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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49917241 No.49917241 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49917258

Better buy some kneepads

>> No.49917287

Imagine watching Luna go down, then watching 3AC go down, then watching Celsius go down, then watching Bancor go down, and just sitting there saying "It sure is comfy getting my few % by handing my tokens over to yet another CeFi lending platform. What could go wrong?"
Like standing on the fucking road and watching a car coming over the horizon and just standing there staring at it until you get hit.

>> No.49917320


Yeah i know man I withdrew what i didnt have on lockup already but i got greedy and most of it was locked up.

I realised all of them have hands in each others pockets so its basically domino effect. Im fucked. If they somehow last till i can withdraw i bet lots of peoples lock ups will end around the same time

>> No.49918905

Has anyone had success contacting support to get unlocked ? I dont wanna blow my chance

>> No.49919007

Haven't they locked everyone's funds up? Anyway sucks for you but you fell for Luna 8.0

>> No.49919242
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they don't think it be like that

>> No.49920404

it's like watching bear stearns collapse and then aping into real estate

>> No.49921290

I hate this fucking meme because I look just like this. Sigh..

>> No.49922203


No but you can choose to lock them up yourself (lol i feel like a cuck now considering the situation) for slightly better rewards.

Im sure they are going to disable withdrawals soon but i cant withdraw now due to my self imposed lock up fml

>> No.49923228

I withdrew a bunch of BTC earlier lying faggot

>> No.49923306

Shut up u nexo faggot. I can’t believe they paid for street shitter on this board instead of making real money

>> No.49923310

same here man my shit is looked up for two more weeks
been nervous about it for a minute, Im just glad I didnt put more money in
and I literalyl just got in like 6 weeks ago I stayed the fuck away from all thse lending scams but eventually caved in lol.

>> No.49923387

Stay mad, Nexo is verifiably overcollateralized. While you were sitting there with your ledger up your ass all year I made 300 linkies for free

>> No.49923415

Can you post a single screenshot to prove that assertion?

>> No.49923449

You re such a big boy

>> No.49923457

Didn’t even mentioned link once. Yea you are a fucking nexo faggot.

>> No.49923510

Nexo is getting mighty desperate

>> No.49923526

Just one screenshot with any personally identifying information removed, that shows the 300 LINK you've earned. Thanks.

>> No.49923565

It'is true, worked for me too sirs. I made 300 linkies for free. 300 linkies for free.

>> No.49923591

Yeah so you autistic faggots can track me down no thanks. 300 link in one year isn't even a lot I'm a linklet, 5% interest compounded monthly over 12 months do the math

>> No.49923609

You work for nexo. Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.49923645

>track me down
>from a screenshot with all personal identification removed

>> No.49923649

Nexo sells itself retard, it's free money if you're a long term holder

>> No.49923655

300 linkies for free.

>> No.49923687
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>> No.49923702

Sers I can confirm I just withdrew 20k linkies that I made 500 linkies for free on please do the needful and deposit tokens funds are safe

>> No.49923711


Just be patient friend hopefully there is enough time

>> No.49923720

It’s so fucking funny how DeFi basically recreated real world CeFi, except much, much worse. Because at least banks invested in, you know, stuff. They were pretty diversified.
Meanwhile these fucking crypto lenders are only invested in other crypto lenders. Every tiny fund turns into Lehman Brothers in a downturn.

>> No.49923752

Say it with me /biz/:

>> No.49923768


>> No.49923775
File: 120 KB, 890x724, DF20456D-6EDE-4474-982A-6E282A43FEA9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean their “audit” which is actually an attestation?
The attestation (not audit) just of their l “custody” which literally means anything.

They have no audit of their assets vs liabilities. Fuck off. They are trying hard to push their little attestation as an audit. They’d be sued in a minute if this wasnt crypto

>> No.49923866

They've been in a literal bank run for weeks like all the cefi lenders. The tide went out and we got to see who was naked, Nexo wasn't naked get over it

>> No.49923882

Get a fucking haircut.

>> No.49923911

For entire weeks! Amazing clearly everything is fine, time to park your whole stack on NEXO, don't worry about it! After all they're still making bullish tweets!

>> No.49924032
File: 728 KB, 1125x1791, 77191867-9418-4779-97ED-8FC45617DFD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Loom at their twitter. It is an absolute shit show of “LOOOL HOW FINANCIAL SECURE WE ARE OMG”

Todays event is spamming retweets on all their nigerian bot accounts of how Nexo “hired” Citi to advise them on acquisitions for the bear market”.

Utterly pathetic. They arent doing any Acquin their financial state but their marketing budget deemed worth the expense to make a cheap inquiry with citi so they could shout about it all over twitter to try appear financially strong.

Their desperate. Their new Biz fud squd starts their shift at 12pm GMT btw

>> No.49924092

>Nexo is verifiably overcollateralized.
i saw the exact same words repeated 1000 times on this board nexo fag confirmed fuck off eat a dick

>> No.49924506
File: 35 KB, 600x900, CC36A03D-EAAE-481C-A7A9-412099C15CCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual DeFi is working fine.
I dont have issues getting my tokens in and out of aave or swapping them for something else or staking them in an autocompounder.
My keys my coins, why dumb people had to trust some jew with their linkies will forever remain a mystery to me.

>> No.49925136

Haha.. You ngmi. I did short and bought a few GAT on spot. I am using and you visit AEX to play Texas Hold'em and win ownership of AEX by spinning the pokies!

>> No.49925183

It's all over. I sold all my crypto because every expert is calling 10k

>> No.49926435

But that juicy apy is the only way to make money in this bear market.
Nexo is safe dont worry about fud

>> No.49926505


Enough about these shitcoins, i have my NEXO, enjoyed this sweat APY for the year in This hard times

>> No.49926522

NEXO is fine, link schizos are fudding them.

>> No.49926549

Where you going to sell anyway bitch? They are doing you a favor. buy more bit and just hodl and relax. The bullrun will save us all. Hardtimes bruv.

>> No.49926576

>100k LINK a day leaving the platform
>rekt 200k LINK from Bancor cucking them
>3AC contagion
>literal bot spam on twitter saying "NEXO so good"
>NEXO is fine
>NEXO is fine
>NEXO is fine

>> No.49926690

are you jewish?

>> No.49928237


Download Nexo “audit” here. Biggest pile of BS I’ve ever seen. No proof, wallet addresses, balance sheet, statement of cash flow…LOL. If you lose money on Nexo that’s 100% on you lol

>> No.49928824

You're a mod for /r/antiwork?

>> No.49928917
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lmao this is the extent of the "audit". that settles it guys, Nexo is very strong financially. nothing to worry about

>> No.49929163

>"Assets are greater than liabilities"
>"No, we aren't going to give you a number"

>> No.49929759

Chew sweetener-free gum.