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49897094 No.49897094 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.49897117

Why are Fed "announcements" always a year behind what everyone knows already?

>> No.49897149


>> No.49897156
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>Inflation is not a problem
>Inflation is transient
>Inflation is Putin's fault
>Ok we will raise rates to combat inflation but it won't cause a recession
>Ok the recession is here but everything is still fine!

>> No.49897160

Literally happened the day biden took office . Old news just matters if you prepared or not now.

>> No.49897202
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Trump is the one who appointed Cocaine Jerome

>> No.49897309

priced in

>> No.49897462

Then why did he raise the rates? What a retard

>> No.49897489

priced in but zoomed out
typical macro fingers having a go at a micro issue

>> No.49897491

This is unironically bullish. He's finally admitting that he's an idiot.

>> No.49897502

Fucking retarded boomers. Drill for oil you stupid fucks!!!!

>> No.49897511

Based Powell telling it like it is.

>> No.49897562

I'm starting to like Powell.

>> No.49897627
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>> No.49897658

dude powell is fuckin amazing

>> No.49897736

Because finance and politics are intertwined thanks to MMT and global trade which makes the Federal Reserve a political entity. Bread and circuses come with the territory.

>> No.49897763

You can have inflation at 8.7% retards.

>> No.49897788

His masters told him that if more people quit their bottom tier jobs because it no longer even made sense for them to work with the skyrocketing price of everything, he would be killed.

>> No.49897832

this, at least he isn't lying and saying it's going to be roses and candy.

>> No.49897852

oh yeah Jerome Powell is my president now.

>> No.49897875

you keep saying that, but they keep pricing it down every month lol

>> No.49897929

ffucking kansas

>> No.49897975


>> No.49897999

Retards are still buying lol

>> No.49898009


>> No.49898017

He can only control till certain part. But the budget and the cost of living is what makes this Inflation. "my Dolllar" fucked your economy so much debt was an easy target for socialists economic warfare. Amerimuts didn't survive 2 years of pandemic without cheap supply from China, durable goods are dead, putting a currency in such a high standard killed.

like the phrase goes, the higher you are the harder you'll fall.

>> No.49898060
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>he's an idiot
I love how everyone assumes this and not that the people in charge know full well what they are doing, consequences be damned. Will never not be funny to me.

>> No.49898136

Cardi B was right all along

>> No.49898148

the dollar dies the moment someone wakes up from the dream. then everything goes to weimar and we get a neo hitler.

>> No.49898286

Recession is better than total monetary collapse

>> No.49898341

Powell has only two choices
save the dollar
destroy the economy, retirement, equity and the entire american way of life.

>> No.49898381

>total monetary collapse
Good thing DMT means that scenario isn't actually on the table, so its really just recession vs high inflation (eventually offloaded to other countries).

>> No.49898386

It's a possibility that an asteroid kills us tomorrow too. We're not going to go into a recession. The Biden economy is looking stronger than ever, we set records for most jobs added by any president.

>> No.49898419
File: 54 KB, 500x1098, Powell star wars meme_id_b38387d2-3dcb-4e8a-a0a9-94dea23745bc_size500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will send us into a recession if i have to

>> No.49898456

>A wise man can act the fool but the fool can't be a wise man.
This is most likely the situation anon. They knew where this was headed and have prepared personally.

>> No.49898487

Recession or hyperinflation.

Tough call the fed has got. I have all the faith in them to do the best super duper job they can.

GO America.

>> No.49898542
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>> No.49898627

i vote for hyper inflation

green line go up

my digits will show true

>> No.49898701

What a fucking moron.
We are already in a recession.
The rate hikes are to avoid a crash.

>> No.49898946

Because they bullshit their way as much as they can to avoid panic and give retards like the ones on this board the illusion that everything is totally fine and then when it's so painfully obvious that even normies are talking about it they will admit something like 'heh yeah, I guess it wasn't actually transitory' or 'raising interest rates slows economic growth'
Because, you fucking retard, if he doesn't then gas would cost $20/gallon and politicians would get lynched in the street

>> No.49898968

But Janet Yellen said no recession??????

>> No.49898995
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Bobo bros will they realize we managed to mindcontrol Powell?

>> No.49899004

they're reactive not proactive

the fed was created to protect the banks not retail

>> No.49899028

Do people actually believe that the chairman of the fucking federal reserve doesn't know basic economics?

>> No.49899061

Yes and they're correct.

>> No.49899325

Yes we have a lot of retards out there who conflate malicious or obscured intents with general ignorance. These are the kinds of people who'd laugh and call a hungry jaguar silly for staring them down and licking its chops because the "dumb jaguar" didn't notice that a tasty squirrel just ran by.

Right on cue.

>> No.49899725

My portfolio is lined up for hyperinflation. So bring it own Jay Powell.

>> No.49899859

end the fed

>> No.49899906

New here? I mean, new on planet earth?

>> No.49900174
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What does this mean for commodities?

>> No.49900197

a hard assrape

>> No.49900254

If it was priced in then that also means any upside has already been accounted for.

>> No.49900329

>It's priced in
>therefore we don't drop this quarter
>since we don't drop this quarter, its not a recession
>since a recession was priced in and it is now not a recession, we get a massive bullring
Genius jpow. Genius

>> No.49900370

lol yeah gonna be such a hard assrape when they raise rates 00000000000000000.1 tenth of a point and then immediately reverse course as soon as everything starts to crack

>> No.49900462

Unironically, that's a good thing. The excess created from the bubble caused by money printing and low interest rates needs to be purged. The longer they wait the worse it will get. It will hurt in the short term, but if you want to be able to ever afford a house or car again, you better hope for a recession. Line go up isn't always good.

>> No.49900828


>> No.49900858

I own a house or car already

>> No.49901042

And Biden re-appointed him. Literally both sides like the guy.

>> No.49901069

Brainlet here
Does this increase or decrease the likelyhood of me ever owning a house?

>> No.49901168

Fuck young people who don’t own a house yet, amirite? They should be forced to buy my inflated bags, fr fr

>> No.49901654

the economy shrank you retard and biden didnt create a single job he just opened up again and people went back to work

>> No.49901750

Because the fed mandate is inflation and price control. Not stocks or growth.

>> No.49901824

always been

>> No.49901834

maybe. it'll definitely increase the likelihood of renting a house that was recently purchased by a soon-to-be underwater investor

>> No.49901905

decrease, by a lot

>> No.49902022
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Hike it up to the sky

>> No.49902067

this board is so dumb.
Fed represent capital.
Capital hate worker power.
Too many jobs has given workers too much bargaining power.
Raise rates by 0.75 every meeting until there is a recession.
Job cuts.
Worker power gone.
Capitalists capture more surplus value.

>> No.49902135

hike it until Canadians are crying uncontrollably about their fucking houses

>> No.49902237

Fed is the opposite of the free market. There's no such thing as surplus value. Cope

>> No.49902262

uhh yeah its all about the class struggle. Workers of the world unite! amirite fellow comrade?

>> No.49902294

>scarce resource
>recession causes even more trouble with it
>goes down ???

Maybe in the short term but seems retarded top bet against it. Probably the same thing with some REITs, they'll probably moon in a year or two because the government always does the opposite of what it should

>> No.49902479

Because he has no fucking choice. It's either long term pain through rising inflation or short term pain through a recession caused by fighting inflation by raising rates

>> No.49902487

this board is so dumb.
Fed represent jews.
Jews hate goyim power.
Too many jobs has given goyim too much bargaining power.
Raise rates by 0.75 every meeting until there is a recession.
Job cuts.
Goyim power gone.
Jews capture more surplus value.

>> No.49902861

The whole thing is retarded.

>create fractional reserve banking based on a scam
>if loans are high enough money is created
>most loans are personal home loans
>more people need more homes
>population tells what interest rates are going to be in the future

Interest rates do nothing, they simply make the market less eficient and slows the whole process down, it can't fight inflation because the would be buyers buy eventually once they make more money or the economy comes out of a recession.

Why was the inflation unstoppable in the 70s? A combination of energy crisis which lasted forever due to the recessions, but mainly ww2 ended and lots of kids were made.

>> No.49903325
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Hell yeah!

>> No.49903337

He can fight inflation, but not on the supply side. Just reduce demand by making everyone but him and his publicly alimented Nigger bros poor. Less crowd at the riviera

>> No.49903689
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Did he lie to us, goys?

>> No.49903864

>Trump is the one who appointed Cocaine Jerome
He regretted it almost immediately, was talking shit about him while he was president.

>> No.49903891

He can just seesaw like they did in the 70s.

Volcker didn't get in power till way after the oil shock and real GDP was growing way before he did. Volcker did not end stagflation, stagflation ended when the oil shock did.

>> No.49904108
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Keynesianism is one hell of a drug, and the idea they have a malicious plan is the final "trust the plan" cope before things truly go to shit
They are malicious, but they would have had 2016 on lockdown and continued the slow boil if they are competent
>But Trump was a part of the Malicious plan too!
Trump was a goy, but even a goy populist can still fuck things up by gridlocking US foreign policy for several years

>> No.49904756

the fed's mandate is also employment, which will certainly become an issue if the economy tumbles into a recession. they're trading unemployment for CPI, even though it is not even clear whether any of this will actually create price stability in a world where some basic shit like energy and fertilizer prices go through the roof. but be sure that once the thing somehow stabilizes again over time for whatever reasons, they will take credit for it and declare the people who lost their jobs as a necessary evil.

>> No.49904776

who cares

>> No.49904827

Not the goy cattle.

>> No.49905606

Their announcements are BS designed to manipulate markets the way they want them to go. The markets hang on to every word they say so they've decided to use that power; similar to how Elon decided to do so as well after getting in trouble with the SEC.