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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 382 KB, 580x406, 2022-07-10 22_05_21-(1) FXHedge (@Fxhedgers) _ Twitter - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50277378 No.50277378 [Reply] [Original]

it's fucking over

>> No.50277437

And this is why decentralised currency will be the safest way to control your assets.

>> No.50277443

don't they do this every year?

>> No.50277444

I spent 2 weeks in the shithole city in 2013.
Saw a bunch of bug men and women lined up in a park with a guy in military fatigues screaming at them like it was some basic training for military.
I asked the guy I was working with what they were doing, and he said it was the orientation for the foxxcon factory jobs.

>> No.50277454

Not your bank, not your money ;)

>> No.50277512
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Just a ponzi, right ?

>> No.50277536

Over in what way? How the fuck is this "bearish"? This is based

>> No.50277580
File: 260 KB, 1080x749, Screenshot_20220711-132051_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Waddyaknow it's cefi

>> No.50277626

how high were the interest rates?

>> No.50277662
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t-thats different though

>> No.50277702
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They paid 12% interest. Unsustainable, just like pic related.

>> No.50277987

>and he said it was the orientation for the foxxcon factory jobs.


>> No.50278019

not my problem

>> No.50278045

Not your keys not your cry--AAAACK

>> No.50278060

Can still be manipulated to shit though.

>> No.50278109

They’ll just arrest these peasants, do bullshit covid ((lockdowns)), threaten their families and call it a day because bugman are literally nigger cattle who are literally too scared to do anything
T. Bugman

>> No.50278418

Not, if you are dex/defi and dont give it to jews like cz or bankman to short it to the ground!

>> No.50279551

That's the kind of behavior you get when you methodically kill all the outliers for centuries.

>> No.50280370

Why didn't they buy Bitcoin? This is why cbdc's will never work.

>> No.50280381

also called FUCKING CASH

>> No.50280384

Shit looks wild

>> No.50280493

>tfw as close to zero money in the bank as humanly possible

>> No.50280497

Keep in mind this is China, they pay crowds to stage all kinds of fake protests etc.

>> No.50280517

I dont see china faking their own bankruns, doesnt shine a good light on them and theyre always about a good extern image

>> No.50280526

They staged all kinds of fake panic vids during early corona.

>> No.50280593

those are actually centralized though
unless you mean manipulated to keep the price in usd down then lol why would you bother switching out to fiat?

>> No.50282141

Apparently police has suppressed the crowd. No such buffoonery is allowed in CCP land.

>> No.50282626

Shit is the same in the west
Still have bread and circuses right now

>> No.50282672

Smells like Sri Lanka from here

>> No.50282738

China has a culture that is thousands of years old. For the last 70 years the whole country has been run according to the ideas of a german economist from the 19th century and a russian rebel from the 20th century. Similar systems have already failed in Europe. But somehow people think that running a country with a billion people according to retarded old ideas from Europe is a good thing. And somehow I seem to be the only person who sees the absurdity of it all.

>> No.50282747
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the problem with that is inflation, just look at the JewSA, they have robbed 70% of their peoples wealth from them in around 20 years in just inflation.

>> No.50283127

So you just buy land.
Oh wait, that costs 50x the average wage after tax for a small 3 bedroom house on an acre. Or take out a loan for 2 generations and wage to pay the majority of you income into it. Kek.

The great reset is already happening and no one is going to stop it.

>> No.50283267

It's actually a video of chinaman glowies rushing the crowd of protestors and starting a fight. Watch the whole thing

>> No.50283287

>China is communist!
>me so smart!
Yes anon you are very very smart

>> No.50283324

you are so smart dude, i hope china read this

>> No.50283482

>This is why cbdc's will never work.

They'll force CBDCs on us by making goods purchesable in any other currency a lot more expensive, ppl will have to switch or die poor.

>> No.50285135
File: 2.30 MB, 960x530, 1657353203874.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after all those fake Chinese covid seizure videos, i don't really trust any info coming out of china. It's all fake as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.50285471
