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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50257571 No.50257571 [Reply] [Original]

-Openly announces in ‘20 celsius is managing Links treasury funds

-openly shills celsius and other equivalent exchanges all of ‘21 while dumping $1Billion on us

-purposly holds back projects main release until US markets hit bottom over global recession

>> No.50257864

i mean you're right, but still never selling because this is all being done to get us to sell. linkies not capitulating is delaying the globohomo agenda and it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.50257880

I'm gonna have to sell 100 for something that came up in life, it sucks but I need the money...

>> No.50258497

If LINK ends up being what we all hope it is and everything you just said is true. It would be the funniest story of all history. and we got to live in the middle of it kek.

>> No.50258542

i didnt think about it this way, /biz/ stays poor AND saves the world, its a win win really..

>> No.50258560

the double spacing is quite dashing, really.

>> No.50258577

just post it over there instead of making a new thread

>> No.50258586


>> No.50258591

>posts 3 blatantly false statements
>is smug about it
gotta keep your paycheck coming i guess. retard

>> No.50258669

people meme about how sergey talks about the same thing every presentation but you see firsthand how hard it is for people to actually understand him. he goes on and on about how paper promises don't work and niggas here are like "holy shit we get it dude move on" while they have 100% of their stack on celsius or nexo. sergey probably had a feeling these platforms would go bankrupt eventually, but with how hard he tried to warn us i doubt he feels any guilt.

>> No.50258691

if sergey really wants us to lose our linkies that just makes me want to hold even harder

>> No.50258745

>people meme about how sergey talks about the same thing every presentation but you see firsthand how hard it is for people to actually understand him. he goes on and on about how paper promises don't work and niggas here are like "holy shit we get it dude move on" while they have 100% of their stack on celsius or nexo
this is honestly one of the best and most concise points on /biz/ in ages

>> No.50258763

it is exactly what biz thinks it is, which is why there is such immense effort to try and gaslight this board into thinking otherwise. globohomo didn't account for memetic energy when they drafted up their plans

>> No.50258772

China killed GMT. The world is against us.

>> No.50259901

Smug? Im fucking destroyed financially because this faggot said staking was “almost ready” in 2019. Now I probably have to wait fucking YEARS before we can even get back to August 2020 prices. This couldnt have gone any fucking worse and all of you sheep continually let lying Serg off the hook.

I fucking wish someone was paying me to post this. Then Id at least have some hope