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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49912449 No.49912449 [Reply] [Original]

So what totally FUN, ENTERTAINING and SOVLFUL(™) crypto blockchain infused money PRINTING “””videogame””” has the average Malaysian /biz/vro been playing recently?

Is Axie still viable to make a few bucks for playing like 20 mins a day? Better than filling retarded surveys while on the toilet to be perfectly honest.

>> No.49912478

What fucking game are you referring to?

>> No.49912485

axie hasn't completely died yet but you won't be getting any profits from playing that piece of crap for 20 mins a day. you gotta treat it like a full time job to make substantial money so I think it's safe to say that nope, it isn't viable unless you have a bunch of third worlders playing for (you) aka being at the top of your own ponzi scheme. good luck pal

>> No.49912505

He's asking you to spoonfeed him nft game shitcoins for some reason.

Seems like these broken bots don't understand the concept of a bear market.

>> No.49912518

tl;dr use scholarships to make third worlders your slaves
Not viable unless you were early. Latefags get the rope once again.

>> No.49912526

Does it really matter? All gamefi's are a fucking ponzi scheme.

>> No.49912531

/v/ crossboarders seriously need to be fucking shot for thinking anyone here actually tolerates their retarded slang for 5-year olds

>> No.49912552
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>nft games

>> No.49912569

This bubble has already been popped many times before. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

>> No.49912571

>He's asking you to spoonfeed him nft game shitcoins for some reason.
GST and GMT. They are currently in the shit, that's true. But it's because of the market situation, especially what ETH, SOL and BNB are going through. Once that gets sorted out, by relying on those 3 big chains. Their price will go back up.

>> No.49912586

>mfw this thread and anyone who ever mentions p2e garbage which is almost always designed with the most predatory business practices ever conceived

>> No.49912602

>hurr durr guys these shitcoins are going to be alright don't worry xdddd
fuck off nigger

>> No.49912623

Until that happens everyone will have forgotten about the game.

>> No.49912625

Have they finally stopped whining about GPU prices being too expensive right now?

>> No.49912639

People talk about stepn all the fucking time, it's trending in cryptos, even being in the shit. No one will forget about the game, nor will they stop playing it.

>> No.49912647
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Cope and seethe faggot.

>> No.49912654

/biz/ faggots have me fed up with that fucking app.

>> No.49912660

cope or rope

>> No.49912665

THIS >>49912647

>> No.49912684

it may be trending for something good, or for the opposite. i've only read about hacks and the price of GST.

>> No.49912689


>> No.49912691

>it's trending in cryptos
So it's trending in the wrong places

>> No.49912723

You're thinking pay to win. One gives you money for playing, the other takes it away.