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50067364 No.50067364 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 25 looking to start a career in tech. I think the best time to do so is in this market condition since I don't have to chase after pumps. Do you think I will eventually make it? I'm going into web3 and blockchain development. What are your recommendation and advice?

>> No.50067383

why do you desire to work ?

>> No.50067403

That's for sure. I desire to work.

>> No.50067411

why ?

>> No.50067421

Are you into tech? What field?

>> No.50067435

learn a procedural language and the algos via leet code for passing interviews
forget blockchain.

>> No.50067441

Because he's a laborer and hates relaxation

>> No.50067448

you can be anything right
why do you want to work ?

>> No.50067455

>web3 and Blockchain development
Kek. Btw i can easily tell that your skin is brown, wanna know why?

>> No.50067456

Well, First I would work to gather more experience so after that I look to building my own project.

>> No.50067461

What are the procedural languages?

>> No.50067462

Stop reposting and start building your github portfolio.

>> No.50067484

Because he wants to work?

>> No.50067487

Are you saying it's bad to work? It's just to gain enough experience.

>> No.50067508

What has brown skin got to do with that? Don't be a fucking racist.

>> No.50067524

Taking part in Hackathons will be a good part to gather experience but I also consider that as working. What's your suggestion?

>> No.50067527

You sir have brown skin.

>> No.50067551

Started that already. Are you building something? Do you consider hackathons?

>> No.50067585

Can you go deep? What procedural language and why algo? I was actually looking to start building on Polkadot with the tools from Subsquid.

>> No.50067605

why do you want to gain experience ?

(just answering simple questions will help you)

>> No.50067693

Web3 is a meme anon

>> No.50067697
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>literally everyone and their brother looking for a "career in tech"
>CS degrees awarded has doubled over the past decade
>CS degree enrollment has probably quadrupled over the past decade
>CS degrees most popular course at most universities, huge waitlists
>engineers self-studying and retraining to enter software
>scientists and mathematicians self-studying and retraining to enter software
>entire industries around learn2code popping up
>leetcode/DS&A schools, bootcamps, free video tutorials, etc.
>entry level saturated
>mid level soon to be saturated
>tech companies basically only source of stock market growth over the past 10 years
>tech companies now retracting offers and beginning layoffs
>techniggers maintain that this can't possibly be the top
this is the california gold rush all over again.

>> No.50067726

ok so what's the next meme career path that will make decent money?

>> No.50067739

if you haven't understood
OP is an AI

>> No.50067809

ask your jewish boss. they target careers that pay too well. engineering, piloting, and trucking were victims.

>> No.50067820

It's a good start, I'm currently partaking in the Dotsama Prague event and there are a few of those going on there.

>> No.50067854

>I'm going into web3 and blockchain development
I'm looking to become a seaman onboard the Titanic myself.
look into coq and agda

>> No.50067903

And you are a retard.

>> No.50067966

you forget, rising number of tech startups, innovation is also on the rise and has no bottle neck, if any start up can lead us to leave in an alternate universe, the world is literarily open to it.

>> No.50067996

>tech startups
SaaS companies peddling javascript/javascript native """"apps"""" aren't innovating shit.

>> No.50068005

no more decent paying blue collar jobs goy, and you vill be happy

>> No.50068207

I believe there are decent paying blue color jobs out there. Especially in when it comes down to coding.

>> No.50068277

I was thinking earlier today OP, the next few years of crypto bearmarket is a great time to learn solidity/web3 shit.
That way when the next bull run hits your primed to print money. I guess you could freelance out to shitcoin scammers and just copy paste erc20 tokens for them and write some smart contracts or whatever the new meme is nfts/defi/apy scams whatever
OR get a 150k paycheck at some meme crypto company eg celsius that goes bankrupt at the end of the bullrun.

But, i think it has to be a side hobby - focus on getting a legit tech career even if just junior webdev and do this in your spare time.

Its what Im planning on doing.

>> No.50068316

A lot of people now building on Dotsama Prague. I believe it's a good idea all together. That's basically building on web3.

>> No.50068318

Tech- pajeet will do it cheaper than you.
Trade- Mexicans do it cheaper than you
What’s even left?

>> No.50068338

Are they lowering the standards for compsci degrees or is something else?
I remember back when I did first year in 2016ish 101 and 102 had absurd drop out rates when people get filtered by boolean expressions & recursion etc vs doing some BootCamp that teaches you HTML, CSS and a little bit of JS

>> No.50068383

That's thoughtful but I will advice OP to focus on building something strong and not just looking into shitcoins or meme. Web3 needs more developers at this time. There are enough tools for developers by some crypto company.

>> No.50068453
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>coq and agda
I think I will go on with python and solidity. what the fuck are those?

>> No.50068464

start with a frontend webapp for a blockchain api of your choice

>> No.50068467

They are absolutely lowering the standards. The bar has dropped significantly. The people getting CS degrees today are people like this


If you insist on staying in this field, get to a senior level as fast as possible, because once companies catch on to what's happening in academia, they'll be pulling up the ladder.

>> No.50068485

Personally wouldn't go into bleeding edge tech like web 3 and blockchain development. If you want stable, in demand, high paying, go for anything data related. Development, infrastructure, and platform can all be outsourced to pajeets or 3rd parties. However in many cases Data cannot due to compliance policies. So DBAs, SQL devs, data analytics is sourced in house cause things like personal info or payment info are generally not accessible to off shore resources due to compliance.

>t.tech manager and work in data science

>> No.50068494

Good idea, this hackathon was demonstrated at the ongoing Dotsama Prague event yesterday, It makes substrated chains a lot easier to build on.

>> No.50068572

There's a high chance that you'll get that Web 3.0 job, fag. Just keep pushing because there are a lot of opportunities

>> No.50068615

Data is the next oil mill if you ask me and lots of projects are currently looking into it.

>> No.50068623
File: 25 KB, 440x470, SX5WYRmh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dotsama Prague? There's Polkadot Decoded currently going on though. Are you referring to it?

>> No.50068649

Wtf how does that guy keep getting paid not to work? Thats insane.
I do see how online classes make it easy to cheat/pass and I think employers will filter those in the future.

I'm at the point now where I'm just breaking into intermediate roles (or at least having recruiters try to poach me for them), but worst comes to worst doing a post grad dip in my spare time should help me stay above the frauds.

>> No.50068658

Data indexing for Web 3.0 dApps is also a hot cake, fag.

>> No.50068664

Squid is a good project, their recent partnership with RMRK highlights their willingness to keep building despite the market condition.

>> No.50068672

I was under the impression that entry level data science is the most over saturated tech field due to the ease of people with other stats based bscs eg math, bio etc being able to retrain into the field.
My friend who studied bio did that due to no bio jobs but being proficient in R thanks to biostat etc

>> No.50068680

There are good web3 companies that give or help with better API these days. I trust web3 to only grow stronger.

>> No.50068685

At the end of the day, if you know it, you know it. NO NEED TO SHOUT, you pleb

>> No.50068704

Not as hot as I thought but it's actually a good start. It's still very early at least.

>> No.50068735
File: 42 KB, 693x496, sbroef6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you also good at R programming? We have something in common with your fren. I believe there's more opportunity in Web 3.0 with respect to data science

>> No.50068736

The fag just can't keep up with all the numerous events going on in the project. Dotsama Prague ended a while back.

>> No.50068740

Not in Prague though. DP was on the 7th. What the fuck.

>> No.50068744

Yeah fair enough, I'm just looking for an excuse to go back to study really. I enjoy being a student a lot more than working.

>> No.50068782

Does that mean that you've explored the field?

>> No.50068817

>I enjoy being a student a lot more than working.
You must be the weirdest anon I've ever met online.

>> No.50068870

That was obvious to see. I saw the team presenting fire squid product. A killer one for kusama ecosystem which can index the space for 15 minutes, 50k blocks/sec. Crazy machine

>> No.50068919

Stop shilling you dumb cunt you can't even keep up with event dates fuck off

>> No.50068951

You've made sense here. Your only problem is that your sense is not decentralization centered

>> No.50068961
File: 20 KB, 400x378, 1650209791446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polkadot has got a lot of events going on, are they not bothered by the market? My portfolio is tanking and they are holding events

>> No.50069020

Not everything is shilling you deluded sucker, It's obvious you don't even know what the hell is getting talked about. Stop intruding into anons' asses.

>> No.50069026
File: 11 KB, 250x248, 1653483304561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one can keep up with the dates

>> No.50069067

Whatever, the biggest event is Polkadot Decoded. Oh yeah, tell that to any Ranjeet.

>> No.50069089

When I went to uni (~15 years ago), no one wanted to do CS and we had a >50% dropout rate. It was considered the most difficult undergraduate degree. They must have lowered the standards because there is no way these newfags I work with could have passed what I went through. My degree is considered an engineering degree but I’ve heard a lot of schools now offer a non-engineering track CS program.

>> No.50069098

That faggot can keep up with what he says in a second.

>> No.50069108

you're still a child, in your comfort zone that you've been adapting to since the first day of school

>> No.50069133

It shows they are building strong and you should be happy. I see they will survive this circle. There's a lot of activities in the Polkadot decoded and
I came across some cool projects.

>> No.50069185

Sounds interesting. Data indexing is so much needed in the web3 space

>> No.50069203


>> No.50069754

Sure, Polkadot has a lot to offer, especially now their data indexing technicalities has been solved.

>> No.50069831

Soon they will have to dump web3 and move on to web5.

>> No.50069861

Dumb ass, I think you should just go back to your mother's belle. Fucking grow up.

>> No.50069946

This industry is rewarding only if you are planning to become a dev

>> No.50069972

I've been doing data stuff for about 15 years, self taught, entry level data science is more along the lines of a Data Analyst. From data/systems analyst you can then branch into Dev, DBA, or Analytics meaning actual data science. Im not an expert in any, im like a jack of all trades so I taught myself enough to where I wanted I could easily transition from one to another. I chose data science cause it's actually interesting and boomers love the pretty graphs. I don't even know R, but R is incredibly good and the fully focused data scientists use it. My method instead of R is write SQL throw it into PowerBi and then transform the data from there. It's relatively easy and only need to understand SELECT and JOINS to really get started. Best of all you automate that shit and then sit back and chill most days.

>> No.50069985

I think no one is hiring, you can check up on them , i think whole of the crypto base on a firing spree.

>> No.50070060

I thought this project was funny enough by its name and then I fucking read that they helped kusama to reach 1500 TPS

>> No.50070104

we do have another Elon musk with us, This is why I would suggest you invest in doge

>> No.50070217

Asides from Binance, they are still hiring,

>> No.50070242

I have been hearing about the project lately, The devs team is showcasing their event in berlin, their CEO is a funny guy though

>> No.50070263

I hear ya, ive been in crypto since 2016 and while I would like to use/learn a more decentralized option I havent seen many use cases that would stand up in the real world and be actually be better than a database. Im sure it will come but a good proven product needs to come that will be worth the risk of the business. Right now all this shit is being shilled by bagholders in the workplace which is not a good look. Thats actually my buy in indicator, because over the course of 3 months I witnessed the dumbest people in my org shilling shit to management that ultimately makes them not want to be involved at all. Shit literally 2 weeks some dumbest was trying to talk our CIO into moving our entirety to ALGO saying we could all be rich in the process. Got nothing against ALGO but fuck was that embarrassing to watch

>> No.50070282

I applied for few project, all are facing cash crunch as of now.

>> No.50070334

Fuck off chudcel

>> No.50070343

I think even moonbeam and moonriver are using it too. even some Nfts projects are using their engine too.

>> No.50070375

he must be knowing the color of his daddy, give him this much credit keks

>> No.50070438

They are the ones which are always pulling the plug off, recession is coming, and so many cexes will fail too.

>> No.50070471

I think it was moonsama nfts, need to have a look at their marketplace.

>> No.50070516

Because some of us have to, asshat

>> No.50070543

Don't be a retard. This is keeping the community active and lots of alphas are being dropped at every event. Fuck my bags, I will be attending every damn event.

>> No.50070681

These kinds of events are good to spot potential projects. The Polkadot decoded swag game is top-level. I need the swag shirt in my closet.

>> No.50070769
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Starting a fullstack bootcamp this Sunday.
I'm looking forward to being a dumb fucking code monkey. At least maybe the wageslaving will finally get me out of my mom's house.

>> No.50070959

So there's an asshat? Tell me something I don't know.

>> No.50071203

being good at things

>> No.50072756

They support EVM-based parachains. That's what makes them able to process these parachains.

>> No.50072873

Dima Zhelezov is a smart dude. Seeing him alongside Rektor Moon, and Massimo Luraschi in Berlin makes the event a good one for me. They have been a great team so far.

>> No.50072907

That requires discovering people who are competent enough that they see you're talented, but also people who aren't so smart they think you're a retard. There's plenty of know-it-alls in tech who are just unaware of their own bias and are astonished people may not know the exact same things as them, and it is usually these same people who are not aware of what they themselves don't know.

>> No.50072924


>> No.50073615

You first need to become a good front end web developer, which means:
- html and css (learn it well, css is harder than it looks at first)
- javascript (learn vanilla js well)
- react (most decentralized apps are react magic)
- some backend (node.js or pyhton are good options)

Then learn Solidity and start building actual web3 projects for your portfolio, contribute to open source, do volunteer work ...

You also should be writing a blog / creating some other kind of content along the way. Also socialize and network on twitter discord linkedin, IRL too if possible. Both of these things you should start asap, ideally form day 1.

Ignore the fud about "code monkey" and "saturated". Programming is hard, it will take you many months to become good enough, you will be tempted to quit many times. Even a code monkey, which just means you write code by following directions from the higher ups (literally where everyone has to start) has to be technically good and solve problems on their own level. It's not easy, again, people absolutely do get filtered by this.

It's not saturated either because >see above. Depending on your level of existing knowledge, effort, and intelligence, all this will take anywhere between 1 and 3 years.

>> No.50073747

Oh and also develop a profound blockchain knowledge, that's a given, you need to understand cryptography, networking, cybersecurity, some fundamental CS concepts.
In the end, do what you're actually interested in. If you just pick what seems like the most money, you will fail because getting into tech, especially on your own, is hard, most people fail, and then they post on /biz/ about how it's all saturated anyway, and how being a "stupid code monkey" is going to be taken over by pajeets (no) and AI (lmao)

>> No.50074613

What dapps you making? I want to get involved as well. Now that the market has crashed I feel the idealism of web 3.0 like polkadot outlines is actually a great idea. We have years to build now with low computing cost.

>> No.50074877

I can't believe people, especially anons on this board, fall for "bootcamps" when everything a bootcamp offers is available for free(odin project, fullstack open) and communities where you can ask questions are also free.

good luck though I guess, btw webdev is a lgbtq+++ pozzed industry and all of you retards will get what you deserve.

t. sun god carpenter building houses for 6 figs who bangs bored hotwives of liberal nerds for fun on the weekend

>> No.50076735

I will love to try it out myself. Now is the right time to learn and build. Polkadot ecosystem has been very active when it comes to we3 and interoperability thus far and I'm beginning to buy the idea too.

>> No.50076834

go into security with a legit company not some blockchain dev shit bro

>> No.50077848

quit and get into petroleum engineering

>> No.50078065

> I want to work so I can get better and work
Do Normies really?