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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50305489 No.50305489 [Reply] [Original]

I know this board is mostly about crypto but I don’t really know anything about crypto.

I’ve been living in my car for almost a year now, I work hard but barely get paid. My car just ran into some issues and it’s going to cost everything I have to get it repaired, I was just about to sign a lease for an apartment at the end of the week but I can’t afford to now.
I’d like some ideas on things I can do to get a little bit ahead. Im a young guy and can work hard, I just have a shit job and don’t know how to get a better one.

>> No.50305505

>break into empty house
>live there
>no longer homeless

>> No.50305528

I want to do it legitimately though.
I’d like to earn a few hundred more a week man this fucking sucks, I’m sat here crying in a Best Buy parking lot.

>> No.50305607


LMAO pathetic fucking 4chan scum shelter is a human right. You unironically think you dont deserve shelter and therefore must "prove" yourself to some authority figure that you are worth to live in a hole and not in exposure to elements?

I swear amerikkkans are completely braindead at this point after 100 years of uninterrupted highly optimized neoliberal capitalist propaganda directly beamed into their hearts and brains

>> No.50305661

Just getting shelter doesn’t solve my problem though, if I have another issue I won’t be able to afford it.

>> No.50305696

You can rent private rooms on craigslist

>> No.50305720

get a better job asap

>> No.50305770

if you work and get paid nothing you likely can get a lot of welfare you didnt even try to tap.

>> No.50305781

I haven’t tried any government assistance yet, I wouldn’t even know where to begin.

>> No.50305799

Actually I did try a housing program that someone recommended but they never called me back.

>> No.50305808

Nigger u have to be on some shit to write that out. Fucking hell you actual tard

>> No.50305850

Even Minimum wage is more than enough for rent and necessities. Are you illegally paid less, do you waste money on useless stuff or are you too lazy to work full time?

>> No.50305876

try copywriting online if youre a native english speaker. build a client base and start charging more once you understand it. one of the easiest things to break into, based on your posts youre not illiterate. good luck anon, ill spare a prayer for you tonight

>> No.50305902

Did i say something wrong? Pathetic putrid vile cancerous 4chan parasite. You, 4chan, the blockchain and the stock market will perish. You will die alone sad hated and in pain like you deserve and want

>> No.50305905

I worked 52 hours last week. My car payment and insurance is high, it’s almost $400 a month just for that. Then it’s like $100 for my phone, $200 for gas.
I’d save money on food if I could cook for myself but it’s very difficult when living in a car.
Thank you.

>> No.50305924

find yourself a fat chick with an apartment?
>keeps you warm in winter
>big shade in summer
>occasional fucking
>roof over your head
i swear ive heard a /biz/ term for that
you are into fat chicks, right?

>> No.50305967

you tried your hand at legitimate and lost. thanks for playing.

>> No.50305982

So get rid of your car and get a regular phone for 100 total and 10 a month for service

>> No.50306015

Get a camping stove and a cheap pot. Check places like salvation army or something.

My advice is to get on food stamps and apply for housing assistance in your area. These programs require you to be persistent though

>> No.50306031

Watch free tutorials on youtube and become a web3 developer, at most a month of work and guarantees you a job that makes 250k/year

>> No.50306068

Not him but if shelter isn't a human right what even is there?
You can't eat for free to survive, you can't live in a place, and in a near future you won't be assured to have water you can drink.

Bring back slavery at this point, we should be grateful that we have rules not allowing people to kill each other but it's just another thing that benefits the rich.

Shit is gonna hit the fan big time and nothing is done to avoid that.

Survival of the fittest is the argument of the powerful, but when chaos ensues, you better watch your back no matter how much money you made.

>> No.50306107

I did programming as a hobby for several years but there’s no way I’m smart enough to do it professionally, appreciate the suggestion though.

>> No.50306135

Try moving to a city with high baseline pay, like Boston, New York, Miami, etc. You might be able to pull around 15-20 an hour as a waiter or restaurant staff, which should help get you an apartment in the suburbs. You should also check for living arrangements that are cheaper, with roommates, companies like splitspot, livethatch, craigslist postings, etc offer this. Living with flatmates is typically 33 to 50% cheaper than living alone.

>> No.50306235

this is actually not that bad of advice but OP needs to work on other issues before tindering

>> No.50306279

>Even Minimum wage is more than enough for rent and necessities
not in America

>> No.50306281

>there’s no way I’m smart enough
And because you put yourself down like that and always give up is why you are living the Hobo life.
Get a grip nigger

>> No.50306409

Mississippi has places you can rent for 500 per month, the minimum wage is 7.25, meaning if you worked for 40 hours a week, you'd have about 1100 per month. More than enough to cover rent and living expenses.

>> No.50306446

im not american but isn't that the shithole of america ?

>> No.50306461

one of the many, but OP is desparate so beggars can't be choosers

>> No.50306490

It's the one with the lowest minimum wage, to make an example.

>> No.50306517

Move to California
Sign up for the CCC
they hire homeless people who live in California.
Pay is about $3,000 a month. You live in a barracks, food is provided.
It's literally a socialist program that california has to mobilize homeless people and turn them into contributions to society.

I signed up & instantly got a call back saying I'm accepted within 3 days. But I told the recruiter I decided to join the NAVY.
The only requirement is that you have to be below the age of 25

>> No.50306531

Realistically you need about 1500 to afford moving into a place in a tier 3 city so you set the goal there. By tier 3 city i mean like fort wayne Indiana.Try to look for warehousing, driving/delivery jobs and try to save up to the 1500 point. Local goodwills have job and resume writing classes. You will need to temporarily work with a homeless shelter to list a permanent address and use it to get a PO box at usps for mail.

Do whatever you can to move once you have 1500. Look at shit tier city craigslists or apartments websites and find some shitty apartments you can get in cheap. Apply for jobs in those cities furiously until you can find a workplace. Once you have the workplace set up and a start date a week or two out, Use part of the 1500 to pay for gas and drive to the city. Front an airbnb or a hostel/motel and start working whatever slave labor city job you can find. Apply for all the apartments with your 1st paycheck verification or a certificate of employment the week before your job. Sign the rental lease for a year and put down basically all your remaining seed money on the rent and security deposit for the first month.

If you can't get 1500 and are too unfunctional to get a job that can make that then apply for EBT/SNAP... then you're pretty much fucked man. I'm sorry, society is brutal.

>> No.50306567

Touch grass

>> No.50306587

After a year or two of working for the CCC you can EASILY join CalFire. Their starting pay is 75k/year.
They accept felons, former drug addicts, prisoners, anyone.
There's no excuse anon. JUST DO IT.

While you're in the CCC you train every morning, and after training is done, you don't have anything to do.
That's when some CCC people go to their second job.
So realistically there's no reason why you can't make 5k/month.
If you get deployed to a Wildfire, they bump your pay up to 6k for that month.

>> No.50306602

unironically kneepads

>> No.50306607

Damn I didnt know they allowed nuthouse patients to browse the 4chins. Gotta take your pills man, you sound like an anally raped fag

>> No.50306615

I unironically do this.

>> No.50306629

Commit a crime that lands you in jail

>> No.50306674

>How do I escape homelessness?

i suppose you're the one who's really getting the short end of the stick, assuming you're american. we have things like labor laws and minimum wage for a reason. that is, because we want a decent standard of living for all our citizens. but when we allow businesses, large and small, to outsource labor and use cheap migrant labor, it pretty much defeats the purpose. trade tariffs and border/immigration control should be strong enough to keep most people who can write complete sentences and aren't severely mentally ill from living in cars.

that is, assuming your story is real. don't your handlers take good enough care of you propagandists that you don't have to live in cars?

>> No.50306693

>>break into empty house
Not gonna work unless you're in Canada.
I actually want to be homeless, I'm growing pot right now so that's all I have to look forward too.

>> No.50306701

So do you have a modern phone and an internet connection? You can try making a streaming channel. Find something that you can talk about. Since you are browsing 4chan, you can find lots of hot topics to talk about in order to gather attention. You can also use them to e-beg since you have a legit living problem

>> No.50306706

You need money to live in America, commie cuck, the rest of us don't have to parents to live off.

>> No.50306723

Brother I make $5 above minimum wage & work 60 hours a week, I can't afford a 1 bedroom apartment in the ghetto

>> No.50306726

shut the fuck up incel

>> No.50306730

I'm in Massachusetts, I've tried food stamps and they said I make too much money, I only make 30 something K a year.
Lmao, fuck America, I'm not even "white" either.

>> No.50306756


i never said that the current minimum wage was enough for a decent standard of living. it hasn't kept pace with inflation or increases in the cost of living, and neither have wages in general.

>> No.50306774
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>You, 4chan, the blockchain and the stock market will perish
Any day now, tranny.
My insurance alone is 350 (still need to pay out of pocket to fix it after hitting a deer), and another 260 for a car payment.
Lmao, I might just harvest this dope, sell it and then bounce, it's literally not worth it to work 40 plus hours a week just to be poor.

>> No.50306791

>Get rid of thing that helps you move around.
Lmao, I really hope OP isn't American because getting rid of a car is a death sentence.

>> No.50306828

>Bring back slavery at this point,
Matter of fact, let's just live in teepees and drink rain water.

>> No.50306841

>t.why yes mommy and daddy footed the bill.
Lmao, nigger I've been working since I was 14, working is for suckers.

>> No.50306854

Fuck off we're full, secondly, 25 an hour isn't gonna help you in Massachusetts, never mind sub 25.

>> No.50306900
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>Just work 40 to 60 hours a week and be poor.
Lmao, lol, rofl, roflmao.
People died for this shithole.

>> No.50306924

>7.25x40 = 290.
Wow, might as well be homeless and work cash in hand, (cashies).

>> No.50306957

Or, stop renting and just be homeless and steal shit.
Why even pay rent? It's making is MORE poor.

>> No.50307003

>You can try making a streaming channel.
Lmao, go ask people how much they make, it shit unless you're markipler or pewdiepie.
OP try to join the military, don't go to jail and don't do job corps with felons and criminals, they WILL try to fuck you over.

>> No.50307058

The poster above me is a complete loser follow his advice if you want to live like a filthy nigger

>> No.50308724

Dude how can you work, have no costs asociated with housing and being broke

>> No.50308806

I don't want to live like a filthy nigger, sorry.

>> No.50308900
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one more to being homeress