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File: 386 KB, 1400x1050, suburbs.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49924127 No.49924127 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this piss off leftists?

>> No.49924187

It promotes individualism. Having your own garage and backyard is inherently racist.

>> No.49924252

Because it unironically ruins society.

>Urban sprawl can reduce water quality by increasing the amount of surface runoff, which channels oil and other pollutants into streams and rivers. Poor water quality is associated with a variety of negative health outcomes, including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease, and cancer.

Burgers actually want to live in a bladerunner dystopia because "muh individualisms and shit". 50IQ retards kek.

>> No.49924301
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>> No.49924367

Looks disgusting dystopia. Build normal houses you retards,

>> No.49924374

Buy a water filter.

>> No.49924407

Not enough of the heckin hustle and bustle of le big city

>> No.49924459

But the construction crew said they could charge me more if I did it this way. Said I would be a special snowflake

>> No.49924515
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It pisses off BAP too.

>> No.49924525

It pisses off anyone who's not a total philistine.

>It promotes individualism.

>> No.49924545


Suburbs actually do suck though. All the downsides of rural living with none of the upsides. I hate driving. I hate cutting grass. I hate traveling 20 minutes to get to a gym or store. I hate having zero delivery options to my house, or paying a shit ton for it. The hoa fees are high, yet the security isnt what you would get in a big city building.

>> No.49924550

The 4 foot stretch of grass between each house is enough for amerimutts to convince themselves that they’re “free”

>> No.49924560

There is no way to filter out certain drugs such as conteceptives.

>> No.49924656
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go back to your ghetto with the niggers and muslims, europoor.

>> No.49924707

Yeah leftists care about beauty that’s why they all live in ugly ass sky scrapers in gross cities and commie apartment blocks

>> No.49924708

Because white flight.

>> No.49924711

I dont understand all the hate on the suburbs. I live on an acre in a suburban neighborhood by the beach. My backyard is my quiet paradise with plants, fruit trees, coconuts and even a giant oak tree. I wake up in the morning and sit in a hammock as I watch the birds fly by and the lizards eat their breakfast. I am at peace with myself and at one with nature while the liberal hippie cement apes wake up in a box to the sound of their gay neighbors having anal sex, go out for a smoke on their 4x5 foot "balcony" only to inhale smog and shitty air and hear homeless niggers and white trash methheads arguing in the street. They have erased all natural elements of the land they live on and replaced it with cement and the occasional planterbox with non native flora. They pay rent equivalent or sometimes even higher than my mortgage to live packed in like cattle and destroy the enviornment. What is wrong with these people?

>> No.49924737

>t. soulless NPC automaton

>> No.49924777

holy cope

>> No.49924832

They're collectivists. They want to live bunched together, they want to ride transit bunched together, they want everyone to be told what to do and put their resources into a common pool. The idea of independently having your own land and property to own and be responsible for offends them at their very core.

>> No.49924833

Are you implying that I would rather live in an inner city? If so please explain why that is better I truly can't understand.

>> No.49924853

I couldn't imagine living like this, what the fuck. Seriously if your lot size is under 1/3 acre you live in a glorified townhouse.

>> No.49924860

>lol lefties cities, righties towns
fucking braindead american
even our right wing crowd in my country is more left wing than your entire "left" and they still live in beautiful houses.

>> No.49924869

The only people who live in suburbs as in the OP are people who can't afford to live elsewhere.

>> No.49924882

You dont need security in a good suburb. I havent locked my doors in years

>> No.49924906

I do t think that is true at all... I personally think the houses are a bit too close in ops pic and yards are too small but are you telling me that you would seriously rather live in a city apartment or even a condo? If so please explain why.

>> No.49924911
File: 1.94 MB, 350x350, XHS7mgXmpr1D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that Amerisharts don't even know what leftism means.

>> No.49924929

/biz/ doesn't know BAP

>> No.49924947

What does this gif signify for this post?

>> No.49924975

>I do t think that is true at all...
And yet, it is true. No billionaires live in that soulless development. They live on Park Avenue, and in vast compounds in rural Montana.

>> No.49925012


>that one part where Europeans start sperging out and just mindlessly repeat this over and over again without elaborating themselves

It's almost like the terms "left" and "right" are pretty meaningless in of themselves, and yet you know exactly who we're talking about

>> No.49925013

Suburbs were pretty comfy where I was growing up 20-30 years ago, all white neighborhood, no crime, 15 minute walk to school, 25 minute walk to a grocery store or 10 minute walk to a convenience store, making frens with all the neighbor kids, playing games on the road after school, biking around to all of each others houses. Such an organic thing would be impossible for someone living in an apartment in the middle of a city or in most rural areas.

>> No.49925045

Suburbs lose money for cities.
Houses for the sake of houses. Its not built around anything so no community can grow. You can't put businesses in or near these people because zoning laws are fucked because everyone is defending their home values.
It has no parks or amenities because developers are maximizing for profit.
It takes a pound of flesh as HOA fees.
Being forced to drive everywhere stifles your children's independence and makes them fat faggots.
Car dependence requires a 2 (driving) person household minimum.
You never meet your neighbors because where would you walk to?
Worst of all it is housing as an investment asset. Houses are 'assets' the same way a fucking car is an 'asset' and a car loses 10% of its value the second you drive it off the lot.
Fuck boomers and fuck anyone that defends this shit.

>> No.49925115

If there are too many people to allow them to live spread out a bit then sterilize the undesirables. The problem is too many people, not urban sprawl.
That said, the US isn't an overpopulated shithole like say Netherlands. They have tons of space.
That's not a problem of suburbs perse, that's a problem with urban planning. The density of OPs suburb is relatively high by American standards, not much lower than my Dutch village.
My village has a small commercial hub and a businesses park next to it though and is small enough everyone can bike there in less than 10 minutes.

If the US build suburbs like villages it would be a nice compromise between "I can have a firing range in my backyard" living and citycucking.

>> No.49925151

Because it is financially, logistically and environmentally completely unsustainable.
Every suburb is subsidies by dense urban areas. If a suburb had to fully sustain its own electricity, plumbing, garbage collection, etc. you’d need to raise property taxes like 300%.

>> No.49925161
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No, it was CONSERVATIVE BOOMERS who started this trend.

Suburban Nation page 209
>Modernist architects associate it (traditionalism) with ideology, style takes on moral overtones. In an age of technology and diversity, they believe that it is morally unacceptable to build with techniques of an earlier era or in styles used by repressive societies. By this logic, Classicism is verboten because of its attractiveness to the Third Reich, British Imperialists and Southern slave owners, among others - including, paradoxically, democratic Greeks, Jeffersonian Republicans and the Works Progress Administration under Roosevelt. Unfortunately, this sort of guilt-by-association quickly turns into a no-win game. For example, modernism was appropriated by some of the worst totalitarian regimes, so by the same logic, it should no longer be an acceptable style. One can imagine a future in which, as every new style eventually becomes associated with some villain government or evil corporation, the only acceptable style remaining is the one that hasn't been invented yet.

Strong Towns page 100-101
>By pouring money into highways and infrastructure, by making it easy for families to buy new homes in distant places and by establishing funding mechanisms for mass development of commercial real estate, we experienced the longest and most robust economic boom in human history in the decades after World War II. Yet, each iteration of new growth creates enormous future liabilities for local communities, a promise that the quickly denuding tax base is unable to meet. Not only did these new areas (suburbs) need police and fire protection, street lights, libraries, and parks, but all those miles of roads, streets, sidewalks, curbs, and pipe; all those pipes, pumps, valves, meters, culverts, and bridges would eventually need to be fixed and replaced. At the local level, we traded our long-term stability for near-term growth.

>> No.49925239

So basically this thread is a bunch of bicycle riding Europeans seething about American living standards. LMFAO

>> No.49925265

You are an idiot
I live in a nice small suburb with forest right behind my back yard and the backyard is very private. I can go outside and throw my dogs frisbee to her and sit on the back porch, have a nice driveway and garage, enough room to entertain, I don’t NEED to interact with anyone if I don’t want to. Why should you care? You sound miserable yourself and you wanna lash out at those who have something.

Suburbs do have flaws but not nearly as much as cities.

>> No.49925294

Living standards you will not get to enjoy. This is just another way boomers have fucked everyone over. They get the nice single family housing, you get urban decay and cities being bled dry on the now required maintenance.

>> No.49925321

It's blue-state Americans who start these discourses as a means of shitting on red-state Americans. Europeans dick-ride said blue-state Americans fashions, for whatever insane reason, and believe they're shitting on "America" as a whole with it.

>> No.49925323

>central planning & high modernist uniformity

>> No.49925335

How can I not enjoy my paid off house 2 miles from the beach with a giant backyard? I'm literally enjoying it right now as I reply to your seething post. Let me guess in 2 more weeks I'm going to lose power and water or something? Well guess what I have solar and a well. Check mate, city boy.

>> No.49925339

>He wants to be human cattle

>> No.49925351

This isn’t a red/blue thing retard. If you paid any attention to housing at all, you’d know that some of the biggest NIMBYS and defenders of single-family zoning are progressive, wealthy California boomers.

>> No.49925369

>developers are maximizing for profit.
They just have way too small a time horizon.

If they make somewhere really desirable to live, with parks and blue space, a nice shopping centre etc. They could keep some land undeveloped on the edges, then when land values peak after it builds some reputation they are in the money. For only a small bit more investment than if they build a suburb, the undeveloped land isn't worth much initially.

>> No.49925410

Good for you. I’d ask how you feel about being subsidised by the rest of us or about the fact that people like you are actively driving the housing crisis, but I already know your response - ‘fuck you got minea’.

>> No.49925415

There really needs to be a distinction between suburban hellscape ala OP's pic and semi-rural neighborhood.
It also doesn't address that there are shit options for housing solutions and developments because zoning is fucked and the statistically most desirable and profitable neighborhoods in America are almost 100 years old but they can't build them anymore because of zoning laws.

>> No.49925440

The cope never ends. Go back to split-level pod #367492378, pleboid.

>> No.49925461

Thread after thread on this board about how bad suburbs are. Let's talk about the sickness and cancer than an urbanite mindset creates. There is much research proving urbanites are more resentful of their fellow human and prone to diffusion of responsibility (e.g. a woman cries in the night, no one does anything because "someone else will do something"). In a paradoxical sort of way, millions of humans living on top of each other creates this sense of dissociation and resentment for each other, you're just part of the blob and every face you see doesn't really exist as an individual. There's this God up above (the government) that handles everything: transportation, property management, all forms of maintenance and infrastructure. There's no sense of personal responsibility whatsoever.

The ironic thing about media depictions (read: media depictions by rich urbanites) of the country and suburbs is that they're totally wrong. They like to pretend it's full of snooty, standoffish, or downright racist and aggressive assholes (like in the country), when in truth your average countryfag will give you the shirt off their back, or stop their whole day to help out if they see you stuck on the side of the road.

>> No.49925485


In a relative sense, absolutely. The alternative are rowhouses, commie blocks, apartment buildings and high rises, even more dense and bereft of space. It doesn't look so uniform when you stop looking at it from a 10,000 foot bird's eye view.

>> No.49925502

Pretty much got mine what will make you really angry is that I somehow got a loan I wasnt qualified for and would have almost certainly gotten completely wrecked if it wasn't for ethereum. I was basically a jobless neet so if I could do it you can too.

>> No.49925510

>cope post #367492379

>> No.49925556

Suburbs are urban though. Some of the houses in OPs pics even have shared walls, that's eurocuck levels of urban.

>> No.49925568



I've lived in the city too long and I'm quite tired of it. Especially now that leftists have successfully demoralized the police into not actually enforcing the law and homeless people/joggers are running even more wild. This place kind of sucks. I'm ready for peace and space and rational people.

>> No.49925576

If done properly, suburbs aren't that bad.
However town houses are a lot more economically viable
Personally I'd rather have about 5 acres of land & a small house. Enough property to tell people to fuck off & do whatever you want.

>> No.49925577

>Let's talk about the sickness and cancer than an urbanite mindset creates. There is much research proving urbanites are more resentful of their fellow human and prone to diffusion of responsibility bla bla bla
Diversity is proven to increase distrust and reduce community and political engagement.
The people that conducted that study and came to that conclusion disregarded the evidence and said 'diversity is a good thing we should do it anyway because reasons'.
Diversity bad you fucking rhino. Say it.

>> No.49925582

Now do that with big american cities you retard

>> No.49925584
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>suburban is urban

I'm leaving this thread

>> No.49925614

Leftists despise self determination and prosperity

>> No.49925638

This post has to be satire.

>> No.49925676


>every initiative they push for is collectivistic
>spend every waking day complaining about people who make more money than them and how they should be brought down to size

how exactly

>> No.49925691

Man this new trend in subdivisions of giant houses on tiny lots with “yardlets” sucks but I guess people never go outside anymore so that’s what the market wants.
Until the 90s American subdivisions had character and were centered around a park or a school. The lots were sold to individual investors who built all sorts of houses on them. Now they are all a billion dollar megacorp project with three cookie cutter designs. If you are lucky they will make it a “mixed-use” subdivision with a chain-store retail and restaurants shoe-horned into the corner nearest the intersection.

>> No.49925698

lol, you sound poor

>> No.49925718

See >>49925577

>> No.49925730

Yes hello

>> No.49925754


What does that have to do with my post you attention seeking nigger

>> No.49925816
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I sound poor because I don't complain about rich people and believe in my own ability to earn income and determine my destiny?

>> No.49925895

You're whining about the ills of urbanite decay while parroting canned 'i'm not racist' dogwhistle bullshit.
>They like to pretend it's full of snooty, standoffish, or downright racist
>downright racist
Diversity is the biggest factor in creating low public trust, poor sense of belonging, disaffected mood, paranoia, reduced community engagement. Only second to visible income inequality.
Your decay has nothing to do with proximity or density. Cities were fine before demographics shifts.

>> No.49925950


No I'm not. Fuck off. You see these same symptoms in cities in Russia. Sounds like you just want to spout your canned "nigs are bad" lecture, /pol/ is probably more your speed, not even saying I disagree but it's possible to think at a higher more general level anon! Give it a shot

>> No.49925953

>Cities were fine before demographics shifts
can we even confirm this? the demographics shift, the shitty urban planning and the income inequality all happened at around the same time

Im not saying youre wrong, I just want to look into it more

>> No.49925972

Shitty urban planning was caused by the car, not diversity.

>> No.49925977

Leftoids are in a conundrum because they hate rent but also hate ownership and ESPECIALLY land ownership because ownership, roots, permanence etc. turns people into conservatives/fascists. They don’t really know what they want, though it’s probably something like they want to live like kings in urban spaces while everyone else supports their lifestyle

>> No.49926014


It's the latter, every commie thinks they're going to be the one getting supported not doing the support

>> No.49926027

>being this confused

>> No.49926062

Yea you're a lock your doors when a darkie gets near looking mother fucker.
Wearing striped dress shirts and thick ass glasses.

>> No.49926073

How about not outlawing everything but single-family housing for the majority of a city’s living area for a start?
Honestly a bit shocked you niggers are so clueless about “what leftists want”, you can’t go three clicks through any news website without seeing coverage of some YIMBY vs NIMBY struggle session.

>> No.49926079


You sound like a literal lunatic

>> No.49926132

Don't let that 'urban decay' too close. There might be some darkies in it!
Better buy some guns just in case.
Those damned deranged urbanites.

>> No.49926138

Well the thing is that cities have always been diverse, even when they’re all the same race. Berlin or St. Petersburg or London in the 1800s were sucking up people from every region in their country. There’s no reason to think that all the negatives associated with diversity would not have also manifested in all white cities composed of whites from different regions. The form of the city by its nature creates diversity, so I think it’s difficult to say that the city was ever separable from diversity, except in city-states maybe

>> No.49926147

It should piss off all white americans. The only reason suburbs exist is so you lot can escape the negroes from downtown. I don't think anyone sane would want to live in a suburb.
>independent small town
>satellite town of a city
>straight up village
>cave in a middle of nowhere
Literally anything is easier on your sanity than a suburb, just thinking about living in a suburb fills me up with dread.

>> No.49926156
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>Don't let that 'urban decay' too close. There might be some darkies in it!
>Better buy some guns just in case.
>Those damned deranged urbanites.

>> No.49926194

Its the collectivists anon, watch out. They're trying to take your cars and put you in pods!
They want to destroy the American dream!
Stock up on gas and toilet papers. What the fucks a bidet that sounds gay.

>> No.49926203


If you're saying that an urban environment is by definition diverse then the point is moot, as I have only ever just been discussing the products of an urban environment, and this is a mutually inclusive property of it. As in this conversation is a waste of time. "Diffusion of responsibility", "resentment of humanity", "dissociation", those things exist there, yes, good.

>> No.49926205

Literally some Europoor crying. You know what sucks more? Having fucking bums constantly harassing you. Smelling piss and shit + stepping in it before you're mugged walking to subway Jussie Smollette style. Never owning a house and renting like a nig forever. Owning nothing. Having to literally deal with others' bullshit. Sharing elevators, walking, driving, talking. Fuck dealing with fucking nig nogs and changs/bobas. I'm sick to fucking death with having to deal with seeing and hearing people constantly. Inconveniencing everyone constantly.

>> No.49926209

wew lad. why can't americans just buy an apartment in city and build a house in countryside?

>> No.49926217

stop being a fat mutt

>> No.49926221
File: 118 KB, 378x481, 377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its the collectivists anon, watch out. They're trying to take your cars and put you in pods!
>They want to destroy the American dream!
>Stock up on gas and toilet papers. What the fucks a bidet that sounds gay.

>> No.49926260

I’m far right and I think that’s a great idea. Living with strangers under the same roof, rent, transience of reside etc. turns people into rootless cosmopolitans. If people had to own their property and only live with family members society would heal. Would cause a shitload of screeching from the cultural left and capitalists/owners though

>> No.49926263

stop living around blacks fat ass mutt

>> No.49926270

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.49926284

Agreed Brother. Most of all I hate the councils, truly in the boonies but with none of the freedoms

>> No.49926320

What'll I do without my town water and sewer system. The suburb provides.
Couldn't afford to live in the country like a real human being but at least I got my own little slice of subhuman heaven to rent from my local bank and HOA.
Thank god I don't live near any darkies at least. I am not racist.

>> No.49926348

>sterilize the undesirables.

You're just seething, because we both know this will never be a thing, nor should it be. You don't care about building a society, you just want to project your own failings onto imaginary aspects of society. Stay mad.

>> No.49926364

I’m some other dude injected my two cents I didnt read whatever came before kek. From my point of view it’s not that smart from a conservative perspective to say that “cities were fine until the black people came” both because cities by their nature are the cause of black people and because cities have always been degenerate

>> No.49926473

I think when I introduce my friends to people I'll occasionally add a 'hes not racist' in for a giggle.

>> No.49926646

Subsidised by urban areas where the suburbans go to work and shop to generate wealth for the corporations.

>> No.49926692

it doesn't they live in there

>> No.49926742

Work? Maybe. Shop? Highly unlikely, at least not regularly. They’ll go to their local megamart or order shit.
You know who does work and shop in the city? The people living in the city. And they do it without being massive maintenance drains (per capita).

>> No.49926799

This. It’s the equivalent of commie blocks with a lawn and white picket fence. Americans haven’t understood the concept of soul in over a hundred years or more. Just look at everything Americans do or manufacture and you will see that we haven’t understood what soul is in over a hundred years or more

>> No.49926824

Didn’t proofread my own post kek but the point still stands

>> No.49926912

>hate driving
>hate cutting grass
>20 mins to get to gym


>> No.49926933

How many grocery stores are in that picture?
How many parks are in that picture to play ball?
How many shops of any kind are in that picture?
What happens if my car won't start? What public transit options do I have from this neighborhood?
If I want to walk to the grocery store from this neighborhood, how difficult is it?

>> No.49927051

Depends on the location but usually outside of pic is a main street with business sprinkled around. Usually 5 min walk to nearest gas station. For example my neighborhood is much more spread out and we have grocery stores and retail shops less than a mile away. It really isn't bad unless you are both really really lazy and also happen to be a loser without a car.

>> No.49927129

I think that's generally true of the east coast, but the farther west you go you see suburbs out in the middle of nowhere followed by enormous parking lots that are 3-4x bigger than the actual store.

When I was a kid, we lived in a walled-in development. Our house was 5 miles from the nearest grocery store, restaurant, gas station, or anything else. The nearest public park to play basketball or baseball was 12 miles away.

>> No.49927205

Man I wish suburbs in my country looked like that, over here they're all cookie cutter houses with shared walls.

>> No.49927226

Yeah it depends a lot for sure how the city planned it too. I used to live in green valley in vegas and the particular part I lived in was masterfully planned by the city. The problem was I felt the homes were a bit cheap compared to other places although there was not much reason for then to be built any different living in a desert I guess. I am now on the east coast and things are a bit more chaotic planning wise because it is so old. I suspect unless where you grew up was the complete middle of nowhere and not growing they may have filled in the gaps and it might be more livable now. The west side of Vegas was as you described only 5 years ago.

>> No.49927289

Heh. Since then, the place where I used to live is just sprawling houses. It used to be desert leading up to the city and now it's all suburban houses. But because of zoning laws, there are still no stores or anything for 5 miles.

>> No.49927316

dubs of truth.

>> No.49927321

Inland empire?