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49705330 No.49705330 [Reply] [Original]

In 2021 the Internet Computer Protocol ran its genesis block. For the first time in history, the internet itself was transferred into the code of cryptography, immutable, trustless. Building upon its predecessors, ICP enabled blockchain technology in webspeed, suddenly opening the doors to a third evolution of the internet: web 3.0, owned by the creators themselves. Singularity of the blockchain itself. A world computer. An Internet Computer. Few saw the potential of this technology early on.
In a sea of shitcoins, scams, rugpulls, cashgrabs, forks, meme coins, one project emerged to carry the torch of blockchain technology.

The crypto endgame.

>> No.49705398
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By the year of 2032 more than a billion users are excepted to use Web 3.0 daily.

>> No.49705495
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Web 3.0 benefits for users and creators are 1000 times higher than current Web 2.0.

>> No.49705555
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The internet computer is the only network capable to make the dream of a fair Web 3.0 true.

>> No.49705618
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We are investing the a Web 3.0 protocol.

>> No.49705734
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>>49705330 >>49705398 >>49705495 >>49705555 >>49705618 How much ICP do you for each dick you suck? Also waste of quads.

>> No.49705747

As a senior software engineer ICP gives off some red flags for me and here's why:
ICP at its very core uses something called Web Assembly (WASM)

WASM was born in Web 2.0 way before ICP was born and it was made in theory to boost web performance by providing a portable code format to run in browsers at native speeds. Sounds good in theory right? Well WASM never gained traction and it heavily flopped, no one is using it today because JavaScript is just that much more convenient and faster to prototype with as well

The creators of ICP thought: What if we try to revive WASM but with a blockchain meme sauce layer on top by bringing it over to Web 3.0 and present it as some sort of revolutionary paradigm? Well it worked for them seeing how it lured brainlets from /biz/ and half of India into investing into it so kudos to them for pulling this off

So why did WASM flop? That's because JavaScript is easy to write, and Web Assembly isn’t even intended to be written by humans, plus its most efficient code is generated by C or C++ source code, which isn’t for everyone either

The only thing WASM has going for it is being able to do heavy-duty tasks on the web, but we have things like GLSL for that

There is this truism that technology never dies

Most big bank, airline, credit, and other very large systems still run on COBOL or other mainframe-era technologies.
In my line of work I still encounter VB6, PowerBuilder, and other 1990’s-era technologies powering mission-critical systems

Knowing this fact, I think it's highly unlikely that the usage of the ICP blockchain will be adopted into the mainstream seeing how even Web 2.0 failed to adopt it

The theory behind ICP was neat, but they forgot to take into account the actual reality/practice

ICP was dead on arrival because it bets on the wrong horse as evident by its chart

You need a blockchain project that can convince current traditional companies to switch over and this is just not it

No adoption = No project

>> No.49705768
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Skibbity Djibity!

>> No.49705813

ICP got the whole industry trembling in fear ngl, just see how quickly the fud flows in any thread that mentions it, it was the same with ETH back in the day

>> No.49705832
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In web2 we need to put up extremely complex infrastructure up to run a service, you run a database, you need a front-end, and many other disparate elements put together, being so modular it becomes a security risk, and is unnecessarily complex. ICP is the copernican revolution of the IT stack, you don't need a database, orthogonal persistence makes it so that the data is always available in the blockchain, you just have to call it from your code.

>> No.49705880

Can I ask... What even is icp. How do you decentralized the Internet when it basically already is unless you consider isps and Icann as super horrible gatekeeping entities

>> No.49705949

You're asking the guy who's getting money to write high effort fud against ICP lol.
If you actually want to know what ICP does watch the video here>>49705832
Altho it does much more than that so you'll have to dyor

>> No.49705974
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> internet computadora

>> No.49706028

>>49705880 No, you can't ask, you seem like a redditor. >>49705832 How much ICP do you get* for each dick you suck? Answer the finance related question.

>> No.49706234

Check out lastmjs.eth on twitter. He's building a typescript library for writing canisters in icp. So you get your wish.

>> No.49706445
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The recent price action had me contemplating for months, but I had never actually gone through with my demented plan. The months of crabbing between $40-45 were hard enough on my psyche and now that the token was tickling the floor of $25, any inhibition I had was shattered the moment I woke up and checked my blockfolio. At a breakneck pace I ran into my garage and quickly typed the combination into my safe (2000). At the back of the safe was a small plastic Kroger bag which I quickly snatched out of the safe. With the bag in my hand, I reached in at random and pulled out an ICP. I had often fantasized about what they would be like, but now I would have my answer. One final thought passed through my mind about the fundamentals, web speed, and about infinite scalability as I put the brittle infinity sign into my mouth and crunched down hard. My initial impression was a burst of tartness, and a small amount of strange tangy liquid began to circulate my mouth as I chewed and crunched my precious token. Eventually the tartness made way to a sweeter flavor, and at this point I swallowed my token and the deed was done. I couldn't help myself though, I had to know if they were really fungible. I reached into the bag, pulled another one out, and with no hesitation put it in my mouth and started chewing. Yowza! This one had a blast of sourness to it and a little bit of that that same tangy liquid! I couldn't wait to try them all. Only 9,998 to go!

>> No.49706687



>> No.49706868
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> icy pee

>> No.49707272

Big if true

>> No.49707325

Incredible copypasta. Saved

>> No.49707912

Youve copied and pasted this more than once.

Who is paying you?

>> No.49708753

For those that aren't up to speed on the tech...

ICP functions EXACTLY like a Kohler Tresham.
Some have compared it to a rat hole, but that's not exactly correct because it leaves out the "swirling" (called "cycles" in the ICP system) as your money goes away.

Now, some say that literally burning your money is more efficient, but this really depends on local burn ordinances, so I'm left to consider it as the best system for going poor that exists.
By 2030 there will be no money left on the planet for anyone.
It's that much of a game changer.

>> No.49708798

Quick question though.
Why would you even bother wrapping ETH, a slow shitchain that's entirely outdated, if you are going to the future?

>> No.49708968


Ethereum will be used for Defi and ICP for all Web 3.0 related topics.

Take in mind that by the year of 2030, many other blockchain and new technologies will be created.

Ethereum will still be used and maybe Avax and some other L1s.

Different eco-system can still coexist.

The internet computer will actually get traction by moving dev and capital from other chains to the IC.

Its win-win.

>> No.49709190

I suppose.
I just see ETH tanking very hard because its never going PoS (not that this is even good), but it just costs too much.
The future is (almost) free when it comes to blockchain.
Yea you can pool transaction and all that, but at the end of the day ETH will always cost 1,000x what a lot of other operations will cost.

So I see it as a carrot for investors now, but not something that will ever come to fruition.
Waste of time and money.

>> No.49710863

>in web 2 you need a front-end, it's very complex
lmao are you retarded?