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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50178846 No.50178846 [Reply] [Original]

Is it still possible to exploit GMT and earn some money by doing absolutely nothing or did they really patch those things? Wanna look into it but I’m not 100% sure desu

>> No.50178883

Not anymore, the existing bots on youtube are most likely scams or patched

>> No.50178935

do you think its worth even risking your time and money? sounds stupid to me those neets spend their whole life patching shit so people dont do so

>> No.50178944

they already addressed the security issues last month

>> No.50178974

well you could always try to keep finding more ways to exploit it, there is never a perfect code

>> No.50178987

they do it like once a week

>> No.50178996

I'm sure seg exploit something will come out soon

>> No.50179015

yeah its just a rush to get them before they patch it lol

>> No.50179024

twice a month actually and adress it on each AMA like 10 times lol

>> No.50179032

is there some way I get to know when they find them?

>> No.50179059

I bet people trying to exploit these apps run in organized groups maybe its quite hard get news from them

>> No.50179097
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Nigga just go outside and move those legs to get that money

>> No.50179106

hey thats a good idea lol hadt think of that

>> No.50179123

Go outside shake that bootie

>> No.50179129

same lol i thought it was just loners coping they can get fit with it and shit

>> No.50179132

well just have to get into a black hats party lol

>> No.50179139

None legal im afraid

>> No.50179147

GMT is literally on the floor dude what the hell

>> No.50179152

the japanese hack the app to earn more and win the contests ask them

>> No.50179156

should be the 5th or 6th time that id know of, hackers seems to love stepn, dont know why lol

>> No.50179164


>> No.50179165

fucking yellowfags, they allways get the good stuff

>> No.50179787

Here’s the scam

1: release a project that allows people to game the project with gps spoofing, etc.

2: People become interested and buy in because they can gps spoof for free money.

3: Those selling the project now have the money

4: patch out the ability to gps spoof, tanking interest in the project

5: they still have the money