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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50111162 No.50111162 [Reply] [Original]

-Uniswap liq around the corner
-Whales accumulating
-Multi-chain -> future
-Team keeps on delivering

>> No.50111227


>> No.50111233

Why Moonbeam over Acala?

>> No.50111317

Moonbeam focuses on full compatibility with Ethereum, allowing developers to deploy existing Solidity smart contracts and DApps to Moonbeam with minimal changes.
Acala, on the other hand, focuses on Defi scenario, optimizes itself for Ethereum compatibility, and sets certain barriers to entry, making it more suitable for deploying smart contracts in the financial sector.

>> No.50111358

Invested in both, but i prefer Moonbeam. It’s a beast and will lead the next L1 bull

>> No.50111414

#GLMR will make millionairs

>> No.50111430

w-what about moonriver

>> No.50111445

Thanks. How's the tokenomics for both? I don't want to be exit liquidity for VCs and early investors.

>> No.50111501

Lol DYOR, i’m not here to educate you ;-)

>> No.50111512

Not interested in your shitcoin pajeet

>> No.50111524

Ghostchain copy-paste evm. Will never see any actual purpose

>> No.50111671

Ok, no problem kid

>> No.50111713

>whales accumulating
lmao the moment I see this shit I'm dashing off

>> No.50111746


>> No.50111899

It’s a fact, bye bye

>> No.50111914

I'm not putting my money in this shitcoin with your attitude. Bye.

>> No.50111975

Maybe better you gonna find yourself a cat memecoin ser and skip the real deal

>> No.50112064
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sui/ make it stack?

>> No.50112612


>> No.50112795
File: 663 KB, 1284x2778, F4A09824-641A-424D-B9C7-A2271DB8059B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will be the case the coming weeks biz, again DONT SLEEP ON THIS ONE

>> No.50113079

Let's fucking GOOOOO. TO THE MOOOOOON1!!!!

>> No.50113760

why moonbeam over Parastate?

>> No.50114346

Are you serious? Check markets to begin with ;-)

>> No.50114542
File: 99 KB, 500x522, 1591437071506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that VCs got in for pennies, and anyone dumb enough to fall for these VC-paid shills deserves to be exit liquidity.

>> No.50114654

>Reminder that VCs got in for pennies
Was that not the same for solana?

>> No.50114881

another token release soon or something?

>> No.50114908

Solana actually crashed to almost zero then rise from the ashes. Icp us doing it, OP is doing it, this will as well.

>> No.50114933

Pretty much lol.

>> No.50115007
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Reminder the toad chads are the highest used dex based on gas
>wash trading stablecoins dont count for stella swap

>> No.50115063

>Whales accumulating

Who is literally still stupid enough here to fall for this blatent shilling

>> No.50115156
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>> No.50115179


acala is too ambitious. moonbeam is just evm. which is the winning model, because everything is built up in building blocks on top of each other. While acala tries to include random defi shit into itself that should just be a dapp on top.

Acala is developing a dex, lending, oracles, and their own fucking stablecoin and "treasury," all of this shit should just be dapps. Like on eth you can have uniswap or sushi or many other dexs. They can compete and develop on their own, not be baked into eth.

Its a complete waste of time for acala to reinvent the wheel 10x over. Then you have shit like LUNA where one aspect of the protocol, the stablecoin, brings down the entire chain when it fails. Modularity is important.

>> No.50115791

100% facts I see them trying to be everything all at once

>> No.50115877
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To all newfags:
Use this thread as an example of a typical pajeet shilling thread. This is a scam. Almost every post on this thread is through a pajeet faggot who is coordinating a shilling campaign on this website.
These faggots are deeply embarrassing and you can stay completely clear from this inorganic shitcoin.

>> No.50116229

How. Many to make it?

>> No.50116412

Fucking hang yourself you pathetic faggot

>> No.50116432

Ok. I have 5000 will that be enough to rope myself with?

>> No.50116463

Do you not feel any level of embarrassment about what you are doing with your life? Literally everyone on this website can see that you are a worthless pajeet faggot

>> No.50116592

No I'm pretty comfy honest.

>> No.50116627
File: 27 KB, 950x382, scam34123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are comfy with this chart?
You are comfy with the fact that this scam 'project' has to pay pajeets to shill it, and yet it is still dropping like a stone?

How the fuck do you even have enough brain cells to be able to write this comment? This is assuming you aren't a pajeet faggot yourself, but of course you are

>> No.50116686

Because every chart that moons look like this one at some point. Plus I bought at 0.65. I'm new to crypto but all these prices right now are to hard to say no to

>> No.50116958

What a uselessly retarded newfag you are. Enjoy losing all your money to pajeet shills.

>> No.50117015

Why would i lose money? I just need to move my money into solid crypto projects like moon beam and dot till the next bull market. I get to average my buy in over the next 2 years and collect staking rewards the whole time. Basically you can't lose getting into crypto right now unless you just thino you wsnt to get rich over night.

>> No.50117753

Yeah you can fuck right off if you think you are fooling anyone, pajeet faggot.

>> No.50118259

Nmp you can miss out all you want. Biz always misses the easy moon shots.

>> No.50118338

dubs confirm

>> No.50118454

fuck i hate biz. this is one of the easiest buys, and all you see is multivac threads, and other worthless crap. GLMR is literally a rosetta stone for EVM. anons get link, but not this? fuckin zoomer virus taking over here too?

>> No.50118942

where do you even buy this shit

>> No.50118975

Yeah, this thread smelled like curry from the start

>> No.50119070

I did the DOT staking on this half a year ago, now unlocked it and sold it all for a LUNC bag :^)

>> No.50119092

kek love how all the jeets avoided your comment

>> No.50119102

why would you even do that?

>> No.50119122


>> No.50120399

>Marketcap to fully diluted marketcap ratio 1:3.2

>> No.50120455

I thought both were parachains under polkadot. Why the comparison. What for?

>> No.50120512

no reason for this when matic l2s are now coming, its decent as is moonriver but you will not make $ and they are still shitty in comparison

>> No.50120537

>Blatantly call it trash
>Get mass reply fag'd anyways
Fuck off

>> No.50120643

I guess there are several others cos I find acala and equilibrium quite the drill when it comes to DeFi tool. Several novel services indeed.

>> No.50120663
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It’s going to rug in 10 minutes

>> No.50120673

Get a new web designer site has always looked like shit

>> No.50120748

True. The low collaterization requirements on borrowing on Equilibrium is a particularly attractive defi service.

>> No.50120899

This indeed, i started this thread because this actually is the real deal. All these idiots here...i'm so done with this kindergarten. I didnt post here since a long time. Since i didnt follow biz i actually made a lot of money. Don't invest in this gem pls....This is last time i posted here, go f yurself those with reactions like ''payed shilling pajeets etc etc'' You really believe team is paying me to ''shill''???? LOL
Watch price of moonbeam in 2 years ;-)

>> No.50120936

it's literally EVERYWHERE you brainlet, check coingecko -> markets its not that hard

>> No.50121065

Yes seed was pennys, like many projects. Take flight event was 25 cents, whats yur point?Exit liq? This project launched in bear January and will be massive in years.

>> No.50121095

Tell us why you think its a shitcoin dude. I just know you can’t. You don’t even know what it is

>> No.50121907

not on kraken tho

>> No.50122404

In a sentence or 2
what does it do and why will people use it

>> No.50122839

see yu on the beaches anon

>> No.50124609

>allowing developers to deploy existing Solidity smart contracts
what is avalanche c-chain

>> No.50124841

The ghost chain winter is going to be brutal, powered by chainlink