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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50194188 No.50194188 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50194240

>gdp is proportional to oil consumption
>oil production is peaking/has peaked
no.... it cant be....

>> No.50194316

the west pumps oil out of the ground and maintains the petrodollar to maintain niggers

>> No.50195436


>> No.50195462

Soooo oil to $400 a barrel?

>> No.50195501

no, oil price is crashing but youre not supposed to think about that. WERE PEAKING

>> No.50195503

$400/barrel and 40% unemployment, billions of deaths by 2050

>> No.50195534

Nuclear pls

>> No.50196698

I'm tenetively sold on this. But what will the next.. say, 5 years look like here?
Obviously markets are going to go to shit, there won't be money for people's retirements and the standard of living will decline. But.. is that it? Or are we headed for a proper collapse?
Also, where can I see Chris' insider videos for free?

>> No.50196976

libs... annihilated

>> No.50197056

Just the libs?

>> No.50198844

massive deleveraging and widespread destruction of the global economy. food shortages, crime, everything

>> No.50201250
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Politicians and their families will be hunted down because they created this crisis.
There will be no mercy and people will probably gut them alive just to survive.
This is my assumption.

>> No.50201274

2 weeks

>> No.50201789

Mitwit post. You'll find the the bigger the economy the bigger the consumption of most hard commodities.

>> No.50201818

i have no idea why he is linking those two together, but in essence, peak oil is gonna fuck us all. if it weren't for fracking, we might already all be riding horses by now. tight oil is gonna fall off a cliff sometime in the next decade. it will be quick. one year, we'll all going to be acting like normal and the next everything will be turned upside down.

>> No.50201830
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If we just Consoom more oil that will save our economy!

>> No.50201852

$300-$400. It's going to be epic bad.

>> No.50202000

>He fell for the Chris martenson fud

>> No.50202013

the more energy, the more prosperity

>> No.50202014

How to capitalize on peak oil, xom, cvx?

>> No.50202089

short reality

>> No.50202091


If it is proportional, it should fit a line with slope exactly 1, without treating it as a free parameter. If the slope is different than 1, then this is a power-law dependence, and signals a more complicated relationship via various feedback effects.

>> No.50202224


>> No.50203241

If billions are dying in the next 30 years then peak oil gets pushed back by the amount those billions would have used, genius.

>> No.50203288

Just two more weeks until peak oil. Trust the plan.

>> No.50203429

we're already past peak oil my man, nothing is getting pushed back

>> No.50203545
File: 46 KB, 693x458, World Population and Oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But.. is that it? Or are we headed for a proper collapse?
it is pretty simple. either we find new energy source or human population will decline. pic related

>> No.50203579

>it will be quick. one year, we'll all going to be acting like normal and the next everything will be turned upside down.
like 2020 ? could it be that this already happened ?

>> No.50203661

Why will it be so quick?
So have you built your ark yet? What are you doing to prepare for this cataclysm?

>> No.50203803

i mean..you think (((they))) are going to tell you ? or do you think (((they))) are going to keep it a secret and make plans to save themselves ?

>> No.50203817
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>> No.50203963
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>Why will it be so quick?
to save critical infrastructure.
>So have you built your ark yet? What are you doing to prepare for this cataclysm?
cataclysm already started. i am eating popcorn and enjoining the show.

>> No.50204690


>> No.50204719


"Everything I can see says that world leaders are not able to face the possibility that the world is already running seriously short of oil and coal. Future supplies are likely to be much lower, and much more expensive, if they are available at all. Other energy types (including natural gas, nuclear, hydroelectric, wind and solar) are simply add-ons to a system built using coal and oil.

Current world leaders do not realize that the energy situation is very much like the water level in Lake Mead. Looking at it from the top, there still seems to be water there but, in fact, the required depth is lacking. Water for watering crops will soon be exhausted. The world’s energy supply is not a whole lot different. The supposedly proven reserves do not tell us anything at all. It is the amount of fossil fuels that can be affordably extracted that is important. We have already exceeded the amount that can be affordably extracted. If central banks cut back future energy supplies using higher interest rates, we can expect to encounter major problems going forward."

>> No.50204747

now buy my book sirs

>> No.50204846

I don't think she sells books. I believe her blog is free.

I've never had success trading oil. As far as I'm concerned, it's one of the hardest things to trade. However, EROEI on tight oil production is much less than conventional oil. Not sure what to believe with renewables.

>> No.50204893

seems like shes writing word for word what Chris martenson said in his talk

>> No.50205061

There are a few people that talk about this, including the author of the Sovereign Individual.

I figure there isn't anything you can do about it, so the only way you can prepare is to gamble and get rich in the meantime, and if/when that happens, then you can think about what you're going to do in a world where energy resources are in substantial decline.

>> No.50205079

***For the US Empire.

Shale in the US is running hilariously dry just as the "revolution" began. Russia is still fine and will give access to China on a wide scale.

>> No.50205119

No. Putin has health problems and will likely be gone soon. The Oligarchs will sell out to the West and then the West will install a puppet dictator and drain the country of its resources and extend this period of flamboyance.

>> No.50205274

It will go to $600 within ten years. Believe you me.

>> No.50205375
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>without niggers, racism stocks would crater
>surely you understand, anon

>> No.50205405
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i checked in on that niggers posts for months
fucking canadian tar sands
goddamn it

>> No.50205598

i vote for population decline and a return to the 1800s.

>> No.50205613

i don't think so. more like 2024/2025.

>> No.50205623

Get jannied

>> No.50205630


>> No.50205653

i think it will be quick because the tight oil plays are whats holding it all together. there exists an EROI on fracking that is already iffy. if something goes a little haywire in that equation, then they all pretty much stop fracking. a lot of things play into this, right now its still holding on and will likely for a few more years. by then the tight oil will be played out anyways. then all we got is our conventional oil, which by then will be in such high demand that the cost will be so high everything will collapse.

>> No.50206125
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Peak vinu incoming

>> No.50207169

"peak oil" brings out the bots

>> No.50207184

Thats not how resource depletion works anon. The peak is always described using current population at current rates of consumption. If you project that the population will decline a lot, that fucks with the peak.

>> No.50207206

Way too optimistic.

>> No.50207214

it will be like the 1980s for the next 20 years. If you didn't inject yourself with sarscov2 spike protein you will make it