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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49735212 No.49735212 [Reply] [Original]

Hey brethren, are we going to enter a depression? Or will this just be a recession? Can someone with a functioning brain/understanding of economics help me sort this out?

>> No.49735292

A recession is when the market drops, the rates go up and people have less money to spend, causing the economy to slow down and some businesses to fail.
Depression is when a recession hits so hard that it loops around, with businesses failing not leading to recovery but more people losing jobs and therefore money, causing more businesses to fail, which causes less money- and you get the idea.
The last time a depression happened, the market was mostly unregulated. I don't know if overregulation can cause a depression, but we'll just have to see.

>> No.49735303
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>> No.49736562

recession started in 2017 in that huge red candle in the stock market. remember?

>> No.49736705

if fed doest increase interest rates high enough (bitch 0.75%)
>inflation continues, taking down jobs with it
>causes stagflation
>leads to depression
however if betamale powell raises rates to 6% then inflation will end, unemployment will temporarily go up but stagflation wont happen and depression will be averted
we are already in a recession