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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 778 KB, 3000x3000, Vaseline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50256069 No.50256069 [Reply] [Original]

The lights are always on.
We are fuuucked.
People freaking teh fuck out.
I'm laughing my ass off.
Citadel dug their own financial grave.
Brazillian offload didn't work.
People hiring lawyers.
People quitting before it happens.
Decide not to cover at all.
SEC totally in on it.
Gary Gensler in on it.
We are talking twin towers level of worldwide craziness.
No one knows what the fallout will be.
EVERYONES mission is to fuck retail out of billions.
Fuck retail.
It wasn't supposed to be this way.

Will answer questions, you smelly niggers.

>> No.50256087

ok Q whatever you say

>> No.50256101

when did you realize you were being used

>> No.50256108

Who do you work for

>> No.50256117

Why did Vaseline short GME in the first place?

>> No.50256124

will they choose the samson option?

>> No.50256132

I was the vaseline

>> No.50256133

1 question: lulwut

>> No.50256139

Gota fuck retail, gotta.
Everyone looking for loopholes
Congress has been contacted
Biden is probably aware
Float is owned
You moron, you probably don't own real shares.
Everyone on robinhood doesdn't own real shares.
Fake shares won't get divvy.
DTCC is real enemy
Its time to put stocks on the block chain.

>> No.50256140

Who besides gensler and citadel is getting munich'd?

>> No.50256150

Can you comment on the mechanics of how the short interest was managed/warehoused/etc.?

Seems the cheat-code here is a laser like understanding of FINRA and regulatory compliance to stay within the letter of the law whilst completely ignoring the spirit.

>> No.50256160

When you wake up in prison.

>> No.50256181

I can't say too much. I don't konw how to explain it but, Brazil.

>> No.50256187

LUNC will be pumped. Don’t miss out on the gigamoon.

>> No.50256191

oooh shit
are you talking about the fractional share plebs were buying?
they just show everyone numbers on a screen dont they?

>> No.50256199

You already said you were getting fired, who do you work for?

>> No.50256213
File: 63 KB, 319x304, 1377323612135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could ANYONE listen for 5 minutes to Le Crypto Salesmen pitch their snake-oil full of meaningless techno-jargon and amazing promises and NOT realize they are buying into Ponzi schemes???

>> No.50256236

80 days.
I saw a grown man crying.
People retiring and saying fuck it.
People literally going innawoods.
Jews literally leaving to Israel.
Lotsa Jews leaving to Israel.
Plan: Grab Bomb. Slowly dismantle over years.
Actual: Retards kept re-arming the bomb. Literally. Now its blowing up in our face.
94 days till complete collapse.

>> No.50256251

>I can't say too much. I don't konw how to explain it
I've heard enough, how do i profit from this? what should i short/long/hold?

>> No.50256256

Nigga, i work in finance. Well finance adjacent, some would say.

Crypto is cool but I don't have any. I'm an optionsfag.

>> No.50256267

what's the bomb?

>> No.50256282

Us. HODL'ers.

>> No.50256285

I dont know
i dont know
i have no fucking clue. I think the only logical thing that would happen is the SEC halts all trading of the stock until it gets sorted out. Short Squeeze will happen but anyone saying its going to be huge is retarded. Its not going to happen. But it will go up.

SEC going to disarm the bomb and when they do, everyone gets fucked. Hedgies, retail, brokers, pension plans, everything.

>> No.50256301
File: 68 KB, 633x758, 398457341925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EVERYONES mission is to fuck retail out of billions.
>Fuck retail.
What is your (collective) fucking problem I'm just trying to make a bit of money so I can afford literally anything

>> No.50256322

A stock that I can't bring my hands to actually type it. These diamond handed faggots have ruined lives. I'll be out of a job very soon. Who knew this would be the catalyst for the collapse? FUUUUUUCK

One bitch is adopting a haitian baby so she can say "look at me, I am a good person".

MANY are moving to Israel. TONS. FUCK TONS.

People are putting in for leave. People are quitting. They want no part of this shit. They want to wipe their hands clean of this.

Just like the financial meltdown of 2008, no one will go to jail, except for a fall guy, nothing will change. PFOF will stay, faggots will stay faggots.

>> No.50256329

>i dont know

I'd have to say I agree there.

> No real understanding of technicals
> Appeal to mention

I'm calling LARP.

>> No.50256330

bullish for crypto/defi

>> No.50256350

just spill the beans, nigger, quit being cryptic

>> No.50256361

I Don't want to get fired.
I like deep dish.

>> No.50256383

Help me understand.

>> No.50256426
File: 2.69 MB, 480x480, jeetcheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when pajeets are larping as insiders
this thread

>> No.50256486

Penis inspection day was always my least favorite day of the week in school

>> No.50256492

time to lube up

>> No.50256536

It's some bullshit to do with Brazil oil company.

>> No.50256570

me too, my gym teacher would always linger at me, like the guy in the gif does at number 4.