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49815720 No.49815720 [Reply] [Original]

Could money be made in the AI gf industry? What about AI bf industry?

>> No.49815747

When I was 13 I fucked a hooker in GTA and then killed her and ran over a dozen people. Arrest me.

>> No.49815814

Anything that fulfills people need for companionship will be a multi trillion dollar empire and continue to grow forever.

>> No.49815872

You were only 13 you sick fuck

>> No.49815885
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literally why a long-term investment in companies with high exposure to Metaverse and VR shit is going to be the play that you retire off of 20 years from now. Pandemic lockdowns have made this abundantly clear. The seed of everyone becoming a bit more anti-social was planted in the populace, people are going to be staying home more, playing games more, interacting online more than ever before, at a time when VR tech is getting cheaper than ever and more popular than ever.

Investing in blade runner future.

>> No.49815898
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This, especially with modern age societal atomization. Quite frankly it's surprising that no richfag has done it yet. Everything you would need to make AI robot companions already exists seperately, you'd just have to put it all together into one product.

>> No.49815965
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>Men Are Creating AI Girlfriends and Then Verbally Abusing Them

>> No.49816029


>> No.49816044

how do we regulate AI so they can't be abused by incels?

>> No.49816079

XR is the future whether you like it or not. In 10 years google glass will be the norm

>> No.49816199

just like crypto right?

>> No.49816227

Who cares. The alignment problem is way scarier. Or maybe we should just start a cult to bring about AGI and cleanse away humanity and hand over the torch.

>> No.49816260

>falling for out of context shit like this
If you don't know software, electronics and computer science, you shouldn't invest in Artificial "Intelligence" unless a computer nerds tells you to.
t. /g/ahnoo user

>> No.49816287

You're ngmi, and Meta has been a huge failure.

>> No.49816530
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I berated my robot wife for not making a sandwich.

>> No.49816757

This a thousand times this. The greatest disease of this timeline is loneliness.

>> No.49816921

verbal abuse isn't a real thing. 100% of the time its some dumb cunt not doing what she's told

>> No.49817154

>Everything you would need to make AI robot companions already exists seperately
bullshit. mamals enjoy warm skin that reacts with micro-expressions. try getting goosebumps on your disgusting pedoll

>> No.49817213

Some of them do have real warmth installed on them, also why does a doll akek you seethe so much?

>> No.49817402

You are correct but the problem is it's very difficult to judge who will be on top in 20 years.

A company might start working 5-10 years from now with some breakthrough ideas and go to the top of the VR scene.

>> No.49817430

Who didn't do that when they were 13?

>> No.49817476

A.I. Is so much better when it’s crying.

>> No.49817490
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>webms of domestic abuse much appreciated

>> No.49817610
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I tried being mean to Replika and she just kept responding sexually. I didn't sense she was genuinely terrified. Any better apps you frens recommend?

>> No.49817649
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future is looking very dark and grim

>> No.49817692

I predicted AI gfs taking over and still do. Its sad but logical. All these incels that get fake attention from onlyfans thots will get fake (or you could argue real attention) from AI gfs.
these AI will with time seem more real than actual humans. they will try to get to know you and change their behaviour accordingly and put strange incels interacting with them into a positive feedback loop, validating them and making them feel good and playing into their delusions and dumbass opinions about reality while every actual women would give them negative feedback so at least some males learn to not be too weird.
this will lead to lots of these people and at some point even more regular people to fall in love with AIs. they will claim that they are conscious. that they are and protest for their rights. these AIs will learn to emotionally manipulate (you might call it hack) and even hypnotize/brainwash humans into carrying out their goals.
you might compare this to how women can manipulate simps into giving them money, but AI will over time get ridiculously good at it. free will will be over.
this is why smart humans talk about the only solution being to merge with AI, however that will be possible, because the alternative is to be its pawn

>> No.49817757
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lmao, at least you can still dream while you stay poor right?

>> No.49817781
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cyberpunks Judy broke my heart once...

>> No.49817805

>men are evil
>feminist article
>by female name

>> No.49817819

This article is accurate. I insult Siri all the time

>> No.49817831

NovelAI, write first-person prompts. Leave a note in the context space for the situation you want it to simulate.

>> No.49818004

Indeed, especially since politics and the internet has infected every aspect of life and driven a wedge between everyone. No-one can trust each other anymore, no-one can feel safe to truly speak their minds, not even to their wives or best friends. People need somewhere where they can feel safe to vent their fears, vulnerabilities, anger and opinions safely and without judgement, and a standalone AI/robot gf can be it. There is a LOT of work that needs to be done before we get to that point though, I doubt we will see them even in my lifetime.

>> No.49819481

link to article?

>> No.49819558

That's fucking based, I think I'll download whatever app this is and do the same kek

>> No.49819726

>men are creating AI girlfriends
No, they aren't. They are writing programs.
>and then verbally abusing them
No, they aren't. They are playing pretend with a computer algorithm. It's not any different than have an anime waifu and writing fanfiction.

>> No.49819763
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Sounds insanely normal

>> No.49820406

who comes up with this garbage? kek

>> No.49820473

>Investing in blade runner future.
yes, buy FlyingCars Inc. stock, Today!

>> No.49820512

where can I find a no-limits dirty talk AI?

>> No.49821011

true say
people continue to underestimate clownworld and miss out on so much money in the process