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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 148 KB, 720x707, 668E7305-4711-4F57-9A17-77A069DB0D16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50222196 No.50222196 [Reply] [Original]

Being a millionaire means nothing now.

That means you have enough for a regular house and a car. It used to mean you had a mansion and 10 cars

>> No.50222214

$ 5 million is the new $ 1 million

>> No.50222216

Yes, also it's way harder now

>> No.50222249

>. It used to mean you had a mansion and 10 cars
yeah life would be soo much better if you have 10x more space and cars than you need

>> No.50222280
File: 2.30 MB, 362x362, 1651432024445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50222374

I need to be away from normies

>> No.50222963

$10million is the new $100k

>> No.50223230

if thats what you'd do with millions then you are the normie. Also yes inflation retard no shit what else is new? regular wages are over 50k now and you can get rich holding stupid memecoins from your pc chair just like thots can without breaking into the model/acting industry, something unthinkable a couple decades ago

>> No.50224027

So what? Any meme of
>hurr durr why be rich when it's meaningless derp herp
Can be broken with a simple reply - It's still always better to be rich/financially secure in any situation, every second of every day than be a poorfag.
>if thats what you'd do with millions then you are the normie
Wanting to get away from normies makes you a normie? Have you been sniffing too much glue again, inbred retard?

>> No.50224138

You don't need a million to buy land in bumfuck nowhere, dig a well, and drop a trailer on it.

>> No.50224152

That's how bad wealth inequality is getting in America. You need to be a millionaire just to be "middle class".

>> No.50224170

yeah I just hit 1 mill net worth and it feels like nothing. Like I can stop working for 5 years and be comfortable but after that I'd need to start scrambling for work again

>> No.50224173


>> No.50224195

It's 7.5 now

>> No.50224202

larping faggot
you probably have like 5k in the bank
sick of this shit

>> No.50224221

OP is a bot, every single day this image gets posted by the bot with a new vague story, two days ago it was he was a millionaire with 1.5m in USDC but somehow he was at 100k after the crash

Ended up being a GNS shill longwinded bullshit nobody will respond after my post, their algorithm tries to read real responses and give a proper one liner but anything longer than a sentence confuses the bot.
Don't believe me go archive the photo and see.

>> No.50224364

see this, you braindead monkey >>50224138

>> No.50224400
File: 85 KB, 661x974, plsno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a millionaire means nothing now.

That means you have enough for a regular house and a cat. It used to mean you had a mansion and 10 cats.

>> No.50224421

650k in equity on my house and 400k cash/gold

>> No.50224462

10 million actually

>> No.50224540

In 1970 the median home price was 12k and the median wage was 6k, meaning that the median worker could own the median home with 2 years gross wages. I found a pay stub from then for a mcdonalds worker who worked 40 hours a week. He earned 4k that year, meaning he could own a median home in 3 years gross wages. today the median home price is somewhere around 420k, meaning that for the median worker to be on par with his 1970's counterparts purchasing power, his wage would have to be 210k. And that mcdonalds worker would have to earn 140k.

Whenever i post this i get flooded with credulous morons who believe the government inflation rates are real, or thinks that housing isn't a good indicator of inflation for some reason and boxes of coco puffs do a a better job of tracking real inflation. Hopefully you'll be able to accept the fact that we have been completely rugpulled by the fed over the past 5 decades instead of coping and seething.