of DRM stuff
+offer bonus goodies with purchase if you're into that thing
-everything is at a markup compared to anywhere else
+-Only sell steam codes
+will often try to beat steam at a sale
These guys are basically a supplement to steam. Check them every now and again, they only have weekly sales, and see if they're selling cheaper than steam
I don't know much about these guys, they don't take my credit card, but I hear they're a suped-up Amazon for yuros

>> No.51721

it was a year later when everybody already decided to make games for ps2

>> No.51723

Don't forget about Origin™

>> No.51734

I should have linked to the OP -- one quick addition

A service getting bigger right now is Origin. Don't bother with it, it's malware and worse DRM than steam. Only good thing is they have a 30-day return policy, but so does GOG (I forgot at first.)

It should speak for the service's quality when I didn't even think to mention it.

>> No.51738

there is also desura and shit, you can sometimes get physical copies of game cheap off amazon I heard.
often the developers themselves provide DRM free download if you buy it from their site.
I also completely forgot humble bundles and the humble store.

>> No.51742

also Steam support is usually slow as hell because they dont outsource it (I think) and valve employees are free to do what they want with their time.

>> No.51750

Valve buys Sony's entertainment division, glorious open source Playstation Steam machine

>> No.51752

I can't speak for Desura, but I also suggest humble bundles. They're great sales and have high-quality games. Only flaw is that if you want to sell steam codes the price of a bundled game's code rapidly approaches zero. They just happen to be infrequent and aren't always games.

>> No.51755


That was slow because MS had to send their team around to convince developers. They poached good talent from Nintendo and also had most of Sega US join them on top of their gaming division heads already there who were producing titles like Midtown Madness and Crimson Skies. So it was a bit easier for them to get people on board than Sega did. The only big publisher they didn't get was Square and that was because Sony panicked when they heard MS were entering and signed a massive billion dollar deal with Square, including the distribution rights to the Final Fantasy movie. On top of that, they locked more devs down like Enix to prevent them going Gamecube as well. It was one of the deals that collapsed Sony's share price because it was ridiculously expensive and brought no return (The FF movie was horrendously expensive and both a commercial and critical flop)

>> No.51764

You can't forget how they lost Capcom, it's a pretty interesting story.

>> No.51893

OK. Expect shit to get real this week. Murdoch is getting the kicking in early


Domestic gross bad and international before domestic is usually to try create positive buzz that didn't work (And expect a massive drop after that). And that Winter Storm didn't stop people going to see The Lego Movie en-masse on top of that.

So countdown till there's another try to spin movies and music?

>> No.51900

>And that Winter Storm didn't stop people going to see The Lego Movie en-masse on top of that.
But it's a great movie.

>> No.51901

A more accurate statement would be selling at a loss without games. The attach rate is abysmal.

>> No.51925


Heard that (Couldn't make time to see it). Just that the blogger was making excuses on why Robocop under-performed but I suspect it was just the usual "Murdoch Balance" of offering the tiniest excuse for failure typical of the WSJ.

Kinda hilarious. Kinda pathetic.

>> No.52001

How did they lose Capcom?

>> No.52030

>Sell Sell SELL

Meanwhile sony is up on the Nik. No thanks I'm holding as you should always do when someone demands you sell.

>> No.52053


>0.88% gain on FOREX fluctuations

Please tell me you bought SNE just on Playstation alone so I may kek.

>> No.52076

How much do you know about Capcom? Shinji Mikami was probably the single most important person in Capcom who still made games -- similar to Kojima until Kojima became VP of Konami. Mikami hated working with Sony because of their dickishness and hated working on the practically last-gen PS2. He met with reps from Nintendo and Microsoft. Microsoft had no idea what to do because they interacted so little with Japs so, firstly, they were intimidated by his 2cool4u persona and his posse. Then they spaghetti'd everywhere when they tried vomiting specs of the XBOX at him when he was looking for some Asian platonic ideal and mission statement for their system. He got so frustrated with them he started yelling at them to give him what he wanted and he eventually stormed out of the room and promptly signed up with Nintendo. That's why Nintendo got all the Capcom games for several years and XBOX got none practically ever. It all came to a horrible meet-and-greet.

>> No.52156

Really, it illustrates the greater issue of why XBOX flopped so bad in Japan. Japs are a mystical, superstitious bunch that take business philosophies and company ethos very seriously. They don't care about facts at all -- Sony could make the sloppiest machine possible, as they often did, but because they present themselves as the cutting edge, high-tech company people thought they made great vidya tech. Nintendo was the company that made games first, foremost, and exclusively to the Japanese people even when they made the most powerful systems with no games. The Japanese really don't care about facts. Microsoft comes in with no statement besides "hey, we run the west and we have great tech so join with us" and Japs freak out.

>> No.52222


At the same time, they built a lot of loyalty by giving smaller devs work in Japan like FROM Software. And when they had a better team who knew how to deal with Japan for the 360, they got that support because publishers knew they were good for it. The marketing wasn't there though and that was a critical problem for MS till they replaced the marketing team for the whole company. Now they have official OS tans and embrace the whole culture behind the 2ch stuff which has lead to much more uptake in their products. They made an internet explorer tan for the IE 11 launch. IE 11 shot up in usage.

Somewhat of a derail though. Pre-market open should kick off soon. Nik ended with a positive when it's been down lately but the Dow probably won't like flops over the weekend and the credit downgrade by S&P.

If anything, there probably will be a build to much more significant restructure and sweeping management changes on top of more spin off and sell calls. Hirai has been a woeful CEO and just doubled down on what Stringer was doing to run the company into the ground. But I don't expect him to sudoku till the end of the FY anyway.

>> No.52244


top kek confirmed for not knowing shit

this will be positive for sony long term

>> No.52284

Thank you for taking the time to post that. Good to know as know very little on the subject.

>> No.52298

No problem, friend. Business has some of the best stories left in this world. Remember this story whenever you start a venture in Japan.

>> No.52374
File: 15 KB, 610x340, sony_ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not with the current management. Sell and Wait to end of FY and see if there's movement a sweeping restructure and buy back on the low if there's movement.

>> No.52460


Whoops. Forgot it's Presidents Day in America. No market trading and Sony doesn't trade on the FTSE so nothing today.

Wouldn't expect anything good tomorrow though since trading in Japan was mainly off a currency bounce and it's shown diminishing returns since the FY due to lack of action even when told what actions would be "Credit positive".

TV' manufacturing built them. TV manufacturing's gonna kill em' it seems.

>> No.52616

it bled 4.7 B in 4 years,

In the last 3 years have been making a profit, but overall is far from making back those 4.7 and PS4 spent the last reserve and the whole division is on red right now.

I left it cause Games division is Kaz favorite pet and no matter how bad it behaves he wont cut it.

>> No.52670

so should I buy microsoft stock right now? or is there another company that will take the market share that sony will leave behind?

>> No.52762


Gaming needs sweeping cuts and restructuring. That margin was shockingly slim for the amount of units and software sales they were claiming in their FY. The finance media seemed to see through the whole "We beat MS almost 2:1 in January" with a lot of "Well that wasn't very good either" (The gaming media ran with it because the gaming media isn't journalism. Just bait).

But as said. Kaz's pet division. Kaz lieutenant and loyalist in charge. It will make fuck all and still stay alive even with sales high. Music and Pictures still staffed by Stringer loyalists too even with the cuts. Corporate Nepotism runs deep when it needed to be wrenched out two years ago.


MS is tipped to be a huge bull this year on a comeback. Not in vidya (Which is profiting and also going to contribute heavily to Azure uptake by enterprise), but the company in general. It's a good buy.

>> No.52821

sony televisions sure are expensive

>> No.52933

sony might be an investment, but wait till stocks drop after Fiscal year 2013 release.

after tha drop, they will be near their lowest, from that point on, its just patience till they weed out the bad branchs and stay with the profitables one, after that the stock price will rise and the investment will payoff

it might take some years tho

>> No.52964

>. That margin was shockingly slim for the amount of units and software sales they were claiming in their FY.
Finally, someone with a brain here.
0.17B out of 4.2B net sales is a 4% profit margin,

under any other cirstumstance that is not Sony hype machine, 4% profit is lemonade stand money

Also sony have other shaddy tactics like bundles sales reports/ forecasts

PS2/3/4 and PSP/Vita

>> No.52999

Honestly, this might be a good time to go with Sony if you want to take a risk. They might have a huge drop at the end of the fiscal year, but if they survive it they can only go up -- profit for you.

Let's say it's low because shit sucks, and you buy, Later, Kaz seppukus and value skyrockets. If you drop then, you get a nice bonus. It's white collar gambling, but a situation this risky has the best payoffs if it goes well.

>> No.53091


Depends on the management situation. Still Hirai and the same old Morita loyalists running the company at the end of FY? Stay far the fuck away.

Vast sweeping restructure of management across all sectors, Hirai stepping down, Third Point rep on the board (Maybe even Loeb himself)? Buy and get on the bull before the rodeo.

Heck. It's the problem only Bloomberg have had the balls to point out. Management is terrible and there's no confidence till that gets fixed.

>> No.53146

by any chance would you have a record of stock value around May 9 and May 31 (2013)

>> No.53185

I don't understand. If Amazon buys up Sony, wouldn't that make Sony stocks skyrocket and Amazon stock trade pretty much the same if not go down a little?

>> No.53199

Sorry, no

To be perfectly honest, I have no large-scale education in stocks. I'm just looking at this from a psychological and very basic approach and leaving it up to you to decide if it's safe. All I know in any detail is Japanese culture, and either Kaz will disappear dramatically and there will be major changes or Kaz will not and you have to decide if they'll make money on their next blockbuster or not. He's not going to drop Playstation, so the only chaotic asset that really can change is movies. Everything else is stable (not necessarily helping or harming when I say stable.)

>> No.53196

>. If Amazon buys up Sony
unless they keep it as a branch, if they make a total absorption, Sony disappear

>> No.53225

Yeah but stockholders will probably get paid way over the current market value for their shares though.

>> No.53248

im not him tho

>> No.53310


Hard to tell on the 1yr trend because they rocketed on the first Loeb letter and his declaration he was getting more involved to "Unlock value"


Problem is post PS4 at E3, he put his eggs in the electronics basket and said Hirai can steer that ship while offering a pictures and music spin off after previously wanting to spin off electronics. He got burned hard off the last two FY statements.

Inflated price off speculation rather than asset value. That bubble popped in October.


Kaz is American and Sony has been very much run American meets Japanese business culture since the 80's. It's just they have the worst tenements of both cultures.

Seriously, $2 million paycheck for Hirai when he just laid off another 5,000 engineers in Japan? Way to win friends at home where you are losing all your market to Apple you idiot.

>> No.53343

found em, started may, you are right the sotcks rocketed to 23$ but it dive to 16 by january after the Fiscal year 2012 release at the end of the month.

so waiting for late may/early jun would be the best time to buy

>> No.53454


You'd be better off looking at year by year trends on that chart for a general market reaction on when they may sell and the right time to buy rather than just 2013. 2013 was an outlier because of Loeb getting active. We're not sure how this year will go and if Third Point will either get someone on the board or just dump Sony because they can't force a turnaround or more spin offs.

>> No.53482

I was jsut interested to see the market reaction to fiscal year release, the drop was not as big as I expected tho.

>> No.53718
File: 70 KB, 512x384, criminal scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>console war baby nonsense

For the love of all that is good and decent, mods, DO NOT allow these turbo spergs from /v/ to infest this board so goddamn soon.



>> No.53750

I kinda feel bad for them.

Not for Sony fanboys though.

>> No.53767

Are you all faggot cowards or something?
When shit looks so bad that everyone wants out just take some insignificant "who gives a fuck?" amount of money and buy some stocks in that company.
Oh no! They ended up breaking up the company and you lost half your money and got paid out with some stock in Amazon or some shit? So the fuck what? Just leave it alone, it's half of "who gives a fuck?"
Oh shit nigger, wait, that was a dream, it didn't happen and somehow the stocks are going up and up! You just turned "who gives a fuck?" into "I can't hold all this give a fuck! Bring me a bucket!", congrats.

Never invest anything you'd be upset about losing.

>> No.53760
File: 178 KB, 1451x816, 1392657262180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The console warriors on all sides fuck off very quickly once the real numbers come out. The profit margin of SCE is like salt to a slug with Sony Fanboys. Once that's all laid out, the thread stays on course. And charting the downfall of the last big Japanese mega-corps is a worthy /biz/ topic on it's own. It just happens to wind up their fanboys (Their gaming fanboys are the worst. Their camera and mobile fanboys are also irritating)

Relax. This is under control.

>> No.53797

This board is so FUCKING awesome.

>> No.53794

/biz/ doubles and contiement board for /v/ console faggotry and /g/ cripto currency spam

>> No.53810

I feel bad for teh 15K people that have lost their job in the past 5 years.

meanwhile Kaz retains his multi millions dollar salary

>> No.53819

at least people here try co back their claims, nto see who can scream (shitpost) louder

>> No.53830
File: 45 KB, 50x28, 1384586833619.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try not to save the thumbnail next time moron.

>> No.53856


The best of those people who are losing their jobs are getting picked up by LG and Samsung, which are companies that are actually efficiently managed and makes a lot of profit off manufacturing because it's not full of idiots still high on success from ten years ago (OK Maybe Samsung could use more efficiency on marketing and maybe spending more on teleprompters. But they make billions a week because they don't fuck around and control supply of whats needed)

>> No.53903

Amazon already bought the game studio Double Helix. They are definitely making a move on gaming in some way or another.

>> No.53949

100$ its gonna be game for teh kindle fire

>> No.54008

>build a PC
>play for 3 years on top graphics level
>save lots of money with cheap games
>buy new graphic card
>play for 3 years on top graphics level
>save lots of money with cheap games
>buy new graphic card

>> No.54125

>selling before PS4
>not buying up the stock when it collapsed just before the release, then selling it after the launch buzz died down

Come on now

>> No.54184

aint that inside trading?

>> No.54230

No that's just what I did (on a simulator, unfortunately). The stock price plummeted a few weeks before the PS4 launch, so I bought up as much as I could, then sold it off for a tidy profit after the launch- obviously the launch of a new console is going to bring up the share price.

It's just common sense

>> No.54242

I thought you mean sony themselves to buy/sell

>> No.54265

THAT would be insider trading.

>> No.54361

>what's an LBO hurr

>> No.54494


I would have sold on the peak of the numbers release since it popped an 18 from a 15-16 before declining again.

They aren't getting away with it any more now though since the profit margin is public knowledge and trade will be sluggish on unit sales while SCE is a known drag except for day traders (AKA suckers).

>> No.54622 [DELETED] 

Can anybody recommend introductory finance textbooks? Something with problem sets and a solution manual and not a non-fiction book. Most of the stuff here seem to be targeted towards a focused investor but I'm interested in something that teaches basic business finance, maybe managerial finance.

>> No.54725 [DELETED] 


Open an e-trade account and go through their tutorials. It's genuinely good for learning how to trade and invest while learning the basics. Though if you want to read, Principles of Managerial Finance by Lawrence J. Gitman is your manual.

>> No.54813


They still made good TVs they were just good in the wrong way, they were reliable, no one cares about that, walmart shitheads would rather buy a disposable TV that breaks in 13 months if they can save $50.

>> No.54862

I really despise discussing Sony with /biz/, because most of you have no concept of financials and cannot read earning reports if your lives depend on it.

That being said, Sony are not going to sell their profitable sectors. If they do, you should BUY, not sell, retards.

Granted any selloff will result in stock price surge anyway

>> No.54872

>someone posted sony in their pick of the week in the thread last night


>> No.54879

Oh hey, its you again. Go be a retard somewhere else

>> No.54944


The "Good TV's" lasted till flat panels when they realized they could just slap a cheap panel in with a gimmick and charge the Sony tax on top of that. Samsung saw their chance, said "You can have better quality image panels with lower price if you don't mind plastic casing for half the price of a Sony".

Consumers saw the latter and said "Fuck Sony". Sony's reaction was "Keep doing it. Eventually it might work."

>> No.55007
File: 103 KB, 580x326, Patrick-Bateman-77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like the thread got linked on /v/ again since the usual accusations and thread sliding by Sony fanboys is out in force.

>> No.55023
File: 39 KB, 500x601, marcus_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but playstation now is coming soon and it will be the netflix of video games sony is saved

>> No.55196

Sony have always been idiots. I could have turned that fucking company around in 9 months with my simple 1 point plan of not letting the fucking suits have the final say on whether or not to use proprietary formats and peripheral connectors and whether it's really a good idea to put fucking malware rootkits on fucking audio CDs. It's a company that deserves to sink into the tarpit of history.

>> No.55266

The best analogy I can think of for Sony as a company is the tragic death of Paul Walker. Top of the line hardware being driven straight into a goddamn tree by someone that doesn't have the first fucking clue what he's doing.

>> No.55283

Meanwhile Microsoft just can't stop monopolizing things. Yeah 2/10 lrn 2 logic

>> No.55298
File: 79 KB, 640x480, Cinavia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm fucking amazed the company that came up with the most draconian DRM system on the market, Cinavia, managed to market themselves as so kind and wonderful that they don't have gaming DRM on their gaming console because the competition shot themselves in the foot on it.

Then they put Cinavia DRM and plenty of other media DRM on same console. You can never take suit influence away from Sony products. Especially anything related to pictures and music.

>> No.55312

>comparing 3 free games a month and exclusive deals and discounts to One Free game
Even if it does require the subscription to be kept you're getting free games and deals across all Sony platforms for each month, you really can't debate this son

>> No.55455

Life insurance policies don't cover suicide.

>> No.55470


I don't even know why they even put Hirai in as CEO when they would have benefited from an outsider who wasn't afraid to trim the fat. He's a shitty, cowardly CEO and spinning TV's off into it's wholly owned subsidiary and still funneling billions into it was just proof he can't let go of his pet projects.

Sadly because Loeb was wrong too we probably won't get board doxxings again like he did at Yahoo. Quiet pullout seems more likely at this point if they can't sever film and music into it's own spin off.

>> No.55777


Any games for adults there?

>> No.55807



>> No.55826

/v/ is autism personified. I've never been on that shit hole, but if the sony fanboys/corporate shills are any indicator of what is going on in /v/, then it needs to be abolished.

/v/ pls go, you are worse then /pol/. Hell I'd rather have /pol/ here and shitting up every fucking thread calling everyone else a shill, even though it's all just ben stiller same fagging every thread, then you ASD fucks.

>> No.56059


>Life Insurance don't cover financial suicide

Fixed. You almost had it anon.

>> No.56306


Earnings reports?

Apparently you don't even understand the concept shill. The company hasn't made a profit in over 8 years.

The only thing they have to sell that is of value is the profitable sectors. Sony's debt and liability exceeds the total value of the company.

It has also been confirmed by multiple, reliable industry sources that major investors want them to sell the entertainment division. Links in the op post confirm those talks are actually happening.

You should try reading the topic before you post and embarrass yourself.

>> No.56351


Funny thing is Sony drones will crow about the "success" of the ps4 but the gaming division hasn't produced a decent profit in almost a decade.

Sony lost all the profits they made on the ps2 with the ps3. The ps3 lost billions that will never be recouped by the revenues of ps3, PSV, ps4, and PSN+ combined.

The only reason Sony even made the ps4 was as a quick cash run. They also want to fatten up the gaming division for a quick sell off.

>> No.58848

So, did it happen?

>> No.58968


>> No.58993

no, because OP's claim is retarded.

Sony is selling off everything bar phones and consoles and movies.

>> No.59116

you know what Loeb spin idea is..right?

>> No.59256

It's selling at a loss with no games, this isn't about library, this is about the attachment rate being incredibly fucking low which means they get less money, leave your fanboyism in /v/

>> No.59257

Gotta admit, though, there was no good plateforming game back then.
I could play with my NES and PC when N64 was the new thing.

>> No.59266

oops, meant to reply to >>51372

>> No.59273

>People thinking Playstation is some huge part of Sony


Also go look up what the rootkit scandal was, Sony is a pretty shady company themselves

>> No.59284

>Why the fuck are so many retards here today
>Why are there people defending shit companies

And then I reached this post


Fanboyism knows no bounds

>> No.59304

Ugh, kind of but no.

I mean sure, they are making money right now, but only after the massive losses of the PS3 (and possibly the Vita), the products themselves are not profitable in their lives, it's just that in this industry first you lose money then you win money

>> No.59310

That you ask this when the big three are literally Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft baffles me

>> No.59317

he plays flappy bird

>> No.59363

This is still fanboyism and has no place in /biz/

This is pretty much unrelated to Nintendo, if you love or hate companies (which is pretty dumb by itself) at least try to argue why instead of fighting some invisible retarded war of tastes

>> No.59364
File: 11 KB, 1379x146, sony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember the days when /v/ was totally dickriding Sony because "lel they owned Microsoft"?

That was too funny.

>> No.59388

>This is just as stupid as all the people saying PS4 didn't exist because there was no extra R&D spent.

The idea wasn't just because of the lack of R&D money, but because Vita and the PS3 were both disasters and Sony was in terrible shape, I don't think it was hard to consider the possibility of the PS4 not existing

>> No.59538

The PS3 has more anti-piracy measures against movies than against games

If that ain't funny I don't know what is

>> No.59557
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>> No.59591

Someone photoshop one of those into TLOU.

>> No.59613
File: 117 KB, 500x365, 1392691144131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ literally used to have threads about the sales of each console and of the software and discussions about it.

Maybe this will amuse you, /v/ has had:

Bazillion threads about how Nintendo was going bankrupt in its 4 last console releases (wii, ds, wiiu and 3ds)

Threads about "My favorite game is selling better than your favorite game"

Threads about PS4 not existing because of lack of R&D money

Now there are also get daily people from Neogaf essentially posting the same links as those in the forums, people who would sell their testicles for playstation while thinking that nobody can possibly ever like microsoft, the Sony droning has just multiplied tenfold since the PS4 was announced and Neogaf came in

Random shitposters don't help either.

Oh, there is also love for Kaz Hirai, like people making image macros and gifs as if he was some godsend, I'm not even joking.

Just search "Kaz Hirai Gif" in google images and be wary of the content

>> No.59646

Trashtalking can be funny at times, but the way Sony does it is just disgusting taking into account how the entire company operates.

It's like a guy in a wheelchair laughing at someone because he walks funny

>> No.59724

It is especially hilarious when they try to deflect "Neogaf" as a buzzword.

Like, they post gifs that came straight from Neogaf, link to biased sales figures straight from Neogaf, and blatantly shill a mega-corperation just like Neogaf. Who are they even kidding?

>> No.59778

This thread is fucking embarrassing to read.

Give it a rest console fanboys

>> No.59781

It is kinda funny how I genuinely stopped caring about the Xbox One's problems because of how obnoxious Sony's fanbase got.

>> No.59783

Yeah I know "Neogaf is just another monster inside the closet"

Yeah I bet those gifs and news and shit are carried from there to here by fucking magical gnomes

>> No.60105

cause we accept the true

>> No.60870
File: 285 KB, 476x530, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, if you have venture capital to spend I don't see much of a downside to buy Sony stock. It is rock bottom, yet substantially undervalued. Sony isn't going to walk hand in hand into oblivion, they'll do whatever they need to remain as a company. Even if they wanted to the Abe and the Japanese government couldn't let it happen, regardless of the recent rhetoric suggesting otherwise.

Sony has nowhere to go but up in value. Even if their stock reaches a ceiling of sub $100 in the upswing, that would mean the stock more than quintupled its value. You rarely see what is for all intents and purposes an immortal company (protected by Zaibatsu) be publicly traded this low, minus well take the opportunity while it lasts