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50112704 No.50112704 [Reply] [Original]

I can’t stop resenting my parents for raising me the way they did. It’s almost literally all I think about when I’m not doing anything that requires my attention. My dad especially still keeps trying to pull his sneaky guilt tripping/using other people to say what he wants bullshit.

>> No.50112724


>> No.50112750

You should just kill urself.

>> No.50112751

this is kinda where ur supposed to break the chains that is cursing ur bloodline. don't blame anyone else but urself. its a lil cope to blame ur misfortune because muh parents failed me.

>> No.50112779

You should had a kid and try raising it yourself to see. How your parents felt raising you

>> No.50112791


No parents are perfect. My dad had six kids while on welfare and has been a hard drug addict my whole life. But I still have a great relationship with him and just accept him for what he is. I try to empathize that he grew up poor without a dad and had a mom who was a skank.

>> No.50112800


Also, his kid brother got shot in the head in an accident and was paralyzed for life.

>> No.50112816

>I still have a great relationship with him and just accept him for what he is
yeah thats kind of what im hoping happens when im a dad, like i can just force a bunch of people to have my genes and be a shitty person their whole life, but their self-preservation and rationalization causes them to forgive me haha thatd be sweet

>> No.50112824

>It’s almost literally all I think about when I’m not doing anything that requires my attention.

Unironically look to a therapist. Check several (like 3 minimum) out to see who you like.
Also check out medidation, if you find a mediation method that works for you it helps with getting control over your thoughts and emotions.

>> No.50112843

ditch your dad asap

>> No.50112850


That is the most reasonable way to see it. Parents do the best they can under their circumstance and how they grew up.
And we ourselves can try to do better than they did, as much as our own upbringing and circumstances allow.

>> No.50112881
File: 47 KB, 960x540, mgid_arc_content_southpark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He wasn't a bad dad overall. We had great Christmases and lot of fun. I had all the video games I wanted. He didn't let anyone fuck with me or bully me. Even was gonna the kick the middle school vice principal's ass once 'cause he kept fucking with me. Punked him in front of all the school staff. My dad's kinda like Randy Marsh on South Park.

>> No.50112900

Wanna be more specific crybaby? Be better than your parents

>> No.50112939

dont know how to raise kids, dont have kids. simple as
parents deserve all the shit they get

>> No.50112981
File: 185 KB, 1024x1020, A1C9268C-51C2-4511-8E2C-4EE031121412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blames parents

Imagine my shock.

>> No.50113056

That’s the reason roasties abort their kids or decide to get very few in the first place

They would freak out with the thought of their grown ass man posting frogs pic on an anime website. Rate of selection is just going up, and the high quality / adjusted people reproduce only

You can break free from these chains, but it requires ego kill and having no remorses

>> No.50113148

Breeders disgust me so much it's unreal.

>> No.50113151

>Rate of selection is just going up, and the high quality / adjusted people reproduce only
how is the weather in fairytaleland?

>> No.50113165

Literally me but smaller pics and wife not pregnant yet

>> No.50113196

>You go back in time far enough some germ gets blamed for dividing in two

The past doesn't exist, the future doesn't exist, only right now exists.

As for practical advice I remind myself of the horrible shit my parents parents put them through and so on and so forth. It is really one long continous generational trauma that keeps getting passed to the next generation.

>> No.50113223


>> No.50113229
File: 30 KB, 600x572, not_a_happy_chappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why parents insist on doing everything for their kids. I see no reason why most children shouldn't be cooking their own meals, being forced to select their own groceries with a set budget and being made to do every chore that's involved with leaving home at the age of 12.

My old man is one of the most motivated people I know, and I think it comes from the fact that he was neglected by his drunkard parents and had to cook and clean from a young age.

>> No.50113235

>t. necromonger

>> No.50113250

>ego kill
Retarded hippy bullshit meme.

>> No.50113260

When you become an adult you are supposed to identify the flaws in your parents upbringing, which you have, and then work to correct them by yourself. Everyone who had parents does this. The ones who dont usually end up as drug addicts or shutins. Now stop blaming your parents and take responsibility for your own life

>> No.50113271

That's pathetic blaming your parents

My parents were manipulative and controlling.
I now have an 8 figure business and my Dad works for me.