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49843970 No.49843970 [Reply] [Original]

how long before i cant profit from my newly acquired skills,
any python beg here?

>> No.49844116

SDE II at amazon here, any questions?

>> No.49844282


no OP but how safe do you feel at your job? AMZN not doing too well these days, at least the amazon.com part and not AWS.

>> No.49844283

do you guys really rub the bald head of a Jeff Bezos status like how people rub Buddhas belly for good luck?

>> No.49844321

it's fine so far in my department. I'm on CDO side, not AWS

every single day, especially when we are on call

>> No.49844520
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how long before i get an entry level python programming job?
i have a lot of free time atm, im grinding a python 3 tutorial,
do you think i can get a job within a year?

pic not related

>> No.49844668

I will say this again if you aren't from CSE/ECE background, and don't have a sound understanding of mathematics and how computers actually work you can't be a software developer.

The bootcamps are garbage and literally no one gets hired from them

>> No.49844795

There are no entry level python programming jobs, python is generally used in ML Engineering, most Backend data stuff is done using SQL.

If you want to become an ML Engineer, get into entry level data roles (data analyst) or get into Backend Development, gain experience, knowledge and certifications (Google ML/Data Engineer).

>> No.49844833

this guy fucks.

if you need a job fast, apply for a data entry position which pays like minimum and automate excel with your python skillzz

>> No.49844913

since you're only starting, don't try to focus that much on the language, but instead, focus on improving problem solving skills and learning when to apply algorithms. I had around three entry level teammates out of four, during the last years, where they needed hand holding even after ~yoe. that's mostly because unless we gave them some sort of template for solving some basic user stories, they could not figure out how to even start. and i mean simple things, that you can google in some minutes. those guys knew the language very well, but that doesn't matter to much when you can put two to two together.
don't be like those guys. all got PIPed not soon after 1 year.

>> No.49845023
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and you paying for those guys?
if they have a job maybe i can get one too,
i just need to pump more of my inner autism,
btw im from a creative backgroud, so i cant use any of that in programming,
but i like problem solving.

>> No.49845037

Dude no one can do all that without knowing basics of Mathematics and Engineering. Software development isn't just about the syntax

>> No.49845189

that's why i recommended him to improve problem solving skills and why,how and when algorithms work. to do that, you need to know some maths and eng, just as you said
>Software development isn't just about the syntax
that's what i meant with:
>don't try to focus that much on the language

>> No.49845299

you laugh, but when you will get pic rel (meaning pajeets) in your team / sister team, then you will see what i mean. i encountered like 1-2 pajeets out of ~50 that could actually complete their tasks without much help. the rest mostly knew syntax and not much more, and had horrible english

>> No.49845470

how long are they working as a programmer?

>> No.49847215


>> No.49847271

doing on online cs degree. Should finish in 1ish years.

>> No.49847305

You’re supposed to get a job then learn to code

>> No.49847451

Make projects and learn a professional IDE, or else you will die an unemployed tutorial fag like many python learners.

landchad.net, do all the handholding projects
aws certs
75 blind leetcode questions (or neetcode)
master vscode or jetbrains

Get used to being productive on a computer and being in the flow state 6-10 hours a day.

>> No.49847463


>> No.49848618


>> No.49848706
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I've heard stories where people code fuck all and earn 6+ figures. You're either great or shit, no in between.

>> No.49848933

There are some hilarious terrible pajeet devs ive encountered.
>work on some front end that is supposed to connect to a bunch of microservices
>client is super vague about specs or what the services will even be
>they outsource a test API to a pajeet AWS shop that makes a bunch of lambda functions in python
>3 months of dev time
>no iterative feedback, wont answer question during development
>"okay here sirs"
>no authentication with the client's oauth
>give API docs
>none of them work, all 500 responses
>"sorry sirs we thought authentication was optional"

It is truly insane to watch a client dump 100k to a team of jeets for them to deliver something nonfunctional.

>no in between
there are swathes of slightly better than mediocre devs that earn 6 figs,

>> No.49849243
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>register for a shitty frontend dev course
>go on linkedin
>search for the biggest badass devs profiles
>copy the layout fill the rest with knowledge acquired in the course
>start getting connections from stupid HR roasties
> when reaching 100 connection make a post about how hard it is for junior to get a chance in this industry
>repeat last two steps until you get a junior position in some corporate hellscape
>stay above water for 2 years, then quietly send HR roasties in linkedin messages
>go back an forth, filter shitty jobs, until a real career opportunity emerges.
>BONUS TIP: stay the fuck away from the HR roasties, they're not human.

>> No.49849256

Can you do this with accounting applications? I’m looking to get my accounting clerk certification by the end of the year and I think this would be a good skill for me to have. I don’t know anything about coding but I’m 135 IQ and can probably teach myself over several months. These accounting classes are an ass kicking so I don’t think I can do it at the same time but maybe after summer classes

>> No.49849277

People on here really have no clue.
OP your best bet to become a self taught programmer is to land a job as a front end developer. By learning back end languages, you are competing with all the computer science grads, and why would anyone hire you when they can hire a CS grad? Front end is a different story, the competition is much less here. If you land a front end job, you can gradually learn and assist the team with small parts of the back ends, almost like interning part time.

>> No.49849322

Lrn2linux and create self hosted services in Digital Ocean. Set up a GitHub for all of your code/config stuff so you can show it off. Automate everything with shell scripts and IAC. 2 years from now you'll be a Jr sysadmin making $60-$70k. 1 more year you'll be a sysadmin making $80k-$100k. 2 years later you'll be a DevOps engineer/system admin making $150k.

>> No.49849339

Goddamn that’s a good post

>> No.49849345

>took the easiest path towards an average middle class life
engineering tards will call this a bad thing. Not even mentioning if you actually do put effort in you can make far more than other fields putting in similar amount of work

>> No.49849417

I took an even easier path, skipped the degree part.