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49772685 No.49772685 [Reply] [Original]

Look at the shear euphoria on reddit right now. Do you unironically think this is capitulation? They are literally celebrating this dump. Rejoice! We can all buy in now and become millionaires! The exact same mindset people had when we were at 69k. We are nowhere NEAR the bottom

>> No.49772738
File: 49 KB, 657x527, 1650491546160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that actually reddit?

>> No.49772766

It will take some time, people are conditioned to buy the dip. It will take a long time of dip after dip to inflict serious damage.

>> No.49772803


>> No.49772852

>You can actually see parts of the screen between repeated popups to install the app

No, not reddit

>> No.49772866

These retards will hold to 10 bucks and sell everything to fund their delusions on the way down. Checkout amcmeltdown. Idk what kind of psychology is at play here but it’s this shit why we have a PDT rule or something. People are fucking stupid.

>> No.49772882

Thank you kind stranger!

>> No.49772924

i genuinely dont know if youre being sarcastic or not
i didnt think people actually said
>Edit. Oh damn! My time has finally come! "Thank you for the kind stranger"

>> No.49772935
File: 45 KB, 720x515, 1645134708158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The redditors are in a state of denial where they think it's a game. This is the same reason why there are so many middle aged trannies on reddit, why there are 39yo manchildren like movieblob writing theses about Bingbingwahoo, why there are so many zoomer lgbtwtfbby asexuals and other retarded shit.

If Reddit existed in the 1990s I'm sure you'd have a lot of boomers retarding it up too, but I digress. Nothing is real to redditors which is why 'range man bad' was so all consuming for them, why they supported communist grandpa and all that other shit. When boomers talk about entitled millennials who have never known hardship they're talking about these kinds of redditors who haven't sucked enough shit doing awful work to really know how far they can fall.

>> No.49772951

Until you see threads like
> Guys please check up on your loved ones at this time. My [brother/sister/dog] just killed themselves. Instead of being there for my family I'm telling all of you guys for internet points because I'm a tranny nigger lover
> Remember that if there's hope despite you putting every penny of your life savings into dogcumcoin (ticker: DCC) - call [Suicide Hotline Number]
When those become the norm around 3-5k will be the time to consider buying.

>> No.49772965

>if you sell, you lose
This is genuinely cancerous advice that assumes it'll bounce back bigger in 5 years. Maybe it will, but if you're 5% down and you're afraid of a capitulation wick it's better to take your 1 BTC and leave the market with 19k USD so you can buy 3 BTC when it bottoms out at 6k.

>> No.49772977

The 10 weeks of dump has already taken out most except the most hard-core ones.
It will dump further but not as far as one might think.

>> No.49772999

Already happened in May.

>> No.49773053
File: 364 KB, 720x1440, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's that you say old sport?

>> No.49773076

kek i love to see it
buy my bags ledditors. i look forward to buying them back at 500 dollars

>> No.49773102

they sound like the idiots who lined up to get the booster shots

>> No.49773255

>Remember that if there's hope despite you putting every penny of your life savings into dogcumcoin (ticker: DCC)
I for one have faith in Jesus and in the cumdumpsters community, DCC is going to red rocket

>> No.49773365

This bull run has made every faggot think they’re super investors
>muh bottom
>muh support
>muh dips
>muh dca
There was none of this in 2017/2018

>> No.49774088

Trump treated the presidency like a game. He’s a game show host.

>> No.49774242

It is a game. The executive doesnt run anything.

>> No.49774264

>this is where the real money is made!!!1!!1!1!
>has no money to buy the dip due to bag holding all the way down

No guys the real money was made at the top when all the whales dumped on you kek

>> No.49774315

I'm selling hope and dreams for $100 a piece. They're soon to be worth more than bit coin especially when the gov announce gov coin and will only do business in gov coin.

>> No.49774400


Maybe the extreme gains in short amount of time had permanently permafucked people's minds into thinking of bitcoin like a lottery and thus buying more is like buying more lottery tickets. This could cause bitcoin to last forever.

>> No.49774421

OKay then, smarty pants. Tell us where the bottom is and I;ll show you people yelling BUY even when we're there, which will destroy your theory completely. There's always people calling the bottom and vice versa. You supply no useful information, yet you're probably sitting there thinking how fucking clever you are. Jeez I'm sick of reading that shit

>> No.49774461

>The redditors are in a state of denial where they think it's a game.

It's all fun and games until the power goes off and you can't feed the kids.

>> No.49774462

Its because these people all have like .001 in their Robin hood wallets so it's just a fun game for them, they're never gonna suicide over jt

>> No.49774484

Reddit will be selling fuck and suck for $10 a piece by the time this is over

>> No.49774519

Reddit banned me for life because I said all politicians should be killed. Fuck reddit and anyone that thinks our current group of politicians shouldn't be hung for treason.

>> No.49774548

>he said on 4chan, cradle of the NEET

>> No.49774800

>bobos were redditors all along

>> No.49774849

Yes, Reddit and 4chan is just the normie market sentiment. Do the opposite

>> No.49774910

I think most people here have had some serious hardship in life
you don't end up on biz if you are a well-adjusted human being

>> No.49775692

pure Denial.
You know when the bottom is when every single person is calling BTC a scam and its going to 0, biz will be slow as fuck with no one visiting here as everyone has lost faith in crypto.

>> No.49776423

pretty much you don't end up here and put your life saving into highly speculative assets if things are working out for you

>> No.49776480

>i didnt think people actually said

Can confirm, that's genuine reddit talk

>> No.49776539

I want a Lotus Biscoff RIGHT NOW