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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49908401 No.49908401 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with living with my parents and saving/investing money so I can just outright buy a house without going through the mortgage scam?
Also, I don't pay rent and sometimes rarely food.

>> No.49908511

Think of the mortgage and rent companys your taking money away from!!!

>> No.49908520

You're supposed to become a millionaire before you move out. Jews would have you think otherwise.

>> No.49908592

It's all jealous cope from commies who hate their parents for taking away their lab animal estrogen or 'fuck you I got mine' boomers brought over from Facebook thanks to Trump.

>> No.49908609

I hate furries so much it's unreal.

>> No.49908636
File: 87 KB, 541x645, plantation pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living in a multigenerational house is based.
Also, my parents are vaxx maxxers, as is my brother. All of them have health issues now, so I will be the sole heir. On top of that, I got my crypto stack. I'm set for life.
Thanks, globalists!

>> No.49908676

Apparently because you end up using too much porn and becoming a fucking furfag.

>> No.49908678

There is literally nothing wrong with that this is probably the smartest thing I've seen on this board in a while

>> No.49909475
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I love furries so much its unreal.
What's wrong with being a furfag?
Except for porn addiction.

>> No.49909504

Nothing is wrong with it. Only jews and trannys have a issues with a multi-generational home.

>> No.49909581
File: 1.06 MB, 1080x608, furry roomba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'd jack it to G-Fur all day if I could but I have to continue the bloodline
why must life be so cruel

>> No.49909668

I’m 34 and still live with my parents

I’m an autistic manlet incel though… there’s no point for me to move out.

I’m better off at home with my parents investing all my $

Me moving out would only lead to negatives, not any positives.

At home I get freshly healthy cooked meals everyday. I don’t have to do any cleaning or cooking. My dad does all the handy man stuff and outside duties, my mom does all the cooking and cleaning and inside duties.

I literally do nothing besides stack $, invest and relax.

>> No.49910003

its gay af, kys

>> No.49910016

Nothing, enjoy.

>> No.49910987

Jesus fucking christ kill yourself retard, what the fuck kind of desperate attention-whoring is this that you'd avatar-fag a thread to justify your own parasitic lifestyle.

>> No.49911039
File: 2.53 MB, 480x480, 7B7BF335-8CC0-45AE-81A2-8E456AF592E0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re doing it right, anon