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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49891724 No.49891724 [Reply] [Original]

Alright retards, DARPA is even pointing to ICP as the next required solution in blockchain.


Tl;dr: the internet goes through one of the three; AWS/MS Azure/Gcloud, and thus makes the entirety of blockchain tech susceptible to attack. The only side channel available is ICP.

PissMarines; we’re gonna make it.

>> No.49891768

No, they aren't.
>0 results

>> No.49891783

God bless frozen urine

>> No.49891851

>Key Takeaways
>-Of all Bitcoin traffic, 60% traverses just three ISPs.

>> No.49891885

ICP schizos are losing everything and will continue to do so

>> No.49891927
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More like DERPA amirite piss baggies?

>> No.49891944

the mental gymnastics of ICP bagholders who got scammed by moonman will never stop making me laugh

>> No.49891956

That was the silliest thing I've read from DARPA.

>> No.49891983

how can they be pointing to it when it doesn't say ICP in any way shape or form simple as

>> No.49892008

ICP was built for the sole purpose of fixing this problem. There is nothing else in the space like it.

>> No.49892079

Ok, ICP solves the problem of btc traffic going through three internet service providers woooooooooooooooow

>> No.49892263

You're stupid as fuck

>> No.49892276

Thank fuck I wasn't stupid enough to buy a coin called internet computer though

>> No.49892325

I don't know why, I don't know how, but I know ICP will make me filthy rich because I berieve.

>> No.49892461

That's part of why you are stupid. Get filtered bitch.

>> No.49892618
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oh no please don't filter me what will I do if an ICP bagholder keeps screeching his lungs off without me

>> No.49892765

good morning niggers icp 2k eoy ok?

>> No.49893203

Are you NDA anon from yesterday

>> No.49893210

Finally some cool dudes 888

>> No.49893213

My god you are fucking retarded. This is your average ICP fudder.

>> No.49893270

BTC is glowies.
AMZ is glowies.
I don't think this problem needs solved as far as they are concerned.

>> No.49893344

And how does moving the point of centralization under ICP solve anything

>> No.49893743

I thought you'd filtered me?

>> No.49894259

You filtered yourself, retard

>> No.49894393

>ICP retards are now trying to steal Oasis breadcrumbs for themselves
I know the ICP = ROSE + LINK thing was funny and all but I didn't intend for you guys to take it seriously, it was just a joke.

>> No.49894450

thats because lot of rose holders are ex linkies and also hold icp

>> No.49894492

and you have high IQ. If you like this scalable internet area, check out PKT. bandwidth hard blockchain that turns everyone into an ISP leasing bandwidth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BBd42w8LuU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS-aq4VMzOk

>> No.49895322

i hold icp but turning us into icp schizos will make me dump my whole stack

>> No.49895740


Dump it baby bags retard

>> No.49895858

See, I thought you were referring to filtering me on 4chan X newfag. C'est la vie.

>> No.49895890

i have seldom seen muh $1k eoy without realistic price targets in between being spammed or ccip will moon us to $1k so i will hold for now

>> No.49896867

Hackathon judges

I am so tempted to go all in right now. If we were still in a bull market, this would be a no Brainer. The only thing stopping me is the overall bear market. These low prices are an absolute godsend. If you are not DCAing into ICP, then you are NGMI.

>> No.49896956

DARPA created Bitcoin and the reason they don't care about not controlling it is because there is safety in numbers. Its the same reason why they publicized TOR

>> No.49896971

>Thank fuck
retard confirmed

>> No.49897152
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>the internet goes through one of the three; AWS/MS Azure/Gcloud, and thus makes the entirety of blockchain tech susceptible to attack.
this statement is so blatantly false and moronic that I'm doubting whether OP is genuine, a troll or a subtle fud.

>most hollywood movies either get distributed via movie theaters or netflix, and thus the entirety of torrents and mp4 files are susceptible to attack
it's THAT level of stupid

>> No.49897905

Dude 1/3 of the internet is ran on AWS. Ethereum has 70% of there nodes running on hosted services provided by cloud providers. About 20% of the nodes are ran solely on AWS. The cloud providers could easily manipulate the transactions if they wanted to.

>> No.49898443

you're close but not close enough. see you guys on the other side in november

>> No.49898564

>find on page, “ICP, Internet Computer”
>zero results
>Faggot op “DARPA is pointing to ICP as the next required solution in blockchain”

Nothing burger

>> No.49898611

>doesn't understand figures of speech in other countries
What a fucking retard.

>> No.49898699

What a fucking retard. You fags deserve absolutely everything happening to you.

>> No.49898738

these are both me btw I was paid by an international cabal to fud a coin some fuckwits on a basket weaving forum have bought

>> No.49898796

>esl pajeet looked up the definition
you think your geniuses and blend in but we spot you instantly in the first post with your TOO grammatically correct post or use an outdated phrase

>> No.49898911

How does ICP solve this?

>> No.49898950
File: 759 KB, 2048x1365, C166EEB9-A31C-465A-8B7E-97E205F21F4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DARPA funded ROSE you fucking retard.

>> No.49898955

I live in rural North Yorkshire. That's in ENGLAND, by the way - let's face it, you're ignorant. You obviously didn't know that.
Also, *you're. The irony of calling me an esl pajeet is just ridiculous.

>> No.49899300
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Hell yeah

>> No.49899484

>amazon could mess with my shitcoin's cryptography
do you realize how schizo this sounds
what's the next step? I guess you can't really trust microsoft or intel then. better compute all this shit with pen and paper

>> No.49899635

Decentralized cloud services. That’s pretty much it. Basically a decentralized multi cloud network. ICP as of now is not decentralized as it should be since it’s still in the early stages. Very few authorized people can become a node provider right now which is also fine. There are requirements for node providers that need to be met so the foundation of this project can be sustained. When badlands is finished anybody will be able to become a node provider. This will result in basically an internet that basically cannot ever go down if enough people participate unless a world disaster happens. This also results in an internet where the community actually gets to participate in governance. No website will be taken down unless the community votes on to take it down. People who have a bigger investment in this will have a more of a say than others. It’s not an equal democracy but it is reliable for the most part.

>> No.49899752

It’s not schizo at all. Aws has taken down websites before just because they don’t like them. These cloud providers can just turn off the nodes if they want to. Yeah it go the Pirate Bay route and keep popping up here and there but it’s going to make ethereum slower than it already is. Meaning transactions will take for ever to get confirmed. This doesn’t mean aws/Microsoft/ or whatever cloud provider can take your coins but definitely means they can basically fuck transaction times if they wanted to

>> No.49899785

It’s a huge security risk with these supposed to be decentralized platforms but rely on centralized services

>> No.49900946


>> No.49900978

can't tell if you are breadcrumbing or not.

>> No.49901425

no sir unfortunately there was an explosion at the icp factory so the price will be changing to $1 soon thank you sir

>> No.49902914

soon all three of the companies you mentioned will use NOIA though

>> No.49903184

ICP seems to really get /biz/ worked up and seething with rage. Really makes me think.

>> No.49904336
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