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49929329 No.49929329 [Reply] [Original]

>don't improve public schools or provide free college to your fellow americans
>instead open your borders to any educated people who want to live in the us
why are we like this

>> No.49929356

look how fat and stupid you guys are as well, it's quite unreal to behold as an outsider

>> No.49929378

Your jews

>> No.49929404

Basically impossible to create a non-entitled, hard working, intelligent american. Even if it were possible, it would be too expensive to be feasible and would cause more problems for those in charge with things like unions and alternative political parties.

Much better to import your labor by using all the money you save while at the same time making americans themselves a less cohesive, and therefore, less threatening block of people.

>> No.49929498

Because we're ruled by Jews and retards that only care about short term gain and not the health of the country.

>> No.49929529

America would have collapsed long ago if you didn't let smart people come in from other countries. Of course Shartmerica will still collapse anyway but at lest you bought some time.

>> No.49929604

robber barons took over the school system 120 years ago to turn most everyone into compliant 95 iq factory worker consumers then the factories went away
then that school system was taken over by whatever you want to call the left, democrats, etc
now we're left with a smoking crater deeper inside a bigger crater

>> No.49930018

America is a nation of immigrants, what don't you understand about that?

>> No.49930076

I implore you to try migrating to US with just being 'educated', its trully a magnificent open border policy.

the only thing that You guys are, is retarded.

>> No.49930167

that’s fair, but looking for people outside our borders to keep our country competitive doesn’t seem like a sustainable idea, especially since quite a few of these people end up going back to their home countries to jump start whatever industry they are specialized in.
china and india both have their own silicon valleys and they both came about within the past decade. imagine if we spent that money offering free schooling to our citizens? at the very least offering it to students if they study fields with the biggest labor shortages.

>> No.49930196

technically he isn't wrong the people that can enter are educated, but they are the highest educated. If you're a top tier educated professional in an essential field companies will hire you and get you into the US.

>> No.49930291

The US have been like that since the foundation.
Anglos didn't want to give good wages to their fellows so they imported niggers.
When slavery was banned they imported chinese, then irish then italians then latino and these days they're importing pakis/indians and various flavors of asians.

>> No.49930302

It makes more sense when you think of America as an economic zone or a corporation, instead of a country. The "citizens" needs are not a primary concern.

>> No.49930370

>but looking for people outside our borders to keep our country competitive doesn’t seem like a sustainable idea

taking the best from someone else's country is a good thing for the US. The ones that are a drain are the uneducated that go immediately on government assistance.

>especially since quite a few of these people end up going back to their home countries to jump start whatever industry they are specialized in.

Usually they come to the US to go to school, not to work. Many that go to school in the US end up staying and working there permanently, that's a loss for the country they came from (brain drain) and a win for the US.

>imagine if we spent that money offering free schooling to our citizens? at the very least offering it to students if they study fields with the biggest labor shortages.

Aren't there any scholarships in the US? Students that show promise usually can apply for scholarships to ease the burden. In the US if you've got the brains and the drive to do the work then money isn't usually a problem. There is endless opportunity in the US that's why people leave their home countries and go there in the first place.

>> No.49930422

Most folks would choose to live in Asia when they are top of their class.

>> No.49930457

See what I mean? This guy talks about the US like it's a sentient corporation. The people themselves are unimportant in American "culture", which is really just corporate culture.

>> No.49930672

>Most folks would choose to live in Asia when they are top of their class.

Why would any top tier talent choose to live in Asia over the US? I guess it could depend on the field they are in but America is where the money is at.

>> No.49930730
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>provide free college
>yeah, what would we do without jewish indoctrination in butt sex and loving niggers