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49841762 No.49841762 [Reply] [Original]

What psychological phenomenon causes the majority of traders to be bearish at the bottom and bullish at the top?

>> No.49841775

fear and greed

>> No.49841786


>> No.49841792

High esteogen

>> No.49841794

fear and sneed

>> No.49841798

They are young bucks that have not been broken in yet

>> No.49841823

I would argue greed when talking about crypto. We all want to get the absolute bottom and no one is willing to buy within a range, ofcourse as we all know it’s not possible to time the market, but sometimes we just can’t help it. I could have bought BTC at 18K but I was waiting for 12K so I would make more profit when it eventually goes up but in retrospect I should have started buying under 20K

>> No.49841828

Don't forget low test

Gotta hit the gym

>> No.49841841
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>> No.49841854
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Tops need fomo, bottoms need fear. If you have neither all you're left with is eternal crab.

>> No.49841858

oldfag here. you're supposed to dca when it goes below a price you are comfortable with and just hold. ignore all the bobos and mumus. it is literally that simple.

>> No.49841877

>it just keeps going down
>oh this must be the bottom
>down again
>wow that was a big liquidation
>3 months passes ok im glad the market has found a bottom
>this is never going to end is it? im shorting
>short again with more margin
>all in short
>liquidated, bull market starts
reverse for bears

>> No.49841917

Recency bias.

>> No.49841918

Crypto is a Ponzi Scheme.
It’s backed by nothing. Not good, not a nations strength.

No earnings, no dividends, no inherent value.
Even bitcoin is backed by nothing but the limited issue.

>> No.49841937

Good = gold.

>> No.49842031

/biz/ culture anon

>> No.49842032

what is gold backed by?

>> No.49842189

10,000 years of belief, and actual, physical existence.

>> No.49842224


>> No.49842236

tops are formed in a bull market
bottoms are formed in a bear market

>> No.49842810

>person is friend or family you love
freely insult him
>person is asshole stranger
be nice and lick his boots

People are just backwards.

>> No.49842840

Because the price action justifies the fear play when it’s down so they use the lowered price as evidence for their fearful thoughts.

>> No.49842896

Selling is peak bearishness for the individual.

If everyone is bearish, that means everyone has sold; if everyone has sold, there are no sellers left. If there are no sellers left, there are only buyers.

>> No.49844091

alpha bell curve

>> No.49844170

hot hand fallacy

>> No.49844184

fpbp. close the thread

>> No.49844213

because they are normies and will always follow every trend.

>> No.49844480


>> No.49844522
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Something jews lack

>> No.49845723
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Hi love

>> No.49845858

recency and confirmation bias

>> No.49845887

ackshually its sneeds and feed

>> No.49846514

That is confirmation bias. The same thing plays a role in FOMO - you FOMO in when the price is going up because the price going higher confirms your thought that it is going to go higher.

>> No.49846586

The psychological phenomenon of retardation

>> No.49846610

mass media mind control:



It's all just mind control it's the same reason they care about rebrands of the common cold, whatever drug companies tell them is real, wars far away from anywhere they'll ever go, which actor slapped which comedian, etc etc

they just do what they're told, they're basically robots. there's a lot of them.

>> No.49847104


>> No.49847165

Nothing. Sea shells are the new gold (again).

>> No.49847753

schizo boomers

>> No.49847865

>number has gone up very much so it means it must keep going up!!!
>number has gone down very much so it means it will go down forever!!!!

>> No.49848309

source on these, I assume it's an AI thing?

>> No.49849058

>The trend is your fren
>until the end

>> No.49850428
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>> No.49850436

The media

>> No.49850488


>> No.49850495


>> No.49850571
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The game was honked from the start.
Revolt. Question your public governments lead through recent time slips.
Time slips are caused by mass public government employees using previously used dates on legal document signature fields like previously used dates are current date. To say this again, there is a current date, but a previously used date is used on legal document signature fields. A public government employee walks into work, looks at cell phone, news paper, and television. The public government employee sees wrong date. Anyone looking at mainstream newspapers, nationally broadcasted television, or syncronized cell phones? You see a wrong date. Mass public government employees use wrong date on the legal document date field.
Public governments can address liability. Here are three options. Public government stop relying so crucially to private companies for calendar keeping, and public government compensate victim loss. Stop time slips, and redress grievances. An other option? Public government stop collecting taxes, and public government stop spending taxes. Cede opportunities to private companies. The third option? Public government employees quit public government jobs, and public government employees forfeit public government job pay. Dissolve government.

>> No.49851079

Because imitation is 99% of human behavior and mostly it's a great way to efficienctly do what's advantageous, and because almost always advice is helpful. Both of those are not so in the stock market.
Although whether you should go with the herd or be contrarian is pretty complicated.

>> No.49851126

Human nature.

5% of traders are pros who make all the money, 95% of the market is schmucks who lose all their money. They are just fish food for the sharks.

>> No.49851176

You people are not "traders" LMAO

>> No.49851226

You don't really know where the bottom and top are until after they're already passed. In the absence of that information someone who just took a loss because the price dropped is going to react by wondering if they should pull out to stop the damage. And someone who just made a lot of money because the price shot up is going to react by wondering if they should double down on their already profitable investment strategy.
Buying more when you just took a loss or selling off your holdings when you just made a gain both go counter to your natural instincts for what just happened to you in both cases.

>> No.49851315

Fart and sneed

>> No.49851578

Actually it's backed by electricity you dumb fuck.

What is gold backed by? Tangibility?! All valuations stem from the subjective judgements of individual actors. So no its not "backed by anything." Nothing is.

>> No.49851625

its sentiment momentum

>> No.49852319

Ignorance and retardation, many such cases

>> No.49852379
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Short attention span

>> No.49853596

Full stop I used to fap to cookie clicker and the numbers getting bigger
Never fapped to people growing, but seeing numbers go up exponentially somehow used to get me hard.

>> No.49854186

formerly cheer and creed

>> No.49854248

Humans have a fear-based mind that has evolved over time to avoid risk and search for patterns and meaning. This natural mindset we all have is actually counter-productive to trading.

>> No.49854908

>what is gold backed by?
intrinsic value derived from its unique chemical properties that no other elements currently known to man have

>> No.49855232

I understand the fear part but not the pattern part
Are you insinuating that only weak patterns exist and we should use regularization on our mental models? If there were no patterns no rational action would be possible

>> No.49855243

Fucking cocksucking brainlets buying high selling low. Getting and early bird slot on Kolnet for a degen play

>> No.49855292

I think this is too simple. I would describe it as the collective fear and greed. Once you get to the point where many people are fearful and show their fear then you'll start to be worried too, same thing with greed. It's not just the fear and greed but the social consequences of it as well. That's why separating yourself from the herd is so important.

>> No.49855351
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>> No.49855371

Greed is at max in a bull market, I fell for that trap too and failed to sell the top. It feels like it'll never stop going up and you make plans what to do when you hit 7 figures

>> No.49855397

High time preference

>> No.49855404

But doesn't that contradict that you should follow the trend

>> No.49855417


>> No.49855515
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>> No.49855539

Yes until no. Your job in a bull is to hold until you think the bull market is over. But even people who sold at 45k feel better than those holding still.

>> No.49855548


>> No.49856216

This and whatever things are like right now our brains think will be that way forever.
Trending up = it will keep going up forever.
Trending down = it will keep going down forever.

>> No.49856332

satanism and the luciferian agenda of inversion