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49992075 No.49992075 [Reply] [Original]

What's it mean for Russia in reality?
Do they just go ''lol who cares 100 million dollars" because they're already financially cut off from basically the entire west?

>> No.49992133

Russia Gold June 30

>> No.49992149

Why would you give money to your enemies ?

>> No.49992168

Bear left its cave forever bros we got too cocky. The rod and the ring finna strike..

>> No.49992185

they would like to pay back their debt but unfortunately they cannot. so what can they do about it? whining and complaining isn't going to work.

>> No.49992225
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>they can't pay 100 million usd in a GDP of ~1500 billion usd

>> No.49992253

they cut gas to europe and get the OPEC to reduce the oil output

>> No.49992293

what happens when their creditors need that $100 million to service their own interest payments

>> No.49992313

aww shit he finna strike!

>> No.49992353

Can someone explain why Russians can't do what Norwegians and oil Arabs do?
They sell fuel and their country gets rich. Every Saudi and Norwegian is privileged and get free gibs while enjoying prosperity.

Meanwhile Russia sells gas to Europe and their average citizen is so damn poor

>> No.49992357

>"we're going to sanction you and arm your enemy"
>"oh also please pay us back"

>> No.49992378

Seems like complete msm horseshit of the desperate kind. 100 million is fucking nothing. The wormhole bridge got hacked for 300 million and they pulled it out of their ass within a few hours, that’s a shitty little crypto company I think a world superpower can probably do something about 100 million if they want

>> No.49992383

the population of norway and the other arab kingdoms combined is smaller than russia's

>> No.49992407

>purchase $100M of Russian debt
>ban Russia from transferring any money to pay it back
>"why would Putin do this?"

>> No.49992419

Will gas prices go up or down once Putin defaults?

>> No.49992453

saudis have literally the largest reserves of oil on the planet by a gigantic margin

norwegians are much smaller than russia and have much less corruption

>> No.49992471

literally nothing
>Can someone explain why Russians can't do what Norwegians and oil Arabs do?
this is what happened
>Russia has the money and is willing to pay, but sanctions made it impossible to get the payments to international creditors.

>> No.49992483

Saudia arabia has like 1 city bro, norway was always rich, russia is largest country in world and enemy of the west/nato before that they were enemy of nazis and before that napoleon, looks like they cant cach a break lol

>> No.49992485

wrong post, you're cool
you're the faggot

>> No.49992500 [DELETED] 

Paid ebook leak

Thanks for purchasing my ebook, if you leak it or resell you will be reported and your data will be made public on the forum

In this method we will be using a RuneScape private server that pays money for voting on it on toplists

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Unzip the file
Install java if you already don't have it installed on your PC
Run the client.jar file
Wait for the RuneScape private server load
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Each vote gives you $5, after voting 10 times you will have $50 that you can cash out to BTC, PayPal or your Payeer account.
Repeat this process every 12 hours
An easy $100 per day

>> No.49992524

Can I just email you my seedphrase? This seems like a lot of work

>> No.49992530

All priced in. That debt became literally unpayable once all the sanctions hit.

>> No.49992587

Isn't the problem that their dollars were frozen by the federal reserve and they need to make the payment on dollars? So they could pay it but the government won't let them, their money is no good

>> No.49992604

Rod and ring was the Elden Ring release, with a story that openly justifies killing every single jew.

>> No.49992703

It's literally just propaganda to make Russia appear weak and the west appear strong. Russia was stopped from paying the interest on the debt as a sanction. The west literally said "we're not letting you pay your debt anymore". There is no default, there is a western refusal to receive payment. Of course nothing is going to come from this, unless some organization uses it as a fake default signal to try to lower Russia's credibility as a creditor. Realistically the whole impact is just people reading this news and thinking the sanctions are working so they shouldn't pester theyr governments about the gas prices.

>> No.49992742

I don't use java does your rootkit have any native x86 releases?

>> No.49992781

I think i read they are exporting that much oil a week or something like that. They literalt aren't excepting payments.

>> No.49992806
File: 614 KB, 820x943, image_2022-06-27_043200392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Realistically the whole impact is just people reading this news and thinking the sanctions are working so they shouldn't pester theyr governments about the gas prices.
>normies will unironically buy this narrative

>> No.49992924

daily anon. OP is posting shameless US propaganda. it's stupid beyond words... they caused this themselves. Russia is fine. It has a shit load of Gold, Oil, Wheat, Iron, REN, etc.

>> No.49992970
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Russia was/is an empire, not a small state. They are probably the third most powerful nation out there and spans two continents, including the middle east. You are comparing apples and oranges here... compare Russia to the USA. The US is the largest oil producer but 80% of Americans have less than 500$ in savings. why is that? for the exact same reason. They're empires, not nation states, which means different macroeconomic policy.

>> No.49992980

they have the money, the US is just blocking them from paying... then the US goes "lol look at how financially irresponsible le Putin is"
it's all so pathetic

>> No.49993020

probably nothing, the sanctions and banning and saying "russia is bad" on the internet are not working to be honest

>> No.49993059

it's all so tiresome

>> No.49993066

nothing. they will keep winning.

>> No.49993079

>You owe us money
>'can we pay you the money we owe?'
>'lol ok'

>> No.49993130
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This ^

Only Westerners can be this retarded.

>"HAHAHA! Russia is going to payback Americans and Europeans that lent them money! We win bros!!!

>> No.49993140



>> No.49993192
File: 38 KB, 600x612, 93709410-ec45-11ec-b0af-4dc33a6028db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ban russian remittance
>claim russia defaulted

>> No.49993204

>100 million
Thats like me defaulting on $10

>> No.49993209

Russia has a smaller economy than italy lol

>> No.49993211

Russia isn't fully sovereign. Lookup CEOs of Rosneft, Gazprom etc. Also their central bank etc etc

>> No.49993278

one day you will realize that despite 20 onlyfans donations and a barrel of oil producing the same gdp value, one is much more valuable. We are already seeing this with Russia surviving sanctions, like we saw when Iran survived.

>> No.49993309
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Other countries will see this and prepare like Russia.

>> No.49993317
File: 168 KB, 1024x1024, 873B4D56-3082-4796-BBBF-74FEC1E2DDDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to post this but you beat me to it. Did a better job explaining it than I ever could too.

>> No.49993327

It means that elites use debt as a weapon. They make loans to countries that they then force into default in order to further enslave their citizens.

>> No.49993335

What monitor is that?

>> No.49993336

>implying GDP is a reliable measure of wealth and power

>> No.49993346

it means all their assets are worthless
they won't be able to buy anything and will sell for real cheap to anyone
workers especially foreign ones that send money back to their family will quit working
defaulting as a country leads to a massive snowball effect but poltards are convinced that russia is fine

>> No.49993423

Look Italy produces Ferraris and Lamborghinis. Russia is trying to restart Lada production with 1980s specs.

>> No.49993559

EXOR and Audi arent Italian corporations
>the retardation that comes from getting high on your own farts

>> No.49993597
File: 271 KB, 626x324, 7d76d116c3d17fae0241d8a439f6d88e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, $100 million, Putin is shaking in his boots at not paying $100 million.

According to the west Putin himself has billions of dollars worth of personal assets, so how can he not be able to find $100 million in the whole of Russia.

Russia is currently getting $285 million a day from the EU alone from oil. It clearly doesn't make much sense. It's fake news and a complete joke.


>> No.49993825

A default is meaningless when a country is running a budget surplus, and when the reason for the default is because you are being prevented, by a third party, from paying the debt

>> No.49995442

Vladimir Vlodimir same shit. Putin probably already dead Kremlin using doubles

>> No.49995542

Imagine lending money to russia

>> No.49995569

This is on the same level as the bukele fud, msm "journalists" Really think a country is going to bankrupt from a few millions of loss/debt kek

>> No.49995614

What do you expect from retarded commies, they are destined to be poor no matter the resources. Venezuela is also very resource rich, look at their economy.

>> No.49995672

>Just propaganda
At this stage. Ultimately the name of the game is federalizing Russia into smaller states that can be wholly controlled by western business concerns.

>> No.49995687

It means nothing. They have plenty, but they just don't care anymore. What's the West gonna do? Exactly, nothing.

>> No.49995775

The chinkovision. That's what they see 24/7 and they think it's normal

>> No.49995786

I remember this coming up at the time when they were cut off from Swift, they decided that since there's no way to pay the debt back they'll just let it expire.

>> No.49995815
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there's a lot more gold outside the USA than in.

>> No.49995841

you are a fucking idiot.
Putin IMO has a terminal diagnosis or something and he's acting wild, but Russia itself is in a very advantageous position, economically.
Politically it is a lot easier to survive sending thousands to their deaths if your economy thrives as Germany literally rations gas, and the US slides into economic ruin because people think you can print money and deficits don't matter.
we are failing more than they are failing.

>> No.49995853

The amount of lying braindead fsb putinfags this thread baited in is amazing. You're a special kind of retarded if you believe anything posted itt

>> No.49995881

My guy i'm in the fucking armed forces of a NATO country. Nobody rooting for the other side, but you have to understand that our economic weakness, our vulnerability at this point in time, is fucking dangerous.
We need to step up our shit, and deluding ourselves with propaganda on CNN or wtv that Russia is really "feeling the heat" of sanctions that have somehow siphoned money from the west straight into Moscow is delusional. That delusion is incredibly dangerous because if you don't even acknowledge our problems how do we fix them?

>> No.49995961

>Ban Russia from paying debnts
>Heh, you knows what happens when a country defaults? Now their economy is over, checkmate putler

Ok faggot

>> No.49995964

>there is an opinion different than mine, those are putinbots!
every fucking thread
it's literally easy to tell a honest bizraeli from a shill, years of pajeet scams force you to adapt, i guess

>> No.49996145

100 millions ? A fully decked F35 with training, fuel and spare parts included is worth more than that LMAO. I'm willing to think it's fucking nothing.

>> No.49996316
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Why yes, I did buy Russian stocks before the invasion

>> No.49996347

>fsb putinfags
You lefty plebbit faggots really need to fucking go back. Clueless cunt.

>> No.49996389
File: 1.74 MB, 1205x1297, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they won't be able to buy anything and will sell for real cheap to anyone
kek, chinks and pajeets will definetly stop buying russian shit now

>> No.49996566

That’s what 80 years of communism does to your country

>> No.49996774


Putin did that until he decided he wanted to be a superpower again far too soon.

Than he got involved in a bunch of convert operations, Georgia, Syria and Ukraine twice.
Wars are very expensive.
Russia has the economy of Italy.
It can't afford to play superpower.
So the oil money went into the military (having a big army is bloody expensive) and in efforts to project strength.

Putin was on a good track. He only needed to focus on making Russia rich like china did.
If china instead of focusing on economic growth from the 1990s instead went to war with Mongolia, Vietnam and got involved in some African conflict they would not be remotely as rich as they are today.

>> No.49996803

>largest country in the world

>> No.49996891

Russian daily exports of oil and gas is $1billion with a “b” anon. This is a punny amount. Russia has $600 billion in forex reserves and the amount of foreign debt is a tiny $20 billion, exactly 3% of Russian reserves.

>> No.49996937

both the risk of default and the default itself mean that nobody is willing to buy or insure russian debt. since lower demand pushes up yields, this is making debt much more expensive for the russian state.

the russian central bank is still backstopping this problem through quantitative easing, but because demand is so extraordinarily low (and it will likely remain low for quite some time, even after a formal default), it'll be difficult to maintain all the way through the crisis.
some evidence for this claim: the russian 10y went to 20% before the russian central bank announced that they would start buying bonds: http://www.worldgovernmentbonds.com/bond-historical-data/russia/10-years/
it's very likely that this is why they have been trying to defend their currency so adamantly since the start of the war, even though it's hurting their exports (QE hurts the currency even in situations where it doesn't cause inflation).

since the russian government is most likely also spending lots of money on the war, it's possible that we'll see a strong devaluation of the ruble in 6 months to a year, depending on how long it takes for inflation to travel through the pipes, or how long it'll take until energy exports don't generate sufficient income anymore.
in other words: the russian economy has entered martial law and it'll be interesting to see how long they can keep both bond yields low and the ruble strong. eventually, one of the two will have to give. i don't think ending the war would solve this issue either; they're already on the path they set for themselves.

>> No.49997101

>Putin was on a good track. He only needed to focus on making Russia rich like china did.
You need to secure your political independence before you are able to focus on economic development. This is what China did in the 50's with the Korean war.

>> No.49997116

>both the risk of default and the default itself mean that nobody is willing to buy or insure russian debt. since lower demand pushes up yields, this is making debt much more expensive for the russian state.
good thing that the Russian state is running a budget surplus.

>> No.49997220

not for long: https://www.interfax.ru/business/838296.. forecasts are also pretty grim, and they're only getting more grim as the war drags on. high oil/gas price or not.
debt is obviously not a non-issue, otherwise the russian central bank wouldn't have implemented quantitative easing.

>> No.49997270

>not for long:
Russian budget is made to be sustainable with oil at 50-70 dollars. It is currently twice that. Russia pays for its military yearly budget with 1-2 months of energy sales.

>> No.49997279

read the article you fucking mong

>> No.49997318

Post something in english then, retard. I used the translate and the last paragraph literally says that Russia will have a superavit of almost 1.5 trillion rubles in 2022
Cope more nigger lover

>> No.49997386

>Russia is trying to restart Lada production with 1980s specs
80's/90's/00's car specs are literally the prime of automotive industry, anything afterwards are literal shitboxes filled with bloatware.

>> No.49997418

Russians are the niggers of Europe, no innovation and corrupt

>> No.49997503

>Russia has the economy of Italy.
You guys are so fucking ignorant yet still talk as if you know things. Read up on what GPD means and how it is calculated, then read up on GDP PPP, then think about industrial output vs superfluous service sector and rent seeking economic activity. Use your brain instead of parroting something someone said without understanding it.

If a fucking starbucks coffee costs 3X as much in Italy than in Russia, then it contributed 3X as much to the "GDP" number. Did they produce 3X as much as Russia per coffee at starbucks?

>> No.49997554

lol you pathetic shill, you're getting desperate
No Russia is not richer than Italy, yes Russia is a corrupted 3rd world shithole. Anyone who knows a little bit Russia outside of the Kremlin propaganda playbook is aware of these obvious facts. Even Russians know how corrupted and dysfunctional their country is and they joke about it.
No amounf of 'muhh but if I take this number in that way then Russia stronk' will change the truth

>> No.49997572

>My guy i'm in the fucking armed forces of a NATO country.
Right mr larp...

>> No.49997588

>omg guise Russia is bad and corrupt guise. Have you heard that russia is bad guise! Russia is bad and mean guise
Seething hard, kek. I bet 200 euros you are from the butthurt belt

>> No.49997605

Nothing, they claim they can pay it but are cut off swift and not able to do so. It is all for the lulz and to make fun of russians

>> No.49997633

>Russia was stopped from paying the interest on the debt as a sanction. The west literally said "we're not letting you pay your debt anymore"
That's because they were trying to pay in Roubles. The west rightfully told them to fuck off, we don't want their dirty money.

>> No.49997827

Western cunts buy rubles to use them to buy oil

>> No.49997834

They wanted firstly to pay in the hundreds of billions they have in Euros and Dollars that the westoids "froze" (stole).
Then, not being able to do this anymore, nor reliably even use western payment systems, they decided they will open accounts on behalf of creditors and pay in rubles, something the west doesn't even deserve after simply stealing from Russian citizens (including private) and not allowing their own companies to honor their own debts to Russian entities.

>> No.49997851

>source rt and Russia 1

>> No.49997863

>Russian citizens
I wonder if you're talking about those ((citizens)) whose yachts got "stolen"

>> No.49997870

Lol this is hilarious to read. I feel like I'm reading an 'analyst' from Poccyr 1

>> No.49997893

The US gov ordered banks to not process Russia's payments

>> No.49997901

Funny how the Jewish Russian oligarchs all seem to be living in the West. Huh, funny how the Jewish Russian oligarchs perceive USA/Britain/France as safer for them than Russia itself.
Really makes me think

>> No.49997915

>What's it mean for Russia in reality?

Russia chaos as country DEFAULTS on debt or first time in 104 years in huge blow for Putin
VLADIMIR PUTIN has been dealt a bitter blow after Russia defaulted on its overseas debt for the first time in more than a century.
The Kremlin was determined to avoid the label, which is likely to be subject to mockery on the world stage. Its failure is, however, a result of sanctions imposed by the West in response to its invasion of Ukraine and the closure of payment routes to creditors rather than of a lack of cash.

What does it mean? It means that Russian bonds like Russian ADRs are now fiscal no go zones for anyone with a fucking brain

>> No.49997916

Not even online content creators could withdraw usable payment because how were they going to get their money from the Western banking system into the sanctioned Russian banking system when the western banking system refuses to convert to rubles and send it so they can use it to live?

You people are brainwashed. The sooner you understand how little you can trust your media and politicians, the sooner you can understand what's going on and how to plan for the future, including when it comes to investments.

>> No.49997921

The US confiscated and froze Russia's USD funds and ability to pay in USD.
This entire "bankruptcy" thing is completely retarded.
You take away ANY person's savings and bank account access, and they will be unable to pay their debts.

>> No.49997925


funny how obsessed with jews and trannies pro russian posters are. really makes you think

>> No.49997927

1. More oil per capita
2. Less embezzlement
3. Russia since 2014 has been investing a lot to harden the economy rather than grow it. Norwegian and Saudi wealth is largely stored abroad and their economies are dependent on imports for fundamental goods. If the sanctions that hit Russia hit Norway or Saudi Arabia, they would be starving within two months

>> No.49997938
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Nooo you can't just make your mc donaldrino

>> No.49997941

>Not even online content creators could withdraw usable payment because how were they going to get their money from the Western banking system into the sanctioned Russian banking system when the western banking system refuses to convert to rubles and send it so they can use it to live?
Poor thing... Maybe you should have protested harder against the invasion then...

>> No.49997943

>It means that Russian bonds like Russian ADRs
Western financial institutions and private citizens were already barred from acquiring such financial products even before the default. Non western lenders understand what is the reason for the "default", so little will change for them

>> No.49997952

>The US confiscated and froze Russia's USD funds and ability to pay in USD.
>This entire "bankruptcy" thing is completely retarded.
>You take away ANY person's savings and bank account access, and they will be unable to pay their debts.

Its comedy that you don't realise that the reason for default is irrelevant. Russia is a extreme high risk investment. No one will touch it because of that. Go look at what happened to ADR holders. Now Russia bonds have been flagged. I would not want them for free in case there are contractual liabilities buried in them that could make me have to visit Russia to unburden myself of them. Russia is a dead stagnant lifeless pond for investors for this generation at least. Unironically Iran or Best Korea is a safer bet than Russia

>> No.49997968

You know fuck all and nothing, I know people stock with Russian ADRs. I'm telling you now whether it fits your pro kremlin bullshit or now, no one will ever invest in Russia again and this bond action just confirms it. Any financial instrument connected to anything in Russia public or private is fucking worthless.

>> No.49997980

>Why would you give money to your enemies ?
I don't give any money to jews tho

>> No.49997987

I like how Russian shills are able to pretend at the same time that sanction have absolutely no impact on Russia and then proceed to list all the horrible things that should happen to the west in reparation for these sanctions and all the bad they've done to Russia.
It's a golden example of double think.

>> No.49997995

you do realize that this board has IDs and that people can see that you're a disingenuous fuck right

>> No.49997997

This pretty much. The Russia public had their chance, mad their choice and are now financially fucked for a generation at least. Even CCP China won't touch Russian bonds or Shares since the Russian government made it illegal for foreigners to sell Russian shares, might have worked better if they had banned Russian from selling Russian shares and let foreigners carry on, but no, Russia fucked itself good and hard and is now the worst investment in the world far beneath Iran or Syria

>> No.49997999

Maybe you should have protested against US imperialism, including the drive towards the coup in Ukraine in 2014 so Europe wouldn't now be in a state of deindustrialization and the USD and US debt as the premier global trading currency and reserves being in the process of undoing, which will crash the US economy and state that is dependent on using more and more above what the economy creates.

And do you know what your rulers will do and already are doing? Claim that "employment is too high" (meaning "wages and worker bargaining strength is too high") and try to implement a "controlled recession" to depress wages, at the same time as there is big inflation and a large increase in mortgage costs due to having to increase the central bank interest rate to contain the inflation from getting completely out of hand.

People in the US, most of whom live paycheck to paycheck, are getting turbosqueezed when they didn't even have anything left to be squeezed of.

Yet you sit there smugly and gloat. Homo Americanus indeed.

>> No.49998001

>Its comedy that you don't realise that the reason for default is irrelevant.
Why is it irrelevant?
> Russia is a extreme high risk investment.
If you are a western investor whose government is currently waging a war against. If you aren't a western investor, it is a quite attractive investment, because Russia has the liquidity and willingness to pay back.
>No one will touch it because of that.
Nothing will change with this default. The things that usually happen when a default happens, which is lenders stop borrowing, or borrow at much higher rates, cannot happen, because lenders are already barred from lending.
>Russia is a dead stagnant lifeless pond for investors for this generation at least.
Yeah, the West just lost a very profitable market that is in fact sort of booming, taking into account that most of Russian exports (energy, wheat, fertilizer, several minerals...) are skyrocketing in price.
Again, see>>49997943
Western investors are barred from investing in Russia. We know this since sanctions were announced in February. I don't need to have a father working for Nintendo to understand this.
But there is more to the world other than the West

>> No.49998019

Only real answer. Everything else is pure retardation.

>> No.49998034

>and is now the worst investment in the world far beneath Iran or Syria
Germany and the rest of Europe are still "investing" billions per week in acquiring Russian energy

>> No.49998035

You're the most deluded poster on this thread. You vomit anti-west wishful thinking coming straight from Russian state TV I assume.

>> No.49998043

>be russian
>see videos of your tax money getting wasted every day online
>make $300 while living in a povertyblock
i can't even imagine how seething i would be

>> No.49998045

Checked and everything you say is true. However, your whataboutism doesn't change the fact that Russia invaded a sovereign country and is getting rightfully squeezed for it.

>> No.49998046

You think Russia needs western investment. It does not. Most countries in the world did not sanction Russia. It is just the west and a few small countries. Not even the US allied gulf monarchies sanctioned Russia.

You're fucking idiot who believes anything you read on bloomberg because it massages your supremacy-by-proxy ego.

The reality is that your overlords don't consider you a part of their tribe, nor even fully human.

>> No.49998048

>muh us is pissed so look at how risky they are
aren't western lenders forbidden from dealing russia anyway? and chinks, pajeets etc have no problems buying discounted russian resources, why would they have a problem lending to russia if the only cause of this default is usa literally refusing to take the money? clearly they're not afraid of muh sanctions

>> No.49998058

There's literally only one solution and it involves banishing and executing ((them))

>> No.49998064

>You're the most deluded poster on this thread. You vomit anti-west wishful thinking coming straight from Russian state TV I assume.
Quite funny how you didn't make a single argument in your entire post

>> No.49998070

>doesn't change the fact that Russia invaded a sovereign country
It wasn't a sovereign country. It was a US puppet state.
>and is getting rightfully squeezed for it.
The west is losing the trade war, not Russia. They are rightfully squeezing themselves. They thought they could get most of the world on board, but they barely manage to keep countries in the west on board with the sanctions.

>> No.49998077

Leaders of Russia/Soviet Union have never had any interest in the well being of their own people. Only thing that matters for them is to stay in power, and in order to stay in power they do the only thing they can - corruption, fear mongering and war. Rinse and repeat from leader to next.

>> No.49998087

Look at you with your fucking idiocy.>>49998001
>> Russia is a extreme high risk investment.
>If you are a western investor whose government is currently waging a war against.
The Russian government and public are not waging a war against the west. In fact if Russia was to fire a single shot into a NATO/EU/US nation and start such a war, Russia and you would cease to exist within six hours.
>>No one will touch it because of that.
Yes exactly. Russias handling of the Rouble, Russian ADR rights, central bank capital controls and blocking sale of foreign currency for roubles as well as banning foreigners selling Russian shares plus their inability to pay bond debt to most of the planet because sanctions have unplugged them from the financial landscape. Yeah, Russia is fiscally untouchable hot garbage worldwide.
>Nothing will change with this default.
Muh muh nothing to see here,mUH Russia strong. You fucking moron.
>Western investors are barred from investing in Russia. We know this since sanctions were announced in February. I don't need to have a father working for Nintendo to understand this.
>But there is more to the world other than the West
There is an its not buying anything in Russia either as Russia has demonstrated it is an extreme high risk gamble that can stop foreigners selling shares or getting bond payments.
>tdlr You are to stupid to realise Russia is a financial dead zone for a generation, not because of 'the west' but because of Russian governmental actions against ALL non Russian investors, not just western ones.

>> No.49998105

No they are not investing, they are consuming gas still but Russias biggest and highest margin energy customers have cut their consumption by 2/3rs. If Russia was a shop, the bank would be calling in its overdraft.
Russia is finished. It will have fiscally collapsed by 2023. Screencap this. Ju7st look at how stupid the Z Russian shills are for proof of how futureless Russia is.

>> No.49998113

>You think Russia needs western investment. It does not. Most countries in the world did not sanction Russia
Look at this moronic foaming drivel. Again. No mystery as to why Russia is dead for any inward investment for a generation.

>> No.49998115

>In fact if Russia was to fire a single shot into a NATO/EU/US nation and start such a war, Russia and you would cease to exist within six hours.
If Russia invaded Lithaunia now, NATO would barely do anything. You think the US would try for mutually assured destruction, lol? They're pretty stupid but they have some sense of self-preservation.

If there is any power that has a military-technical advantage to potentially survive a nuclear exchange, it's Russia, as both its missile technology (both medium range and long range ballistic missiles) and anti-missile technology are currently 1-2 gens ahead of that of the west.

>> No.49998134

The latest Russian shill cope is that 'GDP' has no meaning. I've seen this argument multiple time on this board. (including here >>49993336 >>49997503). That's because Russian GDP is currently going to the sewer and they can't ignore it anymore. During the pandemic they were all going on about how Russian gdp growth was better than the west and that Europe was on the brink of collapse. That's how they function, they rewrite constantly their discourse to adapt to facts that they can't ignore or lie about anymore.

>> No.49998136

Kek get a load of this guy. Russiatards honestly believe all this

>> No.49998143

>If Russia invaded Lithaunia now, NATO would barely do anything. You think the US would try for mutually assured destruction, lol? They're pretty stupid but they have some sense of self-preservation.
If Russia invaded Lithuania I guarantee you that you dear motherland would be a pile of ash within the hour.

>> No.49998148

>Leaders of Russia/Soviet Union have never had any interest in the well being of their own people.
Yeah bro, only the American leaders, particularly the more leftists American leaders, ever cared about their people well being. After all i saw it on Hollywood!
Why did you (You) me 5 times for the same post lmao. Seething hard
>The Russian government and public are not waging a war against the west.
Of course they are, Ukraine is a NATO outpost. there are plenty of nato glowies currently in Ukraine. And the economic war they are waging is still a war.
>In fact if Russia was to fire a single shot into a NATO/EU/US nation and start such a war, Russia and you would cease to exist within six hours.
Just like the Taliban, right?
>have unplugged them from the financial landscape.
*Western financial landscape*
Russia was banned from it in February, dude, it is a done deal.
>Yeah, Russia is fiscally untouchable hot garbage worldwide.
The world is bigger than Europe (some of it) and North America.
>Muh muh nothing to see here,mUH Russia strong. You fucking moron.
Thanks for the concession. Keep seething
>There is an its not buying anything in Russia
Exports to China increased since the war started. Energy imports increased by 50%. Oil exports to India increased by 9 times since the war started. Cope.

>> No.49998151

>If Russia invaded Lithaunia now, NATO would barely do anything.
When the average pro Kremlin shill is publicly displaying such incredible depths of stupidity and disconnection from reality, is it any surprise that Russia is viewed as worthless as an investment?. This brainless kremlin moron probably even believes that. Russia is a financial dead zone.

>> No.49998160

>No they are not investing, they are consuming gas
Same thing. Cope.
>Russia is finished.
In 2 weeks lol. You faggots have been saying this since day one.

>> No.49998174

Paying your debt. Bank says we will not take your money. You go home with your money. Bank gets virtue for not taking money. Everybody wins.

>> No.49998180

NYT PREDICTED THIS (3rd time now)

>> No.49998181

what currencies do you think do the chinks and pajeets lend in

>> No.49998184

>it's Russia, as both its missile technology (both medium range and long range ballistic missiles) and anti-missile technology are currently 1-2 gens ahead of that of the west.
More deranged comedy tier delusions. Why no one will invest in Russia ever again, the post.

Stop watching Russia state TV and realise economically Russia is a tiny little dictatorship on the edge of civilisation with an inept military and no allies that no one for at least a generation will ever consider investing in or doing business with.

>> No.49998194

>If Russia invaded Lithuania I guarantee you that you dear motherland would be a pile of ash within the hour.
No logic. No arguments. Only wishful westoid thinking.
>you dear motherland
I'm a citizen in one of the few western countries that will survive this collective suicide pact of the west, assuming it doesn't get pulled into direct war with Russia like the US is trying to get to happen with Romania via the annexation of Moldova (and thus a claim to and attacking Transistria) and the Polish moves towards annexing the rest of the Ukrainian failed state.

>> No.49998197

yeah...Russia is finished. No one is going to invest in it again. It is done.

>> No.49998203

>I'm a citizen in one of the few western countries that will survive this collective suicide pact of the west, assuming it doesn't get pulled into direct war with Russia like the US is trying to get to happen with Romania via the annexation of Moldova (and thus a claim to and attacking Transistria) and the Polish moves towards annexing the rest of the Ukrainian failed state.

cont: Both of which, by the way, are moves to get them at war with Russia through conflict outside their territories, giving an excuse to not invoke article 5 and pretend like NATO isn't a paper tiger.

>> No.49998211
File: 169 KB, 736x810, sssq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In 2 weeks lol. You faggots have been saying this since day one.
But it is happening, you guys just putting blinds over your eyes, not wanting to see it.

>> No.49998226

>muh gdp

>> No.49998231

what does it matter?

>> No.49998232

>Stop watching Russia state TV and realise economically Russia is a tiny little dictatorship on the edge of civilisation with an inept military and no allies that no one for at least a generation will ever consider investing in or doing business with.
Incredible that for Western white liberals like you Russia is, at the same time, a weak irrelevant shitty country similar to North Korea, and a worldwide master of subterfuge that is responsible for electing Donald Trump in America, responsible for the rise of the far right in Europe, responsible for Brexit...
I call Russia the Schrodinger country. For western white liberals you need to "take the cat out of the box" first in order to know to which position Russia will coalesce, if it is a shitty snow Nigeria or a global mastermind.
You are going to invest in it if you want gas, oil, wheat and numerous other vital minerals. Cope and seethe more

>> No.49998235

So you believe in Russia so much you don't live there and you sit watching Russia satellite TV telling you Russia stronk and suffer the delusion that if Russia attacks a NATO members nothing will happen. You are incredibly stupid, Russia is fiscally worthless.

>> No.49998237

here we are. Mega cope
next up :
>muh money
>muh wealth
>muh life expectancy

>> No.49998247

>depending...on how long it'll take until energy exports don't sufficient income anymore
do you see energy going down in price?

>> No.49998252

Holy shit, Russia is finished because its economy will contract next year when measured in a currency that they are banned from using!

>> No.49998258

>You are going to invest in it if you want gas, oil, wheat and numerous other vital minerals. Cope and seethe more
Russia is done, finished, no point inn doing business with a state and people who lie and break contract as they did with foreign shareholders. Russia is the loud smelly wet fart of finance. No one even wats to be in the same room as it and that includes Chinese investors.

>> No.49998261

>More deranged comedy tier delusions. Why no one will invest in Russia ever again, the post.
It's undisputed fact among US military analysts, but your fucking idiot ass knows better, right?

US has fucking Tomahawks in 2022 as its main ground attack missile. Russia has Kalibrs, Iskanders, which US air defence can't stop, and they even have hypersonic Kinzhals and now even Tsircons.

US air defence in Saudi Arabia and UAE haven't even been able to intercept most of Iran's hand me down missile technology given to the Houthis of Yemen. Patriot is a joke and Thaad, while better against medium range and above ballistic missiles, is nowhere as effective as it was promised to be.

You don't write anything of substance because you know nothing of substance. All you have is clinging to an unsubstantiated belief that you are a part of the superior group. You wish to believe it so strongly. That is why you seethe and provide strong opinions on topics you don't even know anything about.

>> No.49998264
File: 12 KB, 259x194, jhygtfrde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incredible that for Western white liberals like you Russia is, at the same time, a weak irrelevant shitty country similar to North Korea, and a worldwide master of subterfuge that is responsible for electing Donald Trump in America, responsible for the rise of the far right in Europe, responsible for Brexit...
That's because they spend most of their money on propaganda campaigns instead of investing in infrastructure or even in their fucking army as Ukrainian war has shown.

>> No.49998269

You really think GDP is the end all economic indicator?

>> No.49998283

Do you know how corrupt Russia is? By most accounts Putin is the worlds richest man. It's just mostly off the books because he's so fucking corrupt. Now picture that, plus his inner circle. Half of his closes advisors (best friends) probably round out the top 25 richest men in the world. Then don't forget the oligarchs who are there too. Theres a reason their army end up being a paper tiger.

>> No.49998284

The only undisputed fact is that you appear to have uncritically absorbed complete bullshit kremlin propaganda for a decade and have no brain

>> No.49998289

Then why aren't you using all this ultra modern arsenal in Ukraine?
Surely such a powerful military should do better against the poorest European country.

>> No.49998300

>no point inn doing business with a state
You have to if you want gas, oil, wheat and numerous other vital minerals.
> who lie and break contract as they did with foreign shareholders.
Exactly, no point in doing business with America and their European lapdogs who steal money from others unlawfully because they did a heckin unwholesome thing.
> No one even wats to be in the same room as it and that includes Chinese investors.
Yeah right, Russo-Chinese split any day now.

>> No.49998308

>overpriced fiat vs the world's most dependent commodity and a self sufficient economy
i wonder who is in better standing to survive a great derpression

>> No.49998309

>You really think GDP is the end all economic indicator?
Of course. We're not even talking of GDP absolute value here so your point is really stupid. Evolution of GDP year and year is a direct measure of prosperity.

>> No.49998321

>as Ukrainian war has shown.
Source: Western MSM whose source is Ukrainian MOD (except the last weeks where the Ukrainian MOD has started admitting it is losing but not how fast).

You people are so gullible. You talk about them spending money on the propaganda campaigns, yet the only propaganda campaign you've seen directly is the one yelling at you constantly that Russia is targeting you with propaganda.

An FSB officer went on an airplane to New York. He sat down next to an American and they go to talking. The American asked "what are you going to America for?"
The FSB officer answered "To study American propaganda to find out why it's so effective"
The American said "What American propaganda?"
The FSB officer answered "Exactly!"

>> No.49998325

So you think 20 onlyfans donations are just as valuable as one barrel of oil, because both create the same amount of GDP?

>> No.49998336

You forgot
>nobody lends Russia money or invests in Russia for decades since they will literally just scam you and not pay back, or freeze your assets

>> No.49998338

they prefer USD and EUR denominated debt like everyone else in the world. but if russia cannot pay USD and EUR denominated debt (regardless of why), then this pushes up risk and subsequently yields for cash lended by the chinese as well.
but what if they were to lend in ruble? well, that would also massively push up yields, because then the lender carries the currency exchange risk, which is significant for the reasons i've outlined earlier.
but what if they were to lend in yuan and rupees? then russia is left holding the bag and at the mercy of chinese and indian currency controls. both are net exporter nations, so they want to keep their currency weak, and the chinese especially have rugpulled their currency a number of times in the last century. they haven't overtaken the dollar yet as a reserve currency for a reason (and i'm pretty sure most developing nations in the world with decent FX reserves are rather grateful that it's the US left holding the reserve currency perma-deficit bag).
all of these options suck for russia, and they such *because* of the EUR/USD default.

>> No.49998375

We are n ot going toa gree you and I. Personally I will never invest in Russia again, ever. Neither would I invest in any company or business that uses Russia as a supplier or customer. Just not worth the risk. You go and invest all your money in Russia. You seem stupid enough, >>49998300
>Yeah right, Russo-Chinese split any day now.
China is not Russias ally, China has far more trade with the EU and USA than little Russia. I work with some big money via the CCP in HK and I'm telling you that investing in Russia is a big no from the top down in the CCP. You go believe what you like and should about the west like an idiot when you are talking to me and I am Chinese. You are not my fiend, you are a stupid Russia that has destroyed your countries accounts and made a fool of yourselves. Russia is worthless, too many stupi9d people there.

>> No.49998376

>Then why aren't you using all this ultra modern arsenal in Ukraine?
They are using them (except Zircon)
>Surely such a powerful military should do better against the poorest European country.
They are doing extremely well. Your media is lying to you. If you look at the fine print in the articles (source: ) you will see the sources are always the Ukrainian government and US intel.
Only recently have western MSM started to tell a little bit of truth, such as that Ukraine is nearly out of Artillery and experienced (useful) soldiers.

>> No.49998377

>since they will literally just scam you and not pay back, or freeze your assets
But this is what the West has done, and people are still investing in the West. Seems like you are just wrong.

>> No.49998396


>> No.49998420

>but what if they were to lend in yuan and rupees? then russia is left holding the bag and at the mercy of chinese and indian currency controls. both are net exporter nations, so they want to keep their currency weak, and the chinese especially have rugpulled their currency a number of times in the last century.
so they would basically make their own citizens poorer so that russians can enjoy cheaper chinese shit? why would russians or anybody be against that?

>> No.49998434

What you think I am stupid little Chinaman that will buy your worthless bonds and shares? Fuck you

>> No.49998438

Everything is not propaganda, facts exist too.
That Russia sent special forces to Kiev on day 1 of the invasion is a fact
That Russia sent a massive tank column toward Kiev from day 1 of the invasion is a fact
That Russia had to withdraw its troops from Kiev region after a month is also a fact
That Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe (maybe second to Belarus, not sure about that) is also a fact.
So here it is, the mighty might of the Russian army, who according to you would have no hard time beating NATO in a war can't even invade by surprise the capital of the poorest country in Europe.
How fucking deluded do you have to be to think you have even the slightest chance to last more than a week against Nato?

>> No.49998446
File: 84 KB, 757x749, coins, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody invests in Russia because the US Treasury will scam you.

>> No.49998454

>Personally I will never invest in Russia again, ever.
So you should stop eating bread and driving your car.
>China has far more trade with the EU and USA than little Russia.
So what? CCP will never, ever, exchange its political dominance over the Chinese economy over some money. CCP does not evaluate things based on how much GDP it causes, they have more pressing concerns.
>I work with some big money via the CCP in HK and I'm telling you that investing in Russia is a big no from the top down in the CCP.
My dad works in Kremlin and he tells me that Russia is receiving a great number of investments!
>You go believe what you like and should about the west like an idiot when you are talking to me and I am Chinese. You are not my fiend, you are a stupid Russia that has destroyed your countries accounts and made a fool of yourselves. Russia is worthless, too many stupi9d people there.
palpable seething lmao

>> No.49998458

Who cares, war is for dumbasses. Russians are dumbasses. Anyone who invest in Russia is a dumbass.

>> No.49998460

Exor is in the Netherlands purely for tax reasons. It is controlled by the Agnelli family through the privately held company Giovanni Agnelli B.V. These are the advantages of the EU. Tax avoidance for the rich fucks

>> No.49998465

i think that the demand destruction from a world wide recession has the potential to push down the energy price at least for a bit, yes, but i can't tell you whether that'll be significant enough to counteract supply factors (esp. for oil). energy markets are brutal.
but my comment was targeted at europe cutting russian energy supply now and over the next years (gas especially), or in fact russia doing it by itself because they're hoping that the damage they can do to europe in the process will be worth the cost.
even right now, european politicians are worried that no gas will flow anymore after the pipeline maintenance week in july. if this happens, russian income from energy exports will dwindle and they'll have to deal with the financial fallout.

>> No.49998469


>> No.49998472

Russia not needed. Russian saying 'need me' does not change situation of Russia being not needed. Too risky, to shit, to full of stupid idiot.

>> No.49998481

>How fucking deluded do you have to be to think you have even the slightest chance to last more than a week against Nato?
Ukraine could probably defeat all NATO countries 1 on 1 except Turkey and USA.

>> No.49998505

>Thinks PPP is somehow relevant when measuring the economic power of nations
>Calls the service sector superfluous
>Did they produce 3X as much as Russia per coffee at starbucks?
No, the GDP/capita being three times higher means the average Italian unites three times the average household spending+investments+government spending+net exports on them. Ie. the average Italian is just way more productive, because Russia is as rich as Nigeria.

>Start war
>Have assets frozen
>Can no longer pay bills
Not our problem, Ivan.
It's weird how nothing has changed in 50 years. In 1970 edgy people that hated their parents, society and the fact that girls didn't like them were proud communists and tankies. Not for any actual reason, but because western society was against it.

Now very similar people love the Russian dictatorship, love war crimes and hate the west for the same reasons. Because they are losers excluded from society. The main argument of these people is basically "B-But the west did...". If Russia would announce the return to communism they would be proud marxists too.
History is a circle.

>> No.49998513
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>So you should stop eating bread
No western country is buying your grain. The EU like the US is a net exporter of wheat. Again you fall for the propaganda.

>> No.49998515

You do realise that if a buy a cake from Steve for 2 bucks and sell it back to him for the same price and we repeat that enough times our GDP can be in the quadrillions despite us only owning a single cake

I think it was 86% of the US economy that wasn't "real", mostly insurance/bureacracy/finance/tech that doesn't actually produce anything

>> No.49998540

Even Germany has more agrarian exports than Russia desu.
People base their entire worldview on memes like "Russia feeds the world" without a single critical thought on the matter.

>> No.49998565

>No, the GDP/capita being three times higher means the average Italian unites three times the average household spending+investments+government spending+net exports on them.
Ok, but the ratio of household spending+investments+government spending+net exports matters alot, right? If the Italian GDP is mostly government spending accrued with debt, luxury consumer goods, 3 more Uber Eats like platforms, rent seeking behaviors, FIRE bullshit... then that GDP number isn't really equivalent to a country whose GDP is mostly commodities.

>> No.49998575

they're defaulting because their money got taken, not that they wouldn't have been able to no pay otherwise

>> No.49998591

that chart shows producers, russia is the single largest exporter, china might produce more but they are still net importers of wheat

>> No.49998594

Russia had 30K troops near Kiev. They were never going to try to occupy the city. Occupying Kiev, especially at that time when the Ukrainian army was not sufficiently degraded, would have required more than 100K troops.
It is not a fact that they were pushed out, either. They did not withdraw from that region before it was officially stated that they would.

The narrative that Russia was aiming to occupy Kiev in a few days of the war was nonsense. The facts of Russian behavior contradict this.

The fact that Russia could, at the start to the war, in so little time, penetrate so deep into Ukrainian territory while Ukrainian army formations were all stuck in their own areas and the cities they used for human shields says a lot about the relative capacities of the armies.

>That Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe (maybe second to Belarus, not sure about that) is also a fact.
After Russia, Ukraine had the largest modern army in Europe. That is a fact. You can look it up. Inside the EU, the only army likely stronger than the Ukrainian army was the French army.

Ukraine has, since 2014, been pumped with weapons and trained by NATO specifically to be a proxy army against Russia, in order to "bleed Russia". This is why Nazi ideology was shilled so heavily, Bandera rehabilitated as a national hero and Ukrainian nationalism generally bound strongly to Nazi Galician revanchism.

Russia has defeated the 2nd strongest army in Europe while committing only ~15% of its own, and having a peacetime economy... while in a trade war, that it is winning.

The west is shitting itself.

>> No.49998600

Russia is the single largest wheat exporter. Cope

>> No.49998604
File: 90 KB, 1084x691, 3v8v3pm3ayq51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really convinced that the average Russian is wealthier than the average Italian? You can't be THAT deluded right?

>> No.49998624

russia ideally doesn't want to build up yuan fx reserves that could get rugpulled by the chinese and the chinese don't want to lend with their own currency because then all those bonds would lose their value when they try to stabilize their currency for exports. the yuan/rupee option is most likely the least desirable of the three.

>> No.49998626

>The west is shitting itself.
The West, as in the actual collection of Peoples who live in the West, does not really give a fuck. The capital cities are just shitting themselves because their Ukrainian money-laundering operations are under attack.

>> No.49998643
File: 161 KB, 1921x1921, INTERACTIVE-Russian-and-Ukranian-wheat-export.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't mean they export to the EU as you pretended when you said :
>So you should stop eating bread
They export to Africa and Asia, not Europe, I was just pointing out how your brain on Russian propaganda believed that Russia was feeding Europe, which is objectively false.

>> No.49998656

I never said anything like that, i'm just trying to make a point that GDP is not the end all economic indicator
The cattle will care about whatever their masters put on tv or in social media.

>> No.49998659

>Start war
>Have assets frozen
Funny how that's only happened to Russia, but never to US, despite US having started more wars? Hmmm... really makes you think

>> No.49998673

I have not been to Russia in years but the only place I have seen poverty so bad as Rural Russia in the east is in Africa and people say Africans are stupid but you know what they try and rebuild some things. Russia is just broken, stolen, drug addict, idiot. Like investing in junkie , maybe it will steal something 1/million you get money back but nope, money gone!

>> No.49998681
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Yes. What is your point?
>Buy asset
>Can't trade it on financial markets
>Have no buyers
>Have a country that defaults and nationalizes left and right
>Somehow banks are supposed to invest in this
>The agrarian sector is wheat because that's how it is in my video games
Is Russia the biggest exporter of turnips too?
Maybe female brown chickens of the mid sized variety?

>> No.49998684

>Funny how that's only happened to Russia, but never to US, despite US having started more wars? Hmmm... really makes you think
Well if someone does wrong it doesn't mean you can do wrong to. Whataboutism has never been a convincing argument for an invasion.
By the way when the US invaded Irak a number of EU countries spoke against it, so long for the 'US vassals' theory.

>> No.49998689

I have no idea where you are from. Chances are you live in a country that does import wheat from Russia.
>They export to Africa and Asia, not Europe, I was just pointing out how your brain on Russian propaganda believed that Russia was feeding Europe, which is objectively false.
You are strawmanning me, and you are still wrong, EU imported wheat from Russia
> figures show that almost 19 % of 'other feed and feed ingredients' imported to the EU come from Russia, as well as almost 8 % of sugar (other than beet and cane), and slightly more than 6 % of imported wheat.

>> No.49998693

This guy gets it

>> No.49998696

You replied to a comment stating
>The main argument of these people is basically "B-But the west did...".
with exactly that.

>> No.49998701
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My screenshot messed up

>> No.49998709

>>The agrarian sector is wheat because that's how it is in my video games
lmao, this whole thing started when i talked about bread, and bread is made with wheat. I never said anything about the whole agrarian sector.
This necessity to strawman me says everything about your lack of arguments.

>> No.49998719

Yea, and that's not a deflection. Just because they try to use it as one, it's not. It's double moralism/double standards, pure corruption.

>> No.49998726

>I never said anything about the whole agrarian sector.
I did and you replied to my comment. >>49998540
You can read English, right?

>> No.49998727

None of you have ever seen the smelly Russian type who comes into Huaběi once a year to get it's tracksuit clothes form market trader, smelling of piss and it puts this on and goes off wearing that same clothes for the next year when the Russia like that goes to toilet it uses tracksuit to wipe as well and may only wash tracksuit maybe once a ,month. Investing in Russia is a very bad idea for me anyway. They call these Russian 'one year pants' when the come in in spring. People do not know just how stupid and poor Russians are. Honest, sudan is better bet.

>> No.49998732

>Well if someone does wrong it doesn't mean you can do wrong to.
Bullshit. This is just pure bullshit.

>> No.49998746
File: 14 KB, 228x157, ytrezez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 % of imported wheat.
Oh my god!! we're going to starve!!
As shown on my chart above only Spain is importing Russian wheat.
>figures show that almost 19 % of 'other feed and feed ingredients' imported to the EU come from Russia,
Of course they're importing products from Russia. It doesn't mean they are net importers.
Actually food exports from the EU to Russia is bigger than from Russia to the EU according to the very documents you posted (6.8 billions euros vs 1.8 billions euros), which mean than the EU is a net exporter of foo to Russia.
Stop trying to twist numbers left to right to explain this dumb piece of propaganda that you believed without any bit of critical thinking.

>> No.49998747

Equality before the law and precedent are all key components of classical western justice systems.
>b-b-b-but the w-w-world is unfair! America strong! f-f-fack yo rules!
That is what Russia is doing, and that is why your moral grandstanding falls flat

>> No.49998749

The west starts wars to bring down dictators and sphere countries economically, all the way in Africa.
The Russians start wars to get land grabs while killing tens of thousands somewhere in Europe.

I don't see your point. What is the argument you are making? Why should we not sanction and dismantle Russia for this?

>> No.49998760

Rather eat European food that Russian food. Imagine food that is made or moved by 'one year pants' and you will see why.

>> No.49998776

just letting you know that i'm having a blast reading your angry shit-on-russians posts, regardless of whether you're actually chinese or just larping

>> No.49998793

Russia used make good prostitute. Now they all have HIV. I will inest in Russia again when it is not called Russia but called northern China or further Eastern Europe.

>> No.49998796
File: 56 KB, 951x299, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EU exported three times the amount of agricultural products to Russia than the other way around.

>> No.49998810

>it is ok when we do it
Westerners love to act like kikes. I begin to think the idea that kikes aren't Western is wrong, kikes are just Westerners on steroids

>> No.49998819

If you think russian 'one year pant's is fiction you go to the border city markets in spring and you smell the smell of mother russia. It is not a good smell. Here in HK Russia as concerned investing is what the fuck, no how about maybe ghana instead. China knows Russia. That is exactly why we know never lend them money,

>> No.49998820

>The Joos!
Are you a virgin, Anon?

>> No.49998839

My ass is virgin, but from the way you speak i don't think yours is.

>> No.49998843

Russia will be hurt more badly then the russian media says but not hurt as badly as the western media says

>> No.49998849

Most Europeans were against the war in Iraq, most Europeans are against the war in Ukraine, what the fuck do you not understand in this? This is very coherent.
And of course Europeans care more about the war in Ukraine because it is in EUROPE, that's why they're delivering weapons.
And yes the US get a special treatment because they're ready to defend Europe against warmongering Russia... while Russia is just trying to kill and destroy.
I don't understand why for Russian shills Russia is allowed to do whatever it wants to defend its interests, but as soon as EUrope is trying to defend its interest it become 'aniti russian hysteria'?
Do we complain about 'anti-western' hysteria on Russian state TV? Because there is much more of it.

>> No.49998876

Nice bait retard here's your (((you)))

>> No.49998909

He's literally right you idiot. Russia fucked themselves by invading Ukraine for no fucking reason, Putin is literally retarded

>> No.49998939

>Trying to deflect
I suspected as much
You also didn't answer the question. Why should we not sanction Russia if you admit they are doing something terrible?

>> No.49998949

>Most Europeans were against the war in Iraq
Yet their countries followed them into the war.... Nice democracy we have going on here... If the Europeans don't want to be responsible (another way in which Westerners are kikelike, they do everything to avoid responsibility) they should have protested harder. For all intent and purposes Europeans were pro-war, because their armies were in iraq fighting.
>And yes the US get a special treatment because they're ready to defend Europe
Defending Europe by creating wars in the middle east that send millions of brown refugees to Europe? Thank you America!

>> No.49998960

Exactly, we should sanction America for their horrific invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.

>> No.49998979

that was literally the argument at the start of this conflict against russians that they werent doing enough to stop this as in they didnt protest """heavily""" enough aka make a coup
why did eurofaggots not overthrow their gobments over iraq?

>> No.49998987

shitty parashka became shitty shit lmao

>> No.49999012
File: 2.03 MB, 4032x3024, C1CA2B0C-1979-48AD-AD3D-BA5778D8CB51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My uneducated guess is corruption. An environment of nepotism that kept the wealth from leaving a small circle of well connected people.
Also communism has a way of killing personal initiative for anything like starting a business. An environment of corruption also keeps businesses from getting started.
Communism also has a way of turning independent people into subjects, totally dependent on others to solve their problems. All the communists I know place blame on government for [insert current personal problem here].
Example from a almost communist country. If your house burns down then the government must do something. Did you have insurance against it? No of course not. It’s the government responsibility to make me whole. And when you have an entire country with that mindset change will never come.

>> No.49999057

It's not only communism. Russians always had a slave mentality. They didn't have the bourgeois revolution like in Europe so at the start of the 20th century the tsar was still an absolute brutal autocrat. Also they had been rural slavery in Russia well into the 19th century.
So with the communists they just replaced a master with another. And now with Putin they found a new master, the cycle is repeating. Russians are literally unable to be free.

>> No.49999094

But surely it is inevitable that they will get out of this cycle. With newer and healthier generations things improve. It has been the case everywhere else we may be 20 or 50 years from a vastly improved Russia. If the right conditions exist of course, but they often always do with the changing of the guard which in the next five years will be massive.

>> No.49999107

>just pretend azov batallion does not exist
stfu you retarded jew

>> No.49999137

>Every Saudi and Norwegian is privileged and get free gibs while enjoying prosperity.
Norway has a tiny and homogenous population. The average Saudi citizen is basically an impoverished slave, that money is for their hereditary aristocracy.

>> No.49999148
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Why did I laugh at this

>> No.49999157

Russia has lots of people, Norway and Saudi Arabia don't. Also if you think everyone who lives in Saudi Arabia is rich then you've never been to Saudi Arabia.

>> No.49999177

Russian society will not change because young people that see the issues of Russian society and want a better future are just leaving Russia for America or Europe, they see no hope of changing their country.

>> No.49999192


>azov is nazis
>also you are a jew!

lol the messaging

>> No.49999204

>yes goy, the only good Russians who want to change Russia for the better are the heckin wholesome liberals who worship America goy, they are good and honest and not corrupt people, haven't you see our Holliwood movies, goy? Only conservatives are corrupt and bad, goy

>> No.49999286

>Putin IMO has a terminal diagnosis or something and he's acting wild
>my opinion is that one served to me by retarded tv propaganda
sure, retard, one of the most powerful men in the world has a "terminal disease", the guy who "rides bears in the woods" has a disease that cannot be treated with the infinite resources he has available. how fucking stupid do you have to believe this bs story?
>ah it is because he is sick, not because the azov jews have been slaughtering ethnic russians since 2014, goy

>> No.49999317

a lot of your "facts" are wrong, so are they really facts? It's all the more funny because you responded to a post about propaganda by repeating propaganda you've been fed. Too sweet.

>> No.49999371

Putin has had all kinds of terminal illnesses, grave degenerative diseases and progressively debilitating conditions over the years. What a remarkable man to have been through them all and still around!


>> No.49999376

Well I don’t blame them. But there will always be a newer generation staying behind theyre not all leaving and the newer generation that stays will be different from the one before and more often than not better because they know why their peers are leaving and could push for a change when they take over. The future will tell but I’m optimistic for russias future youth

>> No.49999385

>Why should we not sanction Russia if you admit they are doing something terrible?
Why would you? Just because you're braindead?
The main argument for interconnecting economies since WW2 is to reduce conflict.
When the same think tanks that argue for that argue for sanctions it means in this case they want to escalate conflict not reduce it.

>> No.49999405

Spoken like someone who’s middle class in a developed country with no structural traps designed to keep the likes of him from making an average lower medium class living. Go suck Russian dick elsewhere

>> No.49999464

you have to be literally retarded to believe this

>> No.49999481
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Literally you

>> No.49999510
File: 536 KB, 640x760, 1653363691331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more vatnick communism will be accepted in the US or anywhere else in the west.
Anons I would recommend reading the works of
sealed train by michael pearson
disinformation ion mihai pacepa

>> No.49999598

>azov batallion does not exist, doubling down
ok, retard

>> No.49999607

>Cry more vatnick communism will be accepted in the US or anywhere else in the west.
well, no, something much worse will be accepted, which is their own ethnic replacement

>> No.49999623

Yes white people defend themselves from Mongolian rape babies what of it vatnick?

>> No.49999655
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I am pretty sure it's not your standard default... it's the sort of default where you have the money, but can't pay your debt because some jews prevent you from doing it.
Creditors should be asking for Rubles anyway, since, as it turns out, they're more valuable and appreciate with time.

>> No.49999682

>killing ethnic russian citizens on the border means defending themselves
you're mentally deranged, rabbi. kys

>> No.49999699

>own ethnic replacement
Nah the west is pushing back against non white countries such as russia see 49999623 .

>> No.49999717

pointing out this jew will only make him lash out more

>> No.49999772
File: 12 KB, 401x225, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on the border
>Mongolian rape babies invade a sovereign country
>white people defend themselves
cry more vatnick

>> No.49999787

He’s not wrong. Western countries have stopped Russias ability to deal in USD, so they can’t pay their USD denominated debt despite raking in record profits from oil/gas. They offered to pay it in rubles but western countries said no. So it’s literally just news to fool retards like you into thinking we’re winning against the russtards

>> No.49999809

rest in piss, rabbi

>> No.49999810
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>pointing out this jew will only make him lash out more
Couldn't agree more

>> No.49999811

>Nah the west is pushing back against non white countries
in about 2 weeks, Donald Trump will close the border!

>> No.49999896

America delenda est

>> No.49999950
File: 234 KB, 640x968, 1655243111976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In two weeks Russia is gonna become a first world country.

>> No.50000088

>cherrypicking inconsequential facts
it's the same as caring about niggers killing eachother in the us

>> No.50000100
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In two days all of Europe shall fear mighty Russian intelligence.

>> No.50000145
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Are mighty leader has spoken comrade are YOU a true believer

>> No.50000153

Everyone knows this default is bullshit.
Biden banned Russia from paying their debts so they can claim that Ukraine war bankrupt Russia.

And them, countries just stooped using dollars to trade between themselves and "no one understood why"...

>> No.50000192

i don't give a shit about that cocksucker putin, you moron, dunno if you understand how much western propaganda cock you're sucking. i'm romanian

>> No.50000196

poltard russia shills still seething in this thread almost a day later

>> No.50000260

>So the oil money went into the military (having a big army is bloody expensive) and in efforts to project strength.
LOL. The oil money all got stolen by Putin and his oligarch buddies. That's why the Russian military failed so hard. They supposedly had encrypted communications systems -- nope, all the money was stolen and they got sent into battle with civilian Baofeng (China) radios. That's why/how the entire planet (but especially Ukraine) got to listen in on Russian battle plans and firemission requests, and knew exactly when and where they were about to push, and got to blow them the fuck up.

>> No.50000275

>20 years old data
Bruh, you are mocking yourself. America has passed Russia in most of those lines, specially the first. America had almost 150k death by overdoses last year.

>> No.50000282

i keep seeing this retarded shit about how ukraine keeps winning but every day on the news it's "boohoo another city has been taken over pls send more shaving cream money"

>> No.50000313

>Not even online content creators
*camwhores on OnlyFans

>> No.50000353

>I'm a citizen in one of the few western countries
>spews a dozen Kremlin talking points
sure thing, Ivan.

>> No.50000418

>i'm romanian
Sure you Ivan sure you are.
Do I bother asking for proof?

>> No.50000425

out of curiosity i checked it out
aside from the divorce rate, nothing has changed schizo

>> No.50000435


>> No.50000439

jewish NWO illuminati that wants me dead spends trillions of dollars to convince everyone they should be supporting ukraine, so i support russia just to spite them

>> No.50000457

It means Russia is a sovereign country unlike eurocucks and Anglo trash.

>> No.50000468
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>i keep seeing this retarded shit about how ukraine keeps winning
Nothing in my post was about individual battles. I pointed out that the Russian generals stole all the money intended to be used to buy communications equipment, which is why your invasion got BTFO for the first month. You can STILL listen in on Russians chattering over their Baofengs. Ukraine is STILL intercepting Russian calls being placed over Ukraine's own cellular telephone system. Russian military is STILL getting blown up because of these intercepts.

Deal with it, you vatnik pig. Your military sucks and you suck too.

>> No.50000470
File: 45 KB, 657x527, 1647696444128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every thread that mentions Russia get spammed so hard with such desperate butthurt?

>> No.50000518

Retarded slavnigger named Artyom detected

>> No.50000524
File: 1.18 MB, 3081x2944, _20220627_165531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there ya go, schizo

>> No.50000550

You still not fool me into buying Russian stocks or bonds. No one is that dumb. You give me all your gold and oil and maybe I give you new pants.

>> No.50000554

Russia has a fuckton more people and way less good oil. They are also retards who have been drunk of government vodka for 400 years which leads to inevitable corruption. Don't tell /pol/ that because they thing europe's niggers are second only to aryans in basedness.

>> No.50000565

Ah you are Russian, very funny

>> No.50000574

because it's controversial silly frog

>> No.50000588

This thread sure feels like /k/ope and /uhg/ faggots.

>> No.50000591

Russia has reportedly missed a deadline to pay investors of its international bonds, a scenario that would place it in default for the first time since the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.

>> No.50000617

>1917 Bolshevik Revolution.
Ha I have suggestion for you, you defrost Lenin and there you are. Still not buying Russian bonds or stocks, not fucking stupid.

>> No.50000624

Question for Nato supporter, why don't Nato just steamroll Russia with united army and end the war less than a month instead of giving Ukraine weapon and prolong the war?

>> No.50000633

because nukes are involved, silly ESL

>> No.50000699


>> No.50000706


>> No.50000824
File: 31 KB, 1015x260, Screenshot from 2022-06-27 11-14-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do I bother asking for proof?
Glad you asked:

>> No.50002188

my condolences

>> No.50003045

The average Saudi is less than a peasant numbnuts

>> No.50003049

rookie numbers, gotta pump em

>> No.50004103
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Russia can easily pay it but the west is c-blocking Russia from paying there debts.

>> No.50004180

>it‘s that simple!
they will have to issue their state debt to debitors willing to take ruble no?
who are the debitors who miss out right now and will they invest in russia ever again?

>> No.50004215

>t. fact-checker
holy based, the amount of triggered shills..

>> No.50004421

>kremlin talking points
>the russian playbook
you people are literal NPCs
No wonder your rulers consider you subhuman and laugh at you when you fall for such stupid bullshit. This is why they kneel with fucking kente cloths as a reaction to police violence. They know exactly how dumb you retards are, because they made you that way, from cradle to grave, feeding you brain poison, both informationally and literally. You fucking diets are retarded.

If I didn't have friends in the US I wish North Korea would just take it on the chin for the world and do a nuclear exchange with the US. When I visited there... what an ugly shallow culture with fake extroverts. What a fucking dead end for humanity. And your rulers want to rule the world? Disgusting. Fuck that. Fortunate that you will lose, something even Kissinger realizes.

>> No.50004502

Putin has collected enough money and supplies for 20 years now. He can continue this war for a long time. Russians are dumb sheep people who won't even care if their already shitty standard of living declines dramatically.

>> No.50004992
File: 167 KB, 1200x1200, propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha we don't let you pay!
>Hey guys he doesn't wanna pay!

>> No.50005171

This is more to punish the creditors who were dumb enough to lend in the first place.

>> No.50005211
File: 24 KB, 641x660, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when the ruble was collapsing and it was all due to Putin's horrendous economic and military decisions?

It's soaring now, I guess the natural conclusion is it's due to Putin's brilliant economic and politial decisions, because all he can do is win.

>> No.50005536

Depressingly enough, this...

>> No.50005564

Sharp take, rebbe.

>> No.50005709

Good one Schlomo!

>> No.50005857

Master baiter.
But what the hey...
The US is literally Satan. A kike-controlled Satan.

>> No.50005925

>ruble hits highest to usd and euro since 2015
how does he do it?