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50282758 No.50282758 [Reply] [Original]

So my country passed a law that will allow the government to check your crypto wallet and your transactions.
I don't want them spying on me, and since I spent a lot of crypto on porn back in my coomer days, I deleted all of my accounts.
What exchange can I use to avoid this?

>> No.50282842

sorry italibro. it's over

>> No.50282917

non so di che legge stai parlando ma tanto se sei poorfag come ipotizzo tu sia non ti viene a cagare il cazzo nessuno

>> No.50282923

che domande fai? se passi per un exchange, non importa quale sia, devi comunque far comunicare l'exchange con la tua banca quindi ti beccano in ogni caso, altrimenti converti tutto in monero e trovi qualcuno che te lo scambi per soldi p2p
"È finita ragazzi"

>> No.50282943

claim haircomb currency on the bitcoin chain
your privacy is your business

>> No.50282957

dont speak spagetti here

use a vpn and a big ami exchange, maybe on a dedicated laptop/pc.

>> No.50282969

oh no no no, my nigga has a panettone on his desk

>> No.50282976

Define "poor".
Let's say I had 40k euros in crypto. Would they shit my dick?

>> No.50282983

Non ricordo il nome della legge e non ho voglia di recuperare il link in questione, comunque da qualche mese è obbligatorio per tutti gli exchange iscriversi ad un registro e comunicare dati/transazioni degli utenti per evitare il "riciclaggio" e perchè muh mafia usa le crypto

>> No.50283021

panettone is fucking good man

>> No.50283031

lo so benissimo, ho dei soldi bloccati su binance proprio per quello, come ti dicevo non c'è modo se non usare il p2p o qualcuno che ti scambi soldi fisicamente per crypto
localmonero.co se riesci a swapparlo vai qua e vedi che riesci a fare

>> No.50283045

la mafia usa ancora le lire, basatissimi
questa legge di cui parli esiste da anni, omosessuale

>> No.50283057


>> No.50283069

Fascina di legna.

>> No.50283077

when you use crypto you handcuff yourself to one edge on that blockchain.
that's the entire deal.

>> No.50283110

stavo implicando che era più divertente utilizzare il termine fagotto invece di omosessuale

>> No.50283114

We really need some anonymous fiat-to-crypto ramp, or some way to pay stuff directly with monero without going through any checkpoint.

>> No.50283156

>Would they shit my dick?

Italian is a crazy language huh

>> No.50283158

Non importa se esiste da anni o da ieri, la questione è che si sono arrogati il diritto di spiarti con delle scuse ridicole che il popolino si beve
> eh ma m-ma la mafia le usa per il riciclaggio !
> e-e poi nel deep web puoi comprare la droca e pagare qualcuno per amazzare il tuo capo in bitcoin nooooooo
Ogni giorno aumenta il desiderio di lasciare questo shithole e trasferirmi altrove, ovunque

>> No.50283165

p2p è quello, ti aiutano solo a metterti in contatto con la persona

>> No.50283187

direi che se sei una persona qualificata e vivi ancora qui è proprio quello il problema

>> No.50283214


>> No.50283359

bene, questa legge c'è in tutta europa, quindi se te ne vai controlla

>> No.50283376

Hai ragione, infatti appena mi laureo giuro che prendo il primo volo che parte per l'estero da malpensa e me ne vado affanculo altrove

>> No.50283377

Kucoin = no kyc
I doubt binance being chinks give 2 shits about complying with governments.

>> No.50283382

Eh ma ottieni prezzi pessimi se vendi lì, no? Senza contare la scarsissima liquidità.


>trasferirmi altrove, ovunque
Queste leggi esistono già un po' dappertutto e continueranno a espandersi, c'è poco da emigrare.

>> No.50283401

>giuro straccio la CDI domani e tanti saluti
>non se ne va
Si va bene Calogero

>> No.50283433

si quelli sono i due problemi principali, quello della liquidità e prezzo che fluttua

>> No.50283447

non essere duro con lui dai, tutti vorremmo una vita migliore normale che ti fa

>> No.50283468

faccia dire certe cose

>> No.50283490

Scherzo dai, ma gli Italiani si piangono sempre addosso e poi gli stranieri che vivono mangiando merda in case di merda si pensano che facciamo schifo perché non hanno autoironia.

>> No.50283510

Chi è così stupido da stracciare davvero un documento?

>> No.50283545

this is only hypothetical.
you could move money to an exchange, you then move it onchain, then use something like tornado cash, and then you exclusively use a dex. you couldn't withdrawal in your country thought, that's when people get fucked. you'd have to go to some offshore and never go back to your country, and only withdraw from there.
there's also ways of laundering, but I don't want to talk about that.

>> No.50283611

It's easy to money laundering but there's no point in doing that if you have less than 100k.

>> No.50283806

fuck man looking at that picture makes me wish i lived there. i was brought up in australia but my family all migrated from italy. things are a bit tough here especially since i am shorter than average also i have a big nose that i always got made fun of as a kid. shit sucks

>> No.50283856

true, but even 100k is not worth it. maybe some millis. why would you risk prison, if you haven't even made it?

>> No.50283946

Man no offense but I get so pissed off when I see people from Australia/US/Canda say:
> wow dude you're from Italy?!
> and you live near.... le ancient church?!
> aaa-and you have... le walakable cities? Man that's awesome
I can assure you that if your life is shit in australia it's not going to be better here, especially if you have to work/start a business.

>> No.50284459

Do you understand how blockchain, a public ledger, works? Jesus christ, fucking midwits

>> No.50284642

Sorry mexicanbro I hope you will be okay.

>> No.50284726

Laws aren't enforced in Italy so it's not a problem

>> No.50284767

italy is a hellhole, it's good only if you're some gazillionaire and come here for vacation
my fellow italians might disagree but "it is what it is"

>> No.50284784

my bad i wanted to reply to >>50283806

>> No.50284803

Quello è un uomo

>> No.50285012

Sauce? Also, imagine keeping your crypto in a CEX.

>> No.50285033
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Just switch to a decentralized exchange anon. There are currently plans for private DEX's and I recently came across the Railway Dex which facilitates private swaps and trades.

>> No.50285074

Wow. Amazing stuff

>> No.50285093

Because Italians are faggot that prefer to pretend they aren’t what they are instead of admitting the truth. Exactly the reason why thus country is a shithole.

>> No.50285112

Not necessarily the case. You could still get financial freedom, privacy and avoid your transactions being traced by using privacy protocols.

>> No.50285152
File: 1.58 MB, 1441x917, swedistan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't know how good you have it
anglos and northmen eat worse than italian cattle
italian restaurants can't make it here because 'people' would rather eat turkish impostor garbage posing as italian for less
prosciutto di parma costs north of €70/kg, they can't tell the difference between olio lampante and actual olive oil and think grana padano is the same as parmigiano reggiano

enjoy it before it is replaced with goy slop
t. half italian in swedistan

>> No.50285290

isnt the critical amount here 59k euro? atleast it was 2 years ago. if you transfer to bank just stay under 999. nobody will ever care.

>> No.50285377

Who said we wanted to go to Sweden in the first place bro? Everyone knows it’s shit, high taxes, worst climate in Europe, highest rate of gun violence in Europe, filled with problematic immigrants. Eastern Europe is the only acceptable part of the continent to live in bro, especially if you’re from average to affluent in Western Europe. At least you can get high end cheap pussy there

>> No.50285523

>what exchange

exchange won't matter if they are able to identify which wallet belongs to you, then they can just check the chain itself to see where your money went.

If you want to continue using a transparent blockchain you're going to need to learn about coinjoins, TOR, DIY airgapped storage and digital privacy in general.

Or you could just use Monero and send it through a swap service before purchases if you *really* need to spend it as Bitcoin.

>> No.50285559

Tornado cash and tumblers are also good resources.

>> No.50285560

Monero and buy using localmonero. If they want to see your wallet, show them a fake one with your good goy transactions

>> No.50285581

You need to use decentralized exchanges with a VPN only as well as private tokens like 0xMR and bridges with relayers, like the omni bridge. 0xMonero also has an affordable private token bridge.

>> No.50285623

Just use a tumbler, look into samurai wallet for instance.

>> No.50285682

Use https://tornado.cash or https://zk.money to anonymize your crypto.

>> No.50285712


>> No.50287629

still not ideal but better than nothing

>> No.50287802

salsa? i still have 70k worth of $hiba on goybase

>> No.50288066
File: 1.35 MB, 1500x1455, 1639085815732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simply use incognito mode in your browser

>> No.50288808

Whoever made this image isn't Italian....
>no cigarettes
>no cappuccino

>> No.50289726
File: 460 KB, 742x1100, happy duce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mamma mia! Iss crayzee

>> No.50290051

>nobody comes to shit your cock

>> No.50290161

capuccino is for women. we drink tiny cups of espresso all day every day.