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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49893962 No.49893962 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49893980

Based italians crashing this union with no survivors.

>> No.49894059
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Found the Pootin shill. Back to /pol/.

The EU is an economic powerhouse and a growing dominating superpower.

Sanctions are working and vatniks are on full damage control.

You will not divide us. Glory to Kyiv. Slava Ukraini.

>> No.49894075

Of course club med are demanding free shit fucking again.

>> No.49894085

This is not necessary as win and solar have replaced fossil fuels

>> No.49894102
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>price ceilings
i wonder what this will do to shortages?

>> No.49894140

yea they sure have

>> No.49894309

This is the most entertaining part of anyone's life at this point, enjoy the ride

>> No.49894313
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>Economy is capping
Let's get it bussin fr fr

>> No.49895004

kys retard

>> No.49895058

>Other EU countries have expressed doubts that a price cap would work
But price controls always work. Just ask every emperor that tried to save his failing empire from collapsing by executing anyone who dared to raise prices in an inflationary environment.

>> No.49895158
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kill yourself false flagging commie nigger

>> No.49895336

Gas is 60% taxes in France and in many euro countries. They can lower thr price, they just don't want to.

>> No.49895361

they should do it

>> No.49895404

>how will this help the shortages?

>> No.49895448

That's why Germany is firing their coal power plants back to action

>> No.49895505
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>EU introduces price caps
>shortage continues as gas finds its way into other markets offering to pay more

>> No.49895632

>cap gas price
>large funds buy up all the gas
>run out of gas
I'm assuming this is just an excuse to impose quotas on how much gas people can buy?

>> No.49896921

We should have price limits on gas, houses, and automobiles and wage floors for workers.

>> No.49897860

9/10. good job with the reddit spacing.

>> No.49898049

u kinda mid bro no cap

>> No.49898113

Yup! Price capa are heavily shilled by the Italian left. In particular PD (Partito Democratico, literally Democratic Party, unironically a copycat of the US one).

>> No.49899203

>neomarxist retards want a planned economy

whatever could go wrong?

>> No.49900279

>reddit spacing
>1 post by this ID

>> No.49900355

>get a few buddies
>go to a mcdonalds
>tell them you have formed a "buyers cartel" and that you refuse to pay more than 3 bucks for a bigmac
>enjoy cheap burgers, don't tell sergey
gotta love this timeline, peak clown world

>> No.49900389

>You're only allowed 5 gallons of gas a week, goyim. You should probably consider an electric car!
>We have just mandated that all EVs have breathalyzer, GPS tracking, and remote shutoff

>> No.49900507

this is even more pants on head retarded - they mean natural gas and not gasoline and they propose not to buy natgas more expensive than x in hopes that removing their demand will drive the price down, this after putin casually cut half their supply

>> No.49900525

>Sanctions are working

>> No.49900582

>Glory to Kyiv. Slava Ukraini
Why isn't pookraine in EU?