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50289074 No.50289074 [Reply] [Original]

t. French-moroccan medical school stud, bouta be a surgeon. My whole life plan is learn basic arabic and move tf out of this socialist hellhole to the GULF.

What country should I aim for ? KSA, UAE, Qatar, Bahrein, Kuweit ? Which country is it the easiest to exerce as a french-trained surgeon ? Thanks.

>> No.50289139

Should be a vet instead, can spend all day extracting alsations from 'models' for big tippers.

>> No.50289146

how in the world are we supposed to know? although friends of my relatives live in abu dhabi live high lives, and Im pretty sure they're physicians too

>> No.50289358

Bahrain is the most westernized.
>t. Lived in Bahrain for 2 years

>> No.50289600

Idk man, where tf am I supposed to ask ? I'm a 4chan daily user so I ask my anons.

Ty bro

>> No.50289621

which ever one has the best laws for private practice. i've heard good things about singapore, thailand, india and south america sounds like it's worth a look too.

>> No.50290293

you can't immigrate to the UAE, you can only live here by renewing your visa.

>> No.50290427

You dont have to get the nationality to emigrate do you though ?

>> No.50290459

Not sure if its worth it leaving this place though. They really fasten those golden chains tight but I know I have no future here at the end of the day.

You get kicked out once you stop working and can't renew your visa anymore. Though with the new golden visa maybe you can stay for 10 years without renewing anything before they kick you out if you're a real big shot.

>> No.50290524

Based khoya.
I'm Tunisian. My dad was a doctor in KSA and I grew up there. But I now live in Canada to study.

>> No.50290728

>nationality to emigrate
impossible to get it. even if you marry a national women your kids will not get the passport.

>> No.50290847

Depends a bit.
You're muslim right?
I'd say UAE is the best option.
Gets paid a lot and you can get a golden visa with your occupation.
You can always look into getting another nationality in the other gulf states.

I'm a Morrocan too from the Netherlands and I'm also planning to leave.
Probably will do dubai or Sharjah and some Morocco.

You'll be fine either way, just be a good muslim and you'll get respect.

>> No.50291010
File: 1.23 MB, 2440x1488, EUROvax2030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life plan is to glass the OPECfags in the Gulf.
I hope both of our dreams come true.

>> No.50291654
File: 39 KB, 403x392, 1638485419917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, we're full

>> No.50291720

Te7ki tounsi?

>> No.50291742

What a waste, you will never own a private practice unless you have half a million to invest.

>> No.50292114
File: 465 KB, 624x576, 234323626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving to a muslim heathell desert because they have some oil money
>ecoe has been growing since early 2ks
>we're basically all on shale now
>saudis already dun goofed their reserves by oversped fracking twice (70s and 90s)
anon, you probably don't want to move there, but you do you lil sandnigga

>> No.50292724

I am always happy when a brownoid leaves Europe. Just remember to never come back.

>> No.50292778

>Muslims want to move OUT of Europe now
It's really over for the EU isn't it

>> No.50292878

What’s it like living in the gulf? I’m genuinely curious and don’t know much about it

When I think of countries like uae Saudi Arabia, I picture a hot dusty desert and a city in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Is it actually nice to live there? What do you even do for fun? Are there national parks and cool places to visit?

>> No.50292906

Dubai is the luxury capital of the world, so why not go there?

>> No.50292910

Early users can enjoy AEX staking rewards of up to 80% APY. The look is flexible and the yield lowers as more people join the pool. Get in early, and thank me later

>> No.50294184

It has been over since 2008 if you're planning to go the wage route. Salary in Europe is fucking dogshit.

>> No.50295124

Qatar seems nice

>> No.50295132

Dubai is the Pajeet capital of the world

>> No.50295138

Ethopia you fucking nigger

>> No.50295313

I considered moving to Bahrain myself, prices seem really low if you're working remotely like I am (that means on a remote salary), people seem to be expat-friendly in general and it seems like one of the more liberal countries in the region.
Obviously you're going to end up with some islamic things like not being allowed to drink or cuddle publicly but besides that bahrain seems like a great place to live, with low taxes, high standards of living and low prices overall.

>> No.50295376

there's a few good travelvlogs out there (I know I KNOW but how else are you going to see what shit is like in one of those countries) like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fyy4dwGHf8o just check a few out, some arab countries seem to realize oil isn't going to get them anywhere in the future and are moving to tech and tourism and becoming more expat-friendly because of it

>> No.50296089

Jewbai and live with the other Jeets

>> No.50296792
