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50290840 No.50290840 [Reply] [Original]

I’m thinking 50X from sac price, or $0.005, within the first year.

>> No.50291091

starting market cap is roughly 1 billion (including volume bonuses). Can it go to 50 billion? Maybe. And no, the market cap is not zero at launch, it's the sacrificed amount. No amount of coping will make it "zero so it can 10,000x easy!!"

>> No.50291110

we will go below sac price he scammed our asses

>> No.50291420

I agree with everything you wrote. The 1000-10,000X predictions seem delusional, but multiples of 10X are possible I think. Plenty of coins have reached 50-100 Billion. I believe XRP’s all time high was 130 billion or something

Delusional. It is never going below sac. It will probably run up to 10x the sac price within the first month, pull back (nowhere near sac price), and then continue running up

>> No.50291445

Every idiot got into the sac of pulsechain. It will actually drop upon launch. Just like every new coin on pinksale.

>> No.50291447

The whales got at an immensely cheaper price point.
All I want is a 100-200x. Realistic?

>> No.50291455

think in terms of mcap
polygon, avax, fantom are analogous so their mcap is a good start of 'how high it can go'

>> No.50291499

You're fucking delusional. Just look at that new evm tendermint l1 ech network which is bech on dex scr ee ner. It isn't doing shit for now.

Youre not going to tell me this will get billions of dollars in investment after the first 660 million it put in. Theres just no development on it. It will take awhile if anything. Yes this can definitely drop 80 to 90% from sac price. I have nothing to gain or lose.

>> No.50291769

Majority of the idiots sacced for PLSX, which is worthless. You can basically calculate the PLSX sacc as buy pressure for PLS.

>> No.50291784
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Can anyone explain INC, Party, and how buy and burn works. I'm probably just gonna farm for INC which seems cool on the test net, but what are the mechanics if it dumps?

>> No.50291822

Wrong. It was heavily slept on. Almost no on biz knew about it. Just look at the PulseX sacrifice in comparison. Like 4x as many people sacced. That’s the same community that’s interested in Pulse, but they had to settle for the consolation proz cus they missed the Pulse sac. Only about 44K people sacced for PLS. That’s not very much for a Layer one. The holders will 10X easily

>> No.50291972

imagine being this stupid

its the price that is 0 because tax reasons and its nice to say 1000x

>> No.50292155

midwit in-vitro. Muh zero price because bridge is intentionally delayed. That does not null the sacrifice you insufferable dumdum. Hexicans need to suffocate.

>> No.50292317

so people send Richard btc, eth and stablecoins while calling it sacrifice and he keeps dangling the carrot before their noses. Worse Scammer than Sergey and Machinsky

>> No.50292650


Market cap starts at zero u fucking retarded noob faggot. The fucking sacrifice wasn't a fucking ICO lmao

>> No.50293322

>It is never going below sac.
If there's enough buy pressure on launch, it's possible it doesn't go below, but the main reason why it could go below sac price is that a lot of HEX whales who had no chance to sell their HEX bags, due to its low liquidity, sacrificed a huge amount for Pulse in hopes of getting exit liquidity for their positions. These whales can easily make the Pulse price go below sac price because they sacrificed their paper HEX gains at 5X the current HEX price while getting 20-60% more PLS from the volume bonus, so they'd still be in huge profit even if they sold 60+% below sac price.

>> No.50293438

It doesn't jizz gurgler, everything that got sacrificed is used to buy and burn the coin at launch u dumb faggot. The ''biggest airdrop in the world'' is basically a glorified ICO but in a way that there is no liability to that fag richard whatsoever. Supreme conartist

>> No.50293495

It's comfy seeing the same fud for pulse that hex got when it was in the dev/launch phase. If you really been here for years you know what I'm talking about.

>> No.50293531

Comfy as fuck, brother

>> No.50293619

I have 70 million Pulse and PulseX waiting like a little acorn.. hoping to grow into a mighty oak someday. Or at least a shrub.

>> No.50293649

500 million PLS here. I put in almost everything I had. I trust Richard Heart with my life

>> No.50293764

yikes that's a hefty sac amount.. I would have put in more, but most of my Hex was staked at the time.

>> No.50293894
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> I put in almost everything I had.
> I trust Richard Heart with my life.
So no diversification at all ? Trusting ur lifesavings with a sociopathic narcissist that no developer in the space is willing to work with ? Hope this works out for you anon but i have my doubts, did you atleast consider the possibility of it failing ? Always spread ur risk especially on bets like these lmao

Pulsechain will be heavily centralized both in validators and supply so i don't think it will be successful, we don't need another BSC

>> No.50293913

No. Most sacrificers will be lucky to break even. Sacrificing was the worst possible thing anyone that wants to make money could have done. So many people are going to get rekt beyond belief. But hey, at least RH will talk about how it 10000x'd from 0.00000001 and how amazing he is.

>> No.50294001

Nearly everything, but I still have some other crypto. So not truly all in. I have supreme confidence in PLS, senpai. I will at the very least get my $50,000 back. More likely, I will become a millionaire if I hold long enough.

Seethe. You’re clearly just butthurt that you missed out on the sac phase. Lmfao. You’ll have to settle for buying my bags for 10X sac price minimum , but more like 50-100X, cus I won’t settle for 10X

>> No.50294096

Can someone give me a word on this whole thing? How does sacrificing play into this? It’s saying when you copy your coins over a percentage get sacrificed out?

>> No.50294142


>> No.50294185

Seriously? I can't think of a single peoject with more potential or hype or legitimacy at this point in the crypto space at all. Like whats left that can 50x at least?
This is a full blown ETH improvement with a bunch of gimmicks and a ton of marketing.

>> No.50294257

I sure hope so for you bud, overconfidence can be a slow killer in this space
Thing that worries me is that technically speaking there is absolutely nada zero nothing special about pulsechain whatsoever plus it will launch at a massive ~10 bill marketcap with nobody actually believing in the tech itself, even less so then normally since there is no innovation. Its just a even more centralized version of the binance smart chain. Basically.

Loads of promising projects with actual development going on yet you guys throw it at a new layer 1 just because its a new layer 1. But then again fak me who knows what this clown world will bring.

>> No.50294260

Where do I buy this from?

>> No.50294284

What's the difference between Pulse and Aleph zero

>> No.50294324

Its not released yet, so you can't.
It was supposed to be out already, but based on the present marker its probably a good thing it hasn't been released.

>> No.50294345

Hype? Most people in crypto hate RH. Pulse threads barely get movement here and their TG has been dying. Legitimacy is laughable. The dude has to get backpage devs because nobody wants to work with him and 90% of the projects building for the pulse launch right now are sac scams. There are trillions of coins in supply too. People can hope all they want, but the game here is for RH to use his 10kx vanity metric, not to make sacrificers rich. See: no expectations blah blah blah.

>> No.50294412

I get that it hasn’t been released yet, I’m just wondering how I’d go about doing it once it’s out because I don’t wanna be scrambling to get in before it’s too late

>> No.50294464

Its ETH with a better featureset, an airdrop, and most importantly potential for a new market run (which happens often with new platforms, remember Bsc or other chains). Coming from the guys that made a 10kx coin. RH himself is pretty capable even though he has become a clown nigger lately - you have to admit that he's one of the few people that constantly calls out bullshit like scams, hacks, phoney faggots in the crypto space, etc.
I'm not saying this will be a success but please tell me of a single more hype project left in crypto atm?

>> No.50294475

Most likely through a bridge from ETH to Pulse. Supposedly there will be an onramp exchange, but who knows, especially the way crypto is going rn

>> No.50294557

Where do we follow latest from pulsex

>> No.50294701

> Its ETH with a better featureset
Absolutely not, he is sacrificing decentralization for cheaper fee's. There is nothing defi about running a centralized chain with a handful of validators.
> Calls out bullshit.
Meanwhile constantly talks pretentious bullshit himself, all the time, every time.
> Tell me of a single more hype project left in crypto atm?
What hype ? Investing in projects with ongoing development or fundamentals will do the trick. I like eth dot ada link vet wax etc even the xrp schizos are better off when the sec loses the lawsuit

>> No.50295107

Nobody actually gives a shit about REAL decentralization. There is nothing actually worth running on these systems aside from dexes, scams, meme pictures ans games. For all practical purposes it is decentralized enough even though yes he has pretty much full control.
And then you go on to list projects that either already pumped like fuck or have been stagnant forever, or even dead. Crazy shit dude. You're like the person talking about chainlink during the dogcoin season lol. Gotta get those fundamentals, right?
Plebbit, RH twitter, RH youtube, telegram.

>> No.50295129

>There is nothing actually worth running on these systems aside from dexes, scams, meme pictures ans games.
Reminds me of how wild west the internet used to be, pulling shit off limeware and playing shitty browser games.

>> No.50295200
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2 more weeks.

>> No.50295228

I hope not.. releasing as we hit a bear market is not very wise. At least wait a few more months until total capitulation and peak crypto boredom has set in.
100% at this point he is market timing.

>> No.50295286
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atleast dogecoin is sufficiently decentralized
> Nobody actually gives a shit about REAL decentralization.
But they do that's why bsc is full of shit and memecoins and almost nothing serious besides some p2e games run on it. If you actually believe in the idea behind crypto then decentralization should be on the top of your list.

>> No.50295293
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2 more weeks isn't literal.. it is a non-existent release date that is perpetually 2 weeks away. Get scammed, cuck.

>> No.50295399
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WGMI Pulse Chads. Haters will be buying our bags at the top.

>> No.50295571

no shit I understood your "joke" retard.
congrats on missing the point though
you may now return to your previously scheduled seething

>> No.50296158

You are autistic but I guess I am even more so.

>> No.50296936

it will be released when everyone is bored and Pulse will be the only degen play in town. Everyone will be jumping into it.

>> No.50297075

I don't care much about PLS or PLSX. What I care most about is pHEX, and that's why I'm buying the crap out of HEX right now.

>> No.50297110

What are you gonna do with your eHEX at launch, senpai? You gonna hold or bridge for pHEX?

>> No.50297651

>What are you gonna do with your eHEX at launch

Nothing. Just keep it staked.

>bridge for pHEX

eHEX transferred across the bridge doesn't become pHEX, it becomes Wrapped eHEX.

>> No.50297700

most likely it will turn into stablecoin upon launch because thats all its been for the past 11 months for all the money locked up in there. just a glorfied way to store your tokens while the market shits

>> No.50298215

Eyes on Maximus, Team, Base, Trio, Lucky & Deci.
>passive income x 6
on TWO chains

>> No.50299146

the fat faggot will have to wait a while longer, just like mcafees ghost scam shit ushered in the last bull run. launching it now it would simply do a bancor

>> No.50299622

Yes this is correct

>> No.50299661

I was just about to post the same thing but there's some copers below your post that need a reality check