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49952306 No.49952306 [Reply] [Original]

"ICP is like eth/btc... Cope & hope blah"

This is the part I don't understand about baggies trying to make this comparison. ICP is literally competing against thousands & so far it hasn't shown anything that anyone is talking about or wants that's "alien" & or "revolutionary". Quite the opposite. Developers are looking & already talking PAST web 3. Kek. ICP has literally failed at every corner it's touted itself as.
Uncensorable - failed
No down time - failed
EVM integration - literally gave up
Defi, btc, eth integration - just 2 more weeks
Revolutionary dapps - soon
VC liquidity scam for locked neurons - (tens of thousands for early rounds minted daily for fucking decades)
Most likely will never (within 10 years let alone 2-3) EVER pass previous all time high. 400/700/2000 depending on exchanges.

Now people are coping by saying "I'll take 100 icp within 8 years. Lol the fucking state of icp. Literally cognitive dissonance & Stockholm syndrome.

What a pos scam

>> No.49952335
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For those of you reading this thread objectively, pause for a moment and contemplate what kind of a person would spend their time to sit down and write all of this out, and what their motivations for doing that would be.

>> No.49952415

basically this, powerful people are scared shitless of this tech

>> No.49952559

It's literally not even fud. They're issues current & previous. Had I researched more heavily as I have since dumping my shekels in this pos I'd never would have dropped a single cent (3 cents) into this fucking hyped bs.

>> No.49952612

Basically nothing you said is even true though. Fud using real facts not hyperbole and emotions

>> No.49952848

lil bullish news for my bros, apparently dfinity is working on decentralizing boundary nodes more diligently now, huge step toward decentralization. That together with making storage nodes unliable (e.g. by making them unaware of what they are hosting, encrypting hosted content) is massive

>> No.49952879

Take a pic of hand and time stamp it

>> No.49953157

someone who bought way too high and is venting/attempting to trigger some sort of reverse psychology type of buying event so they can offload their bag

>> No.49953205

fucking kek nobody cares about that crap

>> No.49953225


>> No.49953238

saving others money from investing in a scam perhaps? fucking retard. NOT BUYING YOUR FUCKING BAGS DIRTY PAJEET

>> No.49953303

I personally heard ICP is the next big thing since the internet itself... A new way of computing

>> No.49953350

fuck you dragondjib

>> No.49953430

If you go to yt and see all the videos of early Ethereum at the developer conferences you'll see that they're literally describing ICP, makes sense too since it's the same people behind ICP

>> No.49953503

ICP doesn't really need to be shilled pr fudded. The technology is astounding. ICP can enable an entire nation to rely on its network to run. It is quite literally the NWO crypto. Bizraelis as usual are either ignoring it or fudding it but in time it will go parabolic

>> No.49955172

mark cuban mentioned ICP today

>> No.49955547

ICP made me doubt my sanity like tf

>> No.49955575

ICP is nothing close to the shittest token coz everything here depicts a failed team, iunno about you though.

>> No.49955657

If I had known RIDE and AZERO the year I was playing around with ICP NFTs and getting rugged forming diamond hands then I could have been on good profits better than this right now.

>> No.49955918

yea he basically just admitted ICP isn't useless pretty bullish

>> No.49956257

nwo tech that will control everything
stacking hard at these prices

>> No.49956458
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The decentralization of ICP would have saved mootikins a trip before Congress.
Yerrr dumm if you dont think people are skinny dipping in web 3

>> No.49956598

ghost just sell your bag and shut the fuck up you gay ass nigger

>> No.49957389

These are metaverse gems retards, they have only been here not quite long. Having a diamond hand on these gems will give good returns in long term. I hold RIDE alongside RFOX. Hodling Rfox was an easy one for me as they ae incentivizing its stakers by rewarding more Vfox tokens.

>> No.49957460

the simple fact that you're making this thread shows ICP is about to kill the rest of the L1s pos scams

>> No.49957536

also, KYS paid shill FAGGOT, you have no ICP

>> No.49958378

Hey bros I am trying to get into ICP was suicide and make it stack?

>> No.49958451

suicide - depend on your net worth- If you invest your life savings you can suicide with other holders within a year.
Make it- You can make it after above

>> No.49958558

I'll give you a (you) because that was such a pathetic joke I sort of feel bad for you.

>> No.49958575


>> No.49958840


>> No.49959135

back to your mango chutney

>> No.49959575


>> No.49959604

this, fucking absurd at this point
imagine caring about a project THIS much to go out of your way to FUD it, typing paragraphs and paragraphs about it
weird as fuck, you can smell the fear

>> No.49960196
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>Heavy research
>3c meme

>> No.49960349

just imagine if a top project, like Ethereum, had an ico that sold tens of millions of coins for less just a few cents each.
who would ever invest in such a scam?

>> No.49960835

it's not fear kek "muh blockchain singularity" gets spammed on this board constantly and the system is just not capable of cashing that check at a fundamental level, it's obnoxious. It also doesn't even count as crypto in my mind because it's permissioned and centralized kek.

>> No.49961482

If you paid attention you'd know those low prices aren't abnormal that's what it means not being a part of the (((club))) as unfortunate as it is.
Yeah your eth fork shitcoins accomplishing nothing new are totally "decentralized" and not permissioned being reliant on the goodwill of AWS/infura/jewgle. What a laugh mate.

>> No.49962798


Wouldn't he have to be in profit to sell? Aren't all of you guys bagholding some deep red bags? Unless he sells like a true bizraeli. Also by the looks of it you guys are going to be continuously dumped on for some time by those locked up neurons. I see nothing wrong with what he's addressed. It's true. I've been watching ICP since biz has put it on thy radar yet so far ICP has not completed anything it's projected. So far it looks, walks & smells like a scam.

>> No.49964123

ICP is a scam and Moonman is a scammer.

>> No.49964184

Shut up ghost

>> No.49964658
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Major Cloudfare on 21 June, didn't cripple Avax, Solana and other L1's.... it's FUD from salty bag holders. https://status.avax.network/ Avax network didn't go offline, it's a smear campaign.

Don't let moonman the scammer convince you that we need to separate cloud from blockchain. AWS is cheaper and faster and resistant against network outages. Who cares about fundamentals, it's all hype bro, meme coins bro. Future e-commerce will be conducted on platforms with zero downtime like AWS, AZURE, Digital Ocean.

AWS won't raise their rates, no semi-conductor shortage and energy prices won't inflate. Yeah, Affordable web3 tokenized computation and hosting build on web3 infrastructure is just a dumb business model.

Yeah, ICP is super centralized, only 518 nodes. LOL, they had 138 nodes during genesis. AWS is not a node, decentralization on top of centralization (AWS) is nonsense.

>> No.49964753
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LOL, imagine thinking that you can connect ICP wallet to seachan or any imageboard build on dfinity send ICP to random users for funny FUD.

Delusional ICP baggies really think you can do that with ICP canisters. LOL, imagine thinking that you can run smart contracts on an image-board. They really think Dfinity is 5 years ahead of the competition.

Imagine staking 2000 ICP to keep pajeets out, who would do that? I bet that scammer Moonman would. Moonman is going to scam biz again with fundamentals. Who cares about fundamentals bro, it's all memes and hype bro, greater fools theory bro. Imagine investing in fundamentals, literally nazi chud 14/88 mentality.

>> No.49964829
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>t. Gurpreet Kumar Shatarpilari

>> No.49964856 [DELETED] 

>t. doesn't get it

>> No.49964969

when is this coming out, im tired of waiting

>> No.49965580

For those that aren't up to speed on the tech...

ICP functions EXACTLY like a Kohler Tresham.
Some have compared it to a rat hole, but that's not exactly correct because it leaves out the "swirling" (called "cycles" in the ICP system) as your money goes away.

Now, some say that literally burning your money is more efficient, but this really depends on local burn ordinances, so I'm left to consider it as the best system for going poor that exists.
By 2030 there will be no money left on the planet for anyone.
It's that much of a game changer.

>> No.49967031

It's already out


>> No.49967046



>> No.49967967

Why no pol?

>> No.49968327

Fuck off.

>> No.49970219

If theres no pol its like every other gay reddit site

>> No.49971395

Imagine being this much of a brainwashed incel that you care about politics.

>> No.49971438

severe mental retardation

>> No.49971506

severe ego devastation

Whats the problem babby, can't go 10 minutes without screaming racial slurs to alleviate your inadequacy? This site was 100x better before you newfags and stormshitters turned up in during the election

>> No.49972224

hey retard what do you think the IC will turn into?
polsters flocked here because of no admin/KYC/ anonymous
what exactly does blockchain represent? oh yeah the exact same thing you fucking retard
you're probably a nigger, and you're definitely stupid as stupid as one

>> No.49972642

As i remember the left went full retard and made everything left vs right. Now they blame the right like retarded children when it goes south. Subhuman behavior.

>> No.49972690
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>This is the part I don't understand
That's your problem. You don't understand.

>> No.49972695
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>> No.49972706
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>> No.49972718
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>> No.49972836

kek true