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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 400x400, MF46VBTF_400x400-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50187451 No.50187451 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder to buy dog bat and join the reddit for more great post like this

>this post is brought to you by dog bat.

>> No.50187476















>> No.50187475

Yes I am buying. Also checked!

>> No.50187487

The subtle art of fudding your own bags

>> No.50187501

iim like joe rogan the way im about to ape right now

>> No.50187594

retard detected

>> No.50187606

brown hands typed this post

>> No.50187729

White hands typed this post
Black hands typed this post

>> No.50187811

I think Dog Bat is worthless trash and you're all very foolish.

>> No.50187857
File: 66 KB, 703x911, 22C483F3-563B-48B8-B7EF-DFB41720A39D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally why I'm holding

>> No.50188674
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FYI: 10 billion suicide stack, 100 billion make-it stack.

>> No.50188707

bagholder cope
notice how the threads are increasingly decreasing as time goes on
im glad i sold this shit at $100 mil marketcap
if this is shilled being shilled in 2023 i might change my mind and buy it

>> No.50188749

I have like a couple hundred bucks at current price left over from when I sold then too. no point in selling this little amount which was over 5 figs at ath. I'll sell on the new bagholders who'll enter the space between 2023-2024

>> No.50188806

I remember when a sui stack cost $500 a couple months back and you were all going on about how cheap that is and how we are all fools for not parting with at least $500.

Now a sui stack is worth around $50...

A fool and their money, alright

>> No.50188824
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Never selling.

>> No.50188901

its all down to market conditions though, nothing to do with the status of the token.

>> No.50188944

Or you are all a bunch of retarded shills who are basically begging people for exit liquidity at this point. What was the daily volume yesterday? Like... 1000 bucks? It's kinda crazy the mental gymnastics you people leap through to uphold a dead shitcoin.

>> No.50189288

Shows as long as there's people shilling it, it still has some legs and high upside in a booming market. I don't hold that t8ken though. The principle applies to every seemingly dead shitcoin shilled here.

>> No.50189317

>exit liquidity
Nigger. We have over a million dollars in liquidity. You're an idiot for not realizing how these cycles work btw. Probably a newfag

>> No.50191169

nothing will ever compare to the fudders getting absolutely BTFO by the billboard being confirmed real and the resulting pump
this coin is fucking glorious

>> No.50191459
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Get in here dog bag bros we are starting a new token

>> No.50191488
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Like whole dev team left leaving just Justin. It is really over way to go morons lol

>> No.50191961

Great yet another retarded doge that you faggots will spam all day on biz

>> No.50191977

Fuck off retard

>> No.50191988


>> No.50192028

Lmao anyone who is dumb enough to buy this deserves to get scammed. You missed the pump if you didn’t sell good luck

>> No.50192046
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>> No.50192067

Not too late all the dog bat team are in on zhao just get out at 5m this time easy

>> No.50192147

>these filenames
biggest bear flag

>> No.50192152

not supporting this utter retardation.
Like, even assuming you are the previous team members and not a bunch of jeets imitating them to reel in idiots
Dogbat is a one-in-a-million golden meme egg that doesn't need any single entity like a 'dev' to make it rocket. You already have over 40k interested parties who will fomo in on better market conditions, and you're asking people to buy IndianPumpDogInu
Sort yourselves out, and get behind dogbat.

>> No.50192154

Its not most of buys is them buying. Big brain zoomers gonna ruin all thier brand recognition

>> No.50192220

It’s the official ghostbro twitter he’s the earliest dogbat dev

>> No.50192233
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'sup lads

>> No.50192330

don't care, dogbat is king
we watching cinu die
we watched goose die
we watched troge die
we will watch you die

>> No.50192738

>Caring about devs
Literally indian

>> No.50192783

Dogbat is forever

>> No.50192853

Go to doblet site and look how team section gone. Lamo you really are dev yourself now.

>> No.50192878

Lmao this was literally the case when it was trading at 2k market cap nearly a year ago, brainlet and that didn't stop it from pumping to 230mil mc.

Funny thing too is in that runup, dogbat had literally ZERO utility of any kind. Justin being there or not wasn't actually relevant in that run. He released memetools during the bear market.

>> No.50192904

ghostbro isn't a dev, lmao. He's our shillbot

>> No.50193070

santovi and ghostbro are the ones that got dog bat to 250m they left for new token

>> No.50193092

>tfw they are daily shilling dogbat on twitter still
You're an idiot. Take your rug somewhere else

>> No.50193138

What? You didn't here that Justin killed himself because everyone started to hate him? There are no devs anymore. Also Amy owns the top 100 wallets and is getting ready to crash the price. Things are looking grim for dongbank

>> No.50193152

Well all day today they've just been promoting their new chink trash. It's clearly just retaliation for the conflict with Justin (which I was on their side for). Fuck their shit, if they want to promote a new shitcoin they should start from scratch instead of trying to siphon d0b0 funds from retard apes

>> No.50193224

Ah you're right. Just checked. What a yikes. Bear market turned santovi and ghostbro into shizos.

>> No.50193277

they kept their dogbat avatars too, but ya not cool to try to siphon like that

>> No.50193317

hmm. I see it's on memetools though. That shit actually went fucking crazy

>> No.50193346

Praying for them to get rugged and die t bh

>> No.50193354

Imagine making casino shitcoin in this market. They even doing same tricks with buying up wallets may be different but bnb comes from same place. Its like 100 real people at best peddling on each other with that cz dog whatever shit

>> No.50193449

It will. A known pump and dumper called /B/ is part of the project. He gets a shit ton of wallets and dumps them all at the top when the FOMO stops, causing the project to completely die. Don't be tempted to buy that shit.

>> No.50193493
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He says this every time he starts selling his wallets lmfao.

>> No.50193561


>> No.50193724

I talked to him once in TG. He's a literal jew from Israel. Go ask him about it.

>> No.50194107

I know, I heard his fucking jew voice in a REFLEX voice chat

>> No.50194256

at 2k it was undervalued
at 2m it's overbought
don't care never buying

>> No.50195127
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This is gonna be sweet

>> No.50195294
File: 117 KB, 1280x1280, 2022-05-27 22.16.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off wanker. nobody cares about you or your shitty memecoin.

>> No.50195361

They cant even be bothered to fix the stupid fucking logo keklmao

>> No.50195396

I dont even know who ghostbro is and I dont care. Looks like a wanker.

>> No.50195435

This is what a based bonker looks like

>> No.50195539

All dem haters really get on my nerves.
Where do I buy this shitcoin to make em seethe more?

>> No.50195615
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>> No.50195678

You can also buy on ChangeNow or Rubic if you are lazy or don't have any bnbbsc

>> No.50195909

You think Im gonna make it with $50?

>> No.50196070


They can take this dog with bat from my cold dead hands.

>> No.50196277

I haven't been able to buy D0B0 from ChangeNOW/Guardarian for about a month. Just says transaction declined no matter what I do.

>> No.50196455

You may not completely make it, but you'll make something.

Weird, I used ChangeNow about 2 weeks ago and bought using XLM. At least there's other options

>> No.50196477
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At least this bitch is selling soon so we can be done with him

>> No.50196599

So how much do you think someone needs to put in to make it?

>> No.50196605

I mean it says transaction declined no matter what I do trying to use debit card/fiat.

Already a lot of whales have sold or reduced their stacks over the past few months. There's only three left with more than 10 trillion D0B0.

>> No.50196954

They have multiple wallets so whole top 100 could be in 10 or so people hands

>> No.50197032
File: 2.28 MB, 1364x1354, Screen Shot 2022-05-05 at 11.09.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lambo? no

>> No.50197334

imagine spending the last 7 months watching every single dog with a bat competitor desperately spam and beg for liquidity in every single dogbat thread, every single one, before a month passes and the tokens shit themselves to death
.....and then deciding >Wait, we should abandon dogbat and make a token that sounds like it was named by the mayor of mumbai

>> No.50197337

Retard take. You're newfaggy way of looking at things actually pisses me off. Like it's actually too retarded for words how stupid you'd have to be to not understand market cycles or market cap to liquidity ratio.

>> No.50197453

100b for lower end sui. 500b for sui. 1 tril+ for make it. Personally first run up I had 500b and couldn't get myself to take profits because it was a sui so I added recently so that I could implement a take profit strategy

>> No.50198126

Retards and shameless scammers desu. Dogbat will live on anyways, it truly has become a decentralized memecoin

>> No.50198350
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, where the fuck is that guy he was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago and this fucking dog is making me so horny i dont think i can hold on for much longer ill just do it myself and record it with my phone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love it when dog with a bat memes manifest into reality. gg fagtovi

>> No.50198846

10b sui 100b make it, always has been always will be

>> No.50199119

these lunatics were actually demanding the keys be handed over to them not even 2 months ago to control dogbat
we'd probably be seeing this shitcoin they created shilled on the official dogbat account if they had access
they'll be back when this fails. what are these idiots doing, get your shit together

>> No.50199188

I agree. 1 trillion D0B0 as a suicide stack is farfetched since it costs over 5 grand USD even with the market cap being as low as it is now.

>> No.50199224

This project will die due to incompetence from the ex dog bat team, and all the profit I make from it will go to dog with the bat. I can see this hitting 1-5mill but it will never hit 250mill

>> No.50199240

Sorry; meant to say as a make-it stack.

>> No.50199260
File: 84 KB, 252x221, 20220706_172722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're actually buying that jeet trash? I hope your plan works out dobro

>> No.50199331

I put 100 in and got 900mill , sold half of it at a 2x to cover my initial and ill be riding it out. Lots of euphoria in that telegram wonder how long it'll last

>> No.50199704

I can see this project sticking around for a little while but will eventually die off. I will a low cap like LOX that offers a real-life utility for mobile phone companies.

>> No.50199944

just checked. Low trash jeets and scammers in there trying to hype up the d-geb0nk community but fails isn't a good look

. Best they got is Crypt guy who is best known for dumping 300k worth of d0b0 when Justin called him a retard. uwu

Now clinging to his better days when Justin actually cared about him sus.

Same guys btw who are mad at Justin for being dumb.

Santovi's prime was before he got the big head and even then they all need to understand d-b0 is much more than the sum of its parts.

This is like a solo project from your favourite band that disbanded because of too many egos, and then they'll learn to do it for the music and d-b0 will fly with its overloaded BNB liquidity.

>> No.50200231

Whether or not its a shill, I cant buy this, only morons will. Privacy and security of my wallet is al that matters to me now because of the prevalent occurrences of hacks.

>> No.50200312

Just bought more fag.

>> No.50200445

I held from 3.4m down to 350k. I sold when Justin started fudding his own coin in the whale chat to all the top holders. It was life changing money for me at the time and I thought I better before someone else does.

>> No.50200544

The new dogbat mods are lying to their holders claiming there never was a core team when it's right on the archives for all to see. It's pretty clear who is being honest here.

>> No.50200627

So more than 10x from here? Even fudders think it's bullish

>> No.50200654

>i saw the secret whale chat!
>also please buy this new jeet token its going to the moon!
its all so tiresome that we cant go a month without scammers shitting up dogbat threads

>> No.50200674

Oh yeah if you check the wallet history I was the one that put 100k back in trying to pump it during the space launch checkmate fudders

>> No.50200690

What did you do for d0bo? buy ads? You mean like other people?

I mean, I just find it funny the amount of wankeriness your coin already got for the get go.

>> No.50200697

Check wallet history you will see what I'm saying is true

>> No.50200745

What happened with Justin?

>> No.50200755

B kills projects with his multiple whale wallets
All it takes is for him to get bored and move on to his next pump and dump

>> No.50200756 [DELETED] 

I'm listed in the archive of the site as one of the team members and in charge of marketing, not going to debate further with someone who is just trying to trying minimize the hundreds of hours of effort I put in. Keep coping.

>> No.50200803


I'm listed in the archive of the site as one of the team members and in charge of marketing, not going to debate further with someone who is just trying to minimize the hundreds of hours of effort I put in. Keep coping.

>> No.50200827
File: 438 KB, 402x524, ZHA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this. What are you going to do about it?

>> No.50201093

Justin just put you there because people FUDed d-b0 for not having any team and now you're using that to pump a coin. Thats doesn't impress me much.

>> No.50201114

yep. Remember AmberThurd? Even that had more memetic capabilities and it didn't amount to much.

>> No.50201122


then whats a 1 trilly stack

>> No.50201153

Justin sat on his ass while we brought it to 200m, keep coping as Justin bans the entire core team and puts up new clueless mods that are lying to holders.

>> No.50201231
File: 244 KB, 1132x1106, Screenshot_20220707-003210_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50201271

Justin sucks. He also made you "marketing head" to fill in blanks on a website and make it look like there was a team, which was a stupid idea.

You are using that to pump a coin. That's it.

"You" didn't pump d-bo to 250ATH. you paid ads. In fact I remember you personally had no memetic skills whatsoever and 4d chess went over your head.

Case in point: your new coin, its name and its logo, and whatever your community try to churn with it being quite pathetic.

you are not what drove d-bo.

>> No.50201282

Kinda can't believe this shit is still alive and has another website and video game

>> No.50201341

This is why its the only memecoin I'm still holding. Nothing else currently out there is going to have better performance. Might aswell soak up all the reflections I can

>> No.50201412

Meh I wasn't happy with my 500b hence why I added to make it a tril and will add even more since now that I think about it, I want 1.5 tril. 2 tril is probably unrealistic as the final stack for me, but who knows

>> No.50201425

LUNC is the best memecoin bet right now, dont kid yourself
you zoomer fags killed d080

>> No.50201430


>> No.50201454
File: 555 KB, 833x1934, 9ACE4D38-0558-455B-84FC-BD5DD9ABBA9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10b ain't shit. 100b is the bare minimum. You can make good money with 10b, but it won't be retirement money

>> No.50201462
File: 565 KB, 802x462, Screen Shot 2022-07-06 at 7.49.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reflections at this level are god-like. People who hold these all the way up will have 5-6 digits dollars in reflections alone. Coupled with BNB Liquidity Pool being absurdly large and it hitting just 43% burns in this market, KABOOM

>> No.50201476

Dude. your already at your wits end? Someone got bonked.

>> No.50201725


Lmao you dumb

>> No.50201868
File: 77 KB, 766x865, 1639588529234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe and bonked

>> No.50201885

yeah and whys that?

>> No.50201901

Not an argument

>> No.50201912

It kind of is, because your cringe is anathema to potential investors in your chinese PnD jeetcoin

>> No.50201972

Kek, you wrote "cope" as an answer to the plain and honest truth. You saying its not an argument is not a good a spin as you thinking you were relevant to d-bo but I will still take it as a sign you're no mastermind.

>> No.50201989

Fresh out of arguments

>> No.50202017
File: 111 KB, 651x509, 1637529280329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care, drama threads are bullish

not selling D0B0 until 50B mc

>> No.50202076

The kill shot already already got shot and you couldn't defend yourself. What else is there to say? You're just trying to grasp at the gullible. Dobros dont even know who you are, and those who do didn't like you, those you gave coins to included.

>> No.50202110

Not. An. Argument.

>> No.50202194
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>> No.50202257


Kek. Dude, you're thicker than I thought. Not good outlook for your coin.


"Justin remembers you as a mod when you dumped"


"People didn't like you, including the people you got into your projec. You were emotional schizo who didn't get d-bo. You literally were the butt of jokes, even among the people you shill your new token with."


Coin is literally rolling on lies and hot air from anecdotal name on a website.

How about you go back and try to argue proper?

>> No.50202280

Schizo. I am making you type out novels while Justin bans the core team and your new mods lie to holders. Where is your counter argument.

>> No.50202310
File: 82 KB, 750x977, IMG_20211201_143619_484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh you are basically vanity searching yourself on /biz/, you are a fag

>> No.50202349

Only you care about Justin because its the only reason why you can try to spin hype for your coin. Your turn.

>> No.50202354

Still no arguments. You're the ones talking about me, doesn't that make you gay? Stop projecting.

>> No.50202420

Is has Justin banned or caused core team members to abandon to other chats? Yes or no

Are the mods now lying about the existence of a previous core team?
Yes or no

>> No.50202493
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>> No.50202506

Damn I thought ghostbro was based so Justin isn’t that bad?

>> No.50202518


Justin never mattered, still doesn't.

Lying about the existence of a previous core team? Dude you were just the first mod Justin moded, he also put a prostitute on the core team on the website just because. Stop smelling your own farts.

The fact that you try to fud Justin and then pat yourself in the back because Justin put you on a site is low IQ move. Its the same guy. Thats your worth.

Basically your coin hinges on this and you can't argue that.

>> No.50202536

Thats not even Ghostbro thats a guy called Crypt that you probably dont know.

>> No.50202556

>Is has Justin banned or caused core team members to abandon to other chats
How's the weather in New Dehli this morning?

>> No.50202565


>> No.50202566

Holy crap

>> No.50202613
File: 100 KB, 735x541, 435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retconning and coping. Not going to keep arguing with someone in bad faith.
Pic related

>> No.50202633

>Pic related

>> No.50202646
File: 35 KB, 1980x104, Screen Shot 2022-07-06 at 8.42.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not retconning and coping. A prostitute was put on the website as part of the team. Yes or no.

>> No.50202682

This is so freakin crazy

>> No.50202757

what is? kek

>> No.50202779
File: 132 KB, 650x707, IMG_20211209_170149_803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once these retards crash and burn they will worship d0b0 and the bullrun will recommence

>> No.50202792


>> No.50203262

How tf are you guys still shilling this lol wtf. I’m a top 50 holder and even I know it’s literally over. You’re all so retarded

>> No.50203364

no you aren't

>> No.50203584


40,000 dobros
Burning each transactions.

2,679.74 BNB in LP that is at 1/4th of past ATH.

You know shiba giga pumped after ETH got down and back up anon? Same maths apply here. There more BNB there is in there, the bigger the upwards shot that will trigger the endless circle of fomo.

>> No.50204231

>2% price increase
dogbat's massive liq pool is a double-edged sword. price barely moves after a buy or a sell. how do you expect this to pump to safemoon levels if it barely moves with a 4 digit buy?

>> No.50204267

damn what up thickness

>> No.50204284

i miss her so much bros..

>> No.50204345

that's not even the real justin haha

>> No.50204454

ok boomer.

>> No.50204477
File: 84 KB, 500x605, wIXNrNh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 47 billion. What is in store for me?

>> No.50204599

Where i can see ZHAO chart? thanks

>> No.50204942
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found the jeet

>> No.50205039
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>> No.50205059

thats a gril right?

>> No.50205064

>good liquidity is bad!
Dude. It's a fucking bear market. It's literally just waiting for btc to recover. The liquidity is good because it helps the coin survive the bear market. Dogbat is in the accumulation stage. Not the fomo stage. 99% of meme coins aren't going to be going hyper parabolic until btc recovers.

>> No.50205093

Yes, we will get hotter ones by 1b marketcap

>> No.50205149

it is.

>> No.50205192

Are people still unironically buying shit like this?

these are coins that have zero utility and are not backed by anything other than hype. Why the fuck would you buy this shit when there are utility coins like ETH and projects like BitDAO backed by a $1.1 billion treasury

>> No.50205204
File: 41 KB, 478x642, images(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smash that girl bussy

>> No.50205215

i can fix her.

>> No.50205237

that's a man

>> No.50205254

why are they still floating projects like these and why do people still but it, is there any, why not just look over projects with web3 development.

>> No.50205269

again, its loaded with BNBs. The more BNB in the LP per market cap, the bigger the boom. How do you think Shib boomed after dropping 1000x?

>> No.50205286

just saw subsquid over Polkadot decoded, they were making some really powerful APIs for web3

>> No.50205290
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only men can be astronauts anyway

>> No.50205318

I thought they were a joke, but then I saw subsquid helping Kusama reach a TPS of over 1500 BPS

>> No.50205336
File: 191 KB, 1080x1861, Screenshot_20220707_135846_org.mozilla.firefox~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think I'm gonna have to buy some more now

>> No.50205499

>these are coins that have zero utility and are not backed by anything other than hype.
You just described all of crypto. A coin can cure cancer and if btc is in a bear market, it would still dump. The fact that you don't realize alts are basically btc on steroids is sad. Market cycles aren't hard to understand. Also what always goes craziest in bull markets? Bluechips or memecoins? Obviously memecoins though memetools does give dogbat utility. Same with BNB. People just buy it to play in the bsc casino and that will cause the creation of a shitton of memecoins because that's literally what always happens in bull markets. And where will they list? Memetools among other places. Meme seasons will come back because it's a part of crypto bull markets. Your feelings towards that are irrelevant.

>> No.50205697

Also whales wants coins with good liquidity. D-bo will have whales eyes as soon as members stop fucking around and diluting their credibility once market comes back and shill it with the mememagic only d-bo can have.

Btw that crypt guy is the one who hated d-bo to be associated with biz and his paranoia made more damage to d-bo than anything.

>> No.50205762

Can’t lie zhoag going crazy frfr no cap

>> No.50205970
File: 350 KB, 864x702, 062D2CA0-66A5-42BE-917A-D0B915E34624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zhao 5m soon

Don’t miss out dobros, we got santovi and ghostbro in here

>> No.50205995


>> No.50206062

that's cool and all but the memes aren't funny tho

>> No.50206184

Esh. they're overplaying their hands thinking they're worth shit without dobros and d-gebonk. Ghostbro lost good bonkers lots of money carelessly fucking with jeets (which he's doing here too) and never getting a clue. People telling him to fuck off is why he's trying to pump other stuff.

If he wanna degen at the cost of his overblown image, I guess its just better for d-bo long run. Hopefully he just learns his lesson and stops fucking d-bo and the trust he have from dobros/

bonkers are in memecoins because d-bo is mimetically sound. This poo poos of nomag jeet energy, not even santovi can save it.

>> No.50206328


>> No.50206341

Yeah, sounds like shit copycats from mumbai, they won't make it either by just degening these memecoin suckers in crypto. He should try harder next time.

>> No.50206375

whats the zhao contract?
might put in some of the d bo i sold at 200m mcap

>> No.50206386


>> No.50206433


>> No.50206530
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 1649941715985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there are still some good tokens beside this meme crap industry, they don't just get the lime light because most plebs are into easy money. BSC is full of shits like this while others like ETH MATIC and Polkadot are having decent ones.

>> No.50206531

Remember both ghost bro and Sanyo I will dump back into d0b0 when it’s all said and done. Who is crypt except some guy who got put on. A website ? That’s like saying Seto is starting a coin, but worse.

>> No.50206539

id buy setos dirtymartinu coin.

>> No.50206584
File: 218 KB, 460x485, F87AB4CC-7236-4760-AE9E-1A07F3ADC291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d drink one with him, but I would buy a coin of it. Funny thing is it would still be funnier than zhao.

Remember Everbort and boomer coin and cat b0nk guys ?

>> No.50206590

gavin is a mess kek

>> No.50206606

Same like your idiot mother jeet... Lots of project are now starting to get integrated with them including ACA MOVR and GLMR and the most recent one I got into is EQ, which is going to show off their 20x max lev orderbook DEX

>die in vain

>> No.50206622

what is everbort?

>> No.50206692
File: 398 KB, 960x1280, borthead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nazi scammers
israeli schizos
everbort was fine.

>> No.50206861
File: 150 KB, 1000x1000, 1639360020129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL, what bottom lmao?

>> No.50207050
File: 95 KB, 859x1342, 82ndesrspmm41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge. A certified whale.

>> No.50207955

Reminder that this cunt ruined hpos10i
I know you're reading this kike kys

>> No.50209247

This shit is burning like 100bill every day, jesus christ. Next bullrun its gonna pop like crazy.

>> No.50209914

wow, 100 bil burned out of a half a million billion coins! and that shit drops off over time because it's relative tax!
kill yourself, the only cope bigger than muh burn is muh reflections

>> No.50209969 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 1104x684, 1657105535097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50210009

>that shit drops off over time because it's relative tax!
Are you retarded? It drops off with market cap, not "relative tax" whatever the fuck that even means.
Lower market cap = easier to burn. Also it was at 30% when the project started and is now at 43%. Idiot. Also the burn wallet counts as a holder and the more dogbat held, the more reflections meaning it has a snowball effect.

>> No.50210060

>20% tax at 1m mcap is less than 20% tax at 1k mcap even if the underlying is the same
muh "snowball effect" doesn't matter when the supply lowers, which is exactly why you only burned 13pp after more than a year since the coin came out.

>> No.50210162

Dumb monkey. It's easier to burn when market cap is low because people end up buying bigger stacks for less. Are you actually this FUCKING RETARDED? You can't do basic math, retard?
Think, bitch. If you can buy say a 500b stack for 3kish or whatever it is and then compare that to a 50b stack for 3kish at 10x the market cap, which will burn more dogbat? The fucking former, moron bitch. Holy fucking shit, how new are you? This is embarrassing. The burn is relevant to the dogbat bought, NOT the usd/bnb amount used.

>muh "snowball effect" doesn't matter when the supply lowers,
You don't even speak coherent sentences. Let me try to dumb it down even more.
1. You get rewarded more reflections the more dogbat you hold.
2. The biggest wallet is the burn address.
3. Because it continuously grows, it ends up getting more and more reflections the more transactions happen.
Holy shit, you have jeet IQ for not understanding this. "Less supply" doesn't matter, retard. It's based off of the supply of dogbat that is being bought and sold.
>which is exactly why you only burned 13pp after more than a year since the coin came out.
What a nigger take. The FUCK did you expect?? 80% burn? Learn to do basic rough math, bitch. You make no sense.

>> No.50210203

Why haven't the Jan-Jan's pruned this thread yet? Have they bought back in now?

>> No.50210231

you mean 13% in about 2 months of it being alive while market was also good, right?

>> No.50210252
File: 38 KB, 550x410, IMG_20220705_185000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im hot rich and powerful and gonna get a sexy robot body designed by a Hentai artist and youre pathetic and have boneitis type ree

>> No.50210276

don't care never buying
down 99% from ath and you retards still don't have a clue you got scammed by burn/reflections
here's some math you can do if you're so smart: how much is the initial burned supply of 700 million billion divided by current circulating supply? how much is the total tax you have to pay on buying and selling? does the former pay off the latter? how much are you down from ATH?

>> No.50210275

Short jannie
African janitor
Yougoslave janissary

>> No.50210297

>don't care never buying
Aka I beat your ass and stretched your asshole so now you just resort to saying "i-it's gonna die because.. it just will, okay??"
Kys, retard
what a waste of oxygen

>> No.50210307

oh it's not GOING to die, it's already dead

>> No.50210325

Keep crying, bitch. You got fucked.

>> No.50210326

The only hindrance at the moment is low volume due to bear marker economics

>> No.50210353

I got fucked? lmao I made 20x off this shit while you held to 3m

>> No.50210388

Show your metamask public address :)
Post a pic using a camera, not a screenshot. Every retard fudder always says they made money when they never even bought a stack. Imagine having to larp. Talk about desperate, LMAO
Looking over your comments, you have said the most retarded shit on this thread. You're too low IQ for crypto. Leave the space for good.

>> No.50210412

I'm gonna buy another 350b of this shit on my next paycheck.

>> No.50210485
File: 47 KB, 680x510, 2022-05-12 16.05.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just 20x? you got fucked.


Your buying taxes have to pay for the selling? What are you even trying to say? That you need to buy low and sell high? Are you high?

>> No.50210655
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Enough lame fud in the thread to satisfy them

>> No.50210762
File: 7 KB, 212x237, KEKY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they called their fucking shitcoin "Changpump Zhaoage"
I think I'll stick with Dogbat

>> No.50211152

>I didn't collect profits and am now incorporating a "take profit strategy"

Choose one

>> No.50212925
File: 322 KB, 812x351, db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Wanna know how I know Crypt had nothing to do with the success of d080?

>> No.50213095

Ghostbr0's name isn't a positive endorsement. He was the face of d0b0 Twitter and shit all over his dobros more than once shilling literal jeet rugs with a d08o pfp
He will dump on you the first chance he gets just like he did to us

Investigate the top 15 wallets of their new scam at least and then laugh and spit on gh0stbr0

>> No.50213927
File: 56 KB, 512x512, 1653252335474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the only dogcoin I care about, sorry not sorry bonkamaster

>> No.50213935

plus, it just released and it's killing it, not like your dumping coin

>> No.50213972


Post hand

>> No.50214004
File: 198 KB, 249x505, 168234814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$QOM is coming for you you dog fucking scum.
The eagle watches from the sky.

>> No.50214027

Give up batfags, dog has died long time ago along with whales dumping and team exiting. No one is going to pump your heeavy ass bags for exit liquidity kek

>> No.50214727

>paperhand whales exiting is a bad thing
this is your brain on the streets of calcutta

>> No.50215215

ZHAO is $100 million mcap

>> No.50216389

Zaodoge ?The hype already died down when people saw through the bs it rests upon. It was never gonna be a thing resting on such flimsy shit. Names on a website ? From a community coin ?

>> No.50217026

wait what? are dog coins trending again?

>> No.50217652

Fuck No.

>> No.50217704

Whales dumped on the literal bottom and they are due to fomo back in

>> No.50217866

this coin is dead.

>> No.50217906

Whales are still in BUSD waiting for the market to recover. at least 3 d080 millionaires that im aware of are looking back to get into it once market isn't more secure, and give to CEX listing.

>> No.50218497

So long as they don't push me out the top 50 I'm OK with it.

>> No.50218611

not "dog coins", only derbough.

>> No.50219204

it won't even matter.

>> No.50219771



>> No.50219993

Curious, how do you know this? Are you a whale yourself? Is there a whale chat after all

>> No.50220159

They sold they bottom. They are greedy. They will be back or they will watch what could have been slip from their greedy goblin fingers

>> No.50220315

wow amazing

>> No.50221250

you are a militant bonker haha, but I'm sure there are whales who sold much higher

>> No.50221341

it's down 60% lol. 100x in one day not sustainable

>> No.50221438
File: 148 KB, 1062x929, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendship with dog bat ended
now dog with glasses is my best friend

>> No.50221480
File: 773 KB, 926x618, 5468123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was the early d0b0 tg as jeeted as this one or is their new plan to wrangle them in and dump?

>> No.50221718


>> No.50221819
File: 154 KB, 1062x929, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like ur life

>> No.50222060

even better.


I can attest there's no secret whale chat in the way people fear there is. There are however 20+ TG chats dedicated to d0gbnk.

By the way the CEX money FUD is fake too.

>> No.50222061

I did indeed sell my dbo bag for zhoa mother zUCC

>> No.50222159

Wallets distribution sucks. no memetic energy. reeks of jeetery and quick buck degenerate casino desesperation. it pumped on technical lies that people are catching on to it. Crypt always was a weak ass emotional pc paper hand, nothing more.

>> No.50222213

paid jeet

>> No.50222319
File: 206 KB, 828x1792, 45A5DD61-C3A8-4411-9554-CBD0FBD4E155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely still believe in dbo but I did drop my bags temporarily for Zobo benchode.

>> No.50222368

>we want the 'keys' to the verified dogbat twitter!
>fuck you! im dumping! im making a new token!
anyone else just glad we're finally rid of these rootless cosmopolitans

>> No.50222385

they didnt dump tbf

>> No.50222593

I thought D0gelon M4rs was super cringe, but this CZ rectum-tongueing is ultra cringe. Atleast DB's strat' doesn't solely rely on getting the attention of some tweeting-twattering billionaire autist. Shame about Gh0stbr0 jumping ship for this shite though.

>> No.50222605

cringe but thanks for the bump you fucking idiot

>> No.50222728

i'm gonna pretend that it's possible that this ass is amy's

her prof pic really makes her look like one athletic smutty east euro, goodness gracious

>> No.50222740

rent free

>> No.50222942

Rolling for $50B

>> No.50223021

I don't care either way. I guess its good they're shooting themselves in the foot and alienating the community. I dunno it feels more like d-geb-nk made them more than the other way around to me. Im not talking about crypt here, he just bought ads, was a punching bag, a punchline and a leech.

>> No.50223171
File: 659 KB, 1768x982, Screenshot_20220707-185145_Inkpad NotePad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to get past j*annie fag filter so please see pic related

>> No.50223233

#1 holder in the world here
never selling either

>> No.50223339

I think it's DB's full name even with 0's replacing the o's.

>> No.50223506

Checked and wow the burn wallet is here??

toasting in legendary bread

>> No.50224157
File: 357 KB, 1884x722, 1657134121181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely 100% spot on

>> No.50224217

lmao the only way this would make sense is if you got into the scam groups that popped up. D-geb-nk literally could write a bible with the lore it built.

>> No.50224287

What the hell is great about this post? Not buying no shit in this staged market pump, will make do with securing my wallet just so my wallet doesnt get monitored by some mouse like you

>> No.50224792
File: 304 KB, 960x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything in the world is a pendulum. up, down, left, right, forward, backward. all things oscillate.

just a little fun while we wait on one of the infinite crypto gambles that'll xfer a bunch of nerds wealth to you. november is coming.

>> No.50225473

November already happened, good album though

>> No.50225686
File: 75 KB, 750x576, asmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss the good times so much. hold me bros

>> No.50225707

Just bought dog bat

>> No.50225917

There's a $34 candle in the past hour. Who the fuck are you fooling

>> No.50226172

Needs to migrate off of Binance Scam Chain tbqfwy

>> No.50226362

Schizo rambling aside you gotta think this’ll have a revival come NNN

>> No.50226778
File: 50 KB, 602x812, zam0cog0eu671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MMMMmmmmm I hope all of my fellow ZHAO ARMY marines have been enjoying this tasty dip

>> No.50226795

I hate American retards that worship dogs. Your mutt adds ZERO productive value to the world. Your dogs actually add a NEGATIVE value to the world. They shit all over your cities, parks, neighborhoods, and what the fuck else they feel like. They piss everywhere. They bark at fucking nothing, creating a nuisance for your neighbors.
Anybody that owns a dog should unironically be told to either transfer ownership to a killing facility to have the worthless creature salvaged for MAYBE its pelt (dog pelts might be worth something, but the laws in the USA for breeding dogs is so prohibitively ridiculous that nobody can engage this business), or if they refuse to release custody of their dog, they are immediately led to a guillotine and get the John the Baptist treatment. I'm done with this dog worship shit. If you have a dog, you are a narcissist. You think of NOBODY except yourself. You don't care about the noise your dog makes, the biological hazard your dog produces, or anything fucking else. You are just a parasite, like your dog, and both should be destroyed. I would add clemency for any dog worshiping pagans that willingly give up their dogs, having FINALLY seen the light that their dogs are worthless. But all other dog owners MUST BE DESTROYED.
I hate dogs, and I hate dog owners. Honestly, go kill yourselves and go to hell for eternity. If you don't want to think about anybody except yourself, then expedite your eternal destination. Get the fuck out of this world, and go to hell for eternity.
"Blessed are they that wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb: that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the city. Without are dogs, and sorcerers, and unchaste, and murderers, and servers of idols, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie."

>> No.50227241

Ser u no like cheese and soup ??? NGMI

>> No.50227293

Lol everybody knows it will never become anything. They’re even backtracking stuff they said

>> No.50228398

What a banana eating mongloid
Dog bat or hobo

>> No.50228403

Lol yeah I'm glad I held dog bat all this time and that I don't own any of this

>> No.50230067

lol boomercoin og here, aka cryptoshill, making dobros seethe

>> No.50230438

This coin reeks of all the chink knock off shit coins that made up the majority of listings on memetools. Even the artwork is similar. Very hard to believe the d0b0 team is behind this.

>> No.50231611

Yea, the rajeets in d0bo sold their bags and its finally free of influence, so lets buy into another coin where they have bags. NO THANKS lmao

>> No.50231621

>the paperhand fags in the team are in on zhao
good, they can stay there and dump on each other lmao.

>> No.50231667

no way d0b0 leading members would be retarded enough to start shilling this trash coin that invariably gets destroyed trying to go up against d0b0
no way they push this garbage while they could just push d0b0 which will run again and ruin their reputations like that
nice try zha0 scammers

>> No.50231896

They already did few sub mill rugs all ended in same massive dumpfest. ou and shitload of dobat wallets are thier own. Its one giant shitfest

>> No.50231933


>> No.50232202

If I buy BNB to convert to D0B0 is that considered a taxable event? It's crypto to crypto, right? I can't seem to buy with credit card on ChangeNOW anymore.,

>> No.50234188

What I don't get is why all of these whales are excited about a new coin made by d0b0 team members but not investing in d0b0 itself, which already hit 250m and is only 3m rn (all it needs to do is pass ATH to get a 100x). Someone made a 3k buy of this shit this morning blows my mind

>> No.50234477

Nice attempt at shilling, but I’m not buying your scam

>> No.50234514


Just checked and there were actually THREE $2-3k buys lol these people are retarded

>> No.50235299

Trace bnb that was sent to that wallet I bet it will be connected to multiple other wallets. Basically they do big buy and then dump with other wallet. just trying to manufacture optics of hype and interest I wont be shocked that some of wallets are excluded from trading tax also

>> No.50236575
File: 143 KB, 704x800, 1657275129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We at ZHAO appreciate our dobros just like our dobros appreciate us, don't you? ;)
Released now, official website updated and stuff

>> No.50237332

no, fuck off retard

>> No.50237399

You don't appreciate us and d0b0 bonks on soulless jeet trash like you

>> No.50237701

Lmao nice try. Nobody is taking the bait. Ghost bro and Sanyo are nothing without the bat. Ghost to is a Normi and a degen who’s every marketing ploy failed and Santiago new work speaks for itself. The dudes where overhyped anyways

>> No.50237724


>> No.50237734

your whole marketing scheme is shitting on dob and it’s community and gaslight. Nobody cried when crypt dumped and cried to come back.

>> No.50237809

who the fuck still buys this shit unironically? these coins always end up dumping just as hard as they pump

zero utility. zero backing
any dollar being spent on this instead of something with utility like Ethereum or something with actual backing like BitDAO is a dollar lost

>> No.50238508
File: 45 KB, 1440x344, Screenshot_20220708-184549_Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another late night at the portaloo?

>> No.50239528

I love funny dog with bat, bought 18 billion a while ago

>> No.50239601
File: 111 KB, 354x347, 1639152595372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't. Married to QOM.

>> No.50241964

d0b0 or hobo!

>> No.50242264


Preach, brother.

>> No.50243491

Im keeping this thread alive till we get 300 posts

>> No.50243636

I will never ever buy a meme coin again ;D

>> No.50243768

Zhao is way more comfy

>> No.50243800

Damn just missed post 300. I'll settle for 301. D0ggyb00nk 50b EOY.

>> No.50244544
File: 292 KB, 1280x720, photo_2022-05-14 12.59.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mao is proof and confirmation the "team" didn't pump db lets hope they will have to take a step back so db can go back to its roots high energy anarchic roots that would be bullish the only reason db pumped so much was because of the synergy between the community and its meme

>> No.50245263


>he thinks crypto has utility

explain how eth serves as a utility?
o wait u cant

>> No.50245356

Consider that what dogbat did at peak was only with 20k holders and as BTC was dying
Just imagine what is going to happen when 300k people fomo in like they did for memecoins in May last year

>> No.50245426

exactly. and also remember most people where scared db was a scam, now it got proven by time it is actually legit.
40k holders is still fucking early, but enough to make a roar when time comes.

>> No.50246072

lots of utility coming, dog bat token might be able to end the trend that is Play to Earn games.

>> No.50247187
File: 1.15 MB, 3336x1266, 1643539097882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D0B0 or HOBO.

>> No.50248286

haven't sold
but haven't bought more (because I'm currently broke)
please crash the markets for a few months so I can accoom a top 100 wallet

>> No.50248588

I am never selling
Soon, after paying off some debts I will resume purchasing the dog and bat coin

>> No.50248862

I'm top 100 and realized I actually want to be top 50
Realized the ideal stack is 2tril (for me at least)