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49856486 No.49856486 [Reply] [Original]

To the anon that wanted to end it. Thread got banned as I was typing.

Couple of things.

1. Why do you have to be happy? Serious question. some philosophers argue that is not meaning of life. You should at least consider that. You should really sit down and study these things. Like you're off touch if you don't realize that life is growth and the ability to overcome things. Just because you don't feel happy, doesn't mean you are not living a meaningful life.

2. You say you don't like society. You have it all wrong. Like completely wrong. Obviously society is chaotic. and they're turning the kids gay, shitskins flooding the countries, but it really is not that bad anon. You literally live in the best time to be alive. Go back 100-200 years, you have disease, no medicine, wars, famine, no computers, you could barely buy food. Flashforward 100 years, earth will be destroyed, shitskin warlords will be killing people in the street. All culture wiped. You need to go outside and live a little. For fucksake, be a little grateful instead of being the thought product of Boomers. Muh, why can't the world serve me everything?

3. Tell me exactly the last 10 songs you will listen to in order. That's a difficult task if you want to live an honest last day poetically.

4. If you accept death, you literally are free. You can literally say nigger to grocery store clerk's face and see what happens. You can go to a big city club scene and ask every single girl for sex and see where you get. You can drive 150 mph in a rented sports car. You can take all of you money to the casino and put it on red. You can tell cops to shut the fuck up when you see one. You can spend all of your money on massages for the last few weeks. You can pay for 5 different therapists, cause fuck it. You can get drunk on a golf course and be a general asshole. You can try sailing. You can play a song on the street. You can kiss every single hot girl on the street. Make a stupid last goal and try it.

>> No.49857101

no u

>> No.49857131

There's no fucking meaning to life however if you are not enjoying life aka not being happy there's no reason to push yourself. I'd argue living isn't an obligation in the first place considering you didn't consent to being born.

>> No.49857200

OP youre a huge faggot and your generic antisuicide arguments are cringe and annoying

>> No.49857204

everybody knows that but it's wrongthink

>> No.49857250
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>You have it all wrong.