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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49959131 No.49959131 [Reply] [Original]

>HEY, ANON! Where do you think your going? It's Friday happy hour come over and have a drink with us. It's been a hell of a week huh?

>> No.49959744

Is this the drinking on a friday night thread? Because I am currently doing that

>> No.49959790
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Sorry I only drink 100+ proof whisky, and ran water.

>> No.49959910

>tfw have to do happy hour all Friday night before jumping into 48 hour weekend on call only to start the work week over again on Monday
My kids would hate me if I had any.

>> No.49961490

No one on /biz/ actually wages in 2022 right

>> No.49961559
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>It's been a hell of a week huh?

>> No.49962300
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Every individual on this rock exists to mate and die.
Society follows a strict routine every day you wake up regardless of whether or not you get out of bed.
Kids grow up, start families, have kids of their own and repeat the cycle.
People go to school and network with other people from wealthier backgrounds. Wealthy people that own businesses and other capital. They leverage those new connections and validated education to get their start and accrue experience, before officially starting their careers providing a skilled service to their employer. They rent, own, and lease their own assets to other people. They maintain a lifelong relationship with regional and global banks as they trade money for goods and services at regular intervals every day.

Every day they man their stations, foster relationships, make connections, acquire new skills. Wake up, eat, shit, shower, shave, work, shop, relax, wind down, sleep. They move up and out, raise their offspring, retire, rot, and die.

This happens every single day about every 24 hours in a regular schedule that every single person follows in this life.

except you.

You stagnate and drain your hourglass arguing with bots on the internet.

>> No.49962307

I'm Muslim.
