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50128454 No.50128454 [Reply] [Original]

Red pill me on donating plasma for money.
Seems like an easy way to make money while shit posting and watching YouTube. Anyone here done it?
Seems like you can make 5k-6k a year. If you got a gf you can double up and get 12k a year which isn't bad. Could really help pay for half your expenses if you are NEET maxing and living on nothing.
Any down sides besides being around losers for an hour who are dumb with money?

>> No.50128464

>Helping to keep boomers alive for way too less recompensation
no, giving blood, especially unvaccinated blood too boomers is cukery

>> No.50128524

I do it,easy money with no downsides ime
I also get blood levels checked everytime i go and a health check up twice a year

>> No.50128526

I need my plasma though. I use it all the time

>> No.50128554

I was a phlebotomist at BioLife for a year. There are no downsides at all healthwise. You can go twice a week because your body is constantly replenishing plasma. It’s mostly just water and protein.

>> No.50128576

I did that shit and its fucking horrible experience. Now everyone is doing it? I was poor af only real poors do that kinda shit. Now everyone is doing it? shits fucked man shit is fucked!

>> No.50128584

Forgot to mention you need to be eating good though. I get nauseous if I haven’t had lots of protein before I go. This is normal advice for donating blood or anything like that. Have a big chicken sandwich or bowl of cereal or whatever will fill your belly before you go.
It’s not something for just “poor” people either. I had plenty of donors come in who were just old people that had friends die of cancer, etc. wanting to help a cause.

>> No.50128593

I am willing to donate plasma because I get paid. I do not donate blood because I am not giving hospitals something for free that they then charge a gorillion dollars to someone else for. Jewish charity 101.

>> No.50128597

You seem to still type like a retard so what changed?

>> No.50128621

it sucks the life force out of you. its not worth it.

>> No.50128770

how would it please you reddit nigger?

>> No.50128783

I will never give a single drop of my precious unvaxxed blood to any vaxtard

>> No.50128789

Apparantly the center near me only pays 30 for a donation...2x a week. Must be because there are so many junkies.

>> No.50128795

>no downsides
Surely you have at least one rct cohort study with risk assessment for at least the major health outcomes to base this on. Surely...

>> No.50128843

if you do it all the time you'll get a big needle mark scar on your arm and people will think you're an ex junkie when they see it

>> No.50128956

Can I get paid more for being O negative?

>> No.50128979

You americans are so lucky
You can get free money for this shit
I would do it all the time
In europe its considered "free voluntary donation" . you just get a day off , everyone would donate if it was paid

>> No.50129607

Donating out also filters your blood of some toxins/chemicals. Pulling existing plasma and then it being replenished pure helps a lot.

>> No.50129660

He looks like his plasma would be 85% söy

>> No.50129745

Dont do it, I work in the Industry and can say, that your immune system will suffer also you will be tired the whole time and have no urge to do anything.

>> No.50129773

As opposed to feeling like that working a 9-5 anyway?

>> No.50129786

where i live, only junkies and other various forms of dirtbag do this.

>> No.50129831

the only thing in life I'm afraight of is needles, big no for me.

>> No.50130125

So does wage slavery

>> No.50130565
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>Any down sides besides being around losers for an hour who are dumb with money?

You are one of those losers, and (((they))) could pump anything into your system while you are connected to those mysterious machines, but yeah go give some fresh plasma to your jewish masters for that few hundred bucks a month, goy

>> No.50130602

>made $1500
And this bitch calls herself an author

>> No.50130823

>donating plasma
Its not donating if you are receiving something in return.

>> No.50130843

>cool i can get $100 bucks for an hour plus of my time as they drain me
>the vampires sells plasma for 1000% markup

who won??

>> No.50130860

i thought about it. then i realized that feeling like a heroin addict or a mentally retarded white trash retard isn't worth the measly $500-1k a month they give you.

>> No.50130869

So does wagecucking. This is just more direct and doesn't last as long.

>> No.50131141

>then i realized that feeling like a heroin addict or a mentally retarded white trash retard
why would you feel like that? retards and white trash go to walmart and I bet you feel no shame waltzing in there.

>> No.50131158

He’s a phlebotomist he can probably barely spell his name

>> No.50131163
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I'm AB+ so I have the most valuable plasma how can I male a living wage selling my plasma

>> No.50131184
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Also Im unvaxxed so my blood isn't poisoned

>> No.50131189

>the idiot is also a racist and a r*dditor
Quite the trifecta

>> No.50131232
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I did it a few times back when I was broke as shit and struggling hard.

Clinic only paid me 29$ dollars for my plasma though.

After weighing the the cost x reward of the entire ordeal I felt like there were better ways to make money. But during my trips there I got to see the kinds of people who felt like it was actually worth going through that bs.

Lots of general weirdos and other lower class scumbags who unironically rely on plasma donation as a sort of income. It's fucking absurd.

>> No.50131271

I already feel like that from living in this fucked world

>> No.50132884

dumb nigger

>> No.50134719

I used to sell plasma to afford gas money to go to my unpaid internship
I’d rather sell crack than be in that situation again

>> No.50134738

i still shop at walmart but i use curbside pickup because it's free and it drastically limits my interaction with minorities
>put it in my trunk, wagie

>> No.50134741

>No downsides
Bullshit I got fucking cancer after 2 years on and off donating plasma, my system is so fucked now I'm going to die shortly within 3 years, the only major difference in my life was donating plasma so some richfaggot could live while my life force was drained away.

So go fuck yourself also MAD COW DISEASE?!?!

They specifically mention there's a god damn chance of getting it through plasma donation there's no cure only death afterward.
Oh and HIV ffs

>> No.50134878

>everyone would donate if it was paid
I live in Europe and they would not.

The biggest lie of all time.

Donating blood causes weakness and is just harmful.

However, I am poor enough that if I got $1,200 a month for a few jabs I would seriously consider it. I still wouldn't do it all the time but I would a few times.

>> No.50135007

Now I'm too scared to do it.

>> No.50135170

Post nose, herr doktor...

>> No.50135224


>> No.50135230

>intentionally get HIV
>just lie to the blood bank
>donate blood or plasma
>profit and laff
You get free money and the blood bank vampires get fucked. whats wrong with this plan?

>> No.50135242

They test your blood dum dum

>> No.50135271

I'll let you in on a little secret: Every time you donate blood, you lose some of your life (i.e. you age yourself).

Do you know why?

Because every time your cells need to replicate, your telmoeres which protect the ends of your chromosomes shorten

Moreover, whenever you metabolize carloies, which you must do in increasing amount when you donate blood (to recover), you are increasing the amount of ROS (reactive oxygen species) in your cells.

All of this takes a long time to actually impact you, but it does impact you

Funny enough, giving blood from a young rat to an old rat increased the old rat's lifespan by something like 20%

So the question you should ask yourself, when considering selling blood: is it worth it to age yourself faster?

I'm not against giving blood if you want to help people in need - I wish everyone would give blood once in their life so we wouldn't need people to do it multiple times - but doing it repeatedly for purely financial gain seems ridiculous and detrimental to your health. Think about all the medical bills that come with age, and realize you're just speeding up the time at which you'll have to pay those bills.

>> No.50135276

I'll already have cashed the check by then and on my to the good life

>> No.50135347

Theres no way going that much is good for you. I do it but only make maybe 600$ a year from it going maybe 6-7 times. Anymore than that cannot be good for your body. Plasma protects your immune sustem and helps build muscle. Even just going 4 times a month I feel off somehow.

>> No.50135989

What happened bro

>> No.50136252

and it gives you needle marks and people think you are a junkie.

>> No.50136518
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Big brain question: If time has been proven to be relative, why try so hard to lengthen our lifespan?