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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49839508 No.49839508 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you mine bitcoin in 2009?

>> No.49839938

>muttmerica b8 image
Kek, imagine actually race mixing

>> No.49839966

how is this guy a product of race mixing when he has two white grandfathers? the only way is if one of them racemixed

>> No.49839979

One of his parents did retard

>> No.49839981
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1655422028923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's bitcoin

>> No.49839994
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>> No.49839993

For me, it's the potato shaped nose

>> No.49840004

He only has two parents. They both had white fathers One of those grandmas is brown

>> No.49840032

I want confirmation. I'm beginning to believe the American diet is what really causes muttism. It just never made much sense that ALL these people had a long lost nigger grandaddy

>> No.49840038

which one? the 2 grandparents are white. the only way he could be a mutt is if one of those grandparents racemixed. which i doubt. this guy is just product of the Standard American Diet

>> No.49840042

Nah, one of the parents is brown. You can tell by looking at him he's a newly spawned mongrel. Race mixing was taboo before civil rights movement and hippie shit.

>> No.49840060

That would be 1/4 black but he is white. There's a whole country of you mongoloids out there looking like this. I'm not buying it.

>> No.49840076

His mom cheated on the dad most likely

>> No.49840086

you are a fucking moron. the kid is at most 1/4 non white. if one of his parents isnt white. then one of his grandparents would non white you stupid FUCK

>> No.49840099

He was clearly adopted

>> No.49840101

with an asian dude? maybe. i dont think the kid is a mutt, is just the good ol american diet

>> No.49840106

Fuck pol, stop fucking over other boards.

>> No.49840115

>coal black beady eyes
>fat flared nostrils
>curly black hair
This dude is a new generation mutt, likely some kind of middle eastern or beaner mix

>> No.49840126

Nah you’re just a midwit who thinks your ability to eye ball analyse the genetic markers is better than it is. Many such cases.

>> No.49840149

his grandparents are using some kind of wax obviously. the unibrow, the eyes, and all of that comes from a bloated fucked up face. most likely product of hormones, glyphosate, and seed oils. glyphosate is confirmed to cause asymmetry on childrens faces.

>> No.49840174

his parents are white. look what /pol/ has done to your brain

>> No.49840180
File: 33 KB, 627x617, 1655366702692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried in 2011 but was too low iq for it.

>> No.49840183

Digits will confirm

>> No.49840214
File: 115 KB, 1024x545, 1652197279448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America the beautiful.

>> No.49840237

I can concede he is obviously unhealthy looking
There's no way this guy is white, his skin is a sickly ghoul color. If his parents are white someone race mixed somewhere in there and it happened to unfortunately display itself really prominently in this sad sap.

>> No.49840298

americans are all beaners now lmao

>> No.49840325

I was like ten years old.
Tell him to lose weight and shave.

>> No.49840333

his eyes are similar to his grandfather at the bottom. but they look all beady and fucked up because he is bloated around his eyes. the eyelid is fucking fat too. this is an unhealthy person that is fucked and it shows. we are so used to see sick people that we think this is just genetics

>> No.49840336


>> No.49840343

Beaners don't grow facial hair or unibrows.

>> No.49840352

Clearly not.
That dude isn't Nordic or Anglo-Saxon.

>> No.49840441

Checked, and you do raise some good points.
Beaners are born with moustaches even the women. They also cut off and draw on their eyebrows because most of them have unibrows.

>> No.49840460

My biggest tech-related concern in 2009 was getting TF2 to run on my laptop.

>> No.49840628

Fake. The "grandfathers" are photographed pre-1920, probably pre-1900. And the guy is a Millennial born in the 1980s. His supposed grandfathers were born more than 100 years before him which is not how it works.

>> No.49840712

He's white, he's just bloated and sick from a diet rich in unregulated chemicals.

>> No.49841367

i did around 2010-2011 but I would mine so little that i stopped. it was something like 0.001BTC per day at most. it wasn't profitable so i stoped. i don't even beat mysekf about it because I would probably have mined like 0.5 BTC max

>> No.49841392

Lots of people did, but they either lost their coins, spent them on dumb shit, or cashed out too early
t. Was in crypto in 2014

>> No.49841400

He looks like Dvorak

>> No.49841494

ironically /b/ was giving good financial advice and all about bitcoin in 2009

>> No.49841595

Because I didn't have time for that shit, was trying to buy it though.

>> No.49841610

looks like a Mexican

>> No.49841637

>ungroomed, fat, unhealthy, not suited up, not a black and white picture
What a fucking surprise he looks worse than them

>> No.49842527


If he lost weight, groomed himself, dressed in better clothing and had a photo taken in black and white, I'm sure he'd look better than that current photo.

>> No.49842573
File: 123 KB, 1080x1440, dvorak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck he actually does

>> No.49842599

FUCK, I was on /b/ a lot in 2009 and I never saw a single thread about Bitcoin

>> No.49842678

He counts as white in muttmerica. Probably some sort of irish or scot mix in there, hence the potato nose

>> No.49842782

I did, but Coinbase gave me BSV...

>> No.49843344

This always seemed fake to me. Those photos are way too old to be his grandfathers. Maybe great or great great grandfathers.

>> No.49843477

I did. I cashed out in late 2013 for $1,000 before the first big crasherino

>> No.49843520

OP posted the same thread yesterday. It's an edit to make fun of burgers. The original shows his grandfathers in the 60s and they are both ugly.

>> No.49843604

was probably 2012 or 2013? maybe earlier? I learned about BTC and did some mining on my shitty laptop but gave up because in almost 48 hours I only made 0.05 btc which was worth basically nothing

>> No.49843653

I was a freshman in high school. Didn't have any money to buy computers.

>> No.49844538
File: 570 KB, 731x762, 1618842012969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's not racemixed, he's just of italian descent

>> No.49844573
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>> No.49844598

this poster answered for the whole thread

>> No.49844622

Business and finance

>> No.49844638

Can’t tell if that’s his natural nose, or a nose that’s been enlarged by rosacea.

>> No.49844642

everything above 0 is profit

>> No.49845586

I was such a big retarded fool but ain't gonna let QANX out of my hands because it is currently the most secured but inexpensive valuable asset

>> No.49845673

OP wasn't born as at then, so wtf is he asking here.