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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50155169 No.50155169 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50155217

Make peace with the rich, maybe?

>> No.50155244

That's stupid, they should be shooting up private schools where all the poletician's and rich kids go to school in minecraft of course.

>> No.50155286

Leftoids are pathetic subhumans yes but the view of the world they pretend to have is the right one just minus the gay shit.

>> No.50155295

Pay the rent or go live in the street.

>> No.50155301

Those schools actually have security measures so it probably wouldn't be as successful

>> No.50155305

too based for this world

>> No.50155309

There is no peace with greed, zoomie

>> No.50155360

>calls me zoomie

>> No.50155452

Pay your rent pay your internet bills pay your food bill

>> No.50155477

nah, I would rather be shooting schools where shitskin nigger parasites like you go to

>> No.50155526

hehe look at this image of some idiot saying that you should rise up and kill the rich
you don't want to be like that idiot right
right goyim

>> No.50155586
File: 80 KB, 1200x570, 1629697476690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes goyim. Eat the rich. You should hate social mobility in a society where it's the highest. You will NOT make it. Just give up and accept gibs.

>> No.50155599

Boycott housing. Live with your parents or friends until the bubble bursts

>> No.50155605

>dont want to pay rent
get your own house, easy as that!

>> No.50155609

does anyone remember occupy wallstreet
whatever happened to that huh

>> No.50155669 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50155752

>You or your parents have too much unearned money (we decide what is too much and we decide what is unearned), so we're going to take 50% of it, then give 1/5 of that to people who made bad decisions or have low IQ and pocket the rest

>> No.50155946

If a janitor walked into work
and made himself a cent
and saved it up and waited long
and then that cent was spent

then he'd have made,
so much money more
than any janny ever.
For it is known, all far and wide
jannies are paid never!

Imagine doing that hopeless job,
your room, your smell, so fetid
Imagine mommy walking in,
her child now worse than she'd betted
imagine sitting in your stinky chair,
the cushions molded to you
and all the crusty underwear
the bottles of pee pee and poo poo!

A terrible fate, that is to be sure,
the life of a hapless janny!
Cleaning it up throughout the day,
One would feel like a fanny!
That is to say, a proper cunt
all leaky and stinky and true!

That is because, my janny friend,
The proper cunt

>> No.50156536
File: 1.26 MB, 1279x720, they just started saying it publicly in front of cameras.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will own nothing

>> No.50157402

in minecraft?