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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50203405 No.50203405 [Reply] [Original]

Anons, I want to start a business shipping verifiably secure kefir grains and fresh kefir. I get about 7tbsp per week. What's the best way to sell and make enough to scale up a little?

>> No.50203432

Nice cottage cheese bro can I eat some?

>> No.50203446

Don't use metal for straining kefir. It leaks into the kefir.

>> No.50203575

had to google it so the american market wouldnt be good, but maybe find a seller in your area and hook up with them as a supplier?

>> No.50203612

Those are the fermenting cultures, cottage cheese comes 12hrs later

It's stainless steel, short periods of contact are alright. I'd never store them in metal

>> No.50203732

Based fermented milk enjoyer. Can you send me some?

>> No.50203801
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Is this the /kefir/ General?

What should I do with all the extra grains? Or if I'm going on vacation a week and I can't strain my batch?

>> No.50203822

Is this garloid smegma? I didn’t know they produce this much…

>> No.50203855

Put them in milk and refrigerate. It'll slow down fermentation. A week is nothing when these jumpy bois are cold.

>> No.50203911

How are you supposed to ship dairy without spending a fortune packing everything in insulated containers and dry ice? You will always be undercut by local sellers.

>> No.50203926

You don't need to worry about spoilage. As long as the grains have some oxygen and food, they'll easily live in a sealed container for a week or more.

>> No.50204815

Intredasting. Do you think kefir is due to go viral? I went looking for it in my supermarket thanks to a recent thread in /ck/ but couldn't find any.

Maybe this is my chance to get in on the ground floor.

>> No.50205162

It's turned into a trendy thing so you see it in health stores more nowadays, but the store bought stuff isn't the real deal. The best way to make kefir is with raw nonhomogenized milk that hasn't had most of its cream removed.

>> No.50205242

Based. I love kefir but I'm not sure how profitable it is. Once you obtain a small amount of grains, they are endlessly self replicating so you never need to buy them again. Competing with the brands that already exist would be difficult I think. Normies don't care that its not the real stuff, and if you try to sell raw milk kefir you will run into regulation issues as well as the fact that raw milk costs $18/gallon right now

>> No.50205267

Yah fuck this though. I was going through a gallon of milk almost every two days

>> No.50206332

Let it go, then make a cheese. Separate the whey with cheesecloth

>> No.50207393

Fucking retard.

>> No.50207531

>strains his kefirshroom through metalstrainer
did you not read any instructions before doin this?

>> No.50207548

>1part water, 2parts milk, put it in the fridge
should give you about 3 weeks before they die off
or just freeze them, would take longer to reach their full potential tho

>> No.50208084

That's a myth lol

>> No.50208328

>What's the best way to sell and make enough to scale up a little?
Sell the grains and others products related to kefir such as cheese. Don't start worldwide immediately, start local imo. Farmers markets are a good option.

>> No.50209749

wtf im drinking it right now

>> No.50209960

how fast do the grains grow?
If i start with 10g. how long until I have 20g?

>> No.50210048

I will forever thank Sergey just for showing me the guthealthpill

>> No.50210089

Did Sergay actually mention it?
I saw it posted here as a meme and decided to give it a try, loved it and drink it occasionally. Should up my consumption. Remind me of the benefits again

>> No.50210133
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here you go

>> No.50210139
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>> No.50210178

I just finished drinking kefir. Never made my own before though.

>> No.50210240

I make my own. I only need to use 2 cups of milk a day, and when I end up with excess grains, I just eat them. I usually do a second fermentation with lemon, orange, or apple/cinnamon stick.
Most normies want to drink shit from the store, which is loaded with extra sugar and other bullshit, and it's not even produced from kefir grains--it's made from adding different powdered probiotics from scratch into some milk. Sure, might be the same organisms, but in the end it's not true kefir from the grain.
True kefir made at home tastes sour unless you do a second fermentation, and even then, most people I've offered it to think it's gross.
Normies just want to have drinkable yogurt and feel like they're superior for doing so; so maybe focus on something like that if you want to make money.

>> No.50210448

no idea where youre from but everyone in easteurope knows kefir (maybe not by "kefir" exactly but you get the idea)

its only westerners who are too pussy to drink it. theyre all used to eat sweet shit. look at germany, they have mustard which is almost 40% sugar and the call it the best mustard ever.

>> No.50210521


>> No.50210522

I do not know, but I'm sure you can find it on a search engine or an anon here to tell you.

>> No.50210555
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thanks, didnt think of using jewgle lol

>> No.50210578 [DELETED] 

I make bulgarian kefir at home and it makes you seethe. Your vaporware scam bags got obliterated by Sergey and the team dumping 700k on your head and then your bags got DP'd and deep throated by big-dicked Bulgarians that manipulated the price as much as they wanted, and the LINK team knew it was happening. Meanwhile you sit at home with your limp cock in your hand posting 'how can I make kefir' on 4chan like an impotent retard. I just checked the price, LINK is below 7 dollars AGAIN. It's the same price it was in July 2020. Nearly 2 years later and it's still the same price HAHAHAHA. Keep posting your cope about 'muh kefir' though. You bagheld and missed the greatest bullrun in history. You will never have a chance to make kefir now so easily in this life. You had 2 years to sell. 2 whole years.

>> No.50210626

I make bulgarian kefir at home and it makes you seethe.
Your vaporware scam bags got obliterated by Sergey and the team dumping 700k on your head and then your bags got DP'd and deep throated by big-dicked Bulgarians that manipulated the price as much as they wanted, and the LINK team knew it was happening. Meanwhile you sit at home with your limp cock in your hand posting 'how can I make kefir' on 4chan like an impotent retard. I just checked the price, LINK is below 7 dollars AGAIN. It's the same price it was in July 2020. Nearly 2 years later and it's still the same price HAHAHAHA. Keep posting your cope about 'muh kefir' though. You bagheld and missed the greatest bullrun in history. You will never have a chance to make kefir now so easily in this life. You had 2 years to sell. 2 whole years.

>> No.50210698

tf are you on? i dont even have link lol

>> No.50210701
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you want to do it legal or grey market?
I dont know what the regs are in your locality, my first thought is either go through ebay and try to develop a retail customer base or stack your kefir while you work on finding wholesale buyers.
food is a hard racket if you haven't managed the regulatory compliance, I think
but maybe it's easier once you jump that hurdle

>> No.50210759

How the fuck does one get into drinking kefir? Is it even a drink? You can't drink that clumpy shit?

>> No.50210797

literally onions. no thanks

>> No.50210848

Gotcha. And yeah, I'm American, kek. Everyone I know acts disgusted when I tell them about it and get them to try it out. The only luck I've ever had was blending a bunch of blueberries into it before offering some.

>> No.50210940

You get some kefir grains, which are a SCOBY. Then you put it in a jar and fill it with milk, put a cloth over it, and let it sit at room temperature for a day. Then you pour it over a filter into another jar. Retrieve the ''grains'' out of the filter, and start another jar. Drink from the jar you poured into, or put a piece of fruit into it, secure it with a lid, and let it sit for another day so the sourness will tone down, and the drink will become lightly carbonated. Then you can drink it. I prefer to refrigerate my second fermentation before drinking it.

>> No.50211365
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Just buy at the store.
Depending on the country there'll be fruity ones as well if you don't like the natural taste.