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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50114414 No.50114414 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else have a bad feeling about the whole economy. Not just crypto, but everything economic related. Like the first Domino tile have fallen, and everything is going to explode at the final tile. Also feels like someone have planned and orchestrate this to happend. Or am i just crazy and need meds?

>> No.50114445

Weve known this for 2 years

>> No.50114450

definitely, the exponential growth of tech companies has been hot air this whole time, theyre not providing any real value or producing products people pay for. its all cheap debt and speculation

>> No.50114465
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>dude like the whole world runs on software
>who cares if 95% of our economic growth over the past decade was driven by peepoo.js webapps

>> No.50114475

No, you're the only one, no one's been talking about an impending recession, you're really smart for thinking this.

>> No.50114499

i dont know a single person IRL or online who's bullish on the next few years

>> No.50114517
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thnaks dude you have no idea how much your comment means to me. Made my day

>> No.50114694

whoa anon, incredible insight

>> No.50114902

bruh. anyone into economics has been freaking out about this since 2020 AT LEAST. i have been complaining about it since 2016 personally

>> No.50114931

No, you are not the only one who feels this way, in fact most people are becoming so irritated about it that massive swaths of the population are openly calling for many prominent politicians, including the president, to be removed from public office for allowing the economy to tank so hard. Who cares about a 5,000 dollar abortion anyways when everyone's worried about $5 for a gallon of gas and $500 for a week of groceries

>> No.50114982

The problem is we have been leveraging up the economy and living off of borrowed money. The world is saturated in dollars and they do not need them anymore, and the suppression of commodity prices is going to result in a crunch in natural resources. Once the bond market implodes, all hell breaks loose because we will then actualize the shortfall in real goods and services relative to the amount of "wealth" stored in cash and bonds etc.
Once we realize that the govrnments cannot pay back these debts (let alone the $100TN+ unfunded liabilities) then people will be changing their behavior once they find out their pensions, social security and insurance are all underfunded. There is no way to tax to pay back the bonds, so the value of CASH will have to be undermined. And no one wants to own cash when it is losing 50% of its value every year. And hence the inevitable flight to quality. aka commodities.
Don't get bogged down in too much data and graohs and jargon. The problems are very simple to understand.

>> No.50115068

It's clear people have given up on working, restaurants are closing earlier despite being more crowded than ever. The grocery store runs out of staple goods, by Sunday night the dairy section is out of milk and eggs, I never remember this happening in my entire life.

>> No.50115101

>Also feels like someone have planned and orchestrate this to happend.
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks

>> No.50115245

(protip: you have to destroy something before you build it back. you are right to be worried.)

>> No.50115290

hence China will be the winner as (((they))) have planned. Economic crash doesnt matter when you have all the infrastructures and slave labours.

>> No.50115314

6 if you are a "schizo"