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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50234400 No.50234400 [Reply] [Original]

umm what happens when 1$ = 1€ = 1 Swiss Franc?

>> No.50234413

Demons start flying out of CERN and the end times begin

>> No.50234420

they merge and you get nwo world currency

>> No.50234441

Cthulhu will be summoned

>> No.50234472
File: 152 KB, 1170x1034, eurchf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are close

>> No.50234494

Euro and dollars were always the same thing we have been living under global capitalist rule for long time now. The only thing that changes is that they can no longer pretend europe or amerikkka are different in any way.

Where it will get interesting tho is when euro or dollar collapses. This btw is mathematically certain that will happen and most of the worlds population is waiting for it to finally be free

>> No.50234504
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>> No.50234558

Most likely it will trigger a jump to the fabled parity-timeline, where all currencies converge towards parity.
1$ = 1€ = 1CHF = 1SAT

>> No.50234569


privat forex trader are fucked then, if it stays at 1=1=1 or we can just merge into one currency

>> No.50234600

im covered in gold.

My theory on the strong dollar is that the crisis has already started. Everyone is scared and tries to sell and debts are getting settled
and big boy debts are always settled in dollars thus creating demand for the dollar. Everything is collapsing but the dollar gets a last run

>> No.50234706

You get 1 more cycle tops before your cancerous rotten world collapses. If the inherent contradictions of capitalism isnt the one that does you in then God himself will smite you down via climate change and an uninhabitable planet. Either way mother Earth heals, the cancer dies and life carries on

>> No.50234735
