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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1020 KB, 2337x1185, thots_buy_top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50070283 No.50070283 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50070353

If she's a squirter marry her

>> No.50070399

We talked about this on that day and people literally said
"nooooo, it's fucking over"
and it was over
rofl! xD

>> No.50070427

So they all shorted?

>> No.50070436

>If she's a pisser marry her
You should kys.

>> No.50070454
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>> No.50070591

Shut the fuck up 2inch neet. You'll never be able to satisfy a women. They won't even let you near them you coping basement dweller

>> No.50070618

anon Blacks and White women are the harbingers of doom for any type of investment. Call it simulation theory, their startlingly similar dark energy or just the fact that they both make equally terrible choices chronically..

It doesn't matter. If at any point in your life you see either demographic join you in any type of venture fucking run. Sell everything, walk out the door. It means you are at the very peak.

I can not stress this life lesson enough to you retard zoomerfags.

>> No.50070866

They will all hit the wall in 4 years, no one would care

>> No.50070888
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I unironically was one of the anons that posted this on the day. There were 3 threads i believe. Heres my screenshot from the ipad on that day.

I didn’t sell because i would have to oay short term capital gains. Now i wish i had sold. Im down from ATH 1.6M to 300k.
The pain.

I sometimes feel like im personally being punished for posting it.

>> No.50070893
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but #5 is such a qt

>> No.50070919

>capable to hold a position for more than 2 years.
She's already miles better than a typical biztard.

>> No.50070938

Always dump on the normies who ignored you.

>> No.50070961

You should take every market move personally anon

>> No.50070963
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checked, sorry fren

>> No.50071017

Damn son, you got really triggered on that comment huh?
It's ok bro, some people are into piss, some people aren't.
But, it takes a real man to admit it's piss.
So, is it piss or is it not?

>> No.50071065

Bro what?! Dude 4 and 3 blow 5 out of the water.
Take another look bro, you gotta get some glasses or something.

>> No.50071136

You sound like a virgin

>> No.50071225
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>> No.50071268

>wow she cant control her bladder
>bet she wets her bed just like me!
>I want to marry her!

>> No.50071330
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Did she tweet now??? The bottom is in then.

>> No.50071412


Perceived dick sucking and sexual abilities:
>3 is a dominant and will peg you.
>1 is a submissive that you can destroy.
>5 knows that she is hot. If you can handle her, you will get her best. If not, she's a starfish.
>6 is basic vanilla sex.
>4 is basic vanilla sex, but can be naughty with Chad.
>2 is grossed out by cum and is a total starfish.

>> No.50071633

I remember back in April last year when it broke 64k Blockfolio sent me a very smug notification of "64k broken. How long until the next milestone reached?" and i was thinking to myself well stuffs usually went wrong when people become smug and well damn did it shit the bed a few days later

>> No.50071681


>> No.50071702

checked. Look at the Meat Muffins on the middle one.

>> No.50071717

Bitches & Glitches

>> No.50071771
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so many repeating digits

>> No.50072676

I'm far from that lol.

>> No.50072786

Tops are defined by a certain unsaid desperation that starts to grasp at everyone in the space. Schizos know.

>> No.50072828

Correct sequence

>> No.50072892

I hope you learned your lesson.
Stop posting pics of thots.
Leave /biz/, join /k/.
Get ready for war.

>> No.50072929

checked and based and correct

>> No.50073026

those are all jews.

>> No.50073173

They all are cute.

>> No.50073267

>First from Left
Ugly duckling of the group will suck a mean dick to be loved equally as much of her more attractive friends.

>Second from Left
Sad longing eyes, looks like shes a basket case ready to snap because of previous failed relationships.

>Third from left
Everything about her is fake, she has no hobbies interests or unique thoughts of her own. She has created a personality based on the social media of Kendal Jenner.

>4th from left
The alpha female of the group. She must make everyone aware that she is the center of attention, the top bitch. Her dad is a wealthy greaseball investment banker from Los
Angeles. She has her dads credit cards and spends hundreds of thousands on her appearance during her lifetime. If you ever approached her in public she would call the police
on you

>5th from left
Has ridiculous standards like the rest. Would puke in her mouth if she caught you looking at her. Wears tight yoga pants to the gym and does squats for the chads, then shuts
them down when they ask her out. She will never have to work a day in her life nor will she ever experience real hardship

>6th from left
The hippie free spirit of the group. Knows shes hot and doesn't care. She knows the wall is coming fast for her and desperately wants breast augmentation to fix her flat chest.
She has a long term boyfriend but is taking a break with him to fuck a professional baseball player.

>> No.50073311


>> No.50073323

If you know what you're doing and have good underarm muscle you can make 80-90% of them squirt in under 5 minutes. You'll never see that much gratitude in her eyes even if you fuck her for hours or buy her some shit. She'll literally tell ALL her girl friends that you made her squirt and even convince them to do a threesome with you.

If it was piss it would still be worth it. Though it comes out of her girl prostrate not her bladder so I highly doubt it is which Google confirms

>> No.50073353
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lesson that you should have learned in 2018

>> No.50073436

the producers of that show knew exactly what they were doing holy shit

>> No.50073595
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>> No.50073941
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>> No.50073971

I remember lots of anons calling this the top signal, and it truly was. I wonder how many were actually smart enough to sell?

>> No.50073985

actual porn-addled c*umbrain here

>> No.50074077

Japanese game shows are known for some ridiculous punishments as opposed to prizes. Wonder what the loser of these gets?

>> No.50074115

Women are the modern day shoeshine boy.

>> No.50074135
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a bug

>> No.50074143

Yeah you /k/ucks can go fight Russia yourselves. Not joining.

>> No.50074162

Sure bro nofap for years. Go out touch some grass

>> No.50074220

I like six. Dark hair and light eyes gets my dick rigid if you know what I mean.

>> No.50074234

I just want to reiterate how happy I am that iPhones can finally play webm. Carry on

>> No.50074326


>didn't tether at least half a million
Foolish, you could have without KYC too

>> No.50074334

It’s the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. Not that good things don’t happen to me, but that’s how big of deal this is to me.

>> No.50074360
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>> No.50074383

I like how 3 is squishing her boobs against 4s arm.

>> No.50074387

Agreed. 6 is salvageable. The rest are on a one way trip to roast beef and bbc child support.

>> No.50074411
File: 205 KB, 1300x956, 02FF6981-BE6F-4644-8426-815D6770733A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got that reference. Ignore these other fuck heads, you’re cool.

>> No.50074414

too bad ipads still dont

>> No.50074566
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The statement was even better than the original tweet

>> No.50074572
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>Carry on

>> No.50074887
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>> No.50075502
File: 2.31 MB, 1024x574, based_waifu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50075527

Absolutely lol she is self aware

>> No.50075580

>I like six. Dark hair and light eyes gets my dick rigid if you know what I mean.

6 is the best but i would probably fuck any of them after a six-pack of beers

>> No.50075601
File: 2 KB, 125x123, DC1C6852-6DCD-4D67-996B-DA07FEFD6726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check back in 4 years
Too soon to know. I bought in 14 at $1k and sat on a loss for 2 years.

Let’s see what happens.

>> No.50075631
File: 1.15 MB, 734x783, aaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking stupid for not selling in November and my whole life is probably ruined now or at least set back since my crypto is also on Celsius

I deserve this, and my life is hell

>> No.50075741

Well yeah, fingering a bitch to make her squirt is easy bro. Curl your fingers like a hook and hit the g-spot over and over.
Longer fingers are even better, which works for me because I happen to have that AND I play the piano on the daily so you should figure my fingers got some dexterity and strength.
But that's just my fingers bro, I've made chicks squirt tons of times with my dick. Honestly is the best fucking feeling in the world, but deep down I know it's like watery piss, but I don't give a fuck.
In fact, the only thing I actually do give a shit about is when the bed is soaked as fuck and you gotta use like 4 fucking towels to dry it up. It's a pain in the ass.

>> No.50075824

they make waterproof blankets you animal

>> No.50075950

women should wear less makeup

>> No.50076050

Here’s a pity (you). You typed all that out and got no response. I’ll be honest I didn’t even read your post. If I was you I’d close the tab and take a walk

>> No.50076071

Waterproof blankets?? Never heard of that shit before, but it sounds like a good ass investment.
I know the got bed sheets that are waterproof, but I don't own that shit either.

>> No.50076145

/k/ is for retarded teenagers and fat consoomers

>> No.50076253

>comparing katy perry to literal who?

>> No.50076363

so that tweet was the top huh, knew I should have sold when that was posted here.

>> No.50076365

shut the fuck up

>> No.50076396

I did

>> No.50076415

I would fuck all these white girls.

>> No.50076572

I too fell for the capital gains meme. Everyone does once.

>> No.50076600

who wouldn't? they're all pretty good looking, for random sex anyway

>> No.50076681

its for home defense

>> No.50076749
File: 358 KB, 346x490, investor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Katy Perry 2018
> Random White bimbos 2022
tell me the difference anon besides the fact that the former got rich singing pop songs?

>> No.50076776

sell BTC to your aunt when she's a buyer

>> No.50077029

>book open
>eyes closed

>> No.50077143

>I didn’t sell because i would have to oay short term capital gains
This stupid fucking meme has killed many a crypto investor
>30% tax?? No thanks I'll lost 90% holding in the bear market because I'm too smart for taxes

>> No.50077386


My Chinese gf soaks the bed sheets when I fuck her. Its definitely not piss because it doesn't smell like it. I know this because I get her to piss on me so I know what it smells like and its different.

>> No.50077495

Yeah, the lesson to take is that tech/web dev is next. If you still have risky tech investments or even want to quit your tech job, start preparing for it.

>> No.50077786

If I had seen this back then, I would've sold my entire stock portfolio and only started buying 6-months later.

>> No.50078050

>lessons learned
When shib multiple x’s then get out of the market, sell everything.

>> No.50078486

lol that's my fucking birthday wtf

>> No.50079751
File: 2.18 MB, 326x254, 32242871_1688324814615175_6383202067720175616_n_1016300448572432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really good you're not lying because that sons like one of the best lives imaginable. I'm to afraid to ask my GF to do anything raunchy.

>> No.50079947

but... thats the difference

>> No.50081011

Why would you want a whore who can't control her bladder?

>> No.50081052

Interesting, my brother had a gf who was a squirter and she was also Chinese

>> No.50081143
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>since my crypto is also on Celsius

>> No.50081226
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I checked her twitter and she's still posting shit like this so the bottom is not even close

>> No.50081789

Actualliy November 11 is that local minnimum in between the 2 peaks next to where the arrow is.

>> No.50081845

>What lessons can be learned here?
Remove voting rights from women.

>> No.50082228


>> No.50083701
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>Carry on

>> No.50084611


2nd from left is my girl.
She's so perfect bros.

>Warns you against the bubble bursting

She's /biz/ as fuck.

>> No.50085127

that good looking women never have to try hard, which makes them stupid

>> No.50085254


>> No.50085452

this picture of those girls will never not fucking piss me off

>> No.50085520

what do u consider raunchy

my ex was polish from kentucky and she squirt like a super soaker

yes its piss lmao