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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49759590 No.49759590 [Reply] [Original]

>white man
>white collar job
>entirely white staff
>work with young white women and good-natured elderly white people
>upper class overwhelmingly white community despite close proximity to city
>boss is traditionalist and pious white man
>do morally good work with no catch, pure benefit to the community
>feel good every day after I help people and work in good company
>decent pay with room to expand, benefits solely based on my charisma and professional relationship with CEO

What's your excuse? Why did you settle for a job that crushes your soul and only serves to make the world worse by the work you do?

BUSINESS and finance, tranny jannies. We are discussing business in this thread, and how fucking retarded all you fags are for being the soulless cogs in the machine and then having the gall to complain about it as if it isn't the exact future you chose.

>> No.49759738

not white kys

>> No.49759783


>> No.49759872
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Of course I am.

>> No.49759967
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>Why are you wageslaving, goyim?
I'm not.

>> No.49760021

Uhh literally what job is that and are there more than 10,000 of them in the entire world

>> No.49761333

I work in IT I am a human toilet. Shit is still shit coming out of anyone's asshole. I worked with a bunch of whites at an MSP it was fucking awful. They were all working so hard. Omfg I don't care to be an expert in bullshit software. /grindmygears

>> No.49761518

be a fag do fag movies, be a dad die doing dangerous gay shit