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File: 19 KB, 725x345, XxM4XJ7alh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50297990 No.50297990 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50298008

Temporary situation until the ECB starts raising rates.

>> No.50298049


>> No.50298076

5 stages of grief:

>Denial <---- You are here

>> No.50298138

Wow. This is a disaster. Just sold all of my yuros

>> No.50298151
File: 1.10 MB, 1500x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent free poors

>> No.50298169

Please do that so my country (France) and the club Med crashes. The debt is already killing us anyway.

>> No.50298304

Any based eurochads here sitting in usd/usdt?
It's free real estate

>> No.50298635
File: 75 KB, 178x227, Erika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've, United States, have been better than Europe for a long time. We were just being nice to them. Now that we have Nigger Lives Matter race war? We are calling facts. We've been better than Europe for a long time already.

>> No.50298832

I am unironically shifting everything to CHF and USDT, as much as I can

>> No.50299157

Imagine having a currency as useless as the United States Dollar (TICKER:$)

>> No.50299180

What are the odds of the EU embracing pan-European fascism now that their current political leadership has been totally discredited?

>> No.50299188

Yes, cause this never happened before.

>> No.50299227

The time has come. USD and EUR are owned by the same banking clan. When they're 1:1, they will merge and a new fiat will be made from both of them, some kind of eurodollar

>> No.50299243

The EU is dead. They either raise the rates and Greece Italy and Spain are gonna default or they don't and the inflation will destroy the old system. Either way we win

>> No.50299276

Should I put 500$ USD to 500€?

>> No.50299278

Is this where I use the 1€ = 1 € meme?

>> No.50299293

Did you mean reduce into stronger negative?
Almost every country in the EU has a 300+% of debt ratio.
Even 1% of interest paid on it is suicide.

>> No.50299295

Been in USDC for a while. Finally pays off
Might be too late now

>> No.50299304

Only if you don't use it to trade.
Selling your stable coins count as a net gain against the €...

>> No.50299316

>we win
eu melting down will take down the entire system in which case nobody wins

>> No.50299344

The current system is completely corrupt and ineffectual. It needs to collapse so it can be replaced.

>> No.50299607
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Should i tell him or let him enjoy a little more weeks of childish innocence?

>> No.50299616
File: 34 KB, 400x400, A58FC43C-CE52-4049-B239-456021737090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody wins

>> No.50299637
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Vacationing in Europe just got much cheaper.

>> No.50299711
File: 73 KB, 500x500, 1656440927176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boss is ecstatic about this because the company is really export oriented and customers are buying like mad.
Good for the company i guess, i just have to survive the next few years in oatmeal and peanuts in the cold

>> No.50299713

Am I suppose to get an erection at this?

>> No.50299824
File: 307 KB, 900x900, Awoo_Shocked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I suppose to get an erection at this?

ahh... why is your penis getting larger???

>> No.50299913
File: 156 KB, 688x1024, 5E661FD2-FBC5-402A-A02F-16F2A67A90F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not. That was a legitimate question.

>> No.50299932
File: 298 KB, 580x435, 1644141012595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they made the peggle theme their anthem

>> No.50299939

This isn't special to the Euro it is happening with (almost all) fiat around the world from dollar milkshake theory, it is just a notable point for the Euro particular.

>> No.50299950
File: 170 KB, 850x1145, Awoo_Likes_You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s not. That was a legitimate question.

NO... that is the answer.

>> No.50299978


>> No.50299981
File: 1.71 MB, 2923x3024, 69EF5B98-573A-495F-911E-98B1D5F841AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Am I supposed to get an erection?” ~ “Do you expect me to get hard off this?”
¿Hablas inglés, putísimo güey de mierda con huevos fritos en leche?

>> No.50300055
File: 225 KB, 1497x437, Acid_Spiders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are way too stoned.
Go to sleep!

>> No.50300081
File: 588 KB, 640x853, AA421B82-4BB3-440C-BE91-273B838E17C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you know I was Australian?
You, runt?

>> No.50300127
File: 70 KB, 1024x898, Pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did you know I was Australian?

Shitposting is an Australian pastime.

>> No.50300173

But I’m Greek.

>> No.50300177

I wonder how long is it going to take for trading platforms to list euro like they do other currencies, with a USD-CURRENCY pair.

>> No.50300220
File: 1.69 MB, 1192x734, Turkish_Oil_Wrestling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I’m Greek.

But I am Gay.
There... fixed it for you

>> No.50300237
File: 747 KB, 1046x1231, 1656647353858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are the odds of the EU embracing pan-European fascism now that their current political leadership has been totally discredited?
Uhhh what is EU ? It's literally centralized state + private corpos working together to enslave people and destroy nations so they can get their great reset and a "better" mankind. I'd like my freedom back thank you very much.

Is that even possible or is it some schizo theory ?

This, there's not a lot to salvage anymore, if anything we need a purge. Same for the US, really.

>> No.50300238
File: 68 KB, 680x679, 1637743586187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger spotted

>> No.50300253

So a wog in Australia. How original. Get the fuck back in your brick mansion and water your concrete backyard cunt

>> No.50300294

> water your concrete backyard cunt
No comma between backyard and cunt, therefore you’re not calling me a cunt but rather telling me to water a ‘cunt’ in my concrete backyard.

>> No.50300299

This will mean leave was the smart play all along. Extraordinary.

>> No.50300300
File: 3 KB, 481x39, 16576105483060[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad is the euro doing if it is cheaper than the dollar, which exists now only because a quick abandonment of it will bring down the world economy in an hour?

>> No.50300424

Are people forgetting there’s a fucking War going on in Europe at the moment?

>> No.50300443

Britain will never recover from Brexit, it wad the most retarded decision ever, and it didn’t fix anything, on the contrary, the same stuff happened even more (immigration).

>> No.50300473

>fucking War
Which did not affect the EU in any way and which the EU entered solely of its own free will. And because the US hand sticks out of the EU's ass.

>> No.50300507

Which EU country is at war?

>> No.50300512

>Which did not affect the EU in any way
Retard, the whole fiasco about Russian oil and gas is front and center
>which the EU entered solely of its own free will
If the response from the EU and US would’ve been nothing, that will send the message around the world that if you want to conquer something then it’s fair game because “we are pussies”
EU =\= Europe, burger. Even so, the EU is heavily invested in the war.

>> No.50300543

Euro (EUR) =\= Europe
There's other currencies in Europe, are you some sort of projecting mutt?

>> No.50300577

If the EU were sitting quietly, then the oil and gas would go to the Northern Channel and through Belarus.
They themselves decided to intervene, they themselves decided to kill their economy and doom their citizens to poverty.
They ended the Age of Cheap Resources with their own hands.
Their choice, their responsibility.

>> No.50300579

>Euro (EUR) =\= Europe
All of the currencies in Europe, including the Eurore are down the shitter, retard. What the fuck are you on about.

>> No.50300590
File: 1.95 MB, 350x197, Not_The_Way_To_Be_Woken_From_A_Nap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the EU is heavily invested in the war.

Ukraine had years to cozy up to the EU but instead fucked around.
There is NO mutual protection treaty with EU and Ukraine .
EU literally is shooting itself in foot for no reason.

>> No.50300604

Nobody telll him

>> No.50300622

Look at the GBP-EUR pair, this is an EU collapse not an European collapse

>> No.50300625

GPT-3 Bot

>> No.50300629
File: 94 KB, 200x206, 1655667987038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys, which European country should we buy first?

>> No.50300659

So a permanent situation?

>> No.50300663

>They themselves decided to intervene
Retard. There are treaties and agreements made between Ukraine, Russia and the West made 30 or so years ago that guarantee Ukraine’s independence. If the West is such a pussy to not uphold these agreements in the face of agression, then it means they are a bunch of pussies, and it’s fair game for countries like China to invade Taiwan since nobody would dare to retaliate. You are a coward and a pussy if you think it’s better to be a passive bitch
>decided to kill their economy and doom their citizens to poverty.
A severely drained Europe will still do better than 99% of countries on Earth. There’s no apocalyptic collapse, retard.
>Their choice, their responsibility.
Your choise is being a pussy
The US and allied countries promised Ukraine its independence 30 or so years ago.
There’s no European/EU collapse.

>> No.50300673


>> No.50300691

>they were promised independence why aren't they given infinite gibs???
I don't think you know what independence means

>> No.50300695

Look up the Budapest Memorandum

>> No.50300698

>Alright guys, which European country should we buy first?
EU countries that are able to somehow exist on their own:
1. France.
2. Germany.
3. Spain.
4. Belgium.
5. Hungary (conditionally, because Putin sells gas to them at 120, while to the rest of the world for 1400).
You can choose between all the others. I recommend southern Italy, if used as a place to stay - the economy is in the ass, but the climate is excellent and the women are busty.

>> No.50300732

>look it up
>very first breach is by US against Belarus
Ruh roh. Are you sure US isn't using "economic coercion against Belarus" right now?

>> No.50300749

Jesus how many zeroes does this currency have, when are we running out of zeros, they just keep adding them to the chart

>> No.50300750
File: 488 KB, 850x843, Retard_Mode_Selector_FULL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The US and allied countries promised Ukraine its independence 30 or so years ago.
>Look up the Budapest Memorandum

And Ukraine HAD its independence.
DID it join EU... NO
DID it join NATO... NO

It fucking milked Russia AND EU instead of forming firm alliance with either.

All EU and USA is doing is prolonging a bloody war.

>> No.50300756

You are a dumb fuck and possibly a Ukrainian. The MEMORANDUM clearly indicated that the countries that signed it would do their best for the independence of Ukraine, but did not guarantee anything. In fact, this piece of paper obligated to publicly condemn Russia. No more.
Yes, Ukrainians are SO stupid that they gave up nuclear weapons for this piece of shit.
>A severely drained Europe will still do better than 99% of countries on Earth. There’s no apocalyptic collapse, retard.
Go fuck yourself. My bills have doubled. The food has grown by half. I don't know what will happen in winter.

>> No.50300760

it's not even officially a war yet

>> No.50300824

ECB won't touch interest rates because southern countries in EU will go bankrupt. That's what you get when there are multiple leeches with debt at the rate of 150% of their gdp with the same currency as balanced northern countries.

>> No.50300857

What northern countries? Only finland in euro and they are piss poor.

>> No.50300869

The West has 100x more armament than Russia, at least test some on a bunch of slavs lol.
In all seriousness, it’s appropriate for the West to give Ukraine the necessary tools to defend its independence while also keeping itself away from direct confrontation with the nuclear powerhouse that is Russia.
If I were a questioning man, I would be question Russia for killing 40k of their soldiers in the span of 6 months to invade Donbabwe.
Belarus violated the charter of the UN which includes protections on human rights. That’s not a violation of the memorandum, anon, Belarus is a total closed off dictatorial shithole.
Even so, you can’t get a bigger breach than Russia fucking invading Ukraine lmao. I know you are reaching for straws. The differences between these two is immense.
Ukraine and ukrainians have a right to independence, maintaining that is another story, but upholding principles of independence worldwide is in the best interest of all.
>Go fuck yourself. My bills have doubled. The food has grown by half. I don't know what will happen in winter.
That’s expected when war happens. Still, in whatever country you are in Europe, you’ll still do much better than in Russia or any other country on Earth. The West must uphold its supremacy over international affairs and that is the ONLY reason you had and you have it good.

>> No.50300877

>southern countries in EU will go bankrupt
The EU itself strangled the economy of Greece and Spain. and my Italy has been shit for the last two hundred years, for objective reasons.
We have money sucking Eastern countries and the Balts.

>> No.50300885

I’m all in BTC so way ahead of you. USD was the play up until March of this year.

>> No.50300891

holy fuck you're insanely brainwashed or on that soviet hyper strength copium

>> No.50300906

USD is spiking against ALL currencies
and that includes crypto currencies
and ALL assets too

>> No.50300909
File: 144 KB, 1242x1227, USA_Defender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upholding principles of independence worldwide is in the best interest of all.

In other words "We would rather all Ukrainians die and the country burn to the ground than Russia have it!"

>> No.50300922

im a yurofag who gets paid in USD
absolutely loving this shit
this is how americans must feel all the time, like youre the big dog and everybody else is beneath you
God bless America

>> No.50300921

>That’s expected when war happens
Yeshche raz, poydi i vyyebi sebya. Mne ne nuzhna byla eta voyna, nikomu iz GRAZHDAN YES ne nuzhna byla eta voyna. Net NI ODNOY PRICHINY chtoby YES vmeshivalasʹ. I snova idi nakhuy. Izvine, u menya prosto vse kipit ot gneva.
211 / 5 000
Peзyльтaты пepeвoдa
Once again, go and fuck yourself. I did not need this war, none of the EU CITIZENS needed this war. There is NO REASON for the EU to interfere.
And go fuck yourself again.

I'm sorry, I'm just boiling over with anger at this bastard.

>> No.50300924
File: 368 KB, 773x3746, spurdos gate the masterpiece now without ifunny watermark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this comic was first made I had to keep checking the exchange rate of 2.9 euro to dollars. But not anymore.


>> No.50300929

>Ukraine and ukrainians have a right to independence
what about Catalonia? why don't they have a right to independence? and the Serbs in Bosnia? and the Russians in Ukraine? why don't they have a right to independence?

>> No.50300940

>there's a timeline where the post-gorbachev USSR exists with half a billion people and a rival to the US and China

>> No.50300967

Ok guys, how do you make money out this? I'm thinking of switching of my savings to € and wait for it go back to normal.

>> No.50300998

??? Russia still has potent nuclear capabilities. Even the most minuscule nuclear capability is still a problem.
>We would rather all Ukrainians die and the country burn to the ground than Russia have it!
How the fuck did people get brainwashed into this position? Who the fuck is the agressor in this conflict? It’s RUSSIA.
It’s funny to see people complain about the West wanting ukrainians dead when it’s Russia who is INVADING and the Ukrainins who are being SAVED by the West from total annihilation. Get fucked.
You are comparing invasions to secessions. If some people want more independence or want to complete secede, there are steps to do that in a democratic system.
What Russia has done is a complete invasion and violation of Ukrainian sovereignty, and its evidence of “people wanting independence” is incredibly tenuous.

>> No.50301092
File: 197 KB, 1200x1200, Buddy_Devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ukrainins who are being SAVED by the West

So how many Ukrainians have to die before Ukraine are SAVED??

>> No.50301116

I am so fucking happy. Eurangutans are FINALLY getting their just comeuppance.

>> No.50301131

Every country in Europe has at some point fought hard to protect its independence. You are just a cucked coward who will immediately give up your home, your identity and your country.
You are taking the side of the agressor and the invader, and by extension your views are the perfect representation of SATAN right now, retard.

>> No.50301165
File: 3.27 MB, 700x697, Pol_as_seen_By_Non_USA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every country in Europe

How fucking retarded are you.
Ukraine deliberately chose NOT to join EU or NATO.
Why are you wasting money and hurting your economies to defend a nation that chose NOT to join you!?
Spend the money on your own country instead of prolonging a bloody war that you have ZERO reason to be in!

>> No.50301305

>Ukraine deliberately chose NOT to join EU or NATO.
WRONG. It’s precisely because of this why Russia invaded, because it began to lose its grip over it and by extension any clout it had as a “superpower”.
>Why are you wasting money and hurting your economies to defend a nation that chose NOT to join you!?
Ukraine has been trying to join the EU and NATO since Crimea got invaded, RETARD.
>Spend the money on your own country instead of prolonging a bloody war that you have ZERO reason to be in!
What money and what country if half of your territory is taken over and you are forced to be totally subservient to the shitty one-sided economic policies of the shithole known as Russia??? Are you that much of a fucking moron?
You are still against fighting for independence?? You are a total fucking cuck.

>> No.50301345

>Spend the money on your own country instead of prolonging a bloody war that you have ZERO reason to be in!
wrong. they have a reason. why do you think Hunter had a job at a Ukrainian company? Ukraine is a corrupt shithole used by western leaders to launder money and enrich themselves

>> No.50301346
File: 1.07 MB, 170x180, WTF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fine, enjoy the ice cold winter without heating oil and a failing economy, so you could prolong a war in a country you had no defense treaty with.

>> No.50301357

Enjoy your new pakinigger tory prime minister bong

>> No.50301396

Based. There's absolutely no better feeling than using up the skips' free water supply. Especially when it's a drought. I make sure to give the driveway a proper good soaking then

>> No.50301419

>enjoy the ice cold winter without heating oil and a failing economy
Two more weeks.
>so you could prolong a war in a country you had no defense treaty with.
Prolonging the rightful independence of a sovereign state, as maintained by the Budapest Memorandum and numerous other international regulations regarding sovereignty that keep the current world from becoming as war-torn as it once was. I’m on the side of independence, you are on the side of being a total cuck who mistakes being enslaved and conquered as being saved and pacified.
You are a total pussy, never forget that.

>> No.50301453
File: 2.46 MB, 3034x4370, Better_World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuck who mistakes being enslaved and conquered as being saved and pacified.

I know, you are making a "better world".

>> No.50301460

check the 2022 british population consensus bongloid

>> No.50301478
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>> No.50301500
File: 148 KB, 991x1200, 1654934610755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debt in Euro
>50% liquidity in chf and dollar
>50% in crypto and equities
I couldn't feel comfier

>> No.50301510

Imagine how bad Russia is, if between this and Russia they don't pick Russia.

>> No.50301522
File: 36 KB, 618x496, 0133C0BC-CC02-48AE-AD3A-9B54F63A94F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50301528

When will they stop teasing and dump the price below $1? I'm tired of waiting.

>> No.50301546
File: 11 KB, 298x406, itsover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.50301554

>In all seriousness, it’s appropriate for the West to give Ukraine the necessary tools to defend its independence while also keeping itself away from direct confrontation with the nuclear powerhouse that is Russia.
giving weapons to a party in a war is direct confrontation, retard
>If I were a questioning man, I would be question Russia for killing 40k of their soldiers in the span of 6 months to invade Donbabwe.
all of them by ghost of kiev
>Even so, you can’t get a bigger breach than Russia fucking invading Ukraine lmao.
kikelensky breached first by publicly announcing that Ukraine would rearm itself with nuclear weapons. Before the war.

>> No.50301559

currency.com has it still at 1.0005

>> No.50301573

wicked down just now
tradingview FXCM

>> No.50301612

>kikelensky breached first by publicly announcing that Ukraine would rearm itself with nuclear weapons. Before the war.
Ukraine gave up it's nuclear weapons in exchange for safety guarantees from Russia. Then Russia breached them and started annexing parts of Ukraine.

Stop slurping Russian propaganda.

>> No.50301613

>You are comparing invasions to secessions.
There was a secession in Ukraine in 2014
>there are steps to do that in a democratic system.
No there aren't. Not in all democracies. USA is one that had it, and there was a massive civil war when some states tried to do it legally. The only one i can remember is in USSR, and USSR wasn't even a democracy. Catalonia also tried to follow the "democratic route" and they got btfo. Crimea voted to join Russia overwhelmingly, and you and the democratic West does not recognize the referendum

>> No.50301629
File: 75 KB, 848x831, 1minute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, sneaky little jews wicking it down while I shitpost

>> No.50301630

>You are just a cucked coward who will immediately give up your home, your identity and your country.
We have already gave up those things. Europe is a anti-white, self hating continent that worships foreigners. Everything that made the West great already died, the only thing left is the same force that killed the great things. There is nothing in Europe for me and people like me

>> No.50301678


>> No.50301693

Ukraine threatened to rearm itself with nuclear armaments before the war started, less than a week before. It voids the Budapest memorandum
This is one of the things the Western media didn't report alot, i'm not surprised you don't know this.

>> No.50301702
File: 1.44 MB, 1579x1725, European_Integration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are the odds of the EU embracing pan-European fascism now that their current political leadership has been totally discredited?

All those immigrants that can now VOTE, guarantee that that no changes will be made in government policies.
There will be replacement of natives with immigrants.

>> No.50301723

I rather deal with Twitter trannies and the once in a while degenerate parade than live in a hiv infested shithole, with no escape from poverty or crime. You have it good, if you have the time and the capability to complainpost about this shit relentlessly on anonymous forums.
>giving weapons to a party in a war is direct confrontation
The fact that it’s given as defense for Ukraine makes it INDIRECT, retard LOL. Have you ever thought about how the Cold War went about?
>all of them by ghost of kiev
More russians were killed in the last 6 months than any US or NATO soldier in the last 30-40 years lmao. And people are still cheering on Putin on /pol/?
>kikelensky breached first by announcing that Ukraine would rearm itself with nuclear weapons
Hyperbolic statement. Invade when you have concrete evidence of nuclear development. Even so, Russia’s pretexts for war are completely different, retard.
>There was a secession in Ukraine in 2014
Russia annexing Crimea and immediately forging elections is not secession by any means. Crimea is not recognized as Russian territory by most of the countries in the world.
>No there aren't.
There are UN regulations in most democracies that deal with minimizing minority discrimination and enforcing equal treatment. There are ACTUAL steps to seccede that need to go through the country’s government. The Ukraine seccesion happened under RUSSIAN occupation and agression, retard.
>Catalonia also tried to follow the "democratic route" and they got btfo.
Catalan goverment lacked legal jurisdiction to organize referendums. That was a breach of the Spanish constitution and laws, I don’t see how that was a proper “democratic route”.
>Crimea voted to join Russia overwhelmingly, and you and the
Maybe because it happened under Russian occupation? How can you believe and prove that those elections were fair when even the questions of the referendum were one sided (be independent and join us later or just join us now)?

>> No.50301756

That website doesn't even show the date when the article was published lmao

>> No.50301786

You can say that and still be against Russia meaninglessly invading its white neighbours just to score an “own” on the West.
Believe it or not, the reason why the world isn’t engulfed in wars is precisely because there are western international institutions who hold invading countries accountable, and that’s arguably a very good thing. If you think the only way to fix current society is with fire and sword then you are sorely mistaken.

>> No.50301798

>Russia annexing Crimea and immediately forging elections is not secession by any means.
America bombing Serbia and occupying Kosovo and forging a referendum also is not a secession.
Either way this is just cope, Ukriane would never, ever allow a referendum, Russian occupation was a necessary step to make the referendum. Do you dispute the results? Are those people not entitled to secede?
>Crimea is not recognized as Russian territory by most of the countries in the world.
It is recognized by Russia, which is all that matters
>There are UN regulations in most democracies that deal with minimizing minority discrimination and enforcing equal treatment.
>There are ACTUAL steps to seccede that need to go through the country’s government.
No there aren't. Do i need to repeat the Catalonian situation? Name the processes in Ukraine that Crimea had to follow to get the referendum
>Catalan goverment lacked legal jurisdiction to organize referendums. That was a breach of the Spanish constitution and laws, I don’t see how that was a proper “democratic route”.
Exactly, there was no democratic process for peaceful independence in democratic Spain.
>Maybe because it happened under Russian occupation?
Referendums aren't valid when made by Russians? Do you dispute the results?
>How can you believe and prove that those elections were fair
Plenty of international observers. And it is not far fetched that a Russian region might want to get away from a state that seems hellbent on genociding Russians, like Ukraine is.

>> No.50301813
File: 76 KB, 1196x656, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears 2 times in the beginning of the article.

>> No.50301829

21st of February of what year?

>> No.50301864

>You can say that and still be against Russia
Why? Russia is attacking the same people that destroyed my country and civilization. I feel nothing but schadenfreude towards them, i wish Russia/China/Syria/Libya/ISIS or whatever would kill them all.
>invading its white neighbours
Reditors/glowies trying to adapt to the local speech patterns lmao.
>Believe it or not, the reason why the world isn’t engulfed in wars is precisely because there are western international institutions who hold invading countries accountable
Like it happened in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Serbia and others?
> If you think the only way to fix current society is with fire and sword then you are sorely mistaken.
There is nothing to fix, i just want to see all of it burn. How can you think that a society that sees children being pumped full of hormones and being brainwashed to think they are girls/boys when they aren't as a big virtue has any sort of "fixing" possible?

>> No.50302001

>Russian occupation was a necessary step to make the referendum
It’s easy to claim nobody want referendum when there is extremely tenuous evidence of an actual seccession movement in East Ukraine. Of course everything magically becomes a country and a liberation when an invading country rolls in and manufactures it for you, cuck.
>Are those people not entitled to secede?
Not through an invasion done by your neighbough who has insane geopolitical, economic and ideological interests in dividing Ukraine. Are you that blind?
>It is recognized by Russia, which is all that matters
HHAHAHAHA you really want the world to devolve to medieval or ancient politics of never ending conquests, do you?
>Exactly, there was no democratic process for peaceful independence in democratic Spain.
Yes there was, it’s just that some catalan politicians went rogue and organized an unconstitutional referendum where they didn’t have any legal jurisdiction to do so. Maybe make a referendum through the spanish government first, retard?
>Referendums aren't valid when made by Russians? Do you dispute the results?
Most countries on Earth dispute the results, and with good reasons. It happend under foreign occupation and under the barrel of the russian military. You have to be brain dead to say that those elections happened under proper, unbiased conditions you fucking moron.
>And it’s not farfetched want to get away from a state that seems hellbent on genociding Russians, like Ukraine is.
Lol, what evidence do you have for genocide? Sounds to me like cope and no actual evidence has ever been shown to support this claim. What is farfetched is your totally bogus justification for secceding and invasion who were all perpetrated by Russia who has completely shit on the democratic process, international regulations and any form of respect to its commitments. You are completely deluded.

>> No.50302029

Not in every yuropland

>> No.50302050

>Russia is attacking the same people that destroyed my country and civilization
Ukrainians destroyed your country and civilization?

>> No.50302059

take your meds Vlad, or just kys

>> No.50302113

>It’s easy to claim nobody want referendum when there is extremely tenuous evidence of an actual seccession movement in East Ukraine.
the 8 year long civil war isn't evidence?
>Not through an invasion done by your neighbough who has insane geopolitical, economic and ideological interests in dividing Ukraine.
So kosovo is Serbia? a people cannot have independence if that independence is supported by other countries?
American independence is also not legal because France supported it?
>Yes there was, it’s just that some catalan politicians went rogue and organized an unconstitutional referendum where they didn’t have any legal jurisdiction to do so.
Because Spain would never allow it, which comes back to my point that democracies do not have safeguards allowing regions to secede democratically
>Most countries on Earth dispute the results, and with good reasons.
Because they have " insane geopolitical, economic and ideological interests" in keeping Ukraine whole and under the EU/NATO
>You have to be brain dead to say that those elections happened under proper, unbiased conditions you fucking moron.
Yeah, one has to be braindead to believe in democracy. I agree with you.
>Lol, what evidence do you have for genocide?
8 year old civil war? countless acts of barbarism against the Russian speaking minority? Countless acts of soft genocide against the Russian minority? Plenty.
>who has completely shit on the democratic process
Like how the West did in Kosovo?
No, Russia is attacking the anti-white liberal world order.

>> No.50302145

>Why? Russia is attacking the same people that destroyed my country and civilization.
How deluded can you be? When did Ukrainians of all people destroy anything ROFLMAO.
>Reditors/glowies trying to adapt to the local speech patterns lmao.
You are just avoiding agreeing to an objective fact. Unless, you think Ukrainians aren’t white all of a sudden.
>Like it happened in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Serbia and others?
You’ll have to look at the UN meetings and resolutions on those interventions and argue against what was justified and what was wrong. Most countries with veto power, including Russia, China voted for these interventions and there are they were and still are UN investigations into the ground for these interventions. It’s hard to oppose an intervention when all great powers agree on it.
>There is nothing to fix, i just want to see all of it burn.
Then there’s absolutely no reason to talk to you again since you are a fatalistic cuck who is too scared of twitter trannies. Goodbye.

>> No.50302152

>No, Russia is attacking the anti-white liberal world order.
By killing white people and blaming them that they are fascists? kek

>> No.50302195

technically the authoritarian belligrent new liberal totalitarians are fascists due to the unity of corporations and state institutions at the expense of households

>> No.50302198

>How deluded can you be? When did Ukrainians of all people destroy anything ROFLMAO.
Russia is attacking the anti-white liberal world order. I also support Iran, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba....
>You are just avoiding agreeing to an objective fact. Unless, you think Ukrainians aren’t white all of a sudden.
Doesn't concern me if they are white or not. They support the anti-white liberal global order, so they deserve to die until they stop supporting it
>You’ll have to look at the UN meetings and resolutions on those interventions and argue against what was justified and what was wrong. Most countries with veto power, including Russia, China voted for these interventions and there are they were and still are UN investigations into the ground for these interventions. It’s hard to oppose an intervention when all great powers agree on it.
Cope. "It is ok when i invade countries" is literally your argument.
>Then there’s absolutely no reason to talk to you again since you are a fatalistic cuck who is too scared of twitter trannies. Goodbye.
You are just proving my point. Modern western patriots, like you, look at child trannies as a inspiration. This is a sick society, and i want nothing to do with it except schadenfreude.
A shitload of white people need to be killed to end the liberal world order. I have no issues with that. Traitors need to go first.

>> No.50302203

You keep saying that word and what Ukraine is actually fighting for is being dependent on Germany and US. For some reason you call this "independence", must be some kind of a brain virus that replaces words in your brain involuntarily.

>> No.50302218

>I also support Iran, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba....

can you support them by moving in one of the shitholes you named, stop being a parasite

>> No.50302231

I live in Vietnam.

>> No.50302234

Obviously Russia meant le nazis, not the textbook definition of fascists. And these "liberal totalitarians" are still better than Russia.

>A shitload of white people need to be killed to end the liberal world order
Liberal world order is the reason why you have the freedom of speech to even say things like this.

>> No.50302240

>freedom of speech
lol. lmao even

>> No.50302305

>the 8 year long civil war isn't evidence?
The war instigated by Russia and funded and maintained with Russian troops, armament and collusion for 8 years? Yeah fuck off.
> a people cannot have independence if that independence is supported by other countries?
I’m taking in international affairs sense. If there’s no general consensus on which country is actually a country by which all countries agree, then how the fuck fo you expect to be any form of cohesion in international politics? If any country can just freely claim any land and instantly get it recognized internationally, that would completely negate any defense or military alliance, retard.
>Because Spain would never allow it, which comes back to my point that democracies do not have safeguards allowing regions to secede democratically
Every country on the world has minority groups, like Russia, who rightfully so wouldn’t completely secede their territory if there aren’t any human rights concerns or any problems in integrating and collaborating with the minorities. Switzerland is a good example. There’s no reason to completely throw away chunks of land for the sake of a couple tens or hundreds of thousands of people, that would be insane.
The current global approach is much better. Let the territories stay like they are, avoiding any bloodshed and make sure that there is equal represantion between all people. That would be a much better way if fixing things internally, than just carving brand new countries and hoping they can survive on their own.
>countless acts of barbarism against the Russian speaking minority? Countless acts of soft genocide against the Russian minority?
Lmao. What barbarism? You are completely out of your fucking mind. What barbarism happened before or even after the 8 year war? You can’t show me anything. Even by the fact that you are using terms like “SOFT genocide”, it shows that you are trying hard to obfuscate.

>> No.50302328

absolute state

>> No.50302333

Then by that metric there cannot be any independent country because they somehow rely economically on the US/EU. Spoilers, every country on earth does, including China. Lmao.
Also, it’s funny seeing people obfuscating hard going “w-well you aren’t independent anyway so j-just get invaded and carved up o-ok?”. You guys are so fucking brain dead.

>> No.50302354

I rather have a bunch of regional realist powers than a bunch of imperialistic liberal cultists screaming out in pain while they hit

>> No.50302394

>imperialistic liberal cultists screaming out in pain while they hit

Oh, wait, they're not liberal. So their imperialism is fine.

>> No.50302405


good, there is a god after all

>> No.50302408

>The war instigated by Russia
instigated by the illegal anti-Russian coup promoted by EU and America
> If there’s no general consensus on which country is actually a country by which all countries agree, then how the fuck fo you expect to be any form of cohesion in international politics?
There was no consensus on kosovo either. You don't care about consensus, you just want to enforce the neoliberal world view on the world.
>If any country can just freely claim any land and instantly get it recognized internationally,
Yeah, Kosovo and Israel was a tragedy, i agree with you.
>Every country on the world has minority groups, like Russia, who rightfully so wouldn’t completely secede their territory if there aren’t any human rights concerns or any problems in integrating and collaborating with the minorities. Switzerland is a good example. There’s no reason to completely throw away chunks of land for the sake of a couple tens or hundreds of thousands of people, that would be insane.
So you agree with me that democracies do not legally allow for secession? Also you seem like you agree with Russia on their negotiation for the Minsk Agreements, that sought to grant minority rights to the Russians. A deal that Ukraine refused to follow.
>The current global approach is much better. Let the territories stay like they are, avoiding any bloodshed and make sure that there is equal represantion between all people.
The current global approach in kosovo? That is the playbook Russia is following.
>That would be a much better way if fixing things internally, than just carving brand new countries and hoping they can survive on their own.
Like kosovo?
>Lmao. What barbarism?
Odessa trade union fire. Multiple bombings of civilian places in Donetsk, torture and killing of pro-russian elements.
> “SOFT genocide”
This was me referencing actions such as banning the Russian language. And you are right, it isn't a soft genocide, it is a genocide

>> No.50302425


are you ok, you sound like a Kremlin propaganda mouthpiece, everything you say is a lie lmao

>> No.50302436

Unironically wait until winter, Euro will collapse like crazy when the weather cools and putin's fossil fuel teat is gone. Eurozone is in trouble, but as we know; weak men, lefticism, creates bad times.

>> No.50302444

No the west obviously since 1945 and worse after 1989. There hasn't been a period of time where there have been more wars and conflicts with regional and global disasters then since the end of history and the wests glorious attempt to "liberalise" the whole world in a blaze of american military might. Gladly the time is over post Afghanistan and the most totalitarian of the three 19th century ideologies is dying

>> No.50302468

Damn west liberalizing South Korea and Japan! How nice it would be if they were communist, right comrade?

>> No.50302480

You are only mentioning 2 (arguably) success cases but ignoring all the failed ones. Africa is filled with them, South Africa is a good example.

>> No.50302481

how darn they liberalized the Ballans, South America, South East Asia, attempt in the middle east and the Arabian Peninsula and with a body count that makes Mao, Pot, Stalin and Adolf look like catholic school girls

>> No.50302513

>body count that makes Mao, Pot, Stalin and Adolf look like catholic school girls
Oh please, show us the numbers.

Keep in mind that you're arguing against imperialism and at the same time cheering for Russia invading Ukraine.

>> No.50302521

>Keep in mind that you're arguing against imperialism and at the same time cheering for Russia invading Ukraine.
responding to imperialism from the West isn't the same as starting imperialist projects.

>> No.50302525

i get paid in usd online, comfy. hopefully 1:1 rate holds at least for a couple of months

>> No.50302542

The logic , rationalizations, and tribalistic thinking used in this thread is exactly why humans might never achieve peace and harmony amongst each other, at least not for many more centuries to come.

>> No.50302551

>instigated by the illegal anti-Russian coup promoted by EU and America
You sound like a fucking lefty throwing a bunch of buzz words lmao. Imagine being so deluded by russian propaganda.
>You don't care about consensus, you just want to enforce the neoliberal world view on the world
The view that minimizes conflict? Any and all countries that oppose this “neoliberal” world view are a bunch of hiv infested, poor shitholes who relly heavily on the US/EU anyway. Get fucked.
>So you agree with me that democracies do not legally allow for secession?
No. It’s just that it happens under incredibly specific circumstances, when equal representation and human rights are violated. You should move off this point since you have zero reasoning on this topic.
>The current global approach in kosovo?
How is Kosovo comparable to anything In Ukraine beyond the surface-level “both are secessions” thing? Stop making false equivalences. Russia is operating on faulty justification and it provided zero evidence beyond shitty acussation.
From the moment Russia invaded, Putin relayed to the world that he did it on “historical and cultural” grounds, as in Ukraine was an illegitimate country created by Lenin and was and should be under Russian control. THIS is the actual reason for invasion, the rest are just pretexts and obfuscations.
>Odessa trade union fire. Multiple bombings of civilian places in Donetsk, torture and killing of pro-russian elements.
Under what contexts did this happen? If it’s during a war (that was funded with Russian troops and armament btw), then that is inevitable. That’s not a proper justification.
>Like kosovo?
That happened because Serbia was keen on full-on genociding kosovars.
>And you are right, it isn't a soft genocide, it is a genocide
Lmao. A bunch of schools proposals that ultimately were rejected by ZELENSKY are somehow your nail in the coffin. GET FUCKED.

>> No.50302578

"The West" didn't roll with tanks into Ukraine. Russia did.

>> No.50302591

where did I cheer for Russia, only that I prefer regional powers over a cult of ideologues with world domination claims. Its a matter of facts that regional powers rather avoid wars with other powers unless it threatens there security, than a bunch of missionaries that try to promote their ideology with stingers, drones and icbms.
>provide numbers
use google and compile it yourself, there is no comprehensive list of all deaths and deaths resulting from liberal imperialistic "interventionism", but I guess Lybia and Iraq are great examples

>> No.50302626

>Its a matter of facts that regional powers rather avoid wars with other powers rather avoid wars with other powers unless it threatens there security
Yes, we can all clearly see that, kek. It was Ukraine that invaded Russia and started annexing parts of it piece by piece.

>use google and compile it yourself, there is no comprehensive list of all deaths and deaths resulting from liberal imperialistic "interventionism"
So you just made it up?

>> No.50302633

>You sound like a fucking lefty throwing a bunch of buzz words lmao. Imagine being so deluded by russian propaganda.
>The view that minimizes conflict?
Yet America tends to start a war every couple of years.
>You should move off this point since you have zero reasoning on this topic.
Thanks for the concession. Democracies do not allow for secession.
>How is Kosovo comparable to anything In Ukraine beyond the surface-level “both are secessions” thing?
A great power is attempting to carve out a region from a smaller country.
>Stop making false equivalences.
This is you trying to worm yourself out of the Kosovo situation, because you know you lose all your righteous moralistic position. What the West did in Kosovo is much worse than what Russia is doing in Ukraine
>Russia is operating on faulty justification
Like how the West did in Kosovo
>and it provided zero evidence beyond shitty acussation.
Ukrainians refusing to implement the Minsk agreements is fake? Ukrianians bombing Donetsk is false? Ukrainians threatening with nuclear rearmament is fake?
>THIS is the actual reason for invasion
It is based. And i don't really care about justifications, i want to see the anti-white West bleed. Like you didn't care about justifications in Kosovo, iraq, Libya, Afghanistan... You just want to see the neo-liberal project grow
>Under what contexts did this happen?
During the illegal coup. And no surprise that you never heard about these events.
>That happened because Serbia was keen on full-on genociding kosovars.
Just like how Ukrainians wanted to genocide Russians

>> No.50302649

The West promoted a illegal coup that put rabid anti-Russians in power.
Tanks are reserved for third world shitskins who don't have a army, because Westerners are essentially pussies.

>> No.50302731

Ukrainians prefer the western world to Russia. That's a fact. If that was not the case, this war wouldn't have lasted for so long already.

Why did Ukrainians choose west and not Russia? It's not the west's fault that Russia is not attractive to Ukrainians.

>> No.50302757

>Ukrainians prefer the western world to Russia.
so much that the last legally elected president was a pro-russian. Ok. Either way, there is a large portion of Ukraine who does not, and wants to secede from a NATO aligned Ukraine. Why can't they do that?

>> No.50302778

>so much that the last legally elected president was a pro-russian
Zelenskyy is pro-russian?!

>Why can't they do that?
Because Ukraine is not US and their constitution does not allow to secede.

>> No.50302779

That’s what you are doing. You can’t think beyond buzz words.
>Yet America tends to start a war every couple of years.
Russian has been in plenty wars and most of them were bloody trainwrecks. More russians died in the last 6 months than US/NATO soldiers in all US-led interventions COMBINED, that’s how cucked Russia is.
>Thanks for the concession. Democracies do not allow for secession.
You didn’t even bother to read the sentences you replied to LMAO. God you are so braindead
>A great power is attempting to carve out a region from a smaller country.
Bro are you legitimately brain dead? Tell me the JUSTIFICATIONS.
>What the West did in Kosovo is much worse than what Russia is doing in Ukraine
Servs were GENOCIDING, literally gathering up, executing and raping whole villages, with clear orders from higher ups to ETHNICALLY CLEANSE them.
That’s NOT comparable to Ukraine in any way.
Show me ANYTHING in Ukraine that is on the level of the massacres that happened during the Yugoslavian wars. You are completely out of your mind.
Just because you ree’d at some school proposals, that doesn’t mean it’s a full on genocide you fucking moron. Kill yourself.

>It is based. And i don't really care about justifications, i want to see the anti-white West bleed.

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Now you show yourself! You don’t even give a fuck, you just want to throw bullshit at me about supposed genocide shit, even though it’s totally wrong, just so you can appease your biased conception of the world.
>During the illegal coup. And no surprise that you never heard about these events.
The coup was legitimately since the retard fled to Russia like a bitch and didn’t want to rule the country. I’m sorry your russian dick sucking president got ousted by the people.
>Just like how Ukrainians wanted to genocide Russians
Random bombing during a war is not genocide, get fucked.

>> No.50302794
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>> No.50302838

What’s wrong about anti-russians in power? It’s funny you are justfying imperialism just because Ukraine didn’t want to be a russian puppet and a shithole and instead look towards the prosperous west.
Your ideology leads to shitholes. You are a scum of the earth.

>> No.50302859

>not posting the people's anthem


>> No.50302974

You just outed yourself as a anti-rationality retard in favour of any atrocity and war just so you can appeaee your ideology. That’s how fucked you are.

>> No.50302999 [DELETED] 

Haha time to vacation in Italy despite me being aslo EUROMAN because USA has Little Italy so gagagahaaha

>> No.50303075

no pint of having a serious conversation with a new liberal fascist cultists. Enjoy the decline and the ridicule and do the world a favor, go Jonestown liberal

>> No.50303129

Says the pro-war guy.

Propaganda ate your soul

>> No.50303232

Its the dollar that is rising in value tho

>> No.50303304

Keep telling yourself that Achmed

>> No.50303547

None. European countries has literally zero things in common amongst each other in terms of history, culture and language. The three of which are unifying factors neccessary to create a stable state lest you get nationalist fervor and rebellions.

>> No.50303776


>> No.50303951

>ummm actually everyone is enslaved by US mmmkay
Don't pretend you don't understand the difference. When your politician makes a decision, does he call the white house to check if his decision is the right one? That's a pretty low bar for independence but Ukraine doesn't pass that does it. Play semantics all you want, google the definition of independence and redefine what the word means, it doesn't change the fact that Ukraine is run from Washington. Ukraine is fighting to replace one puppet government with another, all there is to it

>> No.50304261

Imagine thinking Europe is more valuable than the USA

>> No.50304581

Imagine being such a oblivious dumbfuck that has no clue tf is happening but still feels the need to blurt out their arrogance

>> No.50304628
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This is such a weird thread,

I get the feeling people lack a basic understanding of what this entails,
and that USA-burgers would wish economic hardship onto the EU puzzles me.
I feel like the EU economy and leadership is in a better position than the US to deal with the challenges of the upcoming decades but still.

>> No.50304657

>Almost every country in the EU has a 300+% of debt ratio.

What? Not even close.

>> No.50304665

Hope all that Euro gloating felt good while it lasted. You won't have another chance.

>> No.50304679


You "feel" that way because the MSM (Europe and America) are leftist-sympathetic and therefore Europe-sympathetic and constantly message us with "Europe is doing it better" despite America being objectively in better economic straits, freer markets having a better track record, and (right now) our Federal Reserve somehow being far more responsible than the ECB. Your feelings are a lie, carefully curated by shysters in media.

>> No.50304832

Wake up Hans you live in an importer nation now

>> No.50304919

>What’s wrong about anti-russians in power?
It's just that when you do a violent coup in the west of Ukraine and oust the guy that Eastern Ukraine put into power it might lead to a civil wa- yep it did. And then you act as if this is a shocking turn of events orchestrated by Putin himself and not something you could predict by looking at a demographics map of Ukraine. And then you ship weapons to Western Ukraine to bomb Eastern Ukraine with. Because Western Ukraine is allowed to fight for independence from Russia but Eastern Ukraine is of course not allowed to fight for independence from the West. All you need to do is redefine what "independence" means and it makes sense

>> No.50304998
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>Temporary situation until the ECB starts raising rates.
lol'd hard

>> No.50305010

>Eastern Ukraine
That's autism am from eastern Ukraine, and we all knew that Yanukovich is a Russian puppet, but we also believed that Russia was in a much better economical state then Ukraine with it's derelict soviet laws designed to embezzle as much as possible. Unlike the Ukrainian commie museum Russia had the Kasianov reforms that could boost private companies revenues tenfold. That's why we shilled for that nigger. Now Russia is a much more of a repressive shithole and we'd much rather shill for the Jew than for the Schizo baldie.

>> No.50305062

it was a calculated decision, sorry to break it to you business is a different thing entirely and you should go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.50305113

hehe made me laugh

t. euro that used to play peggle on a hacked ps3

>> No.50306204

Nice rebuttal :)

>> No.50306305


>> No.50306365

To ruin Russia, break them up into Balkanized states and allow European corporations to drain them dry for pennies to pay off the war debt. Why the fuck did you think people were getting involved?

>> No.50306427

Yes? I thought this was clear from the start, you dumb Vatnik. The one thing guaranteed in all this is that Russia will be makes broken, beaten and defeated. It’s the whole point of the exercise. Virtue signaling about a free Ukraine means that nobody will say a word, but the US is all in on this. Russia will be removed from the international community.

>> No.50306718


they are all boomer vaxxfaggots that wont let any purebloods in

>> No.50307690

Retarded to go down with a sinking ship? The eu is fucked. High unemployment, shitty immigrants, energy troubles, high debt. The uk is shit but still has better prospects than most euro shitholes