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50171703 No.50171703 [Reply] [Original]

the bearmarket is upon us. celsius has crashed, nexo is insolvent and bancor is also insolvent lol.
why is my brain telling me this is super bullish for chainlink?
crypto as a whole is undergoing a test of the public's trust. it is on the edge of failing. perhaps cl can swoop in for a big save? that seems a bit fantastical desu. either way im glad manipulators are dying.

what are you guys' thoughts on the crypto landscape and the effects it will have on the one and only crypto that matters, chainlink?

>> No.50171731

schizo delusion

>> No.50171762

Take your meds, he’s right

>> No.50171781

bullish for pharmaceutical medications

>> No.50171842

Bigly price action incoming

>> No.50171916

Bear markets force people to think rationally and pick quality
Link mooned during the last bear
Add to that
Enterprise abstraction layer
And, as a special surprise, the requirement that the quadratic staking equivalent of each side of a CCIP instance must be staked
Well, you wouldnt believe me if i told you

>> No.50171939


Assblaster’s prediction

>> No.50171959 [DELETED] 


Investing in all oracle projects right now. There's not going to be a better wave. RLC BAND API3 and yes, even KENSHI, are going to go ballistic when the LINK short squeeze basically forces the entirety of the crypto space to pay attention to what purpose these sort of protocols provide.

>> No.50171990

Flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.50172037

When will this shit takeoff?

>> No.50172072

chainlink is abysmal
promises everything but delivers nothing
it's bugged data transfers has caused many DEFI websites to lose money

>> No.50172080
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schizophrenic and also pajeet tier. you deserve the title as the new XRP

>> No.50172104

its almost unbelievable what the next 179 days hold for chainlink

>> No.50172132

Is this true? Did AB predict that? Not seen this

>> No.50172326 [DELETED] 

based jonny.

>> No.50172355
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It will happen bros. We may be years behind schedule but that's only because Tyrone and the homies were taking their time learning to code like professionals. Now that they're experienced we should be moving at lightspeed! Have faith in Karen from HR's picks!

>> No.50172374

>why do I have the illusion that the shitcoin I'm married to will go to the moon!
the ABSOLUTE state of baggies

>> No.50172502

>And, as a special surprise, the requirement that the quadratic staking equivalent of each side of a CCIP instance must be staked
How much link will be needed for CCIP to be secured in comparison to the 75M feed pool?

>> No.50172597


How am I wrong? I have 50,000 LINK. I fully expect LINK to run very shortly, and I fully expect other oracles to catch runoff hype. How is this a bad hypothesis? Do you really think there won't be an oracle hyperun?

>> No.50172684

I have a bag of every single oracle project and anytime they outperform LINK I move them back. Lucky to have bought that kenshi scam before biz faggots shit up the board with dogshit memes

>> No.50172711

you are incorrect
link will not "run"
really is that simple

>> No.50172720

BTC is on the verge of losing its decade long support and there is a VIX explosion building up which could take the stock market down.
I don't know how to feel about this...

>> No.50172735

Staked link and collateralized value are a constant product just like an amm
Literally every instance of every node will be demanding link
And the price inflection point where adding another node to a don is less cost efficient than adding link to existing nodes is only present at the extreme ends of the curve

But you knew that, right :)

>> No.50172763

Bitcoin didn't truly rise until Mt. Gox died and scared everyone away from BTC. These things happen, orchestrated or not because everyone's not meant to make it. Be patient and HODL.

>> No.50172799


Oh. So you're a retard. I get it. Well, enjoy being wrong and I'll enjoy doing 10 - 100x on every bag I just posted.

>> No.50172818

you'll enjoy no such thing

>> No.50172856

Everyone should be taking their meds, regardless of opinions on chainlink. The meds prevent manic episodes. You can’t make it on a manic episode.

>> No.50172928 [DELETED] 

Dont mind the retard above, i also Havel bag of Kenshi and when the Oracle season is upon, Kenshi will do at least x100 from here and Link will be the king in Oracle space.

>> No.50172968 [DELETED] 
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Chainlink is too big in scope and will be devoured by more specialized oracles like Kenshi over time

>> No.50173009

just bought more link

>> No.50173022

God you sound like a bitch. Don't even have the heart to commit to obvious fud.

>> No.50173041

>at the extreme ends of the curve
Are we not nearly there?

>> No.50173061


>> No.50173077

BTC literally experienced it's biggest bullrun percentage wise while MtGox was still alive
shut the fuck up with these retarded takes

>> No.50173081

An enormous amount of nothing most likely.

>> No.50173086

fuck you with your endless hopium threads

>> No.50173095

when will staking ccip be released?

>> No.50173101 [DELETED] 

Tbf KENSHI has more niche products to cater to smaller crypto projects and LINK is a Fortune 500 company that only high level institutions will use. LINK will still reach $380, but in that same period of time I expect most alternative oracles (api3,band, dia, kenshi) will have done larger multiples in the same period as retail tries to be a part of the “next Chainlink”

Diversify your exposure to oracle projects as they’re all going to run hard at different stages.

>> No.50173112

Ok I'll bite, what meds tho?

>> No.50173200

First to succeed in a network market gets 99% of it. You're in 2007, buying stock in MySpace because Facebook looks like it will be getting big soon. Just buy more link you tard.

>> No.50173227

I mean How retard can you be not to throw a couple of bucks at this. If it works you buy more link, if not, who cares, i will not drink next saturday night 10 beers and i got my money back.

>> No.50173247

Im all for having a few little bags of competing oracles but isnt kenshi literally just a complete scam that basically has nothing but a website and multiple quadrillions of massive transfer tax shit-tokens spread over multiple shitchains?

>> No.50173268

Jesus I'm have Desire Finance flashbacks

>> No.50173313
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Here's what I think of your meds!

>> No.50173424


>> No.50173571

Remember this moment well.
This is how disbelief feels.
This hell will finally end once Celsius and Nexo capitulate.

I had almost forgotten the CCIP staking part.
This was the most bullish part, but the staking v0.1 made me forget about it.
From a roadmap perspective CCIP with staking can only be released after reaching the v1.0 of staking.
With such a packed schedule they will need to release staking soon, or we will have to wait until December for CCIP.
This also means that the V0.1 will have a short lived time as a delay in the V1.0 release would delay the release of CCIP.
There is no rush for that but there is no doubt they will keep their promise of releasing everything this year.
They also have a big integration planned for Q1 of next year which will at least double or triple their network income and will require CCIP.
Before that they have another big integration planned for Q3 of this year.
This means we could get staking in the v1.0 state in Q4.

>> No.50173594

Liver and other animal organs ground in to a powder, mostly.

>> No.50173609

>profitable node staking with a capped token
no matter how long it takes when it happens it happens

>> No.50173613

Kenshi has a VRF oracle that has been proven to be faster then LINK. They have a lot more then just a website


>> No.50173619

9 Million Dollars End Of Year

>> No.50173678
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August is going to be a massive pump, and September is going to be ATH

>> No.50173787

hard to say, when I see a good looking website, professional doxxed team working with actual crypto customers I usually expect a 50 million marketcap.

>> No.50173807

Yes but before all of that sirgay has to dump 50 million tokens on your ass

>> No.50173842
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The Standard.

>> No.50173870
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>> No.50173876

how to lose credibility without even having to click the link

>> No.50174320


>> No.50174384

if I was you? I'd listen.

Radioshack follows the KENSHI twitter and that makes me bullish

>> No.50174780

I'm a LINK fanatic so yeah this token will fucking shit on ya faces.

>> No.50174803

LINK will pamp so wild and I ain't gonna miss it. Pajeets gat nothing on it.

>> No.50174847

>one and only crypto that matters
What kinda weed does OP take?
Yo fag you seen L1 protocols like NEAR and AZERO with zero knowledge proof, or even Sylo and KDA.
You got to be kidding me.

>> No.50174865
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How come there is 40 trillion tokens on other networks and why did they burn 50% on bsc, a common tactic used by scammers to hide the fact that they own the vast vast majority of the supply?


>> No.50174871

So wtf is insolvent has that got to do with crypto. Does it mean it can't make a sotn kek

>> No.50174901

I fucking agree with you on that.

>> No.50174921

You wish, kek

>> No.50174985
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After having bought the 15$ LINK dump I celebrated what seemed as a buy of a lifetime by having a dinner in an exclusive Michelin restaurant

>> No.50175009
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These fags just focus on token and gloryify it.

KDA did print some cool cash for me on one of its NFTs but you see the Seekers NFTs (the Sylo nodes) which users are also rewarded or penalized based on the quality of the service that they provide.
Hell yeah I got this and holding for a very long time as I have put it to work already.

>> No.50175027


>> No.50175057

When they drop the 50 mil tokens all of the link holders will simply slurp them at a discounted price before the staking ccip pump. We are excited for the 50mil drop and are never selling!

>> No.50175060

You pained anon take a deep breath and drink enough water and stop spitting out shid.

>> No.50175346

No, AB said the make it stack was 200k and to sell at $20, unironically.

>> No.50175359

No it's not true, but AB was just a larper anyways. He disappeared around the time UncleFuckFace showed up.

>> No.50175390

This is also not true. AB said 10k was a make it stack. He wasn't some insider or holy man. He was a larper. He started saying 10k was the make it stack long after others had already said it.

>> No.50175527

Chainlink is dead, in the process of easily being replaced literally right now. You'd have to be an absolute dumb fuck to still be holding LINK

>> No.50175552

desperate emotionality

>> No.50175569

Assblaster literally thought $20 was the top

>> No.50175601

this, retards

>> No.50175734

Because it’s a blatant scam. Report them to FINMA and watch them squirm

>> No.50175744

Just sold 100k. Thanks for caring about my well being.

>> No.50176287

>They also have a big integration planned for Q1 of next year which will at least double or triple their network income and will require CCIP.
>Before that they have another big integration planned for Q3 of this year.

>> No.50176318

yeah, of one cycle, like the post says

>> No.50176375

chainlink is a premine token on a premine chain and the fact that it hasn't gone to zero is proof that the crypto-sphere is still overpopulated with actual retards.

>> No.50176626

like which ones? just name even a single example

>> No.50176664

it's always so easy to tell the real oldfags from the larpers

>> No.50176683

assblaster was a she with rockin tits

>> No.50176828
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>> No.50176882

Where are you getting all this info from?

>> No.50176942

because you're delusional

>> No.50176946

Oh boy you must be really pissed about the 75 million being removed from circulation from v0.1 staking, or the likely majority of tokens being taken out of circulation when 1.0 staking releases, that's gotta have you incredibly bearish long term. Fuck chainlink!

>> No.50176952

Post food pics

>> No.50177074

Fuck it, did this retarded OP said one and only? When we have BTC, MATIC ADA UTK, BOBO and more.

>> No.50177116

Yeah... Chainlink is dead and off the market

>> No.50177166

I think that it will begin with staking.

It's frustrating but it really is the biggest project in crypto and when staking is fully implemented the value of the tokens will go up exponentially firstly by providing interest on an investment and secondly because so many of the tokens will be locked away.

What's happening at the moment is the project is in the alpha phase. Everything is locked within a private network of testers, the fact that the private network is already profitable is very good news and staking will open the door to many new avenues of profitability.

It's very frustrating waiting but it is what it is.

>> No.50177183

hiding strategy ain’t doing it for me boys, it’s time to engage thrusters and lift off from the shitcoin landscape

>> No.50177202

Not really sure of the dip BTC but damn there is alot of juicy project that is making me horny,ATM Looking forward to when the UTK metabonding rewards gets distributed, very sure this will get a lot of folks trying it out

>> No.50177311

whats up boys, just had dinner with the family. im glad my thread took off so well. ive been reading all of your responses.

>> No.50177454

Faggot knows it all

>> No.50177468

Keep fucking trannies and invest in real estates

>> No.50177675

>>50177074 got my dick hard with this,but still buying the dip on UTK.
Staking my tokens on MaiarDEX is what keeps me busy with potential APY of 15-25% returns.There's more to earn from that mate

>> No.50177735

Crypto is about to crash is really q bail out from the current shit of crypto and opting into the light of some promising projects which offers a wide benefit.

>> No.50177817

Get Your ass outa retard I'm waiting for the next update of QANX

>> No.50177867

Hold on to crypto with a strong communication.

>> No.50177903

This sounds like some kind of AI bot

>> No.50178067

humans are ai bots covered in flash.

>> No.50178094

That Has been sexy and it dripping but get your damn ass ready as NFTs will remain secure on the platform even with the emergence of quantum computers enabling and facilitate the use of multiple cross-chain cryptocurrencies on nftrmarket for buying, selling and minting Elrond NFTs.

>> No.50178141
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>cefi lenders all go insolvent
>Sam buys their assets for pennies on the dollar
>untouchable wall street jew now has complete control over LINK market
>he also owns robinhood
>retards think this is bullish
Imagine that the schoolyard bully who was teasing you just got murdered by a full on gangster who wants to make you his bitch, and you think this is good news.

>> No.50178148

Chainlink does not make me walk with pride

>> No.50179986

>The Foundation expects that these token releases into circulating supply will be small in the near term and will be focused on the already occurring oracle rewards, until additional deployments are required for additional key initiatives in the third quarter of 2022 and into the first quarter of 2023.

>> No.50180048

CeFi are selling and shorting Chainlink which means they in the best case don't own it or in the worst case have a negative ownership of it and need to close their shorts.
The only asset he would currently get from Celsius is almost only BTC.

>> No.50180046

More dumping with this shitcoin. God I've never seen a creator hate their holders more.

>> No.50180066


“When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger.”

― Confucius

>> No.50180133
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>> No.50181080

>they will need to release staking soon
Check Jonny's twitter.

>> No.50181586

Considering it’s basically been 2 years of nonstop pain I find it hard to believe now out of all times is when we’re gonna moon. Sorry bros, I really wanna see it happen but I am so utterly demoralized. Not selling, but I am feeling like shit. Fuck Celsius. Fuck Nexo. Fuck BlockFi. They all deserve to burn for the amount of suffering they’ve caused.

>> No.50181671

>staking 0.1
>some other random ass feature that doesn't exist yet
>muh quadratic staking
>sergey has a philosophy degree
>eric schmidt is a middle manager
Chainlink really did come up with the perfect collage of midwit technical terms.


>> No.50181939

nah anon it won't rise like a phoenix that's a dumb comparison, so far only matic is rising and will soon reach new all time high, especially after polygon's partnership with htc to power its web3 mobile

>> No.50182122

The only reason one would be coping is if they had link on cel or bancor etc and got jewed. Holding off exchange is comfy af.

>> No.50183024

> Your altcoin won't rise like a phoenix that's a dumb comparison
> did i tell u my altcoin will rise like a phoenix
Ur such a fag

>> No.50183360

Why is it that I've held through the same time frame as you, adding more along the way, and I'm absolutely fine? This "I'm so demoralised" shit just means you are a spineless, greedy dickhead. Some people take years to make it through hard work. All you needed to do was literally nothing but wait. Yet stillbyoubwhome like a boring cunt. Grow a set you stupid moron.

>> No.50183441

Kill yourself with your pathetic cope. Don’t bullshit us and pretend you’re happy these CeFi kikes have been fucking with LINK for years.

>> No.50183514

oh shut up

>> No.50183528
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Kek every time it ends with this dumb take. Your personal threshold for satisfaction is beside the point in a conversation about objective performance and viability of an investment. Such a weird take actually.
>Grow a set you stupid moron.

>> No.50183587
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>> No.50184017

oh kys

>> No.50184053

I truly don’t understand the mentality. I don’t know what it will take for some people to acknowledge that “hm… the financial performance of my investment isn’t really meeting my expectations.” and instead we have this weird borderline masochistic attitude where people are eternally celebrating shitty performance because I GET MORE HECKIN TIME TO SLURP THE DIPPERINO. Just absolute faggots kek. Chainlink the project is awesome, but don’t delude yourself into thinking the price action has been awesome the last 2 years.

>> No.50184753

frfr link be bussin no cap we r all gunna make it lul 1k eoy

>> No.50185351
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>> No.50186223

If the price action had been 'awesome' you'd have sold by now and spent it on shit. So you see, you'll never make it, anyway, because you're always going to sell when it hits a certain price. That's who you are. It's okay to be that way, but don't try to sell the notion that it's somehow better. It isn't.

>> No.50186233

What the

>> No.50186363

Nexo is very solvent, they are even going to buy up insolvent exchanges themselves. They will also continue aggressively shorting LINK, because it's guaranteed money.

>> No.50186414

Yikes. So it won't even reach high 100s

>> No.50186440
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My story with chainlink begins in 2004. Someone told me something on a phone dating Chatline. I feel God will show me a sign when it's time to share my story.

>> No.50186541

>author name is pouya eghbali

kek get out of here with this bombay jeet scam

>> No.50186920

What in the fuck are you talking about you dumb fucking retard kek.

>> No.50186976

vrf and keepers are in demand and take a bunch of Link to work, if eth could manage to solve its horrendous gas economics or chainlink abandoning eth, the token can easily make btc market cap look like a shitcoin

>> No.50187420

Here at syscon you often hear them speak about our NEVM Smart contract platform and how we are aiming to be the world's first mature blockchain system. What we mean by this is to provide the technological infrastructure necessary for Web 3.0 applications that are so ubiquitous and seamless that the end user is often unaware of its existence.

>> No.50187489

>You will NEVER achieve the net worth to aquire a hot, loving and kinky gf like this
Why even live bros, it hurts so much

>> No.50187797

Can you just start your story already ffs. Seen you posting so many times bro

>> No.50188447

>paying for random numbers
lol, lmao even

>> No.50188487

>using a provably unfair rng algo
that is why the majority of crypto gaming is a no for me and why I don't play casino games. centralized rng is always a scam

>> No.50189524

I use ai copywriting for work and it makes more sense than that

>> No.50189539

My link is in a cold wallet, he can't for anything

>> No.50189591

Retard logic. How can you short link when there isn’t any link to begin with?

>> No.50189642

you know your constant use of dead memes makes you stand out like a sore thumb.

>> No.50190610

If you are a long-term holder, just stake away your alts and come back in a few years' time. I have made peace with myself and staked my SCRT, KAVA, ETH, and ATOM on Kraken. WGMI

>> No.50190697

I have played quite a few such as Orbem wars, Secret Heroes, and the order of mystic skulls and I can say that I love the games that are built on Secret network.

>> No.50192339

Why are gamers always heavily criticized on this board? Fucking see GameFi go be the future, Illuvium and Honeyland could be blue chips in the coming run

>> No.50192933

im buying tellor sorry

>> No.50193236

Metaverse lands will turn out to be assets in the future. Just incubating genesis eggs now

>> No.50194850

>If the price action had been awesome you'd have sold by now
that's the name of the game, are you retarded? congrats for possibly the dumbest post on /biz/