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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50137900 No.50137900 [Reply] [Original]

My father who never had any health trouble has developed a severe cardiopathy probably due to the jew jab.
He is on medical treatment to have the heart rythms stable but his left atrium is severely dilated this increases the risk of sudden death, stroke etc

The ideal solution would be to have his left atrium repaired through a cardiac surgery. I want the best available doctors to do that and the entire procedure is about 400 000$ without insurance.

So /biz/ if you where on my place what on Earth would you do to get 500 000 post taxes in a 3-6 month time period?

>> No.50137920

why doesn't your dad have insurance? is this just some elaborate larp for a polcel to discuss """the vax""" on biz?

>> No.50137933

Damn bro, 2nd mortgage? In my country youd wait 6-12 months for that kind of operation but itd be free. Good luck anon

>> No.50137959

Would be free in my country

Your only choice is a loanshark mate

>> No.50137962

Yolo in options. Maybe you'll get lucky

>> No.50137967

Dude we're in a bear market right now and everyone is poor. It's a shit situation and getting lucky with shitcoins/scams, which was your best option, isn't really viable AFAIK atm. Selling drugs is an option but that's risky and super illegal so I can't genuinely tell you to do that. Also I don't know how quickly you would get 500k doing that anyways. I wish you the best of luck anon. Spend a lot of time with him ok?

>> No.50137985

>is this just some elaborate larp for a polcel to discuss """the vax""" on biz?
Sorry anon you're gonna die soon

>> No.50138006

I hope your dad dies and burns in hell. Blaming the vax for his weak heart which bloods all the sugar and alcohol that bum consumes. How dare you!

>> No.50138019

spikecel bros... I want a refund

>> No.50138050

Begging larp by eastern European shitbags.

>> No.50138055 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50138056

The best way is to set up a GoFundMe. The fastest way to make that much money otherwise requires a great deal of luck or capital (which if you had it, you wouldn't be asking this in the first place)

>> No.50138096

>Selling drugs is an option but that's risky and super illegal
as long as you stay away from the trifling trio (coke, H, meth) you won't be snuffed out as quickly. the margins on party drugs from the netherlands is insane if you live in burgerland, all you need is enough brain cells to figure out how to use the dark net and a college campus

>> No.50138104

Your nearly right. It's a lefttpol universal healthcare larp. Little do they know there would simply be no option to pay and get treated in socialized healthcare systems. They just tell you to go home and die.

>> No.50138120

Last choice
I will consider it, thank you
I will do that before the loanshark
>Spend a lot of time with him ok?
Yes I am, it is my top priority right now, my life is frozen until he has his heart repaired, simple as.
and I hope you tell your masters that their life is now depending on my dad's one, he dies, and all your cabal is going to be killed at my hands, mark my words.

>> No.50138147



>> No.50138184

> They just tell you to go home and die.
Correct this is what has happend us. Doctor consider best is to get meds for life even if his quality of life has deteriorated cuz they don't have the resources to have all the hearts that get through the system get the surgery therefore they prioritize the few ones that are at risk of dying in less than weeks

>> No.50138627
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if i were your dad, i would say, "Son, i had a good life. I don't want you to struggle. We all die and fathers should die before their sons. Let's just enjoy the time we have"

fren, i hate to say this, but short of a miracle, not much you can do to get $500K in a few months.

That said, look into having the surgery done in India. Friend of mine took his wife to India for a cancer treatment that was supposed to cost $200Kin the US and it cost him like $20K in India.

so maybe you can get the surgery done for $50K in India?

>> No.50138640

No health insurance? Do you drive your car without insurance too?

>> No.50138660

If you're going lie and beg OP at least make it funny faggot like this queer did

>> No.50139037

dump $1000 in Luna Classic and pray to god the tax burn on August 22nd moons the price.

>> No.50139146

Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate it
We have health insurance but socialist state decided not to surgery cuz muh 3-5 years life expentacy in a functional state (aka 80 yo in a body of 50 yo) So we need to get the surgery done privately in aonther country.

>> No.50139186

>3-5 years life expentacy in a functional state (aka 80 yo in a body of 50 yo)
so you want to drop half a mil to make your dad suffer 3 extra years?

>> No.50139241

>if i were your dad, i would say, "Son, i had a good life. I don't want you to struggle. We all die and fathers should die before their sons. Let's just enjoy the time we have"
This is the truth unfortunately. Your dad lived his life anon, I know you want to keep him alive but for how long and at what cost to yourself? Death is a natural part of life and we have to learn to accept our fates. Look at how many young people die with nothing and realize your father has lived a full life. Best of luck anon

>> No.50139276

Have you tried sucking dick?

>> No.50139373

No I did not express myself properly.
my dad is 50yo trapped now in a 80yo (in terms of functionality) body.
I want to drop half a mil to have his left atrial returned to a normal size to increase (and hopefully return close to normal) the Ejection Fraction of the left side of his heart and then have a Maze procedure to stop the fibrilations.
So there are two things here the reduction and the maze procedure. I researched that Kyoto University Hospital have long term experience with these procedures combined with high success rate so I need it to be done most likely there.
Japan is really expensive so I wanted to be sure to be able to pay for this entire quest. Half a mil sounds more than reasonable

>> No.50139485

what state are you in? are you in the u.s?
im going through something similar right now as of a week ago, though not due to the jab, just bad diet.

>> No.50139496

try India
the trick is that India has such a huge population the doctors are able to practice more on patients.
also, no one sues them if they fuck up so they don't have to pay the insurance jews.
good luck fren and enjoy time with your dad. my dad died suddenly and when he did I realized no one in this fucked up world loved me more than him.

>> No.50139516

>socialist state decided not to surgery


>> No.50139548

You're all responding to an ESL faggot who uses a fake dad with disease to beg for money he's been doing it for two literal years now he hits all the boards mostly pol and biz

>> No.50139578

oh. well my dad really has a health problem and im not going to beg for money im just goingt to ride the upcoming link mega pump.

>> No.50139619

As you should, nobody here can help you emotiinally or financially with medical problems, also 99% of countries have healthcare programs or other things to take advantage of OP doesn't want that because his dad is fake, he started off using pictures of animals with surgery scars we summarized he is in the medical field like a vet tech.

>> No.50139644

where did I beg for money? I am only asking for advice of succesfulls biz anons
outside us
ty I will make an appointment with them to see the possibilities.
> when he did I realized no one in this fucked up world loved me more than him.
I did realize that also in the moment he was in the hospital and I have to live now knowing there could be fatal outcome although he is still here with us conscious but severly depressed due to all this happening to him

>> No.50139660

You will knife pajeet, you always do.
Maybe you should stop trying to piss constantly in the same stream.

>> No.50139996

didnt ask for your opinion faggot.

>> No.50140227

You're just the samefag as OP then you vulture.

>> No.50140337

Booster for thee

>> No.50141092

yep. do this. best option yet.

>> No.50141195
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demo post

>> No.50141271
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No refunds lolololol